Fallen Angel

By xMishx

387K 25K 705

As the son of the devil, Brannon Dremain has lived a life that was filled with happiness; he's never wanted f... More

Part One: Falling Into Hell
Chapter 1: Brannon
Chapter 2: Emily
Chapter 3: Brannon
Chapter 4: Emily
Chapter 5: Brannon
Chapter 6: Emily
Chapter 7: Brannon
Chapter 8: Emily
Chapter 9: Brannon
Chapter 10: Emily
Chapter 11: Brannon
Chapter 12: Emily
Chapter 13: Brannon
Chapter 14: Emily
Chapter 15: Brannon
Chapter 16: Emily
Chapter 17: Brannon
Chapter 18: Emily
Chapter 19: Brannon
Chapter 20: Emily
Chapter 21: Brannon
Chapter 22: Emily
Chapter 23: Brannon
Chapter 24: Emily
Chapter 25: Brannon
Chapter 26: Emily
Chapter 27: Brannon
Chapter 28: Emily
Chapter 29: Brannon
Chapter 30: Emily
Part Two: Monster In The Dark
Chapter 31: Brannon
Chapter 32: Emily
Chapter 33: Brannon
Chapter 34: Emily
Chapter 35: Brannon
Chapter 36: Emily
Chapter 37: Brannon
Chapter 38: Emily
Chapter 39: Brannon
Chapter 40: Emily
Chapter 41: Brannon
Chapter 42: Emily
Chapter 43: Brannon
Chapter 44: Emily
Chapter 45: Brannon
Chapter 46: Emily
Chapter 47: Brannon
Chapter 48: Emily
Chapter 49: Brannon
Chapter 50: Emily
Chapter 51: Brannon
Chapter 52: Emily
Chapter 53: Brannon
Chapter 54: Emily
Chapter 55: Brannon
Chapter 56: Emily
Chapter 57: Brannon
Chapter 58: Emily
Chapter 59: Brannon
Chapter 60: Emily
Part three: King of Death
Chapter 61: Brannon
Chapter 62: Emily
Chapter 63: Brannon
Chapter 64: Emily
Chapter 65: Brannon
Chapter 66: Emily
Chapter 67: Brannon
Chapter 68: Emily
Chapter 69: Brannon
Chapter 71: Brannon
Chapter 72: Emily
Chapter 73: Brannon
Chapter 74: Emily
Chapter 75: Brannon
Chapter 76: Emily
Chapter 77: Brannon
Chapter 78: Emily
Chapter 79: Brannon
Chapter 80: Emily
Chapter 81: Brannon
Chapter 82: Emily
Chapter 83: Brannon
Chapter 84: Emily
Chapter 85: Brannon
Chapter 86: Emily
Chapter 87: Brannon
Chapter 88: Emily
Chapter 89: Brannon
Chapter 90: Emily
Those fifteen or more years later....
The end

Chapter 70: Emily

3.4K 233 15
By xMishx

Brannon didn't know it just yet, but that spike lock that I'd jammed into his foot was gone. I'd gone against the orders to keep it in there until the meeting was over. I did it so that if he had to run, he could. I wanted him free, not caged.

They had agreed that so long as he had the spike lock in him, they wouldn't cuff him. I'd had to negotiate that one, Michael was determined to get his own way and made the entire negotiation difficult. I could understand why the devil wasn't his greatest fan.

We appeared in the reception area of the building rather than the devil's office, I wanted Brannon to ease himself into being back home. The receptionist smiled at us.

"Hey Bran, good to see you home again."

"Thanks Nolia."

"For what it's worth, we're on your side. The demons know and understand and if you want an uprising, then you just need to say the word. We'll be there for you."

She smiled again, turning to the door that opened. The devil stood at the doorway, a little shocked and a looking rather relieved. He walked over and engulfed Brannon in a hug, it had to be the sweetest thing I'd ever seen the devil do. Even the affection that I'd seen him give his wife wasn't as loving as this.

Of course, Brannon looked embarrassed. I turned to the receptionist who looked at them, ready to gush at how adorable it was. Then Michael stepped out of the office and ruined everything.

"I've got better things to be doing then waiting for you two to stop with the theatrics."

