{Editing} The Vampire's Baby...

By Insane41D

156K 4.1K 293

I got lost on my way home from a Frat party. I suddenly bump into a tall man that I can't see. All I can see... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 24

3.6K 100 19
By Insane41D

(Angel's POV)

"Ellie, baby, ready?" I ask.

"Uh-Uh." She nods.

"Come on." I say and carry her.

I go down the stairs and buckle her into her seat. I can't believe it. I'm driving my baby girl to her first day of nursery.

"Want some music?" I ask.

She nods and I play my playlist. I couldn't help but smile as she dances. The closer we get to the nursery, the more I struggle to breath. She's all grown up. First day of nursery. Soon she'll be grown up and it'll be first day of school. God, then, she'll become a teenager and maybe even hate me. Then, university. Then, she'll get married. My baby will get married and leave me.

"Mama, why you cwying?" She asks.

I sniffle and wipe my tears quickly.

"You're growing up, baby girl." I say.

"It's ok, Mama. Mama wiww see Ewwie aftew nuwsewy." She says.

I smile as my tears start to fall again. I'm so glad I'm the one driving her to her first day. As I park the car, I wipe my tears quickly and check to make sure my makeup isn't ruined.

"Let's go?" I ask her.

She smiles as I get out of the car, go to her side, unbuckle her, and carry her to the door.

"Hello, you must be Mrs. Simms." A blonde, young, pregnant woman comes and meets me in the reception.

"Hello. Ms. Simms. And please, call me Angel." I say.

She smiles before waving at Ellie.

"Hello, Ellie. Do you remember me?" She asks.

"Miss Jessica!" She smiles.

"Yay!" Jessica says and claps for Ellie.

I couldn't help but smile.

"Jessica Geralds. I own this nursery." She says as we shake hands.

"Hi. It's a pleasure to meet you." I say.

"So, Ellie, are you ready?"

Ellie just nods.

"Please. Follow me." She says and I follow her.

We pass a few rooms before reaching one that says DW 2.

"This is Ellie's classroom." Jessica says before opening the door.

A woman with black short hair comes with a smile on her face.

"Ellie!" She squeals.

"Miss Awi." Ellie squeals.

"Ally?" I ask.

"Ariana. But, when I saw she has trouble with her Rs and Ls, I told her Ari. Made it easier." She says.

"Angel." I say and we shake hands.

"So, Ellie, are you ready?" Jessica asks.

She nods before hugging me.

"I'll pick you up when you're done, baby girl, ok?" I ask.

"Ok, Mama. I wove you." She says before kissing my cheek.

Ariana then takes her and they enter the class.

"Come with me, please." Jessica says and I follow her to her office.

"First child?" She asks as she notices me wiping my tears.

"Only child. If it's that difficult to me, I don't know what I'd do if she was actually mine." I say as I sit down.

"Pardon?" She asks.

"Delilah hasn't told you? She's adopted."


"Yeah. But, I love her so much. It's like she's a part of me."

"Aww. So, would you like to go over the admission papers?"


She then gives me a file and I go over all the papers.

"Everything seems good. Uhm... I just wanted to let you know that after Christmas with a week or so, Delilah will be the one dropping her off and picking her up." I say.

"Ok. That's no problem. As long as you report it, it's fine. If you don't mind I ask, though, why especially after Christmas?" She says.

"I'll be back on Campus."


"I skipped senior year for Ellie. So, I'm back in college."

"Why'd you adopt her so young? You'd be 20?"

"Yeah. I didn't really adopt her. It's kind of a weird story."

I then tell her how I got Ellie.

"Oh. It must've been hard." She says.

"It was. At first. But, I got used to it and I feel it love with her." I say.

"Yeah. Children are amazing."

"So, I have a very important question. How will she be in nursery if she's delayed in walking?"

"That's why she's in DW2. It stands for Delayed Walking aged 2. Ms. Hastings is her teacher. We have one student per teacher in delayed walking. Then normally, three students per teacher."

"Ok. How did you come up with the delayed waking class, though?"

"My first daughter, Annalise, was born premature. So, she was delayed in walking. She walked when she was three because her leg muscles weren't strong enough to carry her weight. So, it was hard to get back to work when I had her. So, after she turned four, I had this idea and opened up this."

"Woah. If you don't mind me asking, how many months?" I ask, referring to her belly.

"Seven. I get stressed when I reach seven months because that's when Annalise was born."

