The Great Hunt.

By Aaiden_skylar

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After finding out that they all posses magical abilities, 7 teens must survive being hunted by nightmares who... More

The Great Hunt.
Cluelessly safe
I hope you're right
Lyla's magic
Red moon
Sleeping beauty
Good To Be Back.
Of the chase.
Where's Brim?
Falcon's cavern.
What lies in the cards.
Guest Of Honor.

I'm a bullet

79 8 3
By Aaiden_skylar

" so are you gunna try to shoot me again cause I think I wanna rip out your throat now" kale said

"There're so many questions I wanna ask you" bookworm said

"Do I look like google ?" Kale responded

"Hold up I'm the douchie sarcastic one" Elliot muttered

" those girls are hunters, which obviously you should know already since everyone seems to call you bookworm, their also nightmares which you guys can't kill, to be honest instead of pointing your guns at kale you should probably be pointing them at yourselves. It's was also really dumb of you to try and protect these dreamers cause one their dumb and two they don't even know half of the power they have. How many days has it been and .... Is it only kale who has shown that he has powers. It's pathetic those kids would have been better off being kidnapped with their parents because if their with you by the end of next week they will all be choking on their own blood.... Is this what you wanted from me"

"Look split, I just need your help, and I know you wanna help cause if kale dies you die with him. So since we are all so stupid what exactly do you advise we do?"

" well first off I'd probably get your team to use their powers they are of no use if they don't know how to use them. Then I'd beat the nightmares to the museum on the red moon so that they don't get embers dagger"

"The red moon embers dagger, what - what is that ?" Elliot said

"You have no idea what's going on .... You really think, hunters would be going out of their way to collect kids of parents that made a deal, once they got the parents the children no longer matter.... But they still want them, wanna know why?"

"Stop with the games and just tell me" Elliot demanded

"Wow, you do have one angry side. Well let's just say that one of the fuckers in your little group of kiddies is the key to opening up a world of Demond's on to your world and this earth everyone's so interested in will be cut off from heaven forever every human will become a parasite and every dreamer will be killed .... Doesn't it sound fun ?"

"That can be true"

"What's the point of asking me for help if your not going to take it, to be honest I could care less about your team of corpses cause part of my deal with kale is that I can keep him safe can you keep up that deal with your kids" kale then collapsed to the ground he looked up again and his eyes were back to the calm light brown.

"No, split when is the red moon, split " Elliot yelled shaking kale

Bookworm kneeled down next to Elliot and pushed a book in his face.

"The red moon is tomorrow." Bookworm said frightened.


Elliot pulled kale into the room that the kids had all been sitting down watching the news. Elliot kicked over the tv and looked at all the kids. He pulled out two guns and pointed it at them all.

"Elliot what are you doing" Paige yelled

"Fight me!"

Elliot began to rapidly fire the gun at all the teens and they all began to run. Bookworm ran over and quickly pulled brim out of the way.

"Are you crazy" bookworm yelled as he pulled brim into a room and locked the door with him and her inside.

Wendy sneaked up behind Elliot and flew her foot up to kick him the back of his head but he quickly turned around and grabbed her leg.

"Faster next time" effortlessly he swong her towards a wall. Leon and Alphie ran to Elliot to attack him at the same time. Alphie grabbed both Elliot's hands from behind as Leon tried to grab the guns out of Elliot's hands using only Elliot wrapped his legs completely around Leon's neck and began to choke him he then twisted his legs throwing Leon aside and then loosened alphies grip and flipped his entire body backward now standing behind Alphie. He then quickly kicked Alphie in the ass causing Him to fall down three stairs.

" A word of advice, I am a bullet and your hands can't stop bullets but your powers can maybe you should use em"

Alphie got up looking at Elliot suddenly both of Elliot's guns flew out his hands. Elliot looked behind him and Leon was looking at him exactly the same way Alphie was and in an instant he flew across the room crashing into a bookshelf.

"Go into the back room he yelled to the two boys" the boys listened and exited the room.

"Two down five to go"

Wendy got up off the ground and looked at Elliot who was standing over her with a gun pressed to her head.

"You can use your powers now" a tear fell from one of Wendy's eyes and once it hit the ground it combusted into a flame that spread all around Wendy. She got up and as she did the flames got stronger, brighter, and bigger. Elliot listened to the growling of the flames and smiled.

"That's enough go to the back room" Wendy continued to look at Elliot with the roaring flames surrounding her " Wendy go to the back room" finally Elliot caught Wendy's attention, the flames calmed down and she did as she was told.

Under Elliot's feet a vine wrapped around his legs he looked over to see kale and Paige he picked up his gun and shot the vines off his legs.

"A vine is that the best you two can do"

"Not exactly" from behind the two a gaint Venus fly trap stood tall 20 feet off the ground it faced Elliot and let out and enormous roar then it slowly shrunk back to a tiny plant.

"Go to the back" he said to them

"Tanner ... Kellum, where are you guys" Kellum popped out from behind a book shelf

"Where is she" he yelled "where's brim" he lifted his hands and Elliot lifted off the ground as invisible hands began to choke him. He began gasping for air. "I swear if you hurt her, what kind of cousin are you"

"In ..... The Room ... With worm ....she's with bookworm" Elliot muttered. Kellum then let Elliot fall to the floor and began to walk over to the room.

Elliot got up and realized tanner under a table. He smiled and picked up his gun. He got up and pushed the table over.

"Your the last one tan, go ahead use your powers show me what you can do" Elliot waited for something to happen but nothing did. " what ... Nothing .... Let me inspire you" Elliot lifted his gun and pointed it at tanner . Kellum turned around and watched as tanner looked down frightened. Elliot began to slowly pull the trigger and Kellum ran over and stood over tanner.

"Kellum move" Elliot demanded, tanner got up and stood behind Kellum.

"I promise I'm not going to shoot him to kill him just to get his powers flowing"

"That's stupid I won't let you hurt him" tanner put his hand on kellums shoulder and Kellum lifted his hand to force the gun out of Elliot's hand but instead the room began to get windy all the books on the bookshelf began to fall off the shelfs suddenly a grey tornado formed around the two boys the other kids ran out of the room to see the shocking twister that stood in the middle of the room. The twister was humongous but didn't seem to work like normal tornadoes because it's force wasn't that strong suddenly it slowly disappeared. Once it was gone Kellum collapsed to the floor.

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