Dousing the Flame

By Ukume279

76.4K 2.8K 1.4K

Yugi is in college now! Dorm rooms, classes, friends, and a new relationship. Is this new relationship the on... More

First Days of College
Such a Great Day
A True Glimpse
Worried Professor
First Fight
Crossing the Line
Finding Love
Road to Recovery
Close Encounter
Surprises Surprises
Yugi's Strength & Weakness
Taking the Next Step
There's Always a First Time
A Special Ingredient
Little Golden Pyramid
The Day Before
It's Time
Yugi is Exausted
The Big News
Little One
Much Needed Rest
Kunji Cave
Evening Ride
Shivers and Aches
Sneaking Around
The Amazon
Ignored Transmissions
Back to Domino
Going Home
Surprise Party
Tag Team
He's Gone
An Unexpected Return

Gifts and a Classroom Visit

1.5K 58 19
By Ukume279

A/N: Thank you all for the votes and comments. Also thank you for just taking the time to read my story. I am hoping you are enjoying it. :) Just so you know, there are multiple time skips in this story. Usually, it does not mean the story is ending. They are used to progress the story along. Any time I posted a time skip when I first posted this story on, my readers would ask if the story was about to end. Rest assured, there are still lots of chapters left of this story.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy the chapter. Please comment and vote. Both are amazing and loved to pieces. 


Yugi and Yami entered their apartment exhausted from their plane ride home. They set their luggage in the corner next to the door. Yugi had to admit, paradise is paradise, but there really is no place like home. Yugi looked around and smiled at his home with Yami. Both amethyst and crimson eyes landed on the bar which was covered with their wedding gifts.

"Remind me to thank Mana for dropping those off for us," Yami sighed contently.

"That was really nice of her. I think we should open them now!" a grin plastered itself on the excitable youths pale lips. 

Yami chuckled at his spouse, "I am okay with that." 

The tri-colored doppelgangers moved the gifts from the bar to the table knowing they would need the extra room. Yugi handed a gift to Yami to open while he grabbed a pen and paper.

"What is that for?" Yami asked arching his eyebrow. 

Yugi smiled, "I heard it is the easiest way to keep track of who gifted us what for the thank you notes."

"Excellent idea!" Yami agreed as he turned the gift Yugi handed him over to locate the from tag, "This one is from Duke."

"Oh no" Yugi giggled, "Knowing Duke, it is going to be something sex oriented."

"Let's see then" Yami tore open the paper and cardboard box underneath. "You were right," Yami laughed; light shining in his amusement filled crimson eyes. He lifted the large bottle of strawberry flavored lube, red fuzzy handcuffs, and a gag ball out of the box.

Yugi facepalmed and giggled, "Trust Duke to always get something sex oriented"

Yami handed Yugi a gift bag, "This one says it is from your grandfather."

Yugi saw a card sticking out of the top and went to open that first. The card read:

My dearest Yugi and Yami,

Congratulation on your marriage. You two are truly destined to be together. Your love is one that will span across the ages of time into eternity.  An example for any who want to learn what love truly is. I wish you both all the happiness in the world.



P.S. Yugi put this on to give Yami some eye candy. I know you mentioned how much he loves leather.

Yugi looked in the bag curious as to what leather item his grandpa gifted. His cheeks turned bright pink, "Oh my Ra...I can't believe he bought that!"

"What is it?" Yami inquired. Yugi pushed the bag over to Yami who reached into it and pulled out a black leather thong in Yugi's size; complete with a sheer black thigh length robe. Yami's crimson eyes darkened. "Why don't you try it on?" He smirked handing it over to Yugi.

The petite tri-colored youth grabbed the items, "Okay but no ravaging me until later... at least until after we are done opening these."

"Deal," Yami purred in his deep baritone voice.

Yugi went into the bedroom for several minutes while he changed. /Yami is going to go primal when he sees this. I can't believe grandpa bought this! Ugh... how embarrassing!/ Yugi thought while staring at his reflection. He eventually opened the bedroom door and walked back out to the table where Yami sat.

Crimson eyes drank in every inch of his amethyst  eyed lover. Yugi's slim and delicately sculpted body could be seen clearly under the shear fabric. The leather fit snugly around his member before narrowing to expose his round ass. Yami moaned as images and ideas flashed through his mind.

"Remember we had a deal. You don't pounce me until later and I would try it on," Yugi winked.

"Will you at least stay in it while we open the rest of the gifts?" Yami licked his lips. 

"Okay. That I can do. Your turn to open one," Yugi said while taking a seat next to his husband. "This one is from your mom." He handed a large neatly wrapped box to Yami. The professor ripped the paper and tossed it aside. 

"Wow these are beautiful," Yami whispered his fingers running over the purple sheets he had just pulled out of a large box.

Yugi reached over; his fingers gliding over the sheets, "Oh Ra! Are those made of Egyptian Cotton?"

Yami nodded, "1200 thread count."

"They are so soft!" Yugi cooed over the material.

"We will put them on the bed tonight or tomorrow," Yami smiled at Yugi who in turn nodded his agreement.

Yugi picked up the next package "This one is from Mana. Do you want to open it?"

"Go ahead," Yami smiled. Yugi popped the lid open and pulled out a large album with pictures of their wedding as well as personalized notes from each of the guest. 

