Not Your Typical Teenager

By LoveTHiddles

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"Darling I'll kill you!" "Oh if you only knew, I'm already dead. And you can't kill the dead." Not everything... More

Chapter One: Meet the Band
Chapter Two: Babysitting
Chapter Three: S.H.I.E.L.D. & A Mad Scientist
Chapter 4: Don't Go In
Chapter 5: A Cry For Help
Chapter 6: Megan Johnson
Author's Note
Chapter 7: Too Late
Chapter 8:Guinea Pig
Chapter 9: "Accident"
Chapter 10: Mission Report
Chapter 11: Waking Up
Chapter 12: Finding Normal
Chapter 13:No More Animals
Chapter 14: Practice Makes Perfect
Chapter 15: Time for Your Mission
Chapter 16: Mission Time
Chapter 17: No Longer A Slave
Chapter 18: You're Kidding
Chapter 19: Not as Free as I Thought
Chapter 20: You Really Shouldn't Have
Chapter 21: We're Too Late, Sir
Chapter 22: Your Call
Chapter 23: Another Tranie
Chapter 24: Time to Begin
Chapter 25: There Was an Idea
Chapter 26: I Am Loki Of Asgard
Chapter 27: Is Everyone Okay?
Chapter 28: Getting Some Members
Chapter 29: Gather The Rest Of The Team
Chapter 30: No That Can't Be Right
Chapter 31: On the Helicarrier
Chapter 32: Life, Scars, Apologies
Chapter 33: You're Needed...NOW!
Chapter 35: Ain't Nobody Dancin' Now
Chapter 36: Not So Pleasant Surprises
Chapter 37: All On My Own
Chapter 38: A 'Thank You' Would Be Nice.
Chapter 39: So You Don't Want Me Dead?
Author's Note! Important! Please Read!

Chapter 34: Preparing

124 8 4
By LoveTHiddles

Jessica's P.O.V.

"The eagle has landed," I said walking into the airport. 

"You couldn't have just said 'my plane has landed'?" Phil asked.

"Nope, that would be too easy and not fun," I walked through the airport and began trying to find the exit. I didn't need to grab any suitcases or anything because Phil took it onto his jet and said he'd claim it was his. 

"I need to hang up the phone and get back to business. I will text you your hotel address, hopefully we can see each other before we go back to America. Bye Jessica I love you." He was talking fast so I assumed that he really had to go. 

"Bye Phil love you-" I stop when I realized he had already hung up. 

My phone made a short high pitched noise. I looked down at it and saw that it was my address for my hotel. 

I typed the address into my phone's GPS and hoped that it wasn't to far of a distance to run. Only five miles, not too bad. And only two left turns, even better. I memorized the streets on which I had to turn, put my phone away, then took off. 

Just moments later I was in my hotel room. 

I noticed that there was a suitcase by my bed, when I got closer I saw it was mine. I must have just barely missed Phil. I was really hoping I'd get to see him before he went off with his work. 

I had to go to the bathroom, that's what 8 1/2 hours on a plane does to you. When I walked in I saw a note on the sink. 


In case you haven't found it yet, there is a ball dress and silver heels in your closet. There is a ball tonight and rumor is our friend plans on going. 

Across the street there is a beauty parlor. Don't worry about the cost, connected to the dress should be enough money to cover it. 

The ball is at 9:00 PM which should give you a little under three hours to get settled and get dolled up. I don't remember the exact name for where the ball is taking place, but I know how to get you there. Go south on this street for about three miles then after you pass 16th street it should be on you left. 

Be at the ball! No exceptions!

I hope to see you before I return to America, but it may not happen. 

Love you, 

Uncle Phil

After I got out of the restroom I ran to the closet, anxious to see the dress. I opened up the closet door and must have stood there for 10 minutes just staring at the stunning dress. 

(Remember for a girl with the personality of Jessica her reactions are expected.) 

It was absolutely stunning. I was surprised at what Phil had such a good taste in dresses and in what would match my skin tone. 

