Moments - One Direction Fan F...

By Aussie1Dkevin

877K 14K 4.1K

Steph is a 12 year old girl who has spent her life in and out of orphanages. She has been beat countless time... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
New Story! (Sorry not a chapter)
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Sequel! (not a chapter)
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58

Chapter 48

9.7K 194 45
By Aussie1Dkevin

I stirred as the plane landed, rubbing my eyes as the light blinded me. I looked past a sleeping Niall and out the window, grinning when I saw we were in the UK again.

"Niall, wake up, we're here, we're home." I grinned, shaking him until he begun to wake up.

"What is it?" He groaned, opening his eyes.

"We're here." I squealed, grinning widely.

"I'm so tired." He yawned, stretching in his seat.

I rolled my eyes and turned to Harry, his curls messily spread all over his face and head. I giggled at him and started to shake him to wake him up.

"Harry, get up, we're home." I said.

"Hmm?" He mumbled.

"Get up we have to go." I told him.

He slowly begun to wake up, rubbing his eyes and yawning. I then climbed over his lap and ran across the isle to where Louis, Liam and Zayn were.

"Hey, look who's here." Zayn grinned.

"Now why doesn't it surprise me that you're wide awake?" Liam winked.

"Come here baby, did you have a good flight?" Louis asked, picking me up and over Liam's lap and onto his own.

"Yeah it was good, I just slept mostly." I told him.

"That's good." He said.

"What's happening when we get back?" I asked, lowering the volume of my voice.

"Well, we can chill for the day and just relax, then Eleanor and Perrie will come round at about 4pm and we'll head off to the airport." He told me.

"Are we taking you to the airport?" I asked.

"I'm not aure, you don't have to." He said.

"No I want to, I'll make Harry drive us." I insisted.

"Okay chicken." He chuckled kissing the side of my head. "You should get back to your seat and grab your back pack, I think Paul wants us to get a move on soon." He said.

I kissed his prickly cheek and jumped off his lap, then climbing over Liam's before running across the isle to where Harry and Niall were getting the overhead luggage out.

When we had all of our hand luggage we made our way off the plane, walking with Paul, Preston and other people from the boys' team through customs and security before reaching near the exit of the airport.

"Have a good break boys and Steph and I'll see you in a couple of weeks." Paul said, going round giving hugs.

Everyone said their goodbyes and we left out the back exit to avoid the hoards of fans at the entrance to the airport.

We all managed to fit into one car; Zayn and Harry on the side with Louis in the middle, and me in the middle of Liam and Niall in the back. The boys talked together mostly about what the plan was with Louis and Zayn's trip away and stuff, but other than that there wasn't much discussion.

We soon pulled up outside the large house which I called home. I squealed and jiggled the seat in front trying to get the three in the middle to love faster so I could get out.

"Someone's glad to be back." Harry mumbled.

When I finally managed to get out I squealed again, slinging my backpack over my back and grabbing my wheelie bag, before racing inside the house, separate to be back inside it.

As I opened the front door the smell of fresh lemon hit me, and I was guessing the cleaner had put in an air freshener. I breathed in the subtle smell as I walked down the wide corridor, my footsteps audible in the echoing wooden floor. I walked along the corridor and into the kitchen/sitting room, smiling at the clean floors and surfaces. Even the pillows on the sofa had been plumped up, making the sofa look more inviting and tidy. I then spun around and dropped my wheelie bag, racing back along the corridor and up the stairs. I ran past all of the boys' room until I reached the door leading into my favourite room in the whole house. I pushed my bedroom door open, greeted with vacuumed white carpet and a gorgeously made bed with the pillows plumped to perfection. I squealed and jumped on my bed, ruining the plumpness, but just relieved to be back.

"Steph, come and get your bag." Niall called up the stairs.

I raced back downstairs to find Liam and Zayn on the sofa, Louis pouring himself a cup of tea and Harry making toast for himself and Nialler.

"Want anything to eat or drink baby?" Harry asked, pulling the butter out the fridge.

"I'm fine thanks." I said, walking around to where Liam and Zayn were sitting on the sofa.

I lay across both of their laps, ignoring their questions about what I was doing and instead just telling them to hush up.

"I'm exhausted." I yawned, resting my head on Zayn's lap as I stretched my feet across Liam's lap.

"What do you want for dinner tonight?" Liam asked, drumming on my calf.

"I don't mind." I told him, my eyes closed.

"We could get Nandos?" Niall suggested.

"Or just pizza." Harry shrugged.

"Nandos." I mumbled.

"Nandos it is then." Liam said.