"This isn't your second child?"

"No. I have Annalise, she's 10 now. I also have Miley, she's 8. And this is going to be Cody."

"Aww. I'm sure they're beautiful. I'm also sure he'll be as handsome as anyone."

She then laughs.

"To be honest you look quite young to have a ten year old." I say.

"I'm twenty six." She says.

"Oh. Was it hard?"

"I was a very responsible child and teen, so not really."

"That's good. Well, I really have to go. I'll pick her up at two, right?"

"Yes. It was very nice to meet you, Angel." She says, shaking my hand.

"You too, Jessica. Bye." I say and leave.

I get in my car and start driving to Damon's. I check the clock to find it ten-fifteen. When I reach there, it's ten-thirty. I have about three and a half hours with Damon. I smile as I go out of the car and to the door before knocking.

About a second later, Stefan opens the door.

"Angel, hello." He smiles.

"Hi..." I trail off.


"Yeah. I know. I just don't know what to call you since your kinda my stepdad."

"Can we ignore that fact? I'm just your boyfriend's younger brother."

"Ok, my boyfriend's older brother." I chuckle.

He chuckles before letting me in.

"Damon! It's your girl." He calls upstairs.

I couldn't help but start blushing when he said 'your girl'.

"Hello, Princess." Damon is suddenly in front of me in nothing but a towel.

I smile before going red again.

"Well, I need to go. See you later." Stefan says before leaving.

"Hello, Prince Charming." I say.

"Aww, is Simms embarrassed in front of my baby bro. He's only 17."

"Ok. First of all, he's 169. Second of all, all my life, I was led to believe he was my deceased father, so it's always going to be awkward. Lastly, I'm starving."

"Woah. Come on then. Grill?"

"Yeah. But, you're gonna put clothes on, right?"

He then chuckles before kissing my forehead. Less than a second later he's dresses in front of me.

"Let's go?" He asks.

"I'm starting to get jealous of your speed." I say.

He laughs before we get in his car. A thought then hits me.

I'm human.

I'm human and he's a vampire. I age. He doesn't.

"What's wrong?" He asks, joining my fingers in his.

"I-I'm human."


"Nothing. It's nothing. Probably my empty stomach talking."



"You can tell me anything."

"I'm just hungry."


The remaining few minutes of the drive were silent. A comfortable silence.

When we reach, we both order before sitting.

"What's on your mind?" He asks.

"A lot." I say.

"I'm all ears."

I sigh before he wraps my hands in his.

"Well, yesterday, I got a package. From Mason." I start.

"And?" He asks.

"It had three tickets inside and a letter. He wants us to spend Christmas with him. I don't know what to do. He claims that he's my only family left. I've been so cautious about him ever since... You know. I just can't believe I did that. How was I so naïve? So stupid."

"You were vulnerable. It's normal."

"Still. I was so stupid. Now, I have no idea what to do. Should I go? Or should I give back the tickets?"

"Do whatever makes you comfortable. But be careful. When are the tickets for?"

"Departure on the 24th and return on the 3rd."

"That's only two days before we go back to campus."


The waiter then brings our food. We thank him and start eating.

"What about what you said in the car?" He asks after a few moments.

"What?" I ask.

"You said you're human. What was that about?"

"I already told you, I was just hungry. Plus, I dropped off my daughter to her first day of nursery today."


"Yeah. She seemed to like it."

"That's great. Speaking of your daughter, I never really knew her na-"

"Hey, Damon." A blond guy says and pats Damon on the back.

Phew. Saved.

"Hey, Rick. This is Angel. Angel this is Rick. My drinking buddy." Damon says.

"Mr. Saltzman?" I ask.

"Angel Simms. Now I remember you. See, Damon, I told you she looks familiar. I used to teach her in her senior year at Highschool."

"Yeah. Do you still teach there?"

"Yeah. You're the WW2 girl, right?"

"That's me." I smile.

"You're the World War II girl?" Damon asks.

"How much did he tell you?" I ask.

They both then chuckle before Mr. Saltzman sits down.

"Well, he told me about a girl who was obsessed with World War II. She's answer every single question correctly and her essays would be excellent. It's like she was there." Damon says.

"Well, yeah. That's only because the man whom I thought was Mom's father, fought in World War II. So, Mom would sometimes tell me stories. They're the only reason I remember her voice. I remember I told Mr. Saltzman that." I say.

