"The Catalyst" : A Yang Xiao...

By TysonYang

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Disclaimer: I do not own RWBY. Rooster Teeth does. I only own my character and the events I put into the arcs... More

Chapter 1 : Rei's Determination
Chapter 2 : "Running"
Chapter 3 : "An Encounter"
Chapter 4 : "Into To Beacon"
Chapter 5 : "Solo Rage"
Chapter 6 : "Reunion"
Chapter 7 : "The Tests"
Chapter 8 : "Team CDRL"
Chapter 9 : "The Assailant"
Chapter 10 : "Second Tier"
Chapter 11 : "The Climax"
Chapter 12 : "The Nightmare"
Chapter 13 : "Killed Without Death"
Chapter 14 : "The Forcefield"
Chapter 15 : "His Choice"
Vol.2 / Chapter 1 : "Return"
Vol.2 / Chapter 2 : "Reunited"
Vol.2 / Chapter 3 : "The Heiress"
Vol.2 / Chapter 4 : "The Demon Within"
Vol.2 / Chapter 5 : "Nemesis"
Vol.2 / Chapter 6 : "Goodwitch"
Vol.2 / Chapter 7 : "Popsin, The Caretaker"
Vol.2 / Chapter 8 : "Rank 106"
Vol.2 / Chapter 9 : "The Demon Spider"
Vol.2 / Chapter 10 : "Curse"
Vol.2 / Chapter 11 : "Ruby?"
Vol.2 / Chapter 12 : "The Flare"
Vol.2 / Chapter 13 : "The Call"
Vol.2 / Chapter 15 : "Alone Time"
Vol.2 / Chapter 16 : "Anger Unleashed"
Vol.2 / Chapter 17 : "Hints"
Vol.2 / Chapter 18 : "THND Vs WB"
Vol.2 / Chapter 19 : "Turning Tables"
Vol.2 / Chapter 20 : "Echoes From The Past" (Part 1)
Vol.2 / Chapter 21 : "Echoes From The Past" (Part 2)
Vol.2 / Chapter 22 : "The Mission"
Vol.2 / Chapter 23 : "Atlas"
Vol.2 / Chapter 24 : "Cinder"
Vol.2 / Chapter 25 : "Black Dragon"
Vol.2 / Chapter 26 : "Skyline"
Vol.3 : Chapter 1 : "Beginning Of the End"
Vol.3 / Chapter 2 : "Awakening"
Vol.3 / Chapter 3 : "The Grave"
Vol.3 / Chapter 4 : "Shadows"
Vol.3 / Chapter 5 : "Aroma"
Vol.3 / Chapter 6 : "The Room"
Vol.3 / Chapter 7 : "Rank 70"
Vol3 / Chapter 8 : "The Twist"
Vol.3 / Chapter 8 : "Shackles"
Vol.3 / Chapter 9 : "Return"
This Story Will End Soon.
Vol.3 / Chapter 10 : "The Choice"
Vol.3 / Chapter 11 : "Increase"
The Last Chapter : "The Death Of Rei Schnee"
Epilogue (Part 1)
Epilogue (Part 2)

Vol.2 / Chapter 14 : "Emotions"

1K 25 15
By TysonYang

-As promised!!!! Also, my Writer's block is gone!-

"Blake? Has anything changed with Rei?" Weiss called from their kitchen. A few weeks had gone by since Rei had awoken from his coma, and now Beacon was on their summer break.

Weiss was in their small apartment they'd rented making lunch for the five friends, Blake was sitting on the couch reading her book, Ruby was asleep, and Yang was out with her boyfriend.

Blake's eyes drifted from her book for only a slight moment, spotting Rei's figure standing outside on the small deck their apartment had. They'd rented a small apartment just a short distance from beacon, their apartment being on the third floor. Blake signed.

"No, he's still staring at the horizon." Blake sarcastically replied.

"Alright." Weiss said back. The beautiful fencer sighed disappointedly. He'd been like that for days now. Of course, he'd come back inside to eat every now and then, but otherwise he'd just refuse to communicate.

"What's with you Rei? Is it because of your 'dead daughter' calling you before?" The snow-themed huntress thought to herself.


"Papa! Wake up!" The little girl shouted, an unconscious male lying down in front of her. The sky looked as if it reflected the scorched ground underneath, a beautiful yet dangerous flame. Smoke soon overcame this dangerous color, casting a veil of shadow across the land.

Except for the fires and explosions.

"Papa! Please! Wake up!" The male's eyes slowly opened, registering the little girl.

"Yuki.... Run." The male breathed. The dreaded black flag suddenly came into view, causing the male a slight panic. The White Fang were coming for them.

"But Pap-" The little had just started her protest when an explosion suddenly sent both her and the injured male flying. The injured male was stunned but ask jarred from his weakened state. He slowly crawled up to his arms, painfully bringing his head to meet the little girl's gaze.

In his daughter's eyes, he saw a mix of many emotions. Fear. Sadness. Anxiety. And more fear.

Another blast echoed through the skies, cutting the small child out of his sight. Forever.

Or so he thought.


"Papa! Wake up!" Yuki shouted through Blake's scroll.

"Yuki!?" Rei exclaimed, finally waking from his coma.

"Papa!" The little girl shouted excitedly.

"You woke up! Yay!"

