Blackbane: King of Wolves & M...

بواسطة Kaylawide

28.9K 935 100

One night Amber is sure she see's something outside of her home. She has a feeling it is this creature that f... المزيد

CHAPTER 1 - Part 1
CHAPTER 1 - Part 2
CHAPTER 1 - Part 3
CHAPTER 7 - Part 1
CHAPTER 7 - Part 2
CHAPTER 9 - Part 1
CHAPTER 12 - Part 1
CHAPTER 20 - Part 1
CHAPTER 20 - Part 2
CHAPTER 20 - Part 3

CHAPTER 12 - Part 2

585 27 1
بواسطة Kaylawide

Above pic is Jax


It wasn't long before I came to a meadow and slowed my run to a halt. My heart beat strongly in my chest banging like a nine-pound hammer against my ribs. I glanced around the dark meadow, illuminated softly by moonlight. My nostrils were wrapped in a dank scent. Something told me to growl at the new smell.

"Ah, Fenris." A cheery voice of a man said. The accent of ancient tongue laced his words. My fur stood on end along my back and I whirled around to find nothing.

"Ranyt yec rilent oir hatle (kill to control your world)." A whisper flowed to my ears and I turned my head. Nothing. I glanced around the dark meadow but could find no other sign of a being.

"Ei xii gite triy oi (I will never help you)." I snarled and a laugh flowed in the wind.

"Oi itto oire ey rilent (you think you're in control)?" the voice chuckled, "Gew tillt (how cute)." A pulled back my chops in a snarl.

"Go fuck off." I growled and looked around wildly as he cackled.

I wanted to tear into his flesh. I wanted him to beg for mercy.

"Oir coki ae farmor (your mate is beautiful)." He said and I tensed. A snarl roared from my lips.

"Stay away from my mate." I growled and he chuckled.

"Weak minds are so easy." He said suddenly speaking English. I wrinkled my nose in disgust.

"What are you talking about? I'm not weak." I growled in offense and my hackles rose. If only the bastard would show his face, then we'd see who was weak.

"Aww fielt ecotac (little wolf), who said I was talking about you?" his voice was thick with richness and I frowned. Who else could he mean by...?

"Amber?" I growled and his laughed flowed around me; taunting me.

"Bingo." He chuckled and I snarled.

"If you touch her I'll—" I started baring my fangs.

"If you join me no harm will come, but only if you join me." He chuckled.

"I'll never join you." I growled.

"So be it." His voice said flatly and I growled and looked around once again at the darkening meadow. His voice faded along with the strange pull I was feeling and I shook my head trying to clear it.

I knew he was gone but now I was worried. The rage inside me faded. I needed to see Amber badly.

My paws turned toward home and I sped off. I leaped over rocks and such in my rush. I was practically flying. I was admittedly scared... What if something had actually happened to her?

I made it to the house, slipped on some clothes I'd left outside, and rushed inside the front door. Everyone was lounging in the living room... circled around.

"Where's Amber?" I growled and they all looked at me with big saucer eyes. Why were they staring like that?

"S-she went after you... What happened?" Red asked and I frowned. She stared at me as did everyone else and I looked down at myself. I felt my heart skip a beat as I took in the red covering most of my body. Blood... how? What?

"I don't know how this got on me..." I said in confusion.

"Sure you don't." Lisa's spitting angry voice said and I tilted my head. I was about to say something when I heard sobs. I went toward the cries, instantly knowing it was my mate.

"Amber?" I asked softly and to my surprise Lisa lunged at me. She barreled into me and I stumbled back. What the hell was wrong with her?

"I could kill you! Leave her alone you bastard!" Lisa screamed at me and raked her nails down my face. I fought the urge to backhand her and pushed her away. My hand when to the scratch along my face and rubbed it gently. She hadn't broken the skin but it hurt.

"Have you lost your mind?" I growled at her. Kyle held Lisa back and glared at me.

"Shut the hell up! Let me go Kyle! Let me fucking go!" Lisa yelled and tried to jump at me again. I blinked at her in confusion.

"What the hell?" I growled and went toward the group.

I looked in between their bodies and got a glimpse that made my heart drop. Amber...