"Please, call me Rick. Or Alaric. Whatever's comfortable." He says.

"Ok, Mr. Sal- Alaric." I say. The three of us then laugh.

"Well, fun fact, Ms. Simms. I actually fought in World War II." Damon says.

"Seriously?" I ask.

"He actually used to help me prepare my lessons and tell me what the books don't say." Alaric says.

"I think I love you even more now." I say.

"Just be glad you weren't there when I suffered from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. It was hell. That's an understatement." Damon says.

"It must've been. How'd you get over it?" I ask.

"Time. It's been what, 70 years." Damon says.

"You didn't tell the fun part." Alaric says.

"Yeah. I 'died' in the war. I even attended my own funeral." He says with a genuine smile.

"Well, I have to go. See you around." Alaric says and leaves.

"You died in world war 2?" I ask.

"Yup." He says.

"Why did I never know that?"

"Well, I also died in World War 1."

"Seriously? I swear I'm falling for you more and more."

He then chuckles before kissing my hand.

"You make me happy, Angel." He smiles.

I smile before tightening my hand in his.

"I've never felt loved. That was until I met you." I say.

"I love you, Simms."

"I love you, Salvatore."

He then leans in and kisses me softly. After we pull away, we finish the rest of our food in comfortable silence.

"I know it's probably not something to talk about on a date, but can you tell me more about Katerina Petrova?" I say.

"You like the name, don't you?" He asks.

"What makes you think that?"

"You never say Katherine."

"Yeah, to be honest, I do. Katerina Petrova. It's cool."

He then chuckles.

"Well, I'd rather talk about her when we're alone." He says.

"Well, I'm done, if you are, then let's go somewhere and be alone." I smile.

"Ok then."

I ask for the receipt and it comes. As I take out my wallet, Damon stops me.

"Nope. I'm paying." He says.

"Damon, it's fine really." I say.

"No. I'm paying. You paid enough when you know what happened. I don't like that."

"You paid me back, and I didn't want you too, anyways."

"Let's just pretend that it never happened, ok?"

"Ok." I sigh as he pays.

I promised him that I'll never talk about it again. It happened in November. It was a month after Damon and I got together.

"I've a surprise for you." Damon says, coming into my dorm.

"Really? Cause I've got one for you too." I say.

"You first."

I take a deep breath as I turn around and get the box. I give it to him with a smile.

He opens it and his expression turns into shock.

"Like it?" I ask.

"I-It's amazing. It's an exact replica of th-"

"The pocket watch that your mom had customized for you for your 16th birthday. It was later on broken by Your father when you were 20. Also, it's not a replica. I had it fixed.

"How did you know?" He asks, his eyes tearing up.

I never saw him tearing up before.

"I kinda asked Stefan. I was confused by what to get you so I asked him if there was something special that you like and he told me about it." I say.

"Thank you. So much." He says before hugging me tightly.

I smile before hugging him tighter. He buries his face into my neck and I feel a tear streaming down his face.

"Nobody's ever done something like that for me. Thank you so much." He says as he pulls back.

"It's nothing. I know how it's like to have a sentimental object from a parent. It means the world to you. That's why I never take this off." I say, hooking my finger on my necklace and drag it to show him the locket.

It's a heart shaped locker that has a photo of Mom and I.

"It's beautiful. Now my gift seems like nothing." He says.

He then takes out an envelope from his pocket. He gives it to me as a small smile forms on his lips. I open it and gasp as I see what's inside.

Two tickets to Paris for this weekend.

"Oh my god! I love it!" I squeal and hug him tightly.

"Really? It seems like nothing after what you did." He says.

"I love it. If you had gotten me a rock, I would've loved it."

He smiles before kissing me.

His ringing phone then interrupts us.

"It's Stefan. It must be important. I'll get it and come back." He says.

I nod as he goes to the hallway, leaving the door open.

"Hey, little bro... What's wrong?... What?! Are you kidding?... All... No. I was gonna drop by to get some... How did this happen?... HOW COULD YOU BE SO STUPID?!...What am I supposed to do now, then?... I told you I'm taking her to Paris this weekend... Only the tickets and deposits that aren't refundable... Oh, sure, you're brilliant, of course I'll do that. NO! Are you f***ing kidding me? Not after what she did... Do you have any?" He then sighs. 

After a few moments, he takes a deep breath.

