Blackbane: King of Wolves & M...

De Kaylawide

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One night Amber is sure she see's something outside of her home. She has a feeling it is this creature that f... Mais

CHAPTER 1 - Part 1
CHAPTER 1 - Part 2
CHAPTER 1 - Part 3
CHAPTER 7 - Part 2
CHAPTER 9 - Part 1
CHAPTER 12 - Part 1
CHAPTER 12 - Part 2
CHAPTER 20 - Part 1
CHAPTER 20 - Part 2
CHAPTER 20 - Part 3

CHAPTER 7 - Part 1

1K 36 7
De Kaylawide

Above pic is Kyle

Old Friends


I sat on the couch in boredom. Amber had left with her friend and I was bored out of my mind. It wasn't long before I was up and pacing around the house. Maybe I should've followed them. Of course I should've followed them she's my mate for Goddess's sake! I growled and paced around. It had only been about an hour and here I was already getting paranoid.

I got the urge to go outside suddenly and I paused in my walk around the room to look out the window. Something was moving outside. I could see it in the brush. A growl rumbled inside my chest as I saw the figure coming toward the house. Whatever it was, it was moving pretty fast. The figure stopped in its tread and a howl rippled through the air that made me freeze up. That howl... could it be?

I watched in suspicion as the thing crouched and disappeared into the darkness of the woods before reappearing looking different. It made its way still toward the house. I tensed and watched as the thing walked toward the door and the dim moonlight caught it and I saw a boy around my age. The stranger held a large bag and I glared at it in suspicion.

I waited until he knocked on the door to open it. The boy had a hood on and as he pulled it off I took in his scruffy blond hair. He was in good shape, well-built for his age, though not as much as I and not as tall; I had a few inches on him. His face lifted and I saw he was a good looking young man and his blue eyes burned into mine.

"Hey Fenris." He said and I blinked in astonishment.

"Kyle?" I questioned a grin coming to my face as he nodded shyly.

"I didn't know you were a werewolf." I said in bewilderment and he chuckled.

"Yeah, I almost forgot I was myself." Kyle said with an apologetic nod. I rubbed the back of my neck thinking about when he left all those years ago.

"So," I started, "did you find your mate?" I asked and instantly regretted doing so. His eyes clouded with pain and loss and I gulped nervously at the fact that I'd hit a sore spot. I offered him entrance to the house and he trudged inside and leaned against the wall staring at nothing in particular. I shut the door and sat back on the couch, watching Kyle waiting to see what he would do; wondering what he'd say.

"Her name was Clare... we had only known each other for a few months but we both knew we were mates. We talked about marriage and pups... we would've came back together but..." he stopped and a shiver ran through him and his voice cracked in the heart aching sound of a man trying his damnedest not to cry. He let out a shaking breath.

"It was hunting season; I knew we should've traveled as humans, but she wanted to run as a wolf... I just couldn't say no to those beautiful brown eyes—so I agreed. We were running and they—they just shot her. They shot my little mate. We managed to get away but I—I couldn't stop the bleeding. I didn't know what to do..." Kyle sank to the ground and leaned against the wall hugging his knees. Silent sobs racked his body.

"She cried and begged me to help her—to make it go away... but how could I? I could do nothing but lay beside her as she whined her love for me as she bled out. My beautiful mate... gone. I buried her and she shifted back to a human and then wolf again... I miss her so much Fenris." Kyle sobbed and hid his face in his hands. I frowned slightly as I watched my friend cry in the corner. What would I do if I lost Amber? The thought made me growl. Kyle looked up in confusion. I watched as the confusion changed and he smiled softly.

"You found your mate?" He asked and I nodded. He smiled and stood scrubbing his hand down his face and brushing himself off.

"That's enough of all this sad stuff." Kyle said and stretched. He looked around the house, "So is this her place?" He asked and I nodded. I watched as he trailed his eyes over everything in sight and gave a curt nod.

"Nice place." He said. I nodded nonchalantly and bit back a growl that was forming in my throat.

"So where is she?" Kyle asked and I shrugged. Kyle looked confused and I shook my head.

"She went out with a friend." I said and he raised an eyebrow.

"A boy?" Kyle asked and I growled.

"No a girl. Lisa." I confirmed. Kyle gave me a sad look and I narrowed my eyes.

"C'mon Fen—"

"It's Mason."

"Mason... what do you think they're doing at three in the morning?" Kyle said with a pointed look.