Blood covered her body and gashes ran along her legs and arms. Crimson stained the floor and riddled her body. Something had obviously attacked her. The realization made me snarl and she began to cry.

"Amber what happened?" I asked taking a step toward her. She only cowered behind the pack and I frowned as Jax stepped in my way.

"No Mason." He growled. I frowned.

"Baby what happened?" I asked softly staring at my mate. She wouldn't look at me only sobbed.

"You-you at-attacked me." She whimpered and my heart wrenched... No I didn't... did I? No.

"No I didn't." I shook my head in disbelief. Amber whined.

"I didn't Amber I swear I didn't." I tried to explain but she only covered her ears.

"I saw you. I was just trying to talk but no... you just attacked me..." she sobbed and I felt my breathing pick up.

What if I did? What if I was just hallucinating that whole time and I was actually attacking Amber?

No I didn't. Demetrius's words suddenly echoed in my head. He did this.

"Amber baby please I would never hurt you." I growled softly and tried to walk around Jax but he only snarled and blocked my way.

"You may be Alpha but we will protect the Pack Mother." Jax growled and I frowned.

"She's my mate, now move." I snarled and he flinched but soon the others were blocking me as well. I glared at all of them and attempted to push my way through.

"I'm sorry Alpha but... back away." Raven said and gave me her best glare. I scoffed and looked at Amber.

"I didn't do this... please you have to believe me. It wasn't me. Please just let me explain." I croaked and kept my gaze on my mate. My pack glanced at each other debating on whether or not to move. Lisa objected and I shot her a glare. She's only sticking up for her friend, I reminded myself.

Jax gave a soft growl and stepped aside. So did the others and I instantly rushed and knelt at Amber's side.

"Amber..." I groaned softly as I saw the horrid marks scoring her body.

"I swear I didn't hurt you. I love you baby you know that. I'd never hurt you and I'm going to kill Demetrius for this I swear to you." I said and took her hand in mine. She whimpered at the touch and I sighed and brushed her dark hair from her face. Her green eyes looked up at me with a conflicted glow and I gave her a bitter smile.

"Damn... so you're saying Demetrius did this?" Abel said and I nodded. Everyone muttered awkwardly and looked around.

"Shit—sorry Mason, but, well you know." Lisa said and I nodded. She was only looking after Amber. I nodded softly and looked at my mate.

"If I don't join him he'll hurt her..." I sighed and looked away from my mate and to the ceiling. Rage sparked in me.

"What can I do Dea? What can I fucking do; because, this bullshit right here isn't going to work. My mate's not going to be hurt in some feud you have with some guy. Can't the both of you just work something out because; I don't have time for your shit." I snarled and everyone gasped.

"Mason you can't talk to the Moon Goddess like that." Raven gasped looking at me with wide eyes.

"My mate is hurt because of Her and some psychopath! I'll talk however the fuck I want to!" I barked and my pack looked uncomfortable.

"If She's so high and mighty why can't She take him down herself? Why the hell do I even have to come into the picture? This is all kinds of fucked up and you know it!" I bellowed and glared at the ceiling above me.

"I'm the Monster Wolf. I have crazy tendencies and this is how my life goes? What type of shit is that? Honestly, why the hell is this happening? I'm supposed to rule? Okay. But this? This shit? Fuck no." I snarled and the others around me cowered back.

"Fenris! Ha, the one who protects angels? Who fights demons? Humans fear me, wolves fear me. So what do I do? You're the Goddess right? The one who's supposed to enlighten us all with your motherly ways and kind heart? Well fucking enlighten me because right now I'm just about to say fuck it and maybe even join the bastard because I'm so fucking pissed right now. My mate thought I attacked her, my pack was ready to jump me and this is too much." I spat and ran my hands through my hair. I felt a warm sensation in my chest and it caught me off guard.

Mason calm down. A voice rang in my ears and I only growled.

"Now you want to speak to me? Now you want to tell me to calm down?" I growled.

I'm sorry... Her voice echoed in my head like a symphony.

"Fight him yourself. I can't do this. He's hurting my Amber." I groaned.

I can't do that you must. She insisted and I growled.

"Why me?" I snarled.

