Oh, Nana (A Fairy Tail Fanfic)

By BabyShamblesHD

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My mother disappeared when I was merely five years old and I was alone. I cried everyday until I wandered int... More

Chapter One
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Autumn Special
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
I'm sorry, but it's easier for me to do it this way

Chapter Two

116 4 0
By BabyShamblesHD

My heart ached as memories played in the back of my head, everyone I met in my former guild...they won't remember me. After everything I've been through with them, I don't believe it. I really don't; Rufus may be able to make people forget the little things, but he isn't that powerful to force people to forget about a person entirely. I need to go back, maybe when Laxus comes back from retrieving my belongings I can ask him if I could go; before I could sit there patiently for my comrade to return, I heard the voice of Makarov Dreyar calling out to me. "Hey Geezer."

"I've noticed something off about you Nana. Is there something you're hiding from us, your current guild?" He sat down on the bar counter next to me. When Makarov announced that Laxus was invited back to the guild by their fifth master, I too was invited to join.

"You see, I'm heading to Crocus for the three months we have train because my sister has informed me that our father is looking for me after hearing that I was kicked out of my former guild. It will be no surprise that if I don't head home, he'll be extremely worried."

"Who's your father?" Makarov opened his right eye and looked up at me.

"I don't think that's important right now, but I'm sure you're going to find out when the Games start. I'm sorry master, it's just that I can't tell you, not yet. Please respect my decision," I sighed heavily.

"I understand, also I've noticed a few things between my grandson and you ever since you came here. He dropped this off earlier and told me to apologize that he couldn't be here to say the proper goodbye until the Games in three months," Makarov reached down behind the bar and handed me a suitcase.

"Oh, I was—"

"I've also heard the strangest thing from my good friend Yajima, he told me that Doranbolt recently visited Fiore's current greatest guild and informed them that one of their mage's had passed away recently, poor child. Yajima also told me that they were going to keep the death a secret from the public, don't you think that's a good idea? I mean, the friends of that person, I'm not sure if it was a wise decision for their master to want to keep it a secret like that." he sighed heavily as a lump in my throat formed and it became extremely hard for me to breathe. "Huh, Nana? Are you okay?" Having my guild think I'm dead rather than forgetting me completely was definitely better, but I was still bummed out. They accepted me into the guild, trained with me, and they cherished me.

"Yeah, I'm just going to miss Laxus, that's all. And yeah, you're grandson and I are really close. I guess you could say that I consider him as brotherly figure, he has been overly kind to me when I first met him and now that we're reunited after seven years...we're closer than ever," I cleared my throat and sighed heavily.

"You miss someone other than my grandson, a boyfriend perhaps?" He nudged me playfully as I shook my head.

"No, it's something else. Well, now that I have my belongings, I should head over to Crocus now. Mind opening this when you guys get to Crocus? I'd like to see you guys before the Games," I smiled softly, handing him an envelope that as enchanted only to be opened on the day before the Games (June 30, X791).

"Of course, but may I ask you something before you leave?"

"Of course Geezer," I laughed softly as I clutched my suitcase in my hand. "Anything."

"Is it true that you've fought with Jura during the Games every year for the last seven years?" He looked very serious and extremely concerned.

"Yes, but this year I'm sure the votes will change, at least...I hope. Oh yeah, Geezer! Are you going to enroll a second team, I heard that you'll get a better chance if you enroll two teams, sorry if that sounded rude."

"Yes, I've decided that, no need to feel sorry for anything. Yet, I would like you to support the Fairy Tail B, if you'd like," he offered as I smiled softly at him.

"I'd love to, but I'm afraid that you'll figure out if I'm participating or not on the first day. Now, I really have to go. Remember to give them that letter, I'll try to contact you when I can." I waved goodbye and closed the wooden doors behind me, I took a deep breath as two familiar scents invaded my sense of smell. "Huh?" I looked around and followed the scent into the forest, it was Max and Warren.

"Max, are you positive that you think Nana is lying about her alias?" Warren crossed his arms as I spied on them from behind a tree, lying about my alias...does he know? "I'm pretty sure it's highly unlikely that Nana would keep something like that hidden from us."

