The first female alpha

By StephLovaa

3.2K 98 14

Mating isn't always a fairy tale especially when powers are in the mix More

The First Female Alpha
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25


18 1 3
By StephLovaa


I had to take over once he bit me the power was pulling me thru. I have to take control to be able to pass our gift on to our mate. M doesn't know how since I'm mostly in control of the magic but soon we will be able to use the magic. The difference is I'm icy blonde and M is fire red, total different but make each other perfect. I looked up at my lustful mate and see he's scared a little but I know his wolf is ready for this so I continue on this. "It's my turn now mate, I think that spot right there would be perfect for my mark." He looked at me and just licked his lips. I move forward and set my icy lips on to the spot right near his crook on his neck. Then I nip at it teasing him a bit. Then I bite down in an impact I felt the power transfer going threw me into him. His eyes turned this fire flame color like I can actually see it. I then licked it up and sealed it.

I still couldn't stop looking at my mate it was like it wasn't him, but I still desire him. Then I realize it wasn't Dean it was his wolf. In that deep voice "hey lovely it feels good to finally for full my destiny. But fire why?" " I guess because I'm ice, we balance each other out. Hot and cold , I didn't even know you'll get that since only goddess is in decision with that."

"Well you ready to complete this thing." With that I decided it was time to let loose and give back control to M and for her and Dean to feel the full force which is mating. Love and desire and most of all loyalty is what makes the bond strong and they both already had that. I have no bad feeling that they can't give each other the parts that was missing in there life. "HONEY WE MUST NOW LET THEM TAKE CONTROL ONCE MORE SO THAT OUR BOND CAN BE COMPLETED" I use in full force and power behind it so he knows its the truth.
M let Ana take control once more "MY HANDSOME MATE I COULD LOOK AT YOU ALL NIGHT BUT I MUST SAY THIS IS THE WAY I ALWAYS DREAM OF IT ME ON TOP " Ana had a sinful grin and she knew it. Seeing flames once more in Deans eyes she knew Her were king was back to finish the mating process. "DARLING ITS TIME WE STOP THIS TALKING AND PLAY" That sent shivers down Ana and M's back, just hearing there mate want them was the fuel to the fire so to speak. Ana pulled the rest of his clothes off his body as he did the same to her. In there full nakedness they share at each other in awe of the few in front of them. Ana and her Ice blonde hair , crystal blue eye she was as much breathtaking as M and in front of Her is her love 6'3 muscles that will built just the way she likes it, full v cut and his eyes red with bright flames dancing just showing her how much passion flows through it . They start kissing softly at first but then it turn full passion in 0 to 5 mins. They were on the bed in mins.

His hand slid down to the crook of her core and Ana was loosing it thinking to her self freak being in control and just lose herself in the way the sparks move all around her core. Blaze hands were amazing I thought I couldn't be in even more pleasure then I am in now. Then he licks the mark which made me feel like and explosion go down once I realized I had my release. " ooh little mate I'm not done with you yet." He said with a smirk on his face. With that motion he open my legs and then my whole body went stiff once he slid in. At first it was painful but the more he kept going with this rhythm, I came to love every single moment of it. "BLAZE OH MY" that just made him go faster then I felt warm and it made my insides feel amazing and it hit me he was using his abilities to add pleasure. Then I decided to add a little cold to the mix "ANA WHAT EVER YOUR DOING DONT STOP" he tells me. Which made me more excited that I was pleasing my mate. 2 hours later we were both out of breathe and all over the floor. Finally mated . Finally heaven on my earth to say that I'm with my soulmate is everything. I closed my eyes and blacked out, welcoming sleep because I was near my mate.


I still can't believe that I'm fully mated to M , I noticed her go back to my red haired beauty as soon as she passed out. I could get use to this feeling all the time being complete with my mate. Last night was out of this world I could believe our wolves was so powerful and Blaze was a natural. Guess the name suits him now more then ever. "Remember I always deep down knew we were built for greatness and in our pass life's we are always strong enough for our mates." He was right he has always said that I just ignored him because he was always so cryptic. But as the moons light shines on my beauty in front of me I'm so happy the goddess saw in us something amazing.. finally mated.....

HEY SORRY IT HAS BEEN A REALLY LONG TIME SINCE I UPDATED BUT I WORK TWO JOBS AND ITS HARD. Hope you enjoy the update guys I will try to finish up this book soon. Xoxoxo STEPH

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