Supernatural One Shots (Mostl...

By paigeinastory

53.2K 1.1K 99

All in the title everyone. XOXO Disclaimer: I do not own this character, Supernatural does but I take full ow... More

Hello Part One.
I Miss Her Too.
No More Hiding.
You Don't Love Me.
Black And White
PDA. Please Don't Anywhere.
Those Were The Days.
Look At The Time.
Hello Part Two.
How About No?
Be Mine; Jensen x reader
Sick and Tired
It Just Had To Be Them.
A Mother's Love Never Fades
Be Mine Part Two
True Love
Big Brother.
Be Mine; Part Three
Back And Forth
I'm The Princess.
Round And Round.
Sick Sister
What Makes Us And Breaks Us.
Water Under The Bridge; Part Three
Risk It All.
Just What You Needed To See.
Dean Imagine Part 1.
Dean Imagine PART TWO.
Welcome To My World.
Dean Imagine.
Harder Than It Looks.
Anything For The Princess.
One Good Man; Jensen x reader
A Lot To Be Thankful for.
House Full Of Girls.
You Give Love A Bad Name. Demon!Dean x reader
Not Really Okay.
Out Like That
Baby's First Christmas Eve.
Back To December
Tale As Old As Time
Mommy Was Kissing Santa Clause!
He's My Demon. Demon!dean x demon!reader
Nobody Love. Rock star!Dean x reader AU
Dean drabble #1
A Walk To Remember. Young!dean x reader
Sink Or Swim
Family Is Family.
Mr. Fizzles Strikes Again.
Think Of Me. Dean Winchester AU
All I Ask.
Love Runs Out.
Spring Baby.
Picture Perfect.
On the First Day...
Rabbit Hole.
If You're Happy...
Dean Imagine
Harvest Moon Jensen Ackles x reader
His Name Was Jack. PART ONE.
The One With the Nap Partners
You Were My Only Sunshine
Imagine You get hurt on a hunt and Jack is afraid of healing you.
Bitter Sweet.
Get Over Here
Supernatural Imagine.
We've Met Before
Supernatural Imagine
Wedding of the Century; Dean x reader
Supernatural Imagine

What I Never Knew I Always Wanted

692 21 0
By paigeinastory

Dean helped you to the impala and you made sure he grabbed the packed bag and you promised Sam on your way out the door you would keep him updated that as much as possible. Dean also told him that if things slowed down once they got you settled in the hospital that he would swing by and pick him up.

Sam thought that was a good deal and he wished both of you luck. Once Dean was satisfied with you in the passenger seat he ran to the other side of the impala and piled in the driver seat and started the engine. On the road Dean could see from the corner of his eye you were fidgeting uncomfortably in your seat a little bit due to the pain you were experiencing.

Dean put you his hand out for you hold and to squeeze as hard as you wanted to even before they got to the hospital. You gladly took his hand and relaxed your grasp a little when the painful contraction passed. "That was a big one." You say exhaling, relieved the one of the many was over.

"We're not far from the hospital now, sweetheart." Dean said rubbing his thumb over your hand. "That's good." You say rubbing your swollen belly. Dean also saw that you looked a little scared. "Babe, are you alright? You look a little white?" Dean asked concerned over a little thing that concerned you.

"Oh I'm just a little nervous at over how everything is so fast and now we are on our way to the hospital and I am supposed to give birth and I.." You didn't have to say no more. Dean brought your hand up to his lips and he kissed it. "Y/N, I know you are scared and believe me I am scared too. I know you remember all of the nights you woke up to me just lying awake worrying over the baby in the early stages of your pregnancy but there is one thing I learned through all of this." Dean said still driving.

"Is that you can be scared all you want but being scared is the love that you have and you are going to do great. I just know it." Dean told you from the bottom of his heart. "You've only learned one thing?" Was what you had to say. Dean cocked an eyebrow at your comment and you began laughing at the face he was making.

"You know I am just kidding with you, Dean. We've both learned a lot in these nine months." You say in all seriousness. "True that." Dean said turning onto the intersection that would take you to the hospital. It was a matter of a couple of minutes you were already at the hospital. Dean got out first and had a nurse bring a wheelchair for you.