"Fine. I'll-I'll find something... I just can't believe how this could happen!... I gotta go. She probably heard the whole thing... Whatever. Just do something about it." He says and then I hear his phone lock.

He then screams in agony.

"HOW COULD HE BE SO STUPID?!" He yells before taking a few deep breaths and coming into the dorm.

"I-" I start.

"You heard the whole thing, I know. F***, I'm so pissed at him right now. In all of my 176 years I've never even imagined that he could do that." He says.

"Can I know what's wrong?"

"Katherine f***ing Pierce happened."


He then told me about Katherine. Then, he told me that she seduced Stefan and he took her home. He went to get her a glass of wine, and when he came back, she was gone and so was all of their money.

We went to Paris and I didn't want him to be disappointed or pissed, so I paid for everything. Of course, he was pissed that I had to pay, but after we returned by about a week he found her and the money. During that week, though, he had bills to pay. He insisted that I don't pay them, but I ended up giving Stefan the money. Damon was super pissed at me but very grateful at the same time. When he found the money, nothing was missing. After a long fight, he paid me back. I didn't want him to. I don't know what happened next, though.

"You have to know something." He says as the car stops.

"Yeah?" I ask.

"You're the first and only woman I've ever opened up to. I don't know how you do it, but there's just something about you."

I smile before grabbing the back of his head and kissing him.

"Don't worry. Your secrets are in a deep well." I say.

He smiles before we get out and into his house. He goes somewhere downstairs and I head up to his room. A moment later he comes up and we lay down on the bed.

"So... What do you want to know?" He asks, rubbing my arm.

"Well, what happened after you found out that Katerina was alive and that she doesn't love you?" I ask, cuddling into him.

"It hurt me. I became meaner. I couldn't show anyone that I was hurt. Not with my reputation. I turned into a player. Every night a girl. Until, about three years ago, there was this girl. I kinda liked her. Her name was Nadia. I was still a player, but she was my most frequent. One day... She... Uhm."

"It's ok if you don't want to talk."

"No it's not that, I need you to know. I-I just...it's really hard to talk about. I might even cry. I don't want you to think I'm weak."

I pull away and sit on my knees, facing him.

"Damon Salvatore, don't you ever think that I'll think you're weak. You're the strongest guy I've ever known. Just the Katherine thing would've broke me and I probably wouldn't be alive after it. You're a rock, you should know that." I say, sternly.

He then takes a deep breath before sighing. My face softens as I see his eyes turn shades lighter and they start to tear up.

"I love you." I say before kissing him softly.

He cups my face before lingering there for a little while. I smile before stroking his cheek and pull away slowly to breathe.

I get up, lock the door, and go back to his side.

(Damon's POV)

I take a deep breathe before speaking up.

"She came to me. She had huge news." I start.

I go down to open the door to find Nadia, standing there.

"Back for more?" I smirk.

"Damon, you have to know something." She says.

That's weird.

"Come in." I say.

"I-I-We can't have sex anymore." She says.

"It's your loss. You'll never find a greater sex partner than me."

"There's a big reason."


"Focus and listen."

I tune out all disturbing noises and focus.

Thump-Thump. Thump-Thump.

"You can hear it, right?" She asks.

A tiny heartbeat. Is she...

"You're pregnant?" I ask, my eyes widening.

She then nods. She doesn't really show emotion. I can't tell how she feels.

"How do I know it's mine?" I ask.

"You're the only guy I've been sleeping with for the last five months." She says.

"How much?"

"9 weeks."

"I was thrilled, but I couldn't let her know. I thought that I'd finally have a family. I'm going to become a father. But, I wasn't ready. I'm not responsible enough. I drink a lot. I sleep around. I was going to be a bad father. 14 months later, after she gave birth and finished her breast feeding period, she came to my house. My daughter, Ellie, was in her hands, wrapped in a blanket. Nadia was crying. She told me couldn't do this anymore. She gave me Ellie and before I could say anything, she vamped away. About two hours later, they found her body. She ripped her own heart out. That's when I broke. I put Ellie on this bed, right here where you're lying down, and started sipping on my seventh or eighth glass of Bourbon. I couldn't be a father. I'd be horrible. So, I wrote her name and birthdate on a piece of paper and put it inside of her blanket. I carried her and went outside. I kept walking. I couldn't just put her on someone's porch. She's my daughter. A piece of me. I kept walking until I bumped into a young woman. I panicked. So, I gave her Ellie, told Ellie I love her and vamped away. It was too dark for either her to see me or me to see her. Ever since, the guilt has been eating me. But, I know that I'd be a horrible father. Half of me always thinks that maybe with me she'd be happy. It would be me and her. But, the other half knows that she's better off without me." The tears were now streaming nonstop down my face.

