I've Got Another Confession T...

By SpaceyPrissy89

22K 1K 361

Brittany got a part in a movie but what she really wants to do is be in a band. While out with her new friend... More

1. Coffee Bean
2. Oh Make Me Over!
3. Meeting The Guys
4. Goodbye Earl...I Mean Isaiah
5. There Goes My Hero...
6. A Social Blast, Chaotic Master
7. I'm Looking To The Sky.....
8. Big Me To Talk About It...
9. Something That I Felt Today.......
10. Pin Me Down....Show Me How...
11. Came Without A Warning
12. Give Me Some Rope I'm Coming Loose
13. Being Happy Is All That Matters
14. You're Gonna Be Stars!
15. Jump Forward
16. I Found My Family
17. ...But It's You I Fell Into
18. There You Go Making Me Fall In Love Again
19. I'm Here And I'm On The Mend
20. Didn't Lay Down And Die
21. No Way Back From Here
22. Another Day Has Come And Gone
23. Oh Cinderella, They Aren't Sluts Like You
24. Out On The Road
25. With A Little Help From My Friends
26. Dancing With The Spirits In The Square
27. One Big Happy Family
28. Pretty Eyed, Pirate Smile, You'll Marry A Music Man
29. Moving On Up
30. It's My Party And I'll Cry If I Want To
31. One's On The Way
32. It's A..............
33. It's In His Kiss
34. Home Sweet Home
35. Yankee Doodle Sweetheart
36. Letter From The Past
37. Scotty Doesn't Know
38. Come On Baby Drive Me Wild
39. Say Cheese!
40. License To Drive
41. I Got You Babe
42. And The Beat Goes On
43. Can't Keep My Hands Off You
44. I Should Have Known
45. Can't You Hear My Motored Heart
46. You're The One That Started It
47. Welcome To Peace Punk
48. I Forgot To Mention...
49. Say Yes To The Dress
50. Birthday Girl
51. Dressed To Kill
52. Let There Be Cake
54. I Do!!!!!!!
55. Introducing Mr. And Mrs. Dave Grohl
56. Unwrapping
57. Back To Normal
58. We're Having Another Baby
59. Cold Day In The Sun
60. On The Mend
61. Catching Up
62. I Think I'm Crazy
63. I'm Coming Clean
64. Alone + Easy Target
65. Home Sweet.......Trouble
66. Crisis Adverted
67. Sassy Bean
68. Baby Eric
69. Second And Actual Birthday
70. Face Off
71. Meeting Baby Ollie
72. Mission Completed
73. Here Goes Nothing
74. Drunken Kisses
75. When You Come Back To Me Again
76. At The Park, In The Back Of My Car
77. Beach Wedding
78. Chevy Reception
79. Fluffy Tour Fluff
80. This Is How Dirty Girls Get Clean
81. Thanks For The Line
82. Don't Call Me Babe
83. Fist City
84. Tour After Tour
85. The Tonight Show
86. Break A Leg!
87. Abby's Shower!
88. Joy To The World
89. Spooky Valentine
90. Grunge Grandchild
91. The Last Of The Baby Grohls
92.Making Up My Mind
93. Tell Me We're Cute!
94. That's A Wrap!
95. That's It, That's All!
96. 5 Years And Going Strong
97. Squish The Bug Once And For All
98. Singing In The Rain
99. Need Some Love
100. I've Had A Life That's Good

53. First Birthday

141 9 5
By SpaceyPrissy89

2 1/2 Weeks Later

Dave had out done himself on this birthday party. There was princess decorations and superhero ones too. He had gotten four cakes but we had 5 in total. Two small ones, one for each twin and three medium sized ones. One had a Batman theme to it while another one was a Frozen theme. The last one was the one I had made that plainly said "Happy 1st Birthday Kurt and Meredith!" There was 3 pinatas, two for the kids and one for the adults. Dave had invited my dad, Judith, Vera and Adele to come stay with us for the twins first birthday and they accepted. They would be leaving tomorrow but they'd be back for the wedding in 3 months.