"Are you ready, Mrs. Winchester?" The nurse asked you on your way into the hospital. "I am as ready as I ever will be." You say smiling. "I know you and your husband have to be excited." She said wheeling you down the hallway to your room.

"Very." You say as yet another contraction hit you. "Ooh gosh." You say in the middle of it. "Are you having a contraction, Mrs. Winchester?" The nurse asking you by the facial expressions you were making. "Y-yes." You nutter loud enough for her. The nurse wasn't going to move you unless the contraction was over.

Dean came in your room while you were still having a contraction. "D-Dean." You say reaching for him and making a grabby hand at him. Dean came right over to you and mouthed to the nurse if you were having a contraction. The nurse just nodded her head yes. Dean knelt down in front of you and asked if you were alright.

You didn't say anything until your contraction was over which wasn't too long after that. Dean and along with the nurse helped you onto the bed. The nurse did her job and got you hooked up to everything and told you that everything looks good and that doctor should be with you shortly.

Dean sat on a chair on the side of the bed. You both thanked the nurse as she left and went onto her other patients and she left you and Dean alone. "How are you feeling, baby?" Dean asked after the nurse closed the door behind her. "I'm feeling okay for right now. Those big contraction are killer though." You admitted glumly.

"Well, I know I wouldn't be able to do all of this like you could so that means you are stronger than me." Dean said to you trying to make you feel better. "Dean we've all known that for a long time." You say giggling slightly. "Oh that's fine I am just trying to be a supportive husband over here and you shoot me down every time I say something." Dean says overreacting a tad bit.

"Are you going to be okay, Dean?" You would ask him this all the time. And Dean always had the same response. "I don't think so." He said shaking his head pretending to act serious, which enhanced you to laugh more. "Hey, after the doctor comes to see me you should got get Sam." You say meaning it.

"Oh I don't know baby we just got here and everything and I don't really want to leave and to be honest I don't want to lose our parking spot." Dean said biting the bottom of his lip. You just shake your head and you tell him that you'll have to go get his butt up here eventually.

Dean said he knows but he really admitted that he didn't want to miss a moment of you and the baby. You smiled at him but you told he really should. Dean didn't want to argue with you and he also knew you wouldn't stop bugging him about it until he got up and did it.

Dean got up from his chair and he told you he would be back soon and that you should rest. You said you would try but you added it would be rather difficult due to the contractions. Dean said to try your best and he walked out of the door.

Dean ran the speed limit over more than ten miles but was pleasantly surprised when he didn't get pulled over by a cop. Dean honked the horn when he got there and he had called Sam in advance that he was on his way and to be ready when he gets there. Sam reassured his brother that he would be.

Sam ran up the stairs and ran to the over side of the impala and once Sam was in, Dean was off again. "Whoa man you are driving like a speed demon." Sam noticed how Dean's clenched the steering wheel and the fact that his knuckles were white as snow.

Dean gave him one of his looks and kept driving, he couldn't deny to his younger brother that he was nervous because that would be lying but when has Dean ever not lied to Sam anyway? The rest of the ride remained in silence and then Dean was close to the hospital Sam looked at Dean and said.

"Y/N and the baby are going to do great, Dean and I know you will too." Dean just looked at his brother and nodded his head and he clapped Sam on the shoulder. Dean eventually found another parking spot and he was set on keeping that spot.

Sam and Dean walked up to the front door and Dean led him to your room. Dean walked in the door with Sam close behind him and you looked half-asleep but then you heard the door you woke up and sat up a little a bit. "Oh I'm sorry we didn't mean to wake you." Dean said rubbing your shoulders as he took his seat again.

"I was only half-asleep but its okay. Hey Sam, how are you?" You say looking up at him groggily. He knelt down and kissed you on the top of the head and hugged you a little. "Oh I'm fine. How are you?" Sam asked curious. "I'm okay." You say shrugging your shoulders.

Sam remained standing while Dean kept sitting when the doctor came in to see you. "Y/N! Hello! How are you? And Dean it is good to see you!" The doctor smiled bright and cheery and shook Dean's hand. "Doctor, this is my younger brother Sam." Dean directed the Doctor to Sam who was right behind him.