Niall let out a cheer and flopped on the sofa next to Liam, munching on his toast. Just then the doorbell rang, making me groan internally, knowing it was the girls. I was excited to see them, however it meant that Louis and Zayn were leaving soon and I almost couldn't bear that. Louis jumped up to open the door, and I could hear him greet the girls and let them in. The sound of heels lightly clicked against the wooden floors, getting louder and louder as they got nearer and nearer.

"Steph! Boys! Zayn!" Perrie grinned as she appeared at the door of the sitting room.

Zayn lifted up my body and head, moved out from underneath me and then threw me backdown on the sofa, making me groan into the pillows. I groaned again, louder, when I heard a kissing noise from the couple. When it was ober, I rolled my body over so I was laying on my back, turning my head to see Louis and Eleanor walk in, holding hands.

El and Perrie walked around and gave everyone a hug and kiss on the cheek, reaching me last. Louis told me to get up and greet them properly, so I did, standing up from my comfortable position on the sofa and hugging the girls.

"Have you girls had lunch?" Niall asked them.

"No we haven't eaten yet." Perrie said.

"We could head out to lunch somewhere?" Liam suggested.

"Yeah there's a new place down the road I think." Zayn said.

"Should we head there for some food before we head off then?" Louis asked.

"Yeah sounds good. Steph go and change sweetheart, we'll leave in five minutes." Liam said.

I sighed, but ran up to my room to get changed. I didn't see what was wrong with my leggings, but I decided to change anyway to freshen up. I shifted through my closes, settling on a pair of faded olive green skinny jeans with a baggy black top with 'Atari' written on it in colourful letters, tucking it in to my jeans. I then put on a pair of black Nike trainers and pulled my hair into a high pony tail. I slipped a jacket on the top and ran back downstairs, where everyone seemed to be having a serious conversation.

"It'll be fine Lou, seriously I know it'll be hard at first but we're all ready for this." I heard Niall say.

Louis sighed deeply and I was guessing he was running his hand through his hair. I decided to make my presence known before it was discovered by them, so I cleared my throat and walked in, acting as if nothing had happened.

"I'm ready." I grinned.

"Good, you look nice." Louis smiled, standing up from the sofa.

Everyone else got up and got their coats and jackets on, getting ready to go. We decided since the restaurant was close, that we would just walk. It was only around 2pm which was late for lunch, however, I really wasn't very hungry. When everyone was ready, we set off, the crisp air refreshing me and waking me up. I held Harry and Liam's hands as we walked, the couples walking closely talking and laughing with their partner.

"We'll have a way better time being single, don't worry." Harry whispered in my ear, seeing me watching the couples. I just sighed and continued walking.

We soon reached the restaurant and sat down near the back. I sat in between Louis and Niall, sharing a menu with Niall because there weren't enough.

"What do you want princess?" Niall asked, opening his menu.

"I don't know." I yawned, looking through the menu.

"Are you still tired gorgeous?" Louis asked me, frowning.

"Yeah a bit, I'm just exhausted and I don't know why." I told him, resting my head on his arm.

"Have an early night tonight." He said, kissing the top of my head.

I nodded and yawned again, feeling absolutely exhausted. I felt really odd, not knowing what was wrong with me. I hadn't been feeling myself lately, and I didn't know what was wrong.

"Can I take your orders?" A waitress asked, pulling out a notepad and pen.

"Should we get some beers?" Niall asked.

"Yeah we'll grab seven beers, and what would you like angel?" Liam asked.

"Just water please." I said.

"Are you sure?" Liam asked, "you can have a fizzy drink or a juice." He told me.

"I'm fine." I said.

"Okay, seven beers and a water. Any food?" The waitress asked.

The boys all ordered and when I said I wasn't hungry, Louis ordered me a bowl of spaghetti bolognese.

"Are you sure you're feeling alright pumpkin?" Louis asked, feeling my head with his hand.

"I'm just tired." I said again.

"She'll be fine Lou, she's probably jet lagged." Harry assured him.

The conversation at the table was boring, mostly about work and the boys telling the girls about what had happened in the US while they told us about what they had been doing while we had been gone. Our food came soon and everyone tucked in to eat, Louis continuously nagging me to eat more, constantly checking to see how empty my bowl was.

"I'm full Lou." I whined after he had told me to eat more.

"Come on, you're only half way through your bowl, ten more mouthfuls please." Louis said.

"But that's so many." I whined.

"Come on, eat up." Louis said, picking up my fork and twirling pasta around it, trying to feed it to me.

"I'm full." I told him again, pushing away his hand and my bowl.

Louis sighed and put my fork back in my bowl. He then put his hands under my arms and pulling me onto his lap. I whined and tried to wriggle away, however he hoisted me back up and set my bowl in front of us.

"Eat." He demanded, holding my fork up.

