I've Got Another Confession T...

By SpaceyPrissy89

22K 1K 361

Brittany got a part in a movie but what she really wants to do is be in a band. While out with her new friend... More

1. Coffee Bean
2. Oh Make Me Over!
3. Meeting The Guys
4. Goodbye Earl...I Mean Isaiah
5. There Goes My Hero...
6. A Social Blast, Chaotic Master
7. I'm Looking To The Sky.....
8. Big Me To Talk About It...
9. Something That I Felt Today.......
10. Pin Me Down....Show Me How...
11. Came Without A Warning
12. Give Me Some Rope I'm Coming Loose
13. Being Happy Is All That Matters
14. You're Gonna Be Stars!
15. Jump Forward
16. I Found My Family
17. ...But It's You I Fell Into
18. There You Go Making Me Fall In Love Again
19. I'm Here And I'm On The Mend
20. Didn't Lay Down And Die
21. No Way Back From Here
22. Another Day Has Come And Gone
23. Oh Cinderella, They Aren't Sluts Like You
24. Out On The Road
25. With A Little Help From My Friends
26. Dancing With The Spirits In The Square
27. One Big Happy Family
28. Pretty Eyed, Pirate Smile, You'll Marry A Music Man
29. Moving On Up
30. It's My Party And I'll Cry If I Want To
31. One's On The Way
32. It's A..............
33. It's In His Kiss
34. Home Sweet Home
35. Yankee Doodle Sweetheart
37. Scotty Doesn't Know
38. Come On Baby Drive Me Wild
39. Say Cheese!
40. License To Drive
41. I Got You Babe
42. And The Beat Goes On
43. Can't Keep My Hands Off You
44. I Should Have Known
45. Can't You Hear My Motored Heart
46. You're The One That Started It
47. Welcome To Peace Punk
48. I Forgot To Mention...
49. Say Yes To The Dress
50. Birthday Girl
51. Dressed To Kill
52. Let There Be Cake
53. First Birthday
54. I Do!!!!!!!
55. Introducing Mr. And Mrs. Dave Grohl
56. Unwrapping
57. Back To Normal
58. We're Having Another Baby
59. Cold Day In The Sun
60. On The Mend
61. Catching Up
62. I Think I'm Crazy
63. I'm Coming Clean
64. Alone + Easy Target
65. Home Sweet.......Trouble
66. Crisis Adverted
67. Sassy Bean
68. Baby Eric
69. Second And Actual Birthday
70. Face Off
71. Meeting Baby Ollie
72. Mission Completed
73. Here Goes Nothing
74. Drunken Kisses
75. When You Come Back To Me Again
76. At The Park, In The Back Of My Car
77. Beach Wedding
78. Chevy Reception
79. Fluffy Tour Fluff
80. This Is How Dirty Girls Get Clean
81. Thanks For The Line
82. Don't Call Me Babe
83. Fist City
84. Tour After Tour
85. The Tonight Show
86. Break A Leg!
87. Abby's Shower!
88. Joy To The World
89. Spooky Valentine
90. Grunge Grandchild
91. The Last Of The Baby Grohls
92.Making Up My Mind
93. Tell Me We're Cute!
94. That's A Wrap!
95. That's It, That's All!
96. 5 Years And Going Strong
97. Squish The Bug Once And For All
98. Singing In The Rain
99. Need Some Love
100. I've Had A Life That's Good

36. Letter From The Past

170 8 3
By SpaceyPrissy89

"You what?" I asked. I had heard him but I was taken by surprise.

"I filed the divorce papers," he said again.

"When?" I asked.

"Friday," he replied.

"That explains why she suddenly had to leave when she heard you," I said as I put the joint out.

"I guess. I hope this goes over smoothly. I'm giving her the house to do what she wants with. I'll pay her spousal support or alamony until she gets remarried. I'll always help with the girls. I just hope she's not gonna drag this out," he said as he pulled me a little closer to him. I put an arm around his shoulder.

"I'm sure she won't. What about the girls though?" I asked.

"Well in the papers I said she can have full custody and that we keep the arrangement the way it is now. I get them every weekend when I'm home, if she needs me to take them because she has a work or personal thing, and an occasional trip out to see me when I'm on tour," he replied.

"Well I'm sure youcan sit down with her and discuss this. Did you tell her you were going to file?"

"Kinda. I told her I was gonna do it when I came back from the benefit concert thatwe cancelled."

"Why the hell did you wait a month?" I asked as I stood up.

"I was being a new dad again. If you think I put it off because I don't want the divorce, you're wrong," he replied as I opened the balcony door and walked into the room. He got up and followed me.

"Then why?" I asked as I reached the bedroom doors. I noticed some figures in the hall. Probably two people putting the twins to bed. I heard music start downstairs.

"I forgot. I was busy with you and the twins and I was happy so it slipped my mind. I did it when I did remember," he replied as I opened the door and stepped out.

"Seriously! Who the hell is playing this?" Dave asked as he ran out of the bedroom and down the stairs.

I let out a small laugh as I closed the bedroom door. I walked past the nursey and saw Frances and Chantal putting the twins down. I headed downthe stairs and to the kitchen where the music was coming from. I walked in to find Dave, Krist, Pat, Kevin and Hunter jamming out to Smells Like Teen Spirit. I started laughing and eventually ended upon the floor from laughing so hard.

