Oh, Nana (A Fairy Tail Fanfic)

By BabyShamblesHD

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My mother disappeared when I was merely five years old and I was alone. I cried everyday until I wandered int... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Autumn Special
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
I'm sorry, but it's easier for me to do it this way

Chapter Six

92 3 3
By BabyShamblesHD

It's been a few days since the incident that demolished the city of Crocus. I was up in my room and I cried for hours because Cobra turned himself back in. I tried my best to have him stay with me, but he just wouldn't do it. I promised him that he could see Kinana again and that I could support him, it did nothing. My heart ached as I was crouched down in the corner, wearing the cloak he gave to me on the day we first met. It was always too big for me to wear properly, but now since I'm older...it fits like a glove.

• •

"Big brother!" I called out to the poison Dragon Slayer as I ran around the demolished town, sniffing out his scent. "I'm so glad you're okay!" I sprinted towards him and hugged him as tight as I could. He was bruised, upset, and scratched. "You have no idea how glad I am."

"My feelings are the same," he hugged me back and rested his chin on the top of my head. I didn't want to let him go, I was genuinely happy that he wasn't hurt nor killed. "But, I'm pathetic, I couldn't even slay a dragon."

"I don't care about that," I buried my face into his chest. "We should be glad that it's over. You've done so much for me and I want you to stay; I could talk to the Council and maybe I could convince them for you to stay with me. You will be able to reconnect with the outside world, hear different voices, and see her."

"I'm sorry Jolenta, but I must return to prison," he said in a hoarse voice. It was like he had a sore throat or anything, but it was like he was angry about something. No, it was like he had a job to do and that nothing could stop him. "No matter how much you beg, I'm not staying. It's not safe for you."

"Wait, if you go back, they won't let me see you!" I pulled away and looked up at him in utter shock. "Please, I haven't seen you in what it seems like forever, I can't lose you again." He didn't listen, he just made his way towards the wagon heading back to where he was held before he was brought to Crocus.

"I'm surprised you didn't try to run," Doranbolt said as the Rune Knights began to handcuff him.

"Please!" I jumped in front of him and guarded him. "Don't take him, he's done so much for me."

"Princess, I must disagree with you," Lahar took a step towards me. "Give us the prisoner, he isn't a good man. We were also given specific orders for you to stay away from him at all times—"

"Don't you think I know that? My father put in that order and I'm completely against it! Cobra did do some terrible things in the past, but you don't know what I saw. He's willing to sacrifice himself for me, I saw him die on my lap and it broke me. But I'm so glad that it didn't happen, it was like a vision. I can't explain it, but I know he's a good person—ah!" I yelped in pain as Lahar smacked me across the face with such force that my head turned ninety degrees, leaving a stinging pain on my right cheek.

"You bastard!" Cobra growled and was immediately resisted against the knights grabbing at him. "How dare you hit a woman!"

"You've done worst and it was the only way to knock some sense into her," Lahar grabbed my arm and dragged me away from Cobra. "You need to understand the difference between fantasy and reality. Cobra may have been a good person to you, but he's done a lot of terrible things: he destroyed churches, lives, and terrorized cities. He's the bad guy."

"The only bad guy here is you," I whimpered. "I don't give a crap about the past, there's nothing you can do to change it! Wait until my father—"

"Your father is the one who told us to keep you away from Cobra, you will not be able to visit him anymore," Lahar spoke sternly towards me. "Doranbolt was given the same orders and we are going to enforce the orders your father gave us. You are not to see Cobra anymore."

• •

My knees were pressed up against my chest as I sighed heavily, listening to the guilds downstairs whom were having a banquet that my father had planned. I heard arguing and fighting going on, it confused me. I pressed the side of my head to the floor, but I couldn't hear what was going on. I just heard a huge ruckus. The door leading to my room was kicked open as Rogue and Lyon barged in. "Huh?" I gasped loudly as the two mages stood over me and grabbed me, but started to fight over me. "What the hell is going on?" My voice strained as Rogue win the tug of way battle and carried me out of my room, running as fast as he could down to the ballroom. "Rogue!"

"Give her back!" Lyon chased after us, sending frozen eagles left and right. Everyone was fighting, Rogue and Lyon continued to play tug of war with me until Arcadios barged in and ordered them to stop, which they did. Lyon tugged one last time and pulled me to his side, holding me by my shoulder Rogue stood quietly behind us.