I groaned, but ate it. I let him feed me a few more mouthfuls, until I was about to burst. He eventually gave in when Eleanor told him I was full and tired and to stop worrying. I mentally thanked her and Louis let me off the hook, planting a kiss to my cheek.

We left not long later, walking back to the house. Harry ended up giving me a piggy back when I complained of being too tired to walk back. My feet swung back and forth as I rested my head on Harry's shoulders as he carried me back home.

When we were home Louis and Zayn disappeared to pack their bags while the rest of us sat in the sitting room. Everyone was talking and laughing while I sat there silently, not in the mood to talk. Liam nudged me, trying to get me to talk and join I the conversation.

"Why don't you take the girls into your room and talk?" He suggested, speaking quietly in my ear.

"I'm fine." I mumbled.

"It wasn't a suggestion." He said sternly in my ear, giving me a look.

I sighed in frustration and stood up from my feet, turning sharply to face the girls.

"Do you want to go upstairs to my room and get away from the boring boys?" I asked them, glaring at Liam.

"Yeah sure lets go." Perrie smiled gently at me, following me with Eleanor as I walked up the stairs and to my room.

"Are you okay sweetheart?" El asked me as I closed the door to my room.

"Yeah I'm fine." I said.

"When a girl says their fine that means everything is wrong." Perrie told me, giving me a pointed look.

"I don't know what's wrong, I'm just really tired and I don't want you guys to go." I said.

"Aw hun we're not gone for very long, we'll be back before you know it, and you'll have an amazing time with the other boys." Perrie assured me.

"Maybe she's going through puberty too." El grinned at Perrie.

"Did the boys try and give you the sex ed talk?" Perrie laughed.

"Ugh yes it was awful." I told them.

"We tried to tell them that they knew nothing about girls and what we have to go through when we hit puberty." El laughed.

"What do we have to go through?" My eyes widened.

"Period, period pains, mood swings, growing boobs" Perrie listed.

"Ugh." I groaned.

"It'll be fine hun we'll be there for you the whole time and you can talk to us whenever you want." El promised.

We continued to talk for a while, laughing at funny stories the girls told me, and I began to feel way better. Twenty minutes later Louis called up the stairs that it was time to go, which made my stomach twist, needing to take deep breaths to calm myself. We headed downstairs and met the boys at the door with all their luggage.

"Are we going to the airport with you?" I asked, standing at the bottom of the stairs.

"We were going to drive and leave the car there." Zayn said gently.

"Please can we go with you to the airport? Then you don't have to leave a car there." I said.

The boys looked at one another, exchanging a few looks before Liam shrugged and nodded.

"Stephy go and grab the keys, they're on the kitchen table. We'll meet you at the car." Harry said, picking up one of Louis' bags.

I ran to the kitchen quickly and grabbed the keys laying on the counter, before racing back to the car where everyone was loading luggage.

"We're taking one car so you're going to have to sit on someone's lap angel." Liam told me, slamming the boot shut.

Harry ended up driving with Liam in the passenger seat. Across the middle was Zayn, Perrie and Niall, then I sat on Louis' lap in the back next to Eleanor. I knew the drive to the airport was short, so I focused myself on breathing deeply, trying to contain my emotions. Louis noticed I was getting upset and entwined our hands, kissing my cheek as he did so.

"We're here." Harry announced, parking the car.

Everyone piled out, grabbing the bags out the boot. I held tightly to Louis' hand, not wanting to let go of him. As we walked through the airport I tried to calm myself down and contain my emotions, not wanting to cry while all the strangers were looking at us. When we reached the security boarder I knew it was time to say goodbye.

"Go and give Zayn a cuddle." Louis said quietly to me.

I nodded and turned to Zayn, who opened his arms for me, grinning wide. I raced into them, clinging onto him and trying not to cry. He rubbed my back as I sniffed in his scent, trying to remember every little piece of him. I knew he was coming back soon, but I had attachment issues, and the thought had crossed my mind many times where they would leave me and not come back.

"You'll have a great time with the boys, don't worry. Love you sweetheart." He said, kissing my cheek.

"L-love you too." I chocked out.

He let go of our hug and I soon found myself in Perrie's arms, hugging her tightly too. She promised to get me a present and some cool clothes, before letting go. I turned to El, hugging her too. She assured me everything would be fine and we would see them before we knew it. When I had said goodbye to her I turned to Louis, knowing this would be the hardest goodbye.

"Come here kiddo." He grinned, opening his arms wide.

I ran straight into his embrace, letting out a cry as I hugged him tightly, squeezing my eyes shut. Louis shushed me and rubbed my back, however I just let out more cries, not wanting him to leave me.

"P-please don't g-go." I cried, hugging him as tight as I could.