"Remember, I'm the one who was outside the castle and saw a young girl in a ball gown. Correct me if I'm wrong, but Nana looks like that young girl, she could be the Princess whom could've been sent here to spy on us," Max's evidence didn't stand strong, so he had no foundation to fall on if he decides to tell the guild about his suspicion.

"That was three years ago, so that could've just been a daughter of a noble. Even if she is Princess Jolenta, it wouldn't add up. Nana's full name is Terrianna Eden Florence, like come on Max, you're just being paranoid—"

"Hi guys!" I smiled widely as I pretended to walk by them. "What's going on?"

"Oh hey Nana, you heading out to train?" Max smiled at me.

"Yeah, I'll be gone for the time between today and the day before the Games," I sighed heavily. I wasn't lying, I really was going to be away for that long. Max was spot on with his speculation, but he just didn't have enough evidence. I'm glad Warren drove him away from the absurd suspicion.

"Did Freed tell you anything yet?" Warren winked.

"Besides telling me that he doesn't anything to happen between us? It was funny though, I kind of liked him." I sighed heavily with a subtle smile. "But it's for the best."

"He told you that?!" The both of them gasped loudly, shocked that Freed turned me down like that. "Well, it's his loss for turning you down like that."

"Don't worry about it though, you're a great gal and I'm sure someone will turn up for you," Warren patted my back.

"I did have someone," I looked at them as I gripped my bag in my hand. "I should get going, I'll see you guys in three months."

"I wonder what she meant by did," I heard Max question as I strayed away a few feet. "Maybe some guy from her former guild, do you know what guild she's from?"

"Laxus said he's not going to share that until Nana's ready to," Warren answered with a concerned tone. "But I guess we might meet him during the festival." The sad part about that last sentence is that they don't know who I'm talking about. The man I'm talking about was in my guild and we bonded, he was my friend, but after he was forced to watch me be disrobed against my will and had to physically remove my emblem.

The train ride was long and painful, but when I finally managed to get off the train...I changed into something now presentable since I was heading home. "Jolenta!" My sister, Hisui E. Fiore, ran to me and tackled me into a hug. "Oh yay! You're wearing the forest green dress I got you!" She smiled as she laid on top of me, burying her face into my covered chest. "I missed you so much."

"I missed you too and we should get up before someone walks in on us—"

"Princesses, your father would like to have a word—oh!" Arcadios, one of our Knights, walked in and stared at us with rosy cheeks. Our father is Toma E. Fiore and he's the king that rules the country. "Please excuse my rudeness, but your father is calling the both of you."

"Okay," I sat up and pulled Hisui up next to me. "It's nice to see you again, Arcadios."

"I'm just grateful to see the two princesses together again," he smiled. "Also nice to see you're wearing something proper for your title."

"Thank you, I've gotten rid of my old clothing and bought new ones that I could wear. They're mostly dresses and or actual pants and tops," I bowed my head.

"Come now, Jolenta, father has something to ask you," Hisui smiled as she pulled me to the throne room. I've forgotten how huge the castle was, it's been months.

"Jolenta," my father looked down at me, from his high throne, I could feel his disappointment. "How did you fail your job that master Jiemma gave you?" I didn't answer him. "Very well, I've also noticed that you've join the guild Fairy Tail. Are they competing this year?" I nodded my head. "For your training, you're going to the Palace of Perdition."

"Sir, isn't that a bit extreme?" Arcadios stood in front of me.

"If she can't answer me about why she failed her job, then she is going down there to prove to me how strong she is. None of the Executioners know about your existence, so that will be a good challenge." My father spoke sternly.

"I failed because a dragon threatened my mother," I answered. "This dragon was unlike any I've ever seen and I couldn't slay it, before I could give him the finishing blow...he threatened my mother."

"Do you know the name of the dragon? How was he able to communicate with you? You could be crazy for all I know, dragon's existed 400 years ago Jolenta, there's no way they were here fourteen years ago!" He scolded me. My eyes widened, I've never seen my father like this before. Him calling me crazy and telling me what I was told when I first joined my guild, it felt like someone just stabbed me in the heart. I took a step back, shocked that he just said that to me. "And if that dragon existed, how come you didn't slay it like you're made to do?"