"They're going to take pictures..." I said slowly hearing how dumb the excuse sounded.

"C'mon you're smarter than that man; they're probably at a party. Which reminds me there is one some ways away from here... but it's mostly a lot of werewolves there now that I think about it." Kyle said and I jumped to my feet. I swear if she was at some party...

"Can we go there? I need to see if she's there and if she is I need to bring her home." I said and a growl creeped into my voice. Kyle nodded and pulled out a phone from his pocket. He tossed it to me and I caught it and looked at him questioningly.

"It's yours now, I've got another. It was going to be for Clare but... my number's in there so text me if we get separated there." Kyle explained and I nodded.

He walked outside and I followed him. He shifted into his gray wolf and gripped his clothes in his mouth and I did the same; the task was rather difficult because we were both trying to handle our phones in our jaws as well. He pointed with his snout in the direction and we took off.

Sweaty desperate bodies. That's what filled this building. Desperate people looking for love. The air was thick with it. It was sickening. Light flashed ever so often and it reminded me of the night during a thunderstorm besides the thunder.

I sat at a table tapping my finger impatiently. I'd been in here about thirty minutes. I stared at my phone waiting for it to buzz, I'd called Kyle but he didn't answer. If he bailed on me I was going to kick his ass. Music played in the back ground. Around me werewolves were coming together as they realized they were mates. I growled watching them. There were humans here too, but they didn't know that not all weren't human of course.

This was stupid I was just looking for one person for Goddess's sake I didn't have time for this.

We need our mate Mason! So shut up and look around for her! Stop being so stupid if you screw this up I'll hate you! My wolf growled angrily in my head. I sighed I knew he was right but I didn't care. I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Hey." A female said coming up to me. I looked at her and she whimpered ducking her head in submission and hurried away.

See you scared her away. My wolf growled.

She wasn't even our mate! I growled back. I had no feeling when I looked upon her. I watched her melt into the crowd of bodies. I huffed and got up walking around. People parted for me and I looked at them feeling triumph. I was the strongest here and they all knew it.

Suddenly my phone vibrated against my leg and I took it out.

Kyle: Wya bro

I looked at it then around me before texting: I'm by the tables

Ok. Was his response. I looked at it and slid my phone back in my pocket. I walked toward a table with drinks and stuff and grabbed a beer. I popped it open and sipped the cool crispness of the drink. I was downing it as a voice spoke beside me.

"Hey Mason." The voice said. I turned to Kyle and nodded to him. My friend had finally made a reappearance.

"There's someone I want you to meet." Kyle said looking behind him. I saw him tense and he made a good show of looking around. Amusement rose in me as he turned back around his eyes wide.

"Shit she was just here." He growled. I raised an eyebrow.

She? My wolf growled longingly. I eyed Kyle.

"What are you up to?" I growled. He looked at me and frowned. His arms raised in surrender.

"Nothing Mason I just thought I found her... she kinda smelled like you." He said with a smug smirk. I growled suspiciously.

"Kyle why do I feel so pumped?" A girl's voice suddenly cut through the air. I watched and nearly choked on the beer as a beautiful woman in a dark gray dress stumbled out of the crowd. Kyle caught her and a weird feeling ruptured in me. The girl ignored me completely and smiled as she pushed away from my friend. Her necklace shimmered against her cleavage and I swallowed softly as my heart pounded. Amber... Amber drunk to be exact.

"Kyle can I sing a song? Will they let me?" The girl said in a giddy voice that sent flames through me. She still hadn't acknowledged me and it hurt.

Mate... we've got to get mate... My wolf growled wanting like but with restraint.

"Uhh sure? You don't need to ask me for permission..." My friend said looking uneasy. He glanced at me and mouthed: she's shitfaced.

We've got to get her! My mind yelled.

Mate! Err stop that! My wolf howled and I stayed where I was. I didn't want to go, mates were overrated. Right?

Suddenly the girl turned away and disappeared into the crowd. I took a step after her but she was gone.

"What was that?" I said pulling Kyle closer. I don't know why I was so interested. My friend smirked at me and raised his eyebrows.

"What?" He winked at me and it rubbed me the wrong way. I growled and his smile faltered.

"I-I don't like her like that Mason, she's yours." Kyle said quickly. I realized I held him by his collar of his shirt and I let him go. He fixed his collar and smirked at me.

"She's your mate alright." He chuckled. I growled at him.

