Fallen Angel

By xMishx

386K 24.7K 705

As the son of the devil, Brannon Dremain has lived a life that was filled with happiness; he's never wanted f... More

Part One: Falling Into Hell
Chapter 1: Brannon
Chapter 2: Emily
Chapter 3: Brannon
Chapter 4: Emily
Chapter 5: Brannon
Chapter 6: Emily
Chapter 7: Brannon
Chapter 8: Emily
Chapter 9: Brannon
Chapter 10: Emily
Chapter 11: Brannon
Chapter 12: Emily
Chapter 13: Brannon
Chapter 14: Emily
Chapter 15: Brannon
Chapter 16: Emily
Chapter 17: Brannon
Chapter 18: Emily
Chapter 19: Brannon
Chapter 20: Emily
Chapter 21: Brannon
Chapter 22: Emily
Chapter 23: Brannon
Chapter 24: Emily
Chapter 25: Brannon
Chapter 26: Emily
Chapter 27: Brannon
Chapter 28: Emily
Chapter 29: Brannon
Chapter 30: Emily
Part Two: Monster In The Dark
Chapter 31: Brannon
Chapter 32: Emily
Chapter 33: Brannon
Chapter 34: Emily
Chapter 35: Brannon
Chapter 36: Emily
Chapter 37: Brannon
Chapter 38: Emily
Chapter 39: Brannon
Chapter 40: Emily
Chapter 41: Brannon
Chapter 42: Emily
Chapter 43: Brannon
Chapter 44: Emily
Chapter 45: Brannon
Chapter 46: Emily
Chapter 47: Brannon
Chapter 48: Emily
Chapter 49: Brannon
Chapter 50: Emily
Chapter 51: Brannon
Chapter 52: Emily
Chapter 53: Brannon
Chapter 54: Emily
Chapter 55: Brannon
Chapter 56: Emily
Chapter 57: Brannon
Chapter 59: Brannon
Chapter 60: Emily
Part three: King of Death
Chapter 61: Brannon
Chapter 62: Emily
Chapter 63: Brannon
Chapter 64: Emily
Chapter 65: Brannon
Chapter 66: Emily
Chapter 67: Brannon
Chapter 68: Emily
Chapter 69: Brannon
Chapter 70: Emily
Chapter 71: Brannon
Chapter 72: Emily
Chapter 73: Brannon
Chapter 74: Emily
Chapter 75: Brannon
Chapter 76: Emily
Chapter 77: Brannon
Chapter 78: Emily
Chapter 79: Brannon
Chapter 80: Emily
Chapter 81: Brannon
Chapter 82: Emily
Chapter 83: Brannon
Chapter 84: Emily
Chapter 85: Brannon
Chapter 86: Emily
Chapter 87: Brannon
Chapter 88: Emily
Chapter 89: Brannon
Chapter 90: Emily
Those fifteen or more years later....
The end

Chapter 58: Emily

3K 221 6
By xMishx

Michael gestured to the lounge that was near the fireplace. A low fire had been burning, warming the immediate area. I sat on the lounge, watching with a lot of caution. I'd never encountered an archangel before, aside from the devil of course. They were powerful, they held the ability to do so much with such little effort.

"I could say, what brings you here but I already know the answer to that. One hundred and fifteen souls arrived a few hours ago, something that was not scheduled. The protocols had not been adhered to and it is my understanding that hell was bypassed all together. What do you know of the situation Emily?"

"Brannon's upset that we can't be together and he said that he will harvest more until he gets what he wants."

"Which is you."

I nodded reluctantly. Why? Because I knew that Brannon and I had drifted apart. We were not the same people anymore. My heart was in a thousand pieces, broken and it was likely that I could never fully repair it. He was my first love and even though I wanted him, I don't think that it would ever be the same.

"You know he's moved on, don't you?"

"With the vampire, yeah I figured as much."

Michael nodded, stretching back on the leather lounge.

"There is a cloud of uncertainty over him, I'd like nothing more than the ability to track him and find him before he does more damage but he is as wily as his father. He knows how to play the game and for that reason, we must be smart in our movements from now on. With each passing minute, his mind grows darker, his lust for the vampire increases while his love for you is slowly dying. If there was ever a chance of repairing the relationship, it has passed long ago and for that, I am truly sorry Emily. Heaven and hell will always be at odds with each other but that doesn't mean that we don't want the best for our own. I know that in the past I had tried to stop the devil and his love from forging a relationship but that was based on blinded trust of a seer's vision. There is no reason that an angel cannot form a bond with another, regardless of what kind of creature they may be. All that this world requires is that they are accepting of the worlds and naturally as a part of one of those worlds, Brannon met that requirement."

"I don't understand, why were you trying to stop us?"

He sighed rather heavily, looking away for a brief moment before returning to me.

"Your assignment was that you were to watch Brannon and nothing more. When you pushed the limit on the assignment, your overseer deemed you to be a high risk situation which essentially means that you are removed from the assignment. They did as the rules stated, they put you into a safe house and removed your powers."

"And placed the purity spell over me."

Michael nodded, offering a sharp smile.

"I suppose you wish for it to be removed."

Yeah, I would like that.

"I don't like being controlled."

"That may be so but we cannot help you. A purity spell remains until you are pure. Once you are there Emily, your thoughts of Brannon will not be the same. Your love was always doomed, no matter how hard either of you tried, it was always destined to fail. Opposites in every way, there maybe attraction but it would not have lasted. When he told you that he had harvested those souls, what did you feel?"

"Sick. I couldn't believe that he'd done it."

Michael gave a knowing nod.

"And it will only get worse. I warned his mother that the child she carried was a monster and she didn't believe me, for my efforts I earned a broken nose. But I was right, he is a monster and he will continue on like a spoiled brat, not stopping with his tantrum until he gets what he wants."

"But he can't have it." I said sadly.

"No and therein lies the problem. What to do with the son of the devil who has made a demand for the unattainable?"

"I will reason with him, make him see that we can't be together. If he's with Chloe, then it won't matter anyway."

The archangel laughed, a wicked chortle that made me concerned.

"His infatuation with the vampire is fleeting. One whiff of his pretty angel and he'd dump her in a second. Your offer is most commendable Emily, I am humbly appreciative of your willingness to face off against the enemy but in this instance, it is not sufficient. We will be taking another avenue, one that will require us to go on a road trip."

He looked over the guards outfit I was wearing with amusement.

"I think that we can deal with that first."

A snap of his fingers and I was in a smart pant suit, a deep grey colour with a stark white cotton shirt underneath. I stood as Michael did, looking over the outfit and the glossy black pumps. Crossing the gap between us, Michael looked down at me. The charming smile gleamed almost as brightly as his deep purple eyes. They had a richness to them that was beautiful, the man himself was alluring.

"I can give you so much in this world Emily, more than just a first level deus. This assignment will test you and your strength, if you pass then you can move up in levels. Pass with excellence and I could move you to the top of the deus levels."

That was an amazing offer, the only level above deus was to be an archangel and that was something that could not be attained. Archangels were made for their roles, not earned through hard work. With one little assignment, I could reach the top. But the problem was, I knew that the assignment was going to be rough. I knew that it would end Brannon and I forever.

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