He's my... my mate... I cannot hurt him. Her voice said sounding conflicted and my heart paused.

"I can't believe this. It's not so hard to kill someone." I growled.

To kill your mate is like killing yourself.

"My father was fine." I growled.

Your father has you. A part of his mate still lives in you and plus he had broken the connection with your mother before the accident. A thought came to me and I decided to keep it inside.

So when I kill him, if I kill him... you will die? I wondered and for a moment I was met with silence.

Yes, I will die.

But you're the goddess. What will happen? I asked frowning.

Don't worry it won't hurt me much I'll just fade away. But don't be alarmed I've chosen a successor. She is young but she will know what to do. She will know everything there is to know. Believe me you will be fine. Her soft voice said. I blinked softly. She seemed satisfied with her fate. I nodded softly and took a deep breath.

Fine. Just help Amber.

Mason. You can do it just think. She said and I frowned. She wasn't much help at all. But I sighed and nodded.

Until we meet again... Goodbye my son. And love your mate. Her voice faded away. I shuddered and looked around. Everyone was staring at me.

I grabbed my mate's hand and held it to my chest. I could feel something around us if I focused. My eyes shut and a soft concentrative scowl came to my face. The feeling was dreadful and heavy and I did my best to emphasis on it. I zeroed in on the feeling and thought about clearing it.

"Cardic et (release us)." I growled and the feeling faded some. Encouraged I tried again and it lessened once more.

"Cardic et." I said in a firmer voice and suddenly the weight disappeared. I opened my eyes slowly and was shocked to see Amber crouched in front of me looking good as new, not a scratch marred her body nor drop of blood. I looked myself over and also saw that I was clean as well.

"Woah what just happened?" Abel asked staring at me.

"It was an illusion." I sighed and brushed my hand along Amber's cheek. She looked at me with tired eyes.

"I'm sorry." She breathed and I shook my head.

"Don't; you had nothing to do with that." I say softly and hugged her to me. She sighed and wrapped her arms around me. She was shaking softly and I held her tighter. I was going to kill that son of a...

"Mason?" My father asked and I looked up at him.

"Did She speak to you?" he inquired and I nodded. Everyone was quiet.

"She's going to die." I said softly and Delilah tilted her head.

"The Goddess can't die. She's the Goddess." She said and I growled.

"He's her mate... She'll die with him." I said and combed my fingers through Amber's hair. My pack pretty much started freaking out, which was expected.

"Calm down. She's chosen a successor. We'll have a new Goddess." I growled and they seemed to calm down some.

"So your god can die?" Lisa asked with a frown.

"Apparently so... can yours?" Raven questioned.

Lisa shook her head then put up her hands and shrugged. Her arms fell back to her side, "I don't know. I don't think so... I'm not really religious. But I've never heard of it." She said and shrugged once again.

"Okay..." Raven said and played with her fingers.

Amber sighed against me and sat back. She gave me a soft smile and I felt my heart lift. I loved her so much.

"Well... come on everyone let's eat." My father said and we followed him into the kitchen. He pulled out hunks of deer meat, cooked deer meat, and put them on plates and passed them around.

"Y'all can make burgers if you want, there's buns in the pantry and stuff in the fridge." He said and everyone got what they wanted before settling down at the large, grand, polished wood table in the dining room.

Lisa and Kyle slipped into a seat beside each other whispering about something. Delilah was flicking an annoyed Jax on his ear while he commented about how childish she was, which then earned him a punch on the shoulder, which he took like a champ I might add. Kar took a seat next to his sister whereas Abel sat across the table taking in Kar's glares as he stole glances at an oblivious Raven whom was taking great care to an itching spot on her arm. Amber sat next to me and almost instantly her hand laid over mine; I grinned inwardly and held her hand. My father just sat at his seat gingerly drinking some water from a tall glass, a smirk evident on his face as he watched us all. Red aimlessly looked around and for a moment her gaze locked with mine and I felt a twinge in the pit of my stomach. The girl with the scarlet hair gave a weak smile before looking away.

"Look at us; we're like those families on television." Raven joked as she sat back and we all got settled in. I smiled. I reckon she was right.

"That's because we are a family." I declared and everyone beamed softly as they dined.

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