"Sam! It is good to meet you." The doctor gladly shook Sam's hand. Then the doctor diverted his attention towards you. "Now, Y/N how are you feeling?" The doctor headed in the direction of the sink in your room. "I am feeling alright." You say as he dried his hands and slipped a pair of gloves on.

"Let me get a feel of where we are at and then I'll see." The doctor came over to your bed and put a hand under your gown. "You are a few centimeters dilated. I would say four or five? So you are half way there my dear!" The doctor told you.

"I am going to have a nurse come in periodically and check up on you and to see how far along but we really know when the contractions get closer together." He said seeing the face you were making. "I thought I was more along than that." You admitted shocked at the doctor's opinions.

"Its alright but just rest up, Y/N because before you even know it you will have to push that baby out. Okay?" The doctor said seriously. "Okay." You say to the doctor as he went back to the sink and washed his hands again. "A nurse will be in here to check in on you in a little while." Dean stood up again and the doctor shook his hand and Sam and also told Sam it was nice meeting him again.

"The doctor seems nice enough." Sam says after he was out the door and gone. "He is great." You say for you and Dean both. "I am a little surprised at how are far you are along too, Y/N." Dean said speaking up for the first time. "I know right?" You say right before baby Conner kicked you in the ribs.

"Ouch." You hissed in pain as you out a hand over your rib cage. "Are you alright?" Dean asked with eyes widening. "I'm fine its just Conner." You say relaxing a little bit after he stopped  kicking you. "I know you want out but Conner, you need to stop causing Mommy so much pain." Dean said talking to your belly.

You just laughed and you had Dean lean down so you could kiss him. At that point in the day it was around 10:30 a.m. when you first got to the hospital. Now it was 2:30 p.m. and you last saw a nurse at around 12:30 pm. You were starting to get a little cranky which was understandable because you wanted the baby out now but instead you were tired and in a lot of pain.

And Dean was having a hard time stay awake. Dean himself hasn't been sleeping good at night with you not sleeping so it causes Dean to lose sleep as well. Dean was literally falling asleep in his chair but with the other half of his body on the bed, and holding your hand.

While, Sam on the other hand found a chair and sat on his phone making phone calls about the baby and updating everyone for the both of you.

Then you felt on of the worst contractions yet. You tried biting your tongue to keep you from screaming out but you did let out a little grunt here and there. You were frustrated. You didn't mean to you but ou squeezed Dean's hand as a knee jerk reaction from the pain.

Dean sat up right away and called out a what and a huh and then he realized he was with you in the hospital because of the baby. "Y/N? What's wrong?" Dean said looking over at you and your scrunched up face. "It just hurst everywhere right now , D-dean." You managed to get out.

"Here let me help." Dean had you sit up and began giving you one of the best back rubs ever. You actually sighed in relief because Dean was taking  some of the pain away with that. You even moaned a little. In a matter of seconds the Doctor rushed in there.

"I am so sorry I am here so late, the nurse that last came to you told me that after that you would soon be ready and I asked when she cam and she said two hours so I think you are ready to push, Y/N." The doctor said frantically. "You here that, Y/N? You're going to start pushing soon and then Conner will be here with us." Dean said smiling like an idiot and wiping your sweaty bangs from your face and stroked your forehead with his thumb which made you smile.

The doctor had Sam get out and then the magic happened. It took a few pushed but with encouragement from Dean and the Doctor Conner was out in a matter of minutes. Dean had his first Dad moment when he cut the ubiblical cord and then the baby was put on her chest.

You got to have Conner on your chest for a few moments and just hearing him cry and breathe made you cry and Dean's eyes filled with tears too. Now you were officially a family. Later after Conner was cleaned up and had his feet prints done, you and Dean were in your room.

You remained on the bed, holding your little baby boy and Dean was back in the chair. You were just looking down and admiring the beautiful child you and Dean created together .

"Y/N, I-I want to tell you something before I forget." Dean said looking up at you for once. You took your eyes off the baby for one moment and asked what is it.

"I never pictured myself with a wife let alone a child and I never knew that this is what I always wanted but I am very glad it is with you." Dean said looking at you lovingly in the eyes. That brought tears of joys brimming from your eyes. "Oh Dean, I love you so much." You say kissing him.

"I love you too, Y/N." Dean said after your smooch.

The End!

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