"F-Father, I already t-told you—" I stammered as I struggled to spit out my words.

"You're a disgrace to the Fiore family and brought dishonor to your dragon slayer title. Until you actually win in a battle this year, I don't want to speak to you ever again. Go to your room, now!" He shouted at me as started to tremble in disbelief.

"Sir, with all due respect, that is very unnecessary to say to your daughter who's a first generation slayer," Arcadios stood up for me once again as Hisui held my hand and comforted me.

"Father, how could you?" Hisui hugged me and allowed me to cry on her chest. "I'm very disappointed in you, she's my sister."

"Adopted sister," he corrected her.

"We chose her," she challenged and brought me away from the throne room. "It's your fault for sending her to that awful guild in the first place. She was tortured and yelled at when she would suggest something against her former master, of course you don't know that feeling because you're the big man in charge. Come on Jolenta, I'll help you to your room." Once I reached my room, I told Hisui to leave because I knew I was going to go on a rampage due to the mixed emotions surging through my body. She nodded her head and closed the five inch thick door. I toppled over my chairs and threw my books all around, I threw them with such force that they cracked the granite walls.

Once I was done trashing my room, I slid down the wall and pulled a chunk of the granite out. I took a huge chomp as I began to eat the hard stone. "I'll never be strong enough to beat Jura in a battle," I sniffled. This year, I turned nineteen meaning that I'm going to have my identity released to the public just like Hisui when she turned nineteen nine months ago. I'm going to have to represent the kingdom if the voters vote for Princess Jolenta to battle someone from the guild. Since I'm not royalty by blood, I have no choice but to go with the vote.

"Second Origin: Unlock!" I heard a woman's voice as my body was covered in red, glowing tattoos. I started to wince in pain, it hurt; it was like these tattoos were digging into my skin looking for something. I was crying for over an hour because of this spell, I couldn't cope. After the pain stopped, I felt stronger and more willing to get something done. I rummaged through the leftovers of my book shelf and looked up something called the Second Origin, what I found about that made me both extremely happy and worried about how strong I am now.

• • •

I dusted my dress as today is the day before the Games and I'm expecting to have a few visitors. I really wanted Fairy Tail Team A to have at least a hint about my royalty, so I dressed appropriately for that situation. I wore my sleeveless, fitted, dark, green dress that showed off my cleavage a little bit, but it was still extremely formal. I wore a pair of arm warmers that was velvety and the way it stayed on my arms was by hooking around my middle finger. I picked up my golden headband with a green gem placed in the middle and settled it on my head as I pulled my hair back into a high pony tail. My shoes were golden colored flats that sparkled in the sunlight, I was now ready for my meeting with the guild.

In the letter it stated:

Please stop by the Tavern next to the Honey Bone Inn.

"Thank you for escorting me here," I smiled at Arcadios as he held my hand and bowed to me. "You're a very kind man."

"You're welcome Princess, it's an honor for you to compliment my nature," he rose up and released my hand. "Your sister will be expecting you home by one in the morning due to your participation in the Games. Depending if you are needed by your guild."

"Thank you again Arcadios," I waved goodbye as he started to make his way back to the castle. I waited until he was out of sight to knock on the door, but before my knuckles could make contact with the door, it flew open and I was immediately overwhelmed by an extremely familiar head of pink hair. "Natsu!" I exclaimed as he pulled me into the tavern, I almost fell onto the hardwood floors.

"Nana, is that really you?" Gray smiled at me. "You look, different, but in a good way. Did you get all dolled up for me?" He winked as I held back my vomit, I really didn't like being hit on.

"You wish," I laughed. "I'm actually just here to see you guys, I missed you all."

"You look like a princess!" Happy, Natsu's exceed, looked up at me with stars in his eyes.

"Good afternoon, Nana, it's been a while," Loke, one of Lucy's celestial spirits, popped up next to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulders. "Might I say, you're looking gorgeous today, I would love it if you would join me for a dr—"

"No way," I shook my head and crossed my arms, "please leave me alone before you make me vomit in disgust at your pretty boy act. You're handsome though, I'll give you that."

"Good enough," he smiled and kissed my hand as he vanished into a cloud of dust.