"You three were in this band!" I laughed.

"Is she stoned?' Krist asked.

"You told me to do it so shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh," I replied.

"Ok then," Krist said as the song finished.

"Hunter that was awesome but warn us next time," Dave said as he put Hunter in a head lock and gave him a noogie.

"Alright alright fine. No more Nirvana I promnise," Hunter said as Dave let him go.

"Breed damn it," I said as I stopped laughing.

"Really Babe?" Dave asked me as he put his hands on his hips. I stood up and copied him.

"Yes babe," I said.

I noticed Pat and Krist where going through the music as Dave and I stared each other down. He started walking up to me and I started backing up.

"This must be Britt's spotify," Pat said as Dave took another step towards me.

"There it is. Quick press it he's getting closer to her and she's about to go over the couch," Krist said. Pat played Breed and I turned around and jumped over the couch before running back into the kitchen past Dave and started dancing with Hunter.

"I win," I said and stuck my tongue out.

"It goes back on shuffle after this," Dave said as he walked outside. Hunter and I jammed out with Jimmy until Chantal and Frances came downstairs and both of them surprisingly joined up in our random kitchen dance party. Spice GirlsWannabe came on next and Chantal, Frances and I all started dancing and singing along. Jimmy and Hunter went back outside. Taylor came in and joined us though. He was drunk enough after all.

We started to hear firworks and we headed outside. Chantal ran up to Jimmy and hugged him. Frances sat down beside Hunter and they put their arms around their shoulders. I started walking toawrds them when I was pulled into someone.

"I love you," Dave whispered in my ear as a firework went off.

"I love you too," I replied as he wrapped his arms around me tighter.

The Next Day

I woke up the next day to a slight headache and Frances beside me in bed. What happened last night? I got out of bed and headed to my closet. I walked in and headed for my dresses. I stood there for about 2 minutes staring at them when Frances walked in.

"Did Dave sleep in the bed with us?" She asked as I sat down on the floor and stared up at my dresses.

"I have no idea. I don't even remember going to bed. Did I drink or just smoke?" I asked.

"You did both. You had like 7 drinks after the twins where in bed," Frances replied as she sat down beside me.

"Ugh no wonder why my head hurts. What am I going to wear?" I asked as I keptstaring at my dresses.

"Whatever the fuck you want," Frances said.

I stood up and grabbed a dress that had a tutu bottom. "Maybe this is too much," I said as I looked at the dress.

"If you wanna wear it go for it. Mind if I borrow something for today and I can bring it back tomorrow?" Frances asked as she stood up.

"Can I pick it out?" I asked back.

"Sure why the fuck not," she responded.

I picked out another dress like the one I was wearing but it had a shorter tutu bottom and was not as poofy as mine. We walked downstairs together and headed to the kitchen. The girls where at the table eating sandwhiches with Hunter, Dave, Taylor and Krist. Hunter was holding Meredith and Krist was holding Kurt.

"Wow," Taylor said when he saw us.

"Looks like you two decided to play dress up," Krist said as I poured Frances and myself each a cup of coffee.

"That was the first thing she picked out and then she picked this out for me," Frances said as I handed her one of the cups.

"Well I like it," Dave said as I walked over to the table and sat down beside him.

"Brittany's a princess," Ophelia said with a little giggle.

"No she's the queen of the castle," Violet said.

"And you're a dirty rascal," Harper said to Violet. Everyone started laughing.

"What's planned for today?" I asked as France sat down across from me.

"Well I'm spending it with the girls. You are wanted at the rehearsal space for a band meeting," Dave replied.

"I hate band meetings. I do not wanna drive," I said as drank my coffee.

"Technically you shouldn't be. You only have your learner's," Hunter spoke up.

"I don't drive the babies around or the girls and I only drive when I need to," I said, getting snippy.

"How's this, I'll drive you around while I'm here as long as I can stay here for a bit," Krist said.

"Sounds like a plan to me. I go for my driver's test soon. How long you staying for?" I asked as I stood up and walked to the counter.

"Well when's your test?" Krist asked.

"I go in about a week and a half," I replied.

"Then I'm staying for 2 weeks," Krist replied.

"I'll make the guest room up for you while you're out with Britt. Have fun you two," Dave said as Krist stood up to join me.

"Hey wait," Dave said and followed us to the front door.

"What?" I asked as I grabbed my purse off the side table. I checked to see if my phone wa sin there. It was.

"I don't think the guys want Kurt there," Dave said and pointed at the baby in Krist's arm.

"Oh sorry Dave," Krist said and handed Kurt to Dave.

"Bye baby," I said as I opened the door.

"Later babe," Dave replied as Krist and I walked out the door. Dave closed it behind us and we got into the car.

"Where is the rehearsal space?" Krist asked as he started the car.

"Do you know where Dave's little rehearsal space is?" Iasked as we both buckled our seat belts.

"Same place I take it?" He asked.

"Ya," I replied as he started driving.

We talked about different things as we drove to the rehearsal space. When we got to the rehearsal space, he came with me to see what the band