"Wooow," Yugi whispered. "Look what your sister put together for us." His fingers traced the edges of the album in amazement.

Yami smiled thoughtfully, "She has always been incredibly artistic."

It took the tri-colored couple the rest of the evening to finish opening the wedding gifts given to them. They received a multitude of gifts ranging from massage oils from Ryou, the best knife set available in circulation from Bakura, gift certificates for spa treatments from Malik and Marik as well as many other gifts. As they finished opening the last gift, the same primal look crept back into the crimson eyes.

"Uh...Yami?" Yugi tilted his head, blinking in confusion at the professor. 

Yami stood and hoisted Yugi up over his shoulder. Head headed back to the bedroom with a giggling and squirming Yugi in tow. The night was still young and they planned to enjoy every minute of it. 


Time passes in the blink of an eye when one is so busy and incredibly happy. Yugi and Yami had been married for almost two very happy years and here Yugi was staring down his final project and paper before graduation. He wanted to have Yami proofread over his paper regarding Ancient Egyptian culture, art, and symbolism.

The petite tri-colored youth didn't want to bother Yami during a lectures. He knew the sexy professor was teaching at this time; on the other hand, class would be over in less than 10 minutes anyway. Yugi figured Yami would not mind a little interruption. 

He silently peaked his head in, catching the eyes of his lover who was standing in front of a full class. Yami's classes were always full and Yugi had a pretty good idea as to why. His theory was a mixture of Yami's teaching ability, topic expertise, and a of course...his ass.

Yami waved for him to come in. The class turned their attention to Yugi as the youth walked into the class; taking the same path Yami had taken the day Yugi first laid eyes on him. Entering the room from the door in the back and walking towards the desk in the front of the room. He turned and sat on top of Yami's desk;  his eyes locked on Yami while he wrapped up his lecture.

The class was more interested in who their professor's look-a-like was than learning about the Ptolemaic dynasty. Yami sighed noticing he had lost the class's attention, "Please allow me the pleasure of introducing you to my husband. Class this is Yugi." Yugi smiled and waved at them. The students returned his wave.

"Yugi, do you have any recommendations or words of wisdom for the class?" Yami asked winking at his lover.

The amethyst eyed spouse pursed his lips; his eyes rolling upward in thought. After several seconds, he nodded, "Yami's final is no joke. It may not be cumulative, but you need to put in the hours of study in order to pass his final. It's a brutal one. It is better to over-prepare than under-prepare."

Yami grinned rolling his eyes, "My finals are tough, but I'm not unkind. You have my email and office number. Feel free to call me or email me with any questions that you may have. Class dismissed See you on Wednesday for the final."

Yugi watched the shuffle of the students from his perch on Yami's desk. The professor walked over to wipe the board off and pack his belongings into his leather messenger bag.

"How are you my love?" Yami kissed Yugi after hoisting the bag over his shoulder.

"Great. I'm done with my project paper. I just need you to proofread it," Yugi blinked sweetly, pleading with Yami to agree.

"Good! I will do that tonight," the professor nodded. 

"Thank you," Yugi paused and bit his lip. 

"What's wrong, Aibou?" Yami asked guiding Yugi out of the classroom so he could lock up. 

"Do you think having you review my paper would be giving me an unfair advantage?" Yugi continue to worry on his lower lip, causing the appendage to swell. 

"No," Yami answered briefly and circled his arm around Yugi's waist, "You are a perfectionist with your work. I probably will not have much feedback for you anyway."

Yugi smiled at Yami, "Thank you. So how is this class doing?" Yugi inquired about the class that had just cleared out of the room.

"They are pretty bright and many have massive amounts of potential. They just need to learn how to harness it and use it for their personal growth," Yami's sharp crimson eyes narrowed in slight frustration. He had seen student after student go through his classroom with large amounts of potential and do nothing with it. 

Yugi giggled, "You are such a professor."

"Why do you say that," Yami asked;  his eyes softening.

"How you talk and your attitude towards the students. It is good to see a professor who cares about the students well being and not just for the paycheck they are receiving. I am the prime example of that. If you didn't care about your students, I wouldn't be here today," Yugi placed his head on Yami's chest a few seconds was they strolled to Yami's car. 

Yami's arm that was wrapped around Yugi's waist tightened protectively, "Let's not talk about that now. What do you want to do to celebrate your graduation in a few weeks?" Yami asked as he opened the car door for Yugi and changing the topic to something happier. 

Yugi thought for a moment, "Well the guys were thinking of having a bonfire at the beach."

Yami nodded, "That sounds like fun. Would you mind if I do something for you as well?"

"You don't need to get me anything or do anything for me. I am perfectly happy with just having you," Yugi winked. Yami chuckled and shut the car door.

 When he was seated in the driver's seat, he turned the key in the ignition and continued their conversation, "I know, but I want to do something for you."

"As long as it's not another car. The one I have is more than enough," Yugi giggled.

"A pony doesn't count in that category does it?" Yami jested.

"Oh no. You can get me a pony. I've always wanted one. Grandpa told me he would get me one and I am still waiting for it," a mock pout graced Yugi's angelic face.

"Alright a pony it is!" The crimson eyed man smirked at Yugi and put the car into gear to drive them both home.

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