Happy bastard.

"Shut up Kyle." I snarled and started through the crowd. Kyle's laugh followed me a little way as I walked.

I could see a stage in the far back and I could sense she- Amber- was over there. Lights flashed occasionally and it messed a little with my vision. It was dark in here but my eyes were acute to the darkness. I saw a light come on the stage and I walked closer. My heart skipped a beat as I watched Amber mount the stage.

What in Goddess's name is she doing?

The light fixed on her and I watched as her silky hair spilled over her shoulders as she pushed it back. Her dress hugged her body showing off her luscious curves.

Goddess... My wolf and I thought at the same time. She was beautiful. Intense longing rushed through me. I wanted to slap myself then and there but I took a deep breath instead. My body tried to move forward and I refused. It was only the beginning though.

She held a microphone and brought it up to her plump pink lips.

"Baby there's wolves out there...

Yes, love I know you don't care...

But listen they've taken my heart...

Baby they tore it apart." Her voice was so angelic that I stopped dead in my tracks and just listened. All senses focused on her.

"Love you're leaving at night...

Am I not doing something right?

The wolves they paw at the doors

It's something that I cannot ignore." Her voice flowed across the room. It was beautiful and intoxicating. My wolf pushed at my surface. My heart raced. People cheered and started dancing.

Mate! That's our mate!... get her before someone else does!  He howled inside me.

I felt a huge tug at my heart and I pushed my way closer to the stage. Fine. People started dancing together making it harder to get closer.

"We've yelled and we've fought, but I love you...

We've tried and we've lost, but I adore you...

Love you know I'd never hurt you

Please forgive me if I've turned you

Baby I've cried all day

Tell me why have you gone away?

Outside, the wolves play

At night they choose to stay..."

I watched almost in a trance as Amber's eyes swept the couples and was that pain I saw flash across her face? She took a deep breath.

"The wolves are mated and well

The wolves are the reason my heart fell

Baby do you even love me?

Please stay...

Come stand by me and never go...


They stare with bitter love

Their hearts like doves

I've tried everything to make them leave

If only my heart wasn't on my sleeve

Baby there's wolves out there

But love I know you never cared..."

Her voice faded and my wolf howled. Cheers exploded followed by claps and howls. Luckily the humans that were here were too drunk to notice the howls... Amber smiled softly and bowed. Then she handed the microphone she held over and strutted off the stage. I couldn't help but notice some males around me watching her with lustful eyes and I growled softly walking faster to find her.

Why are there so many damn people here? I snarled in my mind as I went around another couple. I couldn't believe I'd lost her again. I growled and looked around I was close to the stage now. Finally, my eyes laid on a woman in a gray dress. Amber. I smirked and walked toward her. My smirk quickly turned to a frown when I saw a male with dirty brown hair smiling and talking to her. They started laughing and the guy reached over and laid his arm on her shoulder. I saw her tense and shoot him a what-are-you-doing look. A growl erupted from my throat.

I stalked over and stopped in front of them. Amber looked at me with wide eyes and she stared at me. I smirked at her and glared at the male. My hand grasped his arm and I yanked it off her. He whined as I pulled him away from her and snarled at him. He was a werewolf I could tell just by looking at him.

"Back off pup. You can't handle that. She's mine." I growled pushing him.

He stumbled and cowered at my feet then stuttered, "S-sorry, I-I didn't know." I glared at him as he scurried away.

"Well you didn't have to be so mean." Amber said sternly but there was laughter in her eyes. Drunkenness was obvious in her movements and she reeked of alcohol.

She liked it. My wolf growled proudly.

"I had to show him." I said shrugging. I stepped closer to her glaring at the males watching until they looked away. Though some still watched.

"Show him what?" She said staring up at me. I looked her over and felt my lips curl upward at the tips slightly.

Why am I smiling? I tried to expel it but seeing the circumstances I thought it better not to.

"That you're mine." I said firmly and inwardly my wolf howled with triumph when she smiled.

"Oh so I'm yours now?" She said starting to walk around me her eyes were scrutinizing as she came back around to stand in front of me again. She'd checked me all the way out and I felt a little weird.

"Yes." I growled and she narrowed her eyes at me and crossed her arms over her chest.

"What if I don't want to be yours." She said flatly and my wolf whimpered. I think I even flinched.

Hold up now... Did she just? Mason don't flip on her she might leave.... Even though she deserves it.