"Lyon?" I looked up at the ice wizard and gulped down hard as he side hugged me, kissing me on the top of my head. "Hmm..." I hummed, my cheeks were bright red. It was quiet as we listened, waiting for my father to show himself on the balcony. I pulled the hood of the cloak over my head and lowered my gaze to stare at my bare feet, I really didn't want to see him right now. Still, I was extremely upset about Cobra; the thought of not being able to see him anymore, it hurt a lot.

"Don't worry, we weren't fighting for the heck of if," Lyon rubbed my arm, he was way more caring than before. All he wanted was me and didn't give a fuck about how I felt, but it felt nice to have him treat me like this. "It was for you, all the guilds care about you and wants you to join their guilds. Rogue and Sting apologized to Yukino and wants you and her back, but Kagura stepped in and claimed that you and Yukino are going to join Mermaid Heel. Fairy Tail then stepped in saying that Yukino should join their guild, also stating that they made a deal that they get to keep you since they won the Games. The rest stepped in and a whole fight broke out over you and Yukino."

"Oh..." I sighed heavily. "What the heck..." I gasped loudly as looked up and spotted Natsu up on the balcony, wearing my father's cap and crown. He claimed he was now king, causing me to lowered my head in embarrassment. "Wow, I forgot how this guild acts."

"It's a complete embarrassment, especially when he's supposed to be representing Princess Jolenta's, your, guild," Lyon sighed with me.

"I've realized something," Lyon looked down at me. "Juvia's heart isn't focused on me, but my heart is focused on you."

"Huh?" I gasped again as he took a hold of both my hand, holding them up towards his lips. "Lyon, what're you doing—"

"I love you," he confessed, oh no, here comes the crazy side of Lyon. He hugged me as tight as he could, well, the chill side of him will always hold a special place in my heart. It was nice while it lasted.

"Fucking lover boy," Rogue growled and pulled me away from him. "Find your own woman, damn it."

"Rogue, we talked about this," I pushed against his chest. "Remember what my father said?"

"I don't give a damn about that, you should have the choice about who you want. Not him," Rogue removed the hood from my head. "I want you to come back to Sabertooth, Terrianna."

"My name isn't—" I tried to correct him, but he kept going.

"It's the name you gave us," he spoke with a stern tone. "When we first met, I didn't agree to talk to you because of M'lady, I spoke to you because you seemed like a really nice person. Jiemma corrupted us all, but you stayed innocent. You gave us the chance to be actual friends outside of the guild, all of us. When we'd help you with your problems, you'd help us in return. Orga, Rufus, Sting, and I are so grateful to have you. When Yukino came, she also became one of us. You invited her in, but Jiemma got to all of us; you were sent away for a job that no one has ever been able to complete in decades and when you came back, you were beat up and barely able to walk. He kicked you out just like that and it stunned us all, especially when he forced us to do horrid things to you." Rogue grabbed my hand and held it on the left side of his chest, he and the others are my true friends. I looked behind me as Sting, Orga, Yukino, and Rufus were smiling at me. Before I could say anything, their faces of joy turned to shock and terror. I looked back at Rogue and behind him was my father, whom was accompanied by a mini militia.

"I heard everything," my father bellowed. "I thought I already told you to stay away from my daughter."

"Father, please," I begged. "It isn't what it looks like, I'm sorry for acting like that. I'm still hurt by the order you gave the Council—"

"That's enough, Jolenta, go to your room," he instructed.

"Just listen to me!" I screamed. "You're the one that told me to join Sabertooth in the first place and I did, I made friends there. I bonded with them and you wanting me to leave Fairy Tail and stay here, that's crazy!"

"Father," Hisui stood next to me as we faced the man who raised us together. "Is that true?" She looked down at him and back at me, holding my hand. "If you're upset about what happened, take it out on me. Not on Jolenta, she didn't do anything wrong, she helped battle the dragons."

"I want her to leave her guild because I believe that's best for her. Look at what's happened to her: she was tortured by her former guild master, almost killed by a dragon she couldn't slay, and was almost killed again by one her guild mates," he stepped forward as I lowered my head in shame.

"I understand," I tried my best to hold back my tears, but they still trickled down my cheek.

"Sir," Lucy stepped forward. "Please, if you should punish someone, punish us. Your daughters were just trying to help! Princess Hisui was just taking precautions and was tricked into opening the gate. Princess Jolenta helped take care of the dragons and was the strongest fighter out of all the Dragon Slayers!"

"I'm not going to disagree with that," Gajeel and Laxus smiled softly at me. "She's one tough cookie."

"Nana came closer to slaying a dragon than the both of us," Sting and Rogue sided with me as Natsu nodded his head.