(She is about a 02 on this chart!)

Then I remembered that he had a daughter and must have learned some things from her. 

I typed the beauty parlor into my GPS after it pulled up I realized it was literally right across the street. 

I pulled my shoes on, grabbed the money off the dress, and ran across the street to "get dolled up". As Phil would put it. 

"Ma'am? Do you have an appointment?" The lady at the parlor's desk asked me as I walked in. 

"Huh?" I asked turning. 

"Have you scheduled an appointment here with us?" She asked in a harsh German accent.

"Oh," I said taking a moment to understand her accent. "Um no I haven't scheduled one. Did I need to?"

She shook her head. "No." 

"Uh okay. Can I get in now?" I was hoping she didn't say 'no' to that too. 

"Let me check." She walked out of the main room and I could hear her talking to someone else in German. She came back with a look on her face that I couldn't read. "Follow me." Then again she walked out of the main room with me trailing behind her this time. 

She brought me into this large pinkish colored room with no window and white tiled floors. She lead me to a black dresser that had a mirror above it on the wall. She pulled back a chair and motioned for me to sit in it.

"My name is Angela, I'll take care of you from here," A different woman by the dresser said. 

Angela was a middle aged woman who stood no taller than 5'6", so she was three inches shorter than me. Her red hair was being held back in a messy bun and she wore a ton of make up. But her eyes had a sparkle had made me feel like I could trust her. 

"I'm Jessica," I gave her a smile as I sat. 

"Well Jessica what brings you in here today?" Angela turned my chair so I was facing her. 

"My friends are throwing a fancy party and wanted us to get all dolled up for it." I didn't want to tell her about me going to the ball, too many questions.

"Oh sounds lovely. How would you like your hair done, Jessica?" She asked turning my chair again so my back was to her. 

"You know I am not really too sure, so just surprise me. You're the expert." 

After what felt like forever she was done with my hair, nails, and my makeup. I paid the lady at the front desk then walked across the street and back to my hotel. 

Most eyes were on me as I walked through the hotel lobby. And I must admit it felt good. I felt like a princess. 

When I entered my hotel room I just had to look at Angela's works again. I ran to the bathroom mirror. 

My nails were a beautiful clear. My makeup looked natural. Everything about me looked great. Besides my hair, it looked fantastic. It was, by far, my favorite part of Angela's works. 

To most this stuff was no big deal. Probably was a regular thing for some teen girls. But not for me, I was amazed at every little piece of it. Even if for some girls it was just another hair style. 

I checked my watch and saw that I had about 45 minutes before the ball started. I ran to my closet and pulled out the dress. 

It took me a little bit longer than what it probably should have to put on my dress, but I just wanted to be careful and not ruin any part of anything. 

I carefully leaned against a wall and slid my heels on. Tonight I was probably going to die. And the death wouldn't be from Loki it would be from these stupid shoes! Yes they were barely over 1/2 an inch high, but when you go with tennis shoes or no shoes, it's a shoe skyscraper. 

When I was sure that I was ready I left the hotel. I stood on the side of the street for hardly a minute before a taxi came to bring me to my destination. I went behind the building and hid. When I was positive nobody could see me, I shape shifted.  

As a bird I flew on top of the building and looked around for a way in. I found it within only seconds of looking. 

Before I really knew what I was doing I was a mouse crawling through a vent. Through the vent I could hear voices and detect where all the people were. I went away from that until I was above a place that seemed to have no human activity. 

I made my way trough the vent and shape shifted, once again, back into human form. My dress got a little ruffled and a few hairs had fallen out of place, but no one would die because of it.

I looked around the room I landed it and saw that it was an extra storage room. I followed the sound of human voices out of the room and to where all the activity was. 

Finally I was at the top of a concrete stairwell. I looked down at the ball below me and didn't see Loki, I started to fear that Phil had this wrong. 

"Hello," A voice said from behind me. "What is a pretty lady, like yourself, doing up here alone?"

I turned to see my mission. The reason I was here. Loki. 

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