"But you're... You...." Rei breathed, unable to speak what was on his mind.

"Dead, Papa? I'm not dead! Silly Papa! Anyway, my teacher says I'm going to be Rank 19 soon! Isn't it exciting!?" Rei paused slightly. He was confused. How was she alive? Why did she call? It was obvious that she didn't know of his coma, only that he was asleep when she called.

But still. How was she alive!?

He masked a smile then replied.

"That's great! Where are you? I want to see my little girl." Rei asked.

"Teacher says I can't tell you that yet, but she also says I can see you soon! She's really pretty too! Where's Mama?" The little girl's bright and energetic voice asked.

"Mama is.... Not feeling well. She's sleeping."

"Oh. Tell Mama I say hi! I have to go, teacher is calling me! Bye Papa! I love you!"


Rei stood staring out into who knows where, lost in his thoughts. His mind was combing itself for any possible way, any possible situation that would have allowed his daughter to escape death.

He came up short.

"Yuki...." Rei breathed sadly. His eyes suddenly shot downward, somehow losing the will to look at the horizon. As if the horizon itself was looking down upon him, saying it was his fault for not being strong enough. He felt tears beginning to well in his eyes as he suddenly realized:

It was his fault that she disappeared. It was all him. If Yang had been there, she would have found a way to save Yuki. Maybe even Ruby would have. But instead, it was he who allowed his daughter to disappear.

"It wasn't your fault you know?" Yang said quietly behind him, reading his mind. Rei scoffed.

"Aren't you supposed to be with your boyfriend?" Rei replied.

"....I'm needed elsewhere." Yang said quietly.

"Cool." Rei said nonchalantly.

"Rei...." Yang suddenly lost her words. The tone in her voice caught Rei's attention. It was as if Yang was scared, but what could make her afraid. He turned around, suddenly curious to find out what was wrong.

Yang had a bruise on her face. The shape, which was very detailed, gave the impression of a fist.

"He hit you?" Rei demanded. Yang nodded her head.

"Shouldn't your aura heal the small wound?" Rei asked again.

"He said he'd break up with me if I did that."

"Where is he?"

"Rei, don't-"

"Where. Is. He."


Yang got off her motorcycle, taking the helmet off like she always did. She sighed as Rei got off her motorcycle as well.

"He's over there." Yang said, pointing to the arcade. Rei walked off without a single word or glance towards her.

It didn't take him long to find her boyfriend. Ken Lockhorn was standing at attention, playing Tekken against one of his friends. Surrounding them were 16 or so people, cheering the two on.

"Lockhorn." Rei called as he walked up behind the so-called boyfriend. Ken continued to ignore him, focusing on his game. The ring of people surrounding Ken suddenly turned around and faced Rei.

"Keep walkin', this is our machine." One of the people told Rei.

"Lockhorn." Rei said, pushing the four in front of him and grabbing Ken's shoulder. Ken quickly turned around, an angry look on his face.

"You made me lose the match!" Ken shouted angrily. Rei continued to stare at him nonchalantly.

"Don't just stare! Say something! Apologize!" One of the people behind Rei shouted.

"You hurt Yang." Rei's voice echoed loudly and clearly. Ken scoffed.

"That's what this is about? Listen, if you're just another crazed lover of her's who thinks she's going to leave me for you if you beat me up, get lost. The other twenty are still crying." Ken mocked. When Rei didn't turn to leave, Ken's fist shot straight forward.

Rei had blocked the punch with his right hand, easily predicting the strike. He then threw Ken backwards, sending him and the Tekken machine crashing to the floor.

"Hey!" Multiple men shouted as they rushed him from all directions.


Yang was standing outside the arcade, busying herself with her make-up. Of course, she didn't have any on besides her standard eyeliner but she had to do something instead of just sitting on her motorcycle waiting for Rei to walk out.

Oh, it was driving her insane! Thinking about what was going on in there. She wanted to go in, but something inside of her made her.... Afraid. It made her feel fear, an emotion she wasn't used to.

The arcade's front door suddenly exploded, bodies following shortly after.

"Woah!" Yang exclaimed as Rei's body figure appeared from the smoke. Four More men appeared behind him, one of them being Ken.

"Ken? Rei?" Yang breathed. She knew Rei was mad, but she didn't think he'd be this mad. Ken had multiple wounds, but only minor cuts and bruises. Blood slowly trickled down from two cuts in his forehead, one above his right eye and another next to his left eye.

"Kill 'im." Ken ordered. The three other men charged Rei all at once. The one on his far left reached him first, as he was the quickest to move. Rei blocked his right arm's strike, then quickly landed a heavy kick to the attacker's chest which sent him flying. The next two came at the same time, both attempting to strike him. He quickly used his right arm and left leg to stop their attacks, kicking with his left leg to space himself from the attacker on his left while using his right arm to quickly charge forward and catch the same attacker off guard. He quickly jumped over the second attacker, using his elbow to knock him out by hitting him in the back of the head while in mid-air.

The only one that was left was Ken. His blonde hair had hints of blood in it, his body was shaking from not only the pain but fear.

"You wanna know what's funny about this situation?" Rei asked, not even injured. All 16 or more men had failed to even land a blow on him. When Ken didn't respond, Rei smiled.

"You're blonde right now. When I'm done with you, they'll have to call you a red-head."

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