"If I knew she woke up sooner, I would've let her take down Future Rogue," Natsu chuckled. "She's very brave, right when she woke up from her sleep, she went right on fighting like nothing happened. It's an honor to have her in our guild."

"Natsu," my looked softened and I covered my mouth with my free hand. I was so happy to have people like them, tears poured out of my right eye and whimpers escaped my lips. "You all are so kind to me, I don't deserve your care."

"Jolenta," Hisui pulled me into a hug as I sobbed into her shoulder. It felt like forever since we've had a moment like this, I love her. She's my sister, it didn't matter that we aren't blood related...we grew up together. "Dad please, look at your daughter. Can't you see that she's happy to be a normal wizard instead of being locked up in her room?"

"Hmm," he hummed and closed his eyes. "I've missed out seven years of her life, I want her to stay here because of how much time has passed without her actually being with me (her father). But now, I want her to make her own decisions without making her rely on me."

"Dad!" I cried and pulled away from Hisui, kneeling down to hug one of the most important men in my life. This may sound crazy, but this is the second time I've hugged him. Not being able to be seen with him for seven years and moving away for another seven years, it barely felt like I was his daughter.

"Terriuma, where did you go? Terriuma!" I cried as my little five year old feet carried me across the dense forest I entered from the edge of the desert, I was alone. The silence that surrounded me was the sound of horse hooves, "Huh?" I gasped loudly as a grand carriage came to a halt inches before my stature.

"Father, there's a girl, I think she's hurt!" A young girl, whom looked my age, her hair was short and a neutral, green color. "Are you okay?"

"Terriuma, she's gone!" I whimpered as she approached me, she looked very worried about the state I was in.

"Hisui, what happened?" A man, whom was a bit taller than I was, exited the carriage and spotted me. "Young girl, what're you doing out here alone?"

"My mother," I cried and hugged him. "My mother is gone!"

The banquet continued on as people began to dance together to the classical music, I stood there (still wearing in my old dress and Cobra's cloak) swaying side to side and hummed at the same tempo of the beat.

"Nana—I mean Princess," Freed stammered. "May I have this dance?" He held his hand out for me as his cheeks were a subtle pink color. "I know that I told you I don't have feelings for you anymore, but I still care about you. I'm really sorry about how rude I seemed—"

"Don't apologize," I held his hand and smiled widely at him. "I'm a little underdressed, but I can still dance."

"You're still beautiful like the day I met you," Freed complimented me as he rested his right hand on my waist and held my left hand.

"You're dancing with me because Laxus didn't want to dance, huh?" I giggled softly. "I know you have a liking for Laxus."

"It's more of a huge respect, but I admire him of course."

"Ow!" I winced in pain as he stepped on my foot (I was wearing slippers).

"I'm sorry, I was distracted," he panicked, but I ran my fingers through his hair, calming him immediately. "S-So, from the looks of it, you're with Rogue Cheney? When did it start?"

"I'm not really with him, it's more like an on and off thing we have going. We don't consider ourselves official, but he randomly shows affection as if we were a couple. I'm sorry if it bothers you, we can talk about something else if you want." The song came to an end as I curtsied all the way to the ground, which is the proper way instead of doing it half assed, and he bowed to me. He thanked me for the dance and wandered off, probably because of how awkward our conversation was.

"Nana!" Sting nudged me from behind, he startled me.

"I already told you, my name isn't Nana!" I felt my cheeks heat up from frustration. "Anyway, how's it?" I took a deep breath and spoke calmly to the white Dragon Slayer.

"I don't give a fuck if your name isn't Nana, that's what I've been calling you and I'm sticking to it. Oh yeah, have a drink with me!" He held up a large bottle of liquor, I recognized the name of the brand. That was some hardcore alcohol; Arcadios warned me about this and many other brands since they are a little too strong for a first drink, Sting of course wouldn't know this. "Come on!"

"I don't drink," I pushed the glass away with a nervous smile. "Seriously, Sting, I told you many times at the guild that I don't like alcohol."

"How could you not like it if you've never tried it?" He lifted a brow and began pouring the heavy liquor into the glasses that were being used to serve punch. "One glass, that's it. It'll be a good moment for us to share your first drink together."

"O-Okay," I stuttered as my hand began to shake from how nervous I was. I held the smooth glass against my lips, gulping down half of the glass and immediately handing it back to him. "I'm sorry, I'm not used to how it tastes."

