Welcome To Highschool

Par DeathToLurkers

89.9K 4.3K 3.9K

Max and Ross as high schoolers. Plus

Welcome to highschool
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Poll for an up-coming chapter
Poll Ended!
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Not a chapter
Man im sorry
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Update and info
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28::The Final Chapter

Chapter 25

1.4K 100 84
Par DeathToLurkers

I have not proof-read or edited this. (yet) Please tell me what needs to be done.
Red's POV

As soon as Ross runs out the door Max proceeds to fall from his majestic dance. And guess who he comes running straight at? Max grabbed me by my shirt and threw me against the walls in rage. Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit!
The crowd gather around us and he glares down at me.
"Get up." He growls.
I stumble up leaning against the wall for support, luckily Adam and Barney launch to my side before Max can do anymore damage. Barney swings his fist at Max, who catches it just before it hits him, he pushes Barney back causing him to stumble.

"Okay, okay no need to fight! " Adam says standing between Max and I. "We're all a little confused here so could someone fill us in?" He says turning to Max.

"Red why the fuck did you do this. Do you have a death wish?" Max snarls, ignoring Adam completely.

"I-I tried to keep them out I swear! But they all wanted to go in I had nothing to do with this!" I stutter.

"That's why you didn't want to go in!?! Why didn't you just say so?" Adam asks directing his attention to me.

"Explaining why would be just the same as seeing why." I whimper.

"Lay off him. He was doing his best, this isn't Reds fault now can someone please explain?" Barney said putting his arm around me.

Adam and Max stare at him slightly confused, oh right he spoke normally.

"Since when could you-" Adam starts,

"Forever." Barney snaps.

"Whatever! All I want to know is where Ross is going so he doesn't hate me!" Max shouts.

"Why would Ross hate you? It's not like this kinda thing is illegal or anything-"

"ROSS' MOTHER WAS A STRIPPER!!" Max yells. The crowd surrounding us watch in awe, hooked on every word that leaves our mouths. They all desperately try to follow along the story we seem to be telling.

"Every wondered why we never here about his parents? Or any family other than Shelby? Ross' mother was a bad person. And I didn't want Ross to think I was anything like her just because of my job!" Max explains.

"We should discuss this all later, somewhere private but for now let's all go find Ross." Adam says taking charge, just like any other time Adam takes his place as rightful leader.

Adam assigns us all to split up and try to locate Ross, though really it's hopeless he could be anywhere in the entire city.

I run off and search stores, Barney searches sidewalks, Adam searches parks and Max searches alleyways.

Max's POV

This has all gone wrong. All of it, every last detail has gone wrong. And what a time for Ross to walk in... God.. Dad, Mum, what would you do?

My feet moves swiftly across the cement floor trash cans and dumpsters everywhere. It looks just like every other alleyway I've searched.

If I was Ross what would I do? I guess I'd just run, and then eventually curl into a ball and cry... He did that a lot when he was confused or scared. Hasn't the poor guy been through enough, come on life give him a break!
I find myself at a dead end, all that's here is a wire gate, with a few holes here and there. Useless, I turn to leave when a relived sigh fills the still air.

That's Ross.

He thinks I'm leaving, I turn back and slam my fist into the gate causing it to wobble and eventually fall. I turn the corner and see a terrified, tear stained Ross staring in horror. I slowly start approaching him, hushing the small whimpers that escapes his mouth.

"Shh, shh it's okay Ross. I can explain everything okay? Please don't hate me.." I murmur, I find myself sitting next to him, he shakes quietly.

I pull out my phone and text the others "Found him. Fifth alley way next to the Starbucks." And send.

I smile down at him as gently as I can, "Can I ... Hold you?" I ask kindly. He doesn't even make a noise, I slowly wrap my arms around the teary ball and hold him close to me.

~~~~Time Skip~~~~

Adam whizzes around the corner along with Barney and Red all huffing and panting from running.

"Well thank god you found Ross, but we got something bigger to talk about." Adam says. He points his finger at me accusingly.

"You, my friend, have some serious explaining to do."

I sigh, it's about time I say my whole life story huh? Heh..

"When I turned 18 a legal adult, (oh wait is it 21 in America?) I was low on money but needed to keep going to school or else I knew I'd have no future in sight, I had just started working as a bar tender in an run down bar, it was okay I guess till the manager said he knew a way to make me more money. I had been tipped off and flirted with a lot as a bartender but I didn't take much notice. The manger had though. He told me I could be a stripper and would earn way more money then I earn regularly as a bar tender. So I took the job, it wasn't fun at all. I just had to keep up the act till my school life was over and then I could get a real job.

My manger saw how uncomfortable I was doing it though, so he told me I could just dance, pole dance. He even got me a trainer and everything, it took awhile to actually get good but eventually I got good enough that we opened up a new bar, here in town where I would get a larger audience and earn more. So yeah, I guess that's where I'm up to now." I finish.

Everyone nods understanding my situation a bit more, I turn to Ross who seems to have stopped crying.

"Listen Ross, I'm sorry that I made you so depressed, but I'm not your.. Mum okay? I'm still me you shouldn't stereotype people based off only one experience. But I am sorry that I didn't tell you, it really would have been better then you finding out this way..." I apologise.

Ross smiles weakly up at me, " I know... I forgive you." He sighs.

"Just don't take your shirt off in front of others again please."


You know in one version of this Ross jumps off a building but it's okay he lands in a public pool.... Yeah that one was cut along with the other six.

Continuer la Lecture

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