Two of a kind (phan and kickt...

Bởi phanallamallama

2.1M 71.2K 148K

Phil doesn't have a best friend in his life. That is, until Dan turns up at his school. They become close and... Xem Thêm

Two of a kind
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapyter 3
Chapter 4
Chappy 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chayptery 9
Chapter 10
Chappity 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapipter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chaptet 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
A bit about me
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapopter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chipter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38

Chaperity 25

40.3K 1.4K 3.9K
Bởi phanallamallama

This chapter is going to be a lot of time skips so there will be a stars whenever it skips forward. Also part will be in Dan's POV okay? Just roll with it.

It was getting near half term and everyone felt like they definitely needed a break from school work and stress, even the teachers sounded glad when they announced they only had one more week to go before they had their full week off school.
"I can't wait to be able to spend pretty much a whole week with you," Dan said quietly, taking Phil's hand under the desk in form.
"Me too. It's going to be so much fun. I just hope it doesn't get too cold all of sudden, I don't want summer to be over," Phil said sadly.
"I quite like autumn actually, it's not too hot or too cold and all the leaves fall and it makes everything really pretty," Dan commented.
"That's a good point, I almost forgot about that," Phil said, smiling again and pecked Dan quickly on the cheek. Some girls in their class had started aweing when they saw them being coupley so they tried to keep in to a minimum during classes as it was getting to be quite annoying.
"Have I ever said how cute you are?" Dan said, sitting back and staring lovingly at Phil.
"Maybe," Phil said and blushed. It had been a few months and yet Dan could still make Phil go red with just a few words.

"And even cuter when you blush," Dan added and Phil hid his face in his sleeves.
"Shut up," Phil whined, pleading with his face to tone it's beetroot colour down.
"Never," Dan said, and pulled his hands away before pecking him on the lips. The chorus of awes appeared and Dan blushed a little as well, he had forgotten people could see them, he just felt like he was off in a different world with Phil. Phil's world. Where everything is fluffy and has secret hiding places and loving words. Nothing bad could ever happen there, no secrets or lies, just love.

The bell rang and they realised they had different lessons first.
"Eugh not maths," Dan moaned as they stood up and walked out of class, holding their books they got beforehand.
"I know, it's such a rubbish subject,"
Phil commented.
"And I have to be away from you," Dan whined.
"Mmmmm," Phil hummed sympathetically, but honestly, he liked being away from Dan, just for a little while, because he was able to talk to Damian like he usually would. Because Dan was still protective over him he kept shielding him away whenever they talked at all, it was getting a bit suffocating really. As Dan's class was closer to their form room Phil walked him to the door before kissing his cheek and walking off, smiling to himself. He walked into his room and Damian was already sitting in the seat next to Phil's.

"Hey Dame," Phil greeted.
"Hey, ready to do some work?" He said sarcastically, pretending to be enthusiastic.
"Yeah!" Phil replied in the same tone, then they both broke down into giggles.
"Hey I didn't realise your tongue does that thing when you smile really wide," Damian commented.
"What do you mean?"
"When it sticks out," Damian said, pointing.
"No I hate it when it does that," Phil moaned and hid his mouth behind his hands.
"It looks stupid,"
"I think it's cute."


"What the hell does this mean?" Damian asked, jabbing his work with a pen.
"I don't know," Phil groaned, resting his head in his hands before suddenly perking up. "Hey, wanna hear a maths joke?" He asked.
"Sure, it's better than this crap," Damian said, looking more awake and less bored.
"Why is x always confused?" Phil asked, smirking.
"I don't know,"
"Because he's always asking y," he said, and grinned widely, watching Damian groan and put his head in his hands.
"I hate you that was terrible," he mumbled and Phil laughed.
"You love it really,"
"No. I really don't,"


"Won't they notice us eating under the desk?" Phil asked worriedly.
"I doubt it," Damian said. "Malteser?" He asked, shaking the bag a little under the desk. Phil took one and quickly while the teacher was facing the board, popped it into his mouth.
"Okay this was a good idea," he said as the sweetness engulfed his mouth.
"I know," Damian said smugly, putting the bad between their seats so they could both get to them when they wanted.

About halfway through the lesson they both reached in at the same time, their hands hitting each others.
"Sorry," they both said at the same time, retracting their hands and then giggled. Phil grabbed another first and placed it on his tongue, feeling the chocolate melt over it.
"You have chocolate on your lip," Damian told him.
"I always seem to this is getting annoying," he said, sticking his tongue out trying to find it. But Damian had already swiped his thumb across his lip and removed it.
"All gone," he said, and Phil's cheeks darkened slightly.
"Thank you," Phil said and then looked back at his work, feeling aware that Damian was staring at him and smiling.