"Babe should we get the cakes?" Dave asked as he came up to me. I was standing talking to Courtney and Frances.

"I guess. I'll be back ladies,' I said as we headed into the house.

"I'm glad you talked me out of Spiderman. Batman is better," Dave said as he pulled out Kurt's cake and put it on the counter.

"You went overboard on cake," I said as I took Meredith's Frozen cake out of the fridge. Dave and I switched positions so he could get the cake I made.

"Well you insisted on making one yourself. It looks good though," He said as he put it on the counter.

"I can't believe my babies are a year old today," I said and stuck put my bottom lip.

"I know. We met two years ago too," Dave replied as he took out the small cakes for Kurt and Meredith to smash and eat themeselves.

"Atleast my dad, step mom and sisters came out. Vera and Adele have been playing with them non stop since they got here," I said with a smile. Dave wrapped his arms around me and put his head on my shoulders.

"No comment on what I said?" he asked as he kissed my shoulder.

"I have no idea when the hell we met," I responded.

"June 3, 2 years ago tomorrow," he said as he let go of me and walked over to the door.

"Taylor, Chris, Pat and Nate, I need help," Dave called out the door. I put a candle on each of the little cakes and the spraklers in the cake I made. The guys walked into the kitchen as I finished.

"Taylor take Batman, Chris Frozen, Nate and Pat take the little cakes and I'll take the sparkler one," Dave said as I lit both sparklers. They picked up the cakes and headed outside with the cakes. I lit the candles and headed outside with Pat and Nate.

"Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear Kurt and Meredith. Happy birthday to you," everyone sang as Nate and Pat put the small cakes in front of Kurt and Meredith.

They where confused what was going on but they laughed when everyone clapped. Dave and I where on either side of them trying to get them tob low out the candles. Eventually Dave and I just blew the candles out ourselves and took the candles out. Kurt and Meredith both put their hands in the cakes as soon as we got the candles out and started "eating" the cake. Kurt reached in for a fourth handful and instead of eating it, he put his hand on Dave's face. Everyone started laughing.

"I hope you got that on tape," I said as I turned to look at Hunter and he gave me a thumbs up.

"Kurt you eat the cake not put it in my face," Dave said as he tried wiping it off as he stood up.

Taylor and Abby went to cutting the cakes for the kids and adults to eat. They barely touched the cake I made. When I saw there was cake left after everyone had a piece, I decided to be a trouble maker. I picked up a handful of cake as Chris watched me. I put ym finger to my lip so he wouldn't say anything and I walked over to Dave, who had a clean face by now. I leaned over and looked at his face.

"Why hello," he said, surprised it was me.

"I think you missed some cake baby," I said as I looked at him.

"Where?" he asked.

"Right here," I said and put the cake in his face. Taylor, Nate and Pat started alughing as I ran away. Chris was laughing to as I passed him.

"You're gonna get it when I catch you," Dave said as I ran into the pool house. I was cornered. Fuck!

"I got you now," Dave said as he entered the pool house and closed the door. He walked intot he room I was in and I noticed he had cake in his hand.

"David Eric Grohl you wouldn't," I said as he came closer.

"It's only fair babe,"he said as he grabbed me around the waist and covered my face in cake.

"I hate you," I said once he was finished.

"I love you too beautiful," He said before kissing me. Hard to be mad at him when he does that.

"Not fair. I have cake in my hair," I said once we pulled apart.

"You got it in mine," he responded with.

"Yours is shorter than mine. I have to go shower," I said and left the pool house. We both walked out and saw everyone was throwing cake around.

"Look what you started," Dave said as we headed back to where everyone was throwing cake.

Frances came up to me and threw cake at me. I ran over and grabbed some cake and chased her to the pool. I threw it at her before she jumped into the pool. I jumped in after her and we started splashing each other. Before we knew it, everyone was in the pool with us, except Jordyn and Dave who had taken the twins to get clean.