Why had I gone to him for help? Did I really think that there was no one else that I could have turned to? Even Gabriel would have been a better choice. But I'd followed the whispers, I was lead to him which made me wonder who it was that had done that. Maybe it was Michael all along. Maybe he wanted me to go to him rather than someone else. It seemed that yet again, I'd been played.

"I've been played. Do you think he's behind this?"

The devil looked at me curiously then shook his head.

"This isn't Michael's style. There is someone else behind this and is using him as the scapegoat. After all, he is who we would all assume is behind this. But no, I do not think that Michael is wholly responsible. In fact, I think he's being played too."

That was an interesting thought, that maybe there was someone else that was involved. It was natural to assume that Michael would want this, that yet again he had done all that he could to make those who lived in hell behave.

We walked into the office, Nick and Cerberus were gone. Instead there was a top level deus angel to oversee everything. Her glowing robes floated to the floor, a scroll sat to one side of her with a quill ready to take notes of what was said. She looked at me like I was nothing to her which was not unusual.

"Alright, let's get this over and done with, shall we?" Michael said, standing beside the other angel.

The devil sat on one side of Brannon, me on the other. As for his mother, I'd heard the devil mutter that having her near Michael again wasn't exactly ideal. Something about fire pokers was muttered even lower. I knew that she'd impaled him with one just after Brannon's birth but I thought that their issues had been resolved. I guess not, considering Michael's insistence on his involvement in the current issue.

"We the people." Michael began.

"Sorry." I interrupted. "But what people?"

"Heaven." He said, looking as if he thought I should know that.

I did. I was just being difficult.

"And how is that fair if this is just a representation of the angels? What about the demons, don't they get a say as well?"

Michael glared at me, his lips twisted in derision.

"We do not have time to form a panel of demons."

"Yes we do." I said. "The devil can have them here in seconds."

His lips pressed thinly and then he rolled his eyes.

"Fine. Anton, form a panel of five unbiased demons."

"Are the angels unbiased?" I asked.

"Of course they are!" He spat angrily.

"So, where are they then?"

Five angels appeared against the side wall, looking at the devil with fear and then to me with contempt. I was such a lucky girl.

"I'd like to interview the angels."

"I beg your pardon." Michael said, shocked.

"Well how do we know they are unbiased?"

I stood and walked to the first angel.

"What do you think of the devil?"

"A monster." He said with a haughty attitude.

I nodded and moved to the next one.

"And what do you think of the son of the devil?"

"An abomination."

Accepting the statement from the woman, I moved to number three.

"And you, what do you think of hell?"

"I try not to." She said with a derisive sniff. "I find being here rather taxing on my goodness, this place is horrid."

"Okay then. Number four, what do you think about the demons?"

"Vile creatures."

Nodding as I moved to the last of the panellists, I smiled sweetly at him.

"Tell me what you think of the so called crimes that were purportedly committed by the son of the devil."

"Oh objection!" Michael snapped.

"Sorry, did I say something wrong?"

"He did it; we all know he did."

"And how do you know that? Do you have witnesses?"

Michael's mouth hung open, staring at me.

"There weren't any witnesses so I guess there is no proof of who did it." I said smugly, then I turned back to the last angel. "Answer my question."

"I believe he did it."

"Even without proof?"

He nodded warily, looking at Michael.

"That's great, you're all disqualified."

"You can't do that." Michael snapped.

"Yes I can. They are all biased towards the devil and his dominion. They have already formed an opinion against the son of the devil and believe that he did the crimes without any evidence. They cannot sit on this panel."

Michael waved his hand angrily, the angels left.

"I might add that you haven't even allowed for character references, you've set this up in an office with yourself as the judge and a biased one I might add and you've already determined the outcome. Where is the evidence? Where are the witnesses? I see nothing but a man determined to get this over and done with so that he can leave. You know that the nature of this place has to be whole and sturdy, this is heaven's waiting room. Souls come here to be judged by our kind and it would not do our worlds any good for this place to be in a state of disrepair. With its inhabitants feeling morose and locked within these layers, it would be as bad as the lower layers. What would a worthy soul be like when they appeared in our world, traumatised by what they endured in this level? What you are doing is contrary to our beliefs."

I smiled at Michael.