"You are mine." I snarled in my powerful voice but she didn't flinch, didn't even blink. She took a step toward me and without warning she wrapped her arms around me and hugged me. She was strong for a little woman I'll admit. Agonizingly sweet fire rushed through me. But I was slightly scared. How could she make me feel so much?

My shock must've shown on my face because when she pulled away she giggled and then breathed, "Follow me... We need to talk." She sauntered away slowly and I followed her swaying hips out if the building.

We walked past the cars and stopped at the tree line. Dark forest stretched ahead of us and Amber turned to me with soft eyes. My heart thumped and I took a step closer to her. She held her ground and just stared at me for a while.

"What's all this about?" She said softly looking back toward the forest. My heart beat quickened a little.

"What?" I said softly feeling a growl come into my voice. I shoved my hands in my pockets.

"All this. You and me... I don't get this stuff. What's the big deal?" She breathed still staring out to the forest. I looked at her, her hair billowed softly in the gentle breeze and the moonlight kissed her skin. I resisted the urge to pull her closer and I shoved my hands harder into my pockets. She looked over at me and our eyes locked. I couldn't stand it any longer. Even if I was mad at her for leaving to go to some party and getting drunk, I wanted her, you know?

My hands quickly grabbed her shoulders and pulled her to me. She was just inches from me now and that sweet agony rushed through me once again. I saw her eyes squeeze shut for a second and she gasped softly before looking up at me with wide puppy dog eyes and I lost it.

I leaned forward and pulled her closer and buried my face in the crook of her neck breathing in the intoxicating scent of her. My lips brushed her shoulder and I heard her gasp. I smirked softly and kissed her shoulder moving slowly to her collarbone. My wolf was growling lovingly in me as I began to kiss her neck. A moan escaped Amber's lips and I picked her up and pressed her back against a tree. Hopefully she wouldn't remember any of this.

We got her... My wolf growled almost laughing.

I smirked and started sliding my kisses upward. My lips were working away at her jawline when she suddenly pushed me away. My wolf whined in protest.

Damn never mind... My wolf growled impatiently. I almost scoffed. No kidding.

Amber was slumped against the tree, panting. I watched her with narrowed eyes. I took a step toward her and she let out a throaty 'stop.' I paused staring at her with confusion.

"What?" I growled. Lust danced in her eyes before she blinked it away and frowned.

"Don't do that again." She spat glaring at me. I tilted my head to the side and anger sparked in me. She smirked softly and went to push past me. I caught her arm. She looked up at me and sneered.

"Let me go." She hissed. I frowned.

"Back there with all those heated males? Hell no." I snarled tightening my grip. Fear flickered in her eyes and I smirked. She saw my grin and the fear died immediately.

Stop you're making our mate mad... Oh wait I don't care. My wolf growled mockingly. I smirked as I stared into Amber's eyes. She looked back into mine and suddenly she leapt at me. Her hands latched onto my shoulders and she pressed her body against mine. I let out a grunt of surprise and admittedly... pleasure. I opened my mouth to say something and she made my words catch in my throat as she rubbed her soft hands down my arms. 

You're being weak! Stop this! My mind screamed at me. I physically couldn't. It felt so good. I groaned and wrapped my arms around her waist. Her hands grabbed mine and she removed them from her waist and stared into my eyes with a sweet smile. She pressed herself more roughly against me and I gulped.

Oh Dea... Get her off... My wolf growled. I groaned in protest. Then just as I was going to grab her waist she pulled away and pushed me. My legs buckled and I had to catch my footing. I looked up still fuzzy from the contact at Amber's smirking face. She walked over slowly and brushed her hand up my shoulder. Fire spread from her contact and I growled softly. My breath was coming out in ragged pants and Amber leaned closer.

Her lips tickled my ear as she breathed in a thick seducing voice, "Who are you to stop me? You know nothing about me... Mason." I couldn't find my voice as she walked past me and started toward the building. Her hips swayed with every step and I stared before blinking and a bit of anger came to me. Drunk Amber was bold but that wasn't necessarily a good think.

"Stop." I growled getting up and walking after her. She chuckled darkly and walked on. I caught up to her and pulled her to me so her back pressed against my chest. I growled possessively as she tried to pull away. I turned her back to face me.

"Don't ever walk away from me." I growled. She looked at me and yawned bored like. Amusement sparked in her eyes and she giggled.

"Aww did I make the big bad wolf mad?" She said in a mocking tone her eyes glinting. I glared at her.