"So, why are you dressed like that Nana?" Lucy looked really annoyed with me. "You trying to compete with the women in our guild?"

"It's not that," I shook my head and hugged myself under my bust. "I just wanted to tell you all something before everyone else finds out tomorrow, but first I need to ask something...did you vote to have Princess Jolenta battle?"

"Of course we did! The whole guild did, we wanna see what that woman's made out of!" Natsu smiled widely at me.

"Then that means I won't be able to help the team for the Games. I'm Princess Jolenta, Terrianna is the name I went by when I joined my first wizard guild. Jolenta is my real name, I chose the name Terrianna because it sounds like my foster mother's name. I just wanted to tell you guys first," I lowered my head. "I wanted at least some people to know."

"Princess Jolenta?!" They gasped loudly as they went on their knees and started to beg for forgiveness.

"You guys, you don't have to—"

"I'm sorry for being rude to you Princess," Lucy hugged my leg. I tried to shake her off my leg, but she wouldn't let go! When the nobles of the kingdom would bow or praise me, I never liked it even though it was proper thing to do. These people were my friends and it didn't feel right at all to have them worship me like a goddess, pleading for forgiveness.

"Lucy, it's okay," I felt chills run up my spin as she inched up my leg and hugged my thigh.

"I'm sorry for punching you in the back with my fire!" Natsu hugged my other leg, also inching up to my thigh.

"I'm sorry for always hitting on you in the guild!" Gray kneeled between Lucy and Natsu as he buried his face into my torso, this was really uncomfortable for me.

"Just don't tell the guild, promise?" I asked them as they nodded their heads causing me to lose my balance and stumbled backwards, Lucy and Natsu pulled away as Gray continued to hold me, but moved up to where his head was in the valley of my breasts with his cold arms and his frosty breath tingling my cleavage. My eyes were widened as my cheeks turned bright red in embarrassment.

"We're here!" The wooden doors busted open as Laxus, Freed, Bickslow, and Evergreen announced themselves. They froze as they saw the position I was in with Gray, this wasn't going to end in a good way.

"Wow Nana, I didn't think you actually owned clothes like that," Evergreen laughed.

"What the hell are you doing!" Laxus growled and pushed Gray off of me, pulling me up from the splintering floors. "Are you okay Nana, did he hurt you?"

"No, I'm okay," I smiled at him with assurance. "Is the rest of the guild on their way?" Despite what happened a few seconds ago, I was worried about how the rest of the guild will react when they find out my true identity tomorrow. I pondered as they flooded the tavern, I socialized with Lisanna, Levy, Lucy, Juvia, and Mirajane. It was a good night, but I still imagined their reactions, I prayed they weren't going to be upset that I might not be able to support them in the Games.

"Juvia is very excited for you to participate in the Games tomorrow!" Juvia pressed her cheek against mine, smiling with glee.

"Yeah, we can't wait to see you tomorrow, you're going to bring Fairy Tail to the top!" Lisanna patted my back as Erza came up behind me, carrying me with a proud smile on her face.

"Time for a ride!" She settled me on a wooden board, pushing me on a triplet of barrels like a cart. Immediately, my stomach started to turn, and my face was flushed of its color. I rolled off the makeshift cart because of my severe case of motion sickness, when I turned sixteen was the time I started to feel this way on any type of transportation.

"Nana!" Gray and Natsu dived down and caught me before I could hit the ground. "Are you okay, are you hurt?"

"Chill guys," Laxus chuckled. "She just fell a few inches, she's fine. You're treating her as if she's a princess." Laxus commented as the fire and ice wizards looked at each other with a panicked facial emotion.

"Yeah, I'm okay," I nodded as my stomach settled. "You guys should get your sight seeing over with because tomorrow is a big day. I need to get going too," I smiled as I fixed my headband and rolled up my arm warmers. "A friend is expecting me, I'll see you guys later." I didn't really go home though, I met up with Arcadios as he gave me my casual attire that I usually wear on normal days.

"Princess, don't be late tonight, okay? Your sister is really worried about you, you know, after how she heard you screaming in pain from your room," Arcadios looked away as I finished changing into my new set of clothes. "Here's your cloak incase it gets nippy tonight."

"Thank you," I smiled. "I won't be late tonight."

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