"Oh, there's only one left," Phil said as he looked into the bag again sadly.
"You can have it," Damian offered.
"No, you have it, you brought them in,"
"No but I know you really want it, so take it,"
"No you eat it or I will feel guilty,"
"Fine," Damian said and plucked it from the bag. "Actually, I don't want it, you have it," he said.
"No, you do, so have it,"
"Oh just eat it already," Damian said and as Phil opened his mouth to reply Damian popped it into his open mouth. Phil scowled at him but was secretly happy as the chocolate biscuit filled his mouth.
"You're so mean," he said after.
"I just gave you the last Malteser, you are now in my debt," Damian told him.
"Against my will,"
"Shut up,"

About 5 minutes before the bell was going to go a girl who sat in front of Phil and Damian turned around, looking thoughtful.
"Are you two together?" She asked, straight to the point.
"No, why?" Phil said quickly, feeling worried.
"No we aren't, I have a girlfriend" Damian confirmed, covering for them.
"Just wondering," she said, a knowing sort of look in her eye and turned back around. Phil shot Damian a worried glance but he shrugged his shoulders and gave Phil a look telling him to not worry about it. So of course, he didn't.


"Damian?" Phil said out of the blue when they had been working quietly for a few minutes.
"Is it bad I like maths because I am away from Dan?" Phil blurted, then automatically felt guilty.
"How do you mean?" Damian asked, looking a bit confused, but put down his pen to listen.
"It's just... I like being able to talk to you normally. Whenever I talk to you and he is around I have to be all uncomfortable so Dan is, and he keeps dragging me away from you as much as possible or kissing me randomly and full on just because you are around. I feel a bit caged in if you get what I mean?" Phil tried to explain.
"Talk to him about it?" Damian suggested.
"It would just make him paranoid again," Phil said. "But on a plus side, it makes me like maths a lot more," he said and went back to working. He saw Damian do the same out of the corner of his eye, but he had a small smile on his face instead of a scowl.


Dan's maths lesson had finish a few minutes early as the teacher had become sidetracked and let them out before the bell, Dan guessed she just really needed to go out and smoke, so even though Phil was meant to wait outside Dan's class, Dan thought he would wait for him instead. He was quite happy as it was the last day of term and Phil was coming over to celebrate with pizza and kisses. He walked down the corridor and stood just out of eyeshot of the door, hoping to surprise Phil a little when he saw him. He looked around the open door and saw Phil smiling, making himself grin. He saw him chatting to Damian as the teacher told them to pack away for next lesson and heard what they were saying while he watched.

"You are such an idiot sometimes, why am I friends with you?" Phil moaned, pushing his shoulder slightly.
"You love it really," Damian said, sticking out his tongue.
"No I don't," Phil protested. Damian winked and pretended to blow a kiss to Phil, who rolled his eyes. But then he caught it and pretended to tuck it into his pocket.
"Yes you do,"
"Fine, to shut you up, I do," Phil said and then they both burst into grins, Phil smiling how he only usually did around Dan.

Dan quickly pulled away from the door and tried to work out what had just happened in his head. He had to get away for a little longer before seeing Phil again so he could sort out his mind so he swiftly walked back to his maths room, standing outside to make it seem like he had always been there, while trying to decide how to act. Damian and Phil were chatting and laughing like friends, but the kiss thing. Should he be worried? Was that flirty? Phil's words starting ringing through his head loudly. ''Nothing will ever happen," they spoke loudly and clearly and Dan closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He would trust Phil, it was what was right. He wouldn't let his paranoia catch up again. This relationship wouldn't be ruined.

He saw Phil walk through the double doors grinning at him and he let a small smile tug at his mouth.
"I missed you," Phil said, and kissed his lips gently for a few seconds. Dan smiled and kissed back.
"I missed you too," Dan replied and smiled properly. He had just been paranoid, nothing was happening that he would ever have to worry about. Phil took his hand and Dan kissed him again.
"What was that for?" Phil asked.
"I just really love you," Dan replied and Phil went red, squeezing his hand tightly.
"Ready for PE?" He asked.
"Never am but let's go, Chris and Pj will hopefully make it funnier," Dan said and they walked off to their lockers to grab their kit.

Chris and Pj had certainly made it funnier. They were going gymnastics and Chris had grabbed one of the ropes at the side (and Pj) and swung across, clutching them both ad yodelling like Tarzan, before jumping off and making out with his 'Jane' heavily before their teacher noticed but everyone else had. All you needed was a good impressions and Disney to spice up some good old gymnastics.

That was a bit short really. Oh well, I am sorry if you want to kill me because of Damian and Phil being all flirty. Actually I'm not, I will apologise when it's really necessary (probably soon).

Oh yeah I am meant to be revising all the week for big important maths exams (I am falling maths and I really don't want to retake them) so guess what, I write instead. I'm so smart.


Stay cute my cupcakes (you all are cute don't say you aren't)!

Anni out!

*flies into you're roof and drops presents down your chimney* (or in through the window if you don't have a chimney)

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