"What's your problem?" I snorted staring into her sharp brown eyes. She looked hurt for a second then she scoffed and tried to pull away from me.

"I have no problems." She spat at me. I nodded unconvinced.

"Sure." I said smirking.

"It's none of your business anyway." She growled.

"You're my mate it is my business." I growled. Amber scoffed and looked away muttering under her breath. The scent of alcohol was thick as she spoke and I wrinkled my nose at the odor. I released my grip on her.

"Enough of this... now where's Lisa?" I said in a bored tone and Amber giggled.

"Kyle went to get her before you showed up. She's in there somewhere." Amber said pointing lazily to the building. I shook my head and growled.

"Why did you drink?" I asked and my mate gave me a giddy look.

"Why not?" was all she said before stumbling toward the building. I glared at the back of her head as she moved away from me. I caught up to her and led her back to the party.

"What are we doing?" She breathed softly. I looked back at her and smirked.

"We're leaving. There's no need to stay." I said pulling her along. She huffed and walked up to me to match my pace.

"Fine." She said and I was surprised she didn't argue.

I shook my head as she smiled innocently at me and I growled, "Come on... Kyle!" I boomed and soon enough the blond young man came slipping from the crowd a bored look on his face. He held a wild Lisa by his side who was pouting and arguing about being taken from the "pretty boys." He brightened when he saw us together and he chuckled.

"Finally can we go now?" He said with hopeful eyes. Amber and I nodded at the same time and said, "Yes." In unison. I looked at Amber and saw her fighting a blush as it tried to come to her cheeks.

"Come on." I said turning and leading Amber out with Kyle and Lisa trailing behind us.

"How are we gonna get them back?" Kyle asked.

"Carry them. If they walk they're gonna make the trip way longer than it has to be." I growled swooping up Amber who laughed talking about flying. I couldn't help chuckling a little at her drunken self.


God was I hungry. The only thing running through my mind was food. Meat to be exact. A big juicy hamburger wouldn't sound too bad right about now. I could almost feel it in my mouth, the nice succulent flavor of the meat invading my taste buds. The softness of the bread. The rich cheese and the yummy hint of mayonnaise.

I awoke with a groan and opened my eyes, instantly regretting the act because of the splitting headache I got from the light. I whined and rubbed my temples. I could hear something in the back of my mind and I listened and realized it was people talking.

"They've been like this for hours Mason... you should've gave them that medicine, it would've helped." A voice I didn't recognize said and its deepness instantly told me it was a guy. A snort followed his words.

"That's what they get—let them suffer. Maybe it'll teach them something." Mason's voice growled. There was a shuffling noise and then something soft and warm laid over me. A blanket. A growl sliced through the air.

"What? She's cold." The strange boy's voice said and for a second everything was in complete and utter silence to the point I was scared to breathe on the account I might make to loud of a sound.

"She's mine." Mason snarled and I heard a whimper.

"I know that. I'm not doing anything but being nice—something you should try." The boy said spitting out the last part. Suddenly there was a loud noise and a grunt and I jumped.

"Watch your tone with me Kyle. You may be a friend but don't you dare think I won't put you in your place." Mason growled. There was another grunting noise followed by a growl.

"And what is my place, huh?" the boy—Kyle countered.

"I don't know why don't you ask Clare?" Mason snarled and a loud whimper ripped through the room.

"That was low—fuck you." Kyle snarled, "You don't know the pain of losing your mate. It's like your heart is ripped out, you bastard."

"Oh shut up you'll find another mate." Mason snarled and the boy sobbed.

"There will never be another Clare!" Kyle roared and I fought the urge to open my eyes.

"Silence! If you wake her up I swear to Goddess, I'll beat you." Mason growled.

"You don't order me around. You may be Fenris but that changes nothing." Kyle spat.

"Just stay away from my mate or be broken on the ground." Mason snarled in a voice that seemed to make the whole earth fall silent.

"Okay..." Kyle said in a soft voice and the tension in the room faded.

"Go check on Lisa... I'm sorry." Mason's voice grumbled and I heard a sincere apology in his words.

"Screw you." Kyle grunted.

I heard Mason growl and the shuffling of footsteps then the shutting of a door. Lisa! I tried to open my eyes and sit up but slumped back down when a wave of nausea hit me and I groaned.

"Doesn't feel all too good does it?" Mason's voice said and I frowned.