"Shh, I'll see you soon chicken. I love you so so much and have a great time with the boys." He said kissing my cheek.

"Love y-you t-too." I hiccuped, tears still trickling down my cheeks.

"No more tears, okay?" He said, pulling away to look me in the eyes.

"There will be tears though." I sniffled quietly.

"Lou, you need to go." Niall said gently to him.

I began to cry again, only harder this time. Louis hushed me and pulled me back in for a quick tight hug, before pulling away, kissing my forehead, grabbing his bag off the floor and turning around, walking away to customs. Harry wrapped his arms over my shoulders as we watched them walk away, me crying heavily as I longed to be back safely in Louis' arms.

"Shh, you're okay cupcake." Harry said, rubbing my arm.

"Let's go angel." Liam said gently, taking one of my hands and beginning to walk away.

During the walk back the boys tried to say comforting things, however I just continued to cry heavily. I didn't fight against them to go back, though, because I knew by now that they were stronger than me and Louis was probably already gone, so there was no use.

We reached the car and all climbed in, Niall sitting in the middle with me while Harry drove again and Liam went in the passenger seat.

"We'll grab hot chocolate on the way back, that sounds good gorgeous?" Liam smiled.

I just shrugged and sniffled, wiping away my tears with the back of my hand. Niall sighed and threw his arm over my shoulder, kissing the side of my head before resting his head on my shoulder. I could see Harry glancing worriedly at me through the rear view mirror, however I didn't care. Niall lifted his head and kissed my cheek once again, before unwrapping his arm from around my shoulders and sitting back in his seat.

"What do you guys want?" Harry asked as we drove into the Starbucks car park.

"I'll have a hot chocolate thanks." Niall said.

"Liam?" Harry asked.

"I'm fine." Liam said.

"Cool, Steph can you come in with me please cupcake?" Harry asked, turning around and pouting to me.

"Fine." I sighed, unbuckling my seatbelt and hopping out the car.

Harry slipped on his dark sunglasses and took my hand, walking inside the coffee shop. He ordered two hot chocolates and an orange juice for him, leaning against the counter as we waited for our drinks.

"How are you feeling?" He asked.

"Fine." I mumbled.

"I promise you that we will have so much fun while they're gone that you won't even want them to come back. See, they're the boring grown up ones and we're the cool young ones in the group." He smirked.

I sighed and he pulled me into a hug, kissing the top of my head.

"I just don't want him to forget." I told him.

"I promise you with all I have he would never ever forget about you. You're his daughter, you mean the absolute world to him I promise baby cakes, he will always be there even when you don't want him there." Harry promised.

The drinks then arrived, meaning we had to break away from our hug. Harry took my hot chocolate and his orange juice while I carried a hot chocolate for Niall. We walked back to the car and got in, passing the drinks around.

"Thanks princess, you're a star." Niall grinned as I passed him his hot chocolate.

"Here's yours cupcake." Harry said, passing mine back.

"Thank you Harry." I said, holding the warm take out cup with both hands.

The drive home was quiet, just the radio playing quietly and the gentle hum of the engine. We got home soon, after me giving Liam the majority of my hot chocolate, and left the car, walking in to the sitting room and flopping down on the sofas.

"I am zonked." Niall yawned.

Just then the phone began to ring, shrill rings booming through the house. All of us groaned in annoyance, wanting to be left alone.

"Steph, can you please go get that?" Harry asked, rolling his head to face me.

"Why do I have to get it?" I whined.

"Please?" Harry begged.

"Fine." I sighed in annoyance.

I got up and walked to the study, where the closest phone was kept. I pushed the door open and shuffled through the many pieces of paper scattered on the desk until I found the phone.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hi, I'm looking for Mr Liam Payne? It's about the property he was inquiring about?" A posh voice boomed through the phone line.


Helloooo everyoneee :)

So, I am guessing you all hate me?? Hahaa yeah well I mean you still don't know what's up with Steph and you don't know anything about the phone call yet! hahaa I feel so horrible!

The only thing I will tell you is that no information about either thing will be revealed next chapter but the chapter after that will be very exciting! Then the one after will be even more exciting and the whole truth about what's been going on will be revealed!!!

Chapter dedicated to gymnastics_life122 but you still don't know what is wrong with Steph because they said something OR something and I'm not revealing which it is hahaa!!

I am so sorry guys but it's always better when it's a surprise!! You will be happy when everything is over I really hope I mean you should be but I don't know.. it's very unexpected that's all I'm saying ;)

Thanks for everything guys!

Comment trumpet if you liked that chappy or comment what you think might happen and if you guess it exactly (both events in the right order) then I will follow you and dedicate the next chapter to you so guess away! But for the follow it does have to have both events almost perfect and in the right order!

Love you guys,

Bella x

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