"I call for a vote of no confidence in the archangel Michael, protector of heaven, leader of the army of God."

I raised my hand, turning to see the devil and Brannon had done it just as fast. He growled as he narrowed his eyes at me, lunging until a sturdy hand gripped his shoulder. I could understand his anger, a vote of no confidence against him meant that he couldn't stay for any future proceedings against Brannon. I'd effectively kicked him out and the poor darling wasn't happy.

"Michael, fall back." The deep voice commanded.

Settling back, Michael rolled his eyes.

"What a surprise."

"Hmm. I think so. Considering that you thought that I'd be in Faelen for a week. Funny how you had magically booked a holiday and then couldn't go due to other commitments."

Gabriel smiled as his hand pressed firmly, making Michael wince.

"Imagine my surprise when I was offered a free holiday in another dimension, one that is relatively hard to get into, even if the visitor is a deity. I was almost there; I was at the gates waiting to venture into a holiday that would see me completely cut off from this world. Rather curious situation really. See Michael, you made a fatal flaw with picking Faelen, they questioned the holiday papers."

He leaned into his ear, whispering with a smug smile.

"You should have picked a dimension that wasn't so stringent with their visiting laws."

"I was gifted the holiday Gabriel; it was not of my doing. You know why I could not take it, I told you that I had been summoned to appear."

He looked at me derisively.

"That was nothing to do with any of these events. A parcel appeared with all of the tickets and details enclosed. The letter said that I had the opportunity to take the holiday in Faelen but the dates were not transferable."

Michael paused for a moment, frowning.

"Someone wanted me gone?"

"No," The devil interrupted. "You did exactly as they expected. Knowing that you had been summoned to appear, the person knew that you would hand the holiday over to someone else."

Everyone looked at Gabriel who shrugged.

"The word is not needed for all meetings but the protector is. I was permitted to leave for the holiday and Michael wasn't. I think you are both right, my dear brothers. I think that someone has played us all for chumps."

Gabriel turned to the angel that was recording everything down.

"I am sure that if Brannon did do the crimes in question, he has learned his lesson and won't do it again. Because if I'm not mistaken, the object of his affection has a path ahead, one that is approved by those above her and all that Brannon has ever asked is that he be allowed to be with his love. Heaven is not bowing down to the demands of the son of the devil because Emily has been able to find an alternative and therefore we have no need to intervene any longer. This matter is over with and Michael, you may leave now. I would suggest that you investigate who is responsible and yes, that is the word."

Michael pressed his lips together in a long thin line as he narrowed his eyes at Gabriel. He wasn't impressed but there was no malice. Slowly he faded into the air, the deus angel followed shortly after him and left us with just one man. The saviour who had everyone's best interest at heart. Gabriel turned to me, his amused smile made me laugh.

"You are just too perfect for this world Emily. You've got guts to go against a superior and for that I am sure there are many, if not then maybe one who are incredibly grateful. You will be always welcome to visit but maybe call first."

His grin deepened as I laughed again.

"Good luck Emily."

Gabriel turned to Brannon.

"Behave yourself young man, you got away with this because of one bright woman who dared to stand up to those who ruled her life. I hope you appreciate it because if she didn't then you would have been at Michael's mercy and he wasn't prepared to offer anything to you."

Brannon nodded, looking rather relieved.

"Anton, lunch on Thursday?"

"Yes, Sarah's had our son."

The devil stood, walking out the door with Gabriel as the two of them talked about having lunch together as if it was nothing.

I was amazed, watching them as they left. The devil had suggested that Gabriel joined him at the castle to meet the child while he was here. I found it rather perplexing that the devil and Michael clashed constantly yet he was best friends with Gabriel.

Turning back to Brannon, I wrapped my arms around his waist as he engulfed me in a hug.

"You were amazing. I will always be grateful to you."

"It was my pleasure and I say that with a lot of sincerity because it really was. I realised that I was just a pawn and it angered me, what they were doing. Because it wasn't Michael, even though I thought it might be. Someone else was behind this scheme and I hope that Michael will be able to find them to ensure that justice is served. Now I have just one request of you before we discuss the future."

"Sure." Brannon said with a smile. "Name what you want."

"Don't ever do that again."

He laughed, engulfing me in another hug.

"I can do that."

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