"Oh shut up." I groaned and heard him chuckle. I gasped as I felt his fingers slide over my forehead and brush strands of hair away. The headache subdued at his touch and I sighed in content.

"Better?" Mason breathed as he combed his fingers through my hair and I gave a small nod. Warmth spread through me at the constant stroke of his hand and I smiled softly. After a while I peeled my eyes open to see Mason staring out of the window. We were in my room and he stood by my bed. His eyes were trained outside watching the forest with interest.

"Mason?" I asked and he looked down at me. When his eyes found mine he pulled his hand from my hair and let it fall to his side. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't disappointed that he'd stopped.

"Yeah?" He said looking a bit nervous.

"What happened last night?" I asked and he seemed to relax.

"Well a friend of mine showed up—Kyle—and we went to go get you two. Y'all were both drunk so we brought you home." Mason said and part of me knew he was leaving something out.

"And?" I asked. Mason gulped and looked away for a spit second and came back with a confused look; feigning innocence.

"N-nothing. That's all that happened." Mason said with a look of self-annoyance at his stumble in words.



"Do not lie to me." I said and he sighed. He rubbed the back of his neck and looked out the window.

"Well... I may've kissed your neck and stuff, then you kind of threw yourself at me but nothing happened." Mason said really quickly and all I heard was something about kissing and throwing.

"What?" I asked squinting my eyes at him. Mason groaned and shut his eyes.

"I kissed your neck, we argued a little, you jumped on me, we argued some more, then we left." He said and I looked at him in shock.

"What happened when we got here?" I asked. Mason slowly opened his eyes

"Nothing. We just put y'all in rooms because y'all were asleep." Mason said with a small shrug.

"Why'd you kiss me?" frankly I had no recollection of any such thing all I remember was going to the party and drinking; after that nothing.

"You were wearing a nice dress. You sang some song. Some guy was touching you. We went outside and I don't know—I couldn't help myself I guess. Too much was going on." Mason said with another shrug.

"That's all that happened?" I asked and he nodded.

"Okay then." I said softly and Mason sighed.

"Who's Clare?" I asked softly remembering Mason had said her name before the boy—Kyle got upset. Mason flinched a little and he frowned.

"Kyle's mate... she got shot and died by your kind." He grumbled and I gasped.

"And you just threw that in his face?" I asked in disbelief. Mason didn't say anything just looked at the ground and the act angered me. I sat up ignoring my headache and pointed at Mason accusingly.

"You threw his mate dying in his face! Who does that? That's like me going up to a widower and going on about how his wife died... Are you really that damn heartless?" I scolded and Mason looked at me. For a second shame riddled his face but then it faded to annoyance.

"It's not my fault he failed to protect his mate." Mason said sharply and I scoffed and almost laughed.

"What was he supposed to do? Make the bullet curve?" I shot back.

"They could've avoided the whole thing—they could've traveled as humans!" Mason snarled and I rolled my eyes.

"Think before you say stuff Mason! Honestly, someone could really hurt your feelings from all the things you say." I huffed.

"Hurt my feelings? How?" Mason said with a cocky smirk. I raised my eyebrows.

"Nothing." I said turning my head away so I wouldn't see his stupid smirk.

"No I wanna know, how will someone hurt my feelings?" Mason said and I could hear the grin in his words. He thought he'd won. Maybe he did because I didn't really want to argue anymore but he was testing me.

"I'm done—just get out. I don't wanna talk about it." I said looking out of the window at the tall pines.

"How will someone hurt my feelings?" Mason said in a sing-song voice. I felt something snap inside me and I tensed.

Don't say it, don't say it, don't say it... I thought repeatedly to myself.

"Did your father hurt your feelings when he killed your parents?" the words just rushed out of me. I was met with silence and I turned my head back to see Mason standing with wide eyes and a shocked expression.

"Did it hurt your feelings when you were left an orphan?" I asked and Mason looked at me with saddening eyes. Part of me felt bad but another part of me urged me to knock him off of his high horse.

"Did it?" I asked. Mason looked away. His body was tense and he stared at nothing for a while. Suddenly he took a deep breath and looked at me with an expressionless façade.

"Well played." He growled and turned away from me. He stepped toward my door and paused for a second. He just stood there not saying or doing anything before he gripped the doorknob and left shutting the door behind him.

Hey dear readers this chapter was  mighty long. Over 5,600 words to be exact.

I hope you liked!

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