Once most of the guests, the wives and ex wives left with the kids and the twins where in bed Dave brought out the final pinata.

"There's adult beverages in here," He said as he hung it up. Frances, Abby and I all looked at each other and smiled. We where already kind of tipsy at this point. Besides us, Taylor, Nate, Chris, Pat, and Josh where here. We all gathered around where Dave hung the pinata as he went to get the stick the kids had used earlier.

"Why is the adult one Spongebob Squarepants?" I asked as Dave handed the stick to me.

"Because it's the one you picked out," Dave said as he covered my eyes with a blindfold. "I'm gonna spin you now and then we're all gonna run away so you don't hit us." He spun me around a few time sand then I heard him run away. I swung a few times and gave up.

"My turn," Frances said as she came over and took the stick. I took the blind fold off and put it on her andspun her around. I ran over to Dave and watched as she tried to hit the pinata.

"Ok let me show you how this is done," Josh said as he walked up to Frances and took the blind fold off of her.

Frances put it on Josh and spun him around alot and ran voer to me and Dave. Dave had put his arm around me when I ran over to him after I attempted to hit the pinata. Josh broke the pinata open and Frances and I cheered. We all ran over and grabed the little plastic bottles of alcohol. We lit a fire and sat around it drinking our little bottles. We had started playing truth or dare.

"Britt, truth or dare?" Josh asked me.

"Dare," I said in a flirty tone. Josh tended to do that to the ladies.

"I dare you to jump into the pool naked," Josh said as he looked at me.

"Why does everyone make my girl do the sexy dares. Abby can do them too," Dave said, clearly upset as I stood up.

"Abby has done them," Taylor said in defense.

"Baby it's fine. You want me to jump in the pool naked. Done," I said as I took my shirt off and threw it at Josh. I hadn't put a bra on after I changed out of my wet cothes and had a quickie with Dave in the shower.

I ran about half way between the firepit and the pool and took off my pj pants. Dave and Josh where both following me. I ran to the pool and jumped in as Dave picked up my pj bottoms. I saw Frances running tot he pool house to most likely get a towel. I started happily swimming around as Josh and Dave came to the pool.

"All I gotta say to that is nice rack," Josh said as I swam over to them and hung onto the edge of the pool.

"You are crazy," Dave said as he kneeled down to look at me.

"Thanks Josh and I'm young and I feel free. If that means I'm crazy then so be it," I said and pushed away from the wall and swam away. Frances and everyone else had joined us at the pool.

"Britt it's your turn," Abby said as she sat down on the edge and put her feet in.

"Dave truth or dare," I said as I swam over to him.

"Dare," he said, looking worried as to what I might make him do.

"I dare you to push everyone into the pool and then jump in," I said. Dave looked at me with a hgue grin as he walked over to Abby and pushed her in first. She screamed as she went in.

Once Dave had pushed al the guys into the pool and thrown Frances in, in did a cannonball into the pool. We swam for a bit and played chicken with each toher. Abby and Taylor ended up being the champions after beating Dave and I. Everyone left shortly after and Dave and I headed up to bed. I couldn't believe I had 1 year old twins and was about to get married. As we were laying in bed, I turned over to look at Dave.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"Nothing just been thinking about the miscarriage today," I said as I put my hand in his.

"I was thinking about that too. We would have had 3 litte babies," he replied.

"We still could," I replied as I looked at our ahnds. I could feel him looking at me.

"You want to have another baby?" he asked, sounding hopeful. I looked up at him.

"I think I'm ready and can handle another baby. I mean I'll be recording the second album once we get back from our honeymoon and I can do that pregnant," I replied. Dave pulled me close to him and kissed me passionately. I pushed him away slightly and looked at him. "We gotta be safe for another 2 months atleast so I can fit into my dress."

"Ok we'll start trying again before the wedding then," he replied before he started kissing me again.

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