I didn't show that I'm crying, though, while I talked. Angel then sits up and looks at me, she's crying too. She pulls me into a tight hug and I let myself cry in her arms. I hold onto her tightly as I do so.

"I worry a lot, maybe the woman was a gang member and she killed her. Maybe she just abandoned her." I say.

"Maybe she was a responsible woman and she took care of her. Raised her." She says.

"Maybe. She was a beautiful baby. She had my hair and eyes. The problem was, she was born very early. She was born on the first day of the third trimester. I'm sure if she's alive, then she'll have a few problems due to that."

"Maybe. I'm sure she's alive, safe, and well."

"How could you be so sure?"

"I just know." She says before pulling away and cupping my face.

"You make an amazing father. You treat me like I'm your queen and princess and baby at the same time. Never doubt that you are a terrific father." She says.

I take a deep breath before we both lie down. She wraps me in her arms and starts playing in my hair. Soon, I fall asleep.


"Damon. Damon, wake up." Angel says, rubbing my arm.

"Yeah?" I ask.

"It's one-forty five."

"Oh. Yes. You need to pick up your daughter." I say, getting up from bed.

"Yeah." A small smile forms on her lips.

"You reminded me, actually. I'm meeting someone." I say, scratching the back of my neck.

"Do you want me to drop you off on the way?" 

"No. No. It's fine, don't worry."

"Ok. I guess I'll see you later, then?"

"Yeah." I say and kiss her forehead.

"I love you." She says.

"I love you more." I say before kissing her softly.

She wraps her arms around my waist and I pull her into a hug.

"Thank you." I say before kissing the top of her head.

"What for?" She asks.

"Listening to me. Being here for me." 

"It's nothing. I love it when i get to know you too."

I smile as she pulls away slowly.

"Bye." She says.

"Bye." I say.

As she leaves, I change my shirt and go down to the cellar. I open the freezer, take out a blood bag, and go to the parlor. 

"Bourbon and Blood. You should open up a bar." Stefan says, coming in.

"Baby bro and his ideas." I say.

"How many times can I appologize, Damon. You know how Katherine is."

"Exactly. We BOTH know how Katherine is. I can't believe that you let her into the house."

"I'm sorry, Damon. At least there was nothing missing from the money."

"Still, Stefan. You're supposed to be the brainy one."

"The brainy one?" He snorts.

"Whatever, I have more important things to do."

"Like tracking down my lost niece?"


"Don't track her down."

"Why would I-"

"I heard you talking to Klaus."

"Well, brainy brother, why can't I track my daughter down."

"Maybe, just maybe because she's related to the person we both hate."

"That's for me to decide, and for you to shut up about. Goodbye." I say and leave the house.

I take a deep breath as I enter my car and start driving. It's about ten minutes away. 

I just told Angel my biggest secret. I just showed her my weakest side. How does she do that to me? She makes me want to spill everything out to her. I don't even question if she'll react badly. It's an amazing feeling. For the first time in ages, I actually have someone other than Stefan to trust. She just lights up my life. I can't get away from her. I just hope... I really hope that she won't betray my trust and break my heart. 

When I reach there, I sit in my car for a moment. Do I really want to do this? I know nothing of what happened to her. What if she isn't alive? Do I want to find that out? Ignorance would be a bliss if that's the case. Maybe I should just live with that assumption.

No. I need to find out. If I live with this assumption, I will never ever forgive myself. I will make myself believe that I killed my own daughter. It will ruin me even more than I am ruined.

I sigh before getting out of the car and walking up to the front door. I ring the door bell and wait. 

"Damon? Hi. Is something wrong?" Caroline, Angel's friend, opens the door.

"Caroline, hello. I am here for your husband, actually." I say.

"Oh, you're the one he's waiting for? He's in his office, come in."

I go inside and follow her to an office-like room that's split in two.

"Klaus, Damon's here." She says.

The second door then opens and Niklaus appears.

"The older Salvatore. Come in. Have a seat." He says in his rich accent.

"Can we just get right into business? I need you to track someone down for me." I say.

"Well, of course, if you are here that's what it means. Who may I have the pleasure of finding?"

"My daughter."

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