"Don't worry, once you drink more, you get used to it. I don't want to push you any further, but let me know if you're up for another glass," Sting smiled at me as he leaned in and kissed my forehead. "It's good to have you back."

"Idiot," I blushed as he laughed sheepishly and wandered off, looking for another drinking buddy. "Sir Arcadios was right," I covered my mouth as I burped into the palm of my hand. "That is strong." Since that was my first drink, I'm really sensitive to the taste and effects it has on my body. I was then approached by Gray,

"Hey...Nana, would you care to—umm—dance with me?" He asked as his cheeks were a rosy pink color, but he wasn't making eye contact with me.

"Yeah," I cleared my throat if the brining alcohol. "I'd love to." I reached for his hand and held it out, rested my free hand on his shoulder.

"You okay?" He asked me as we took a step forward and backwards in an elegant manner. "Your cheeks are really red." I shook my head as I spotted Juvia watching us from behind a pillar, she looked kind of upset, but I knew she was just going through some stuff. "Don't mind her," he sighed heavily and pulled my closer to him. "Look, I know your dad wants you to leave Fairy Tail, but I really don't want you to. He said it's your choice, so I'm just saying...stay."

"Gray, look, I honestly don't know what I'm going to do. Now that I've reunited with Sabertooth, they really want me back. I made my decision of what I'm going to do when I found Rogue and Sting after the dragons disappeared—ah!" I squealed as I was sudden grabbed and spun backwards into someone else's arms. "Lyon!"

"My dearest Jolenta," he dipped me backwards and pulled me up again into a waltzing position. "May I have this dance?"

"You idiot, you stole my dance with her!" Gray stepped in as the two began to argue over me as I stood on the sidelines, sighing heavily and covered my face by using my hand like a visor, it was really embarrassing.

"Juvia wishes that my dearest Gray would fight over Juvia like that," Juvia sighed dreamily. "Don't worry though, Juvia knows you aren't a love rival."

"Thanks Juvia," I smiled softly at the water mage, she's just the sweetest person ever (except if you're a single woman who knows of Gray Fullbuster). It funny because I'm a single woman who knows of Gray, but she doesn't think of me as her love rival. "How come you think I'm not a love rival, I'm single and I know Gray."

"When my dear, Gray, saw you collapse in the arena, it hurt him a lot. He cried for you and of course Juvia got a little bit jealous; but, then I saw how the shadow Dragon Slayer (Rogue Cheney) reacted. He immediately jumped down to rescue you along with his friend. He held you on his lap for the longest time until they rushed you to our guild's infirmary, master denied him access to see you and it broke him. Gray, however, jumped down to catch Lucy, but Natsu was the one who actually cared for her. Juvia still sees her as a love rival, but that's only until Lucy can find someone," Juvia explained to me as she smiled widely at me, it warmed my heart. "You have someone who found you that's why, don't you see? Rogue Cheney, he found you."

"Let's not talk about that, I can assure you that we are just friends," I cleared my throat.

"So, Nana, what you're going to do. Are you going to stay in Fairy Tail?" Juvia looked at me with a soft grin.

"She should join our manly guild," Bacchus wrapped his arm around my shoulders and stared at me with hearts in his eyes. "How about it, babe?"

"Um, I—" I couldn't answer him, I was really nervous.

"I believe she should join Lamia Scale, her type of magic will thrive with us," Lyon bowed his head and growled at Bacchus.

"Blue Pegasus is definitely the guild for her," Hibiki, Ren, and Eve surrounded me as Bacchus tried his best to keep them away from me.

"I've already—" too many people were overwhelming me that I couldn't answer.

"She's coming to Mermaid Heel and that's final!" Kagura slurred.

"I've already made up my mind!" I shouted. "Please, don't argue again, I'm begging you. I've decided to join back with Sabertooth!" I announced as the guilds stared at me with wide eyes and I slipped out from under Bacchus' arm. "I love you, Fairy Tail, but I'm going back to Sabertooth. They're my second family and I love them too. When I first met them all, they wanted nothing to do with me and just put me off as the newbie of the guild. They're the ones that showed me who I am because over the years I've been there I have realized that I am a strong, independent, loving woman. Don't get me wrong, I'll still stop by and visit; if you need help on a job, I'll be there if I'm not busy. Laxus, if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have met them and I'm grateful that you came back for me because the timing was perfect." I walked over to the lightning Dragon Slayer and pulled him into a hug. I knew I was making the right choice and I knew they'd support me.


A/N: Sorry for the really late chapter (I started school and so far junior year hasn't killed me yet). I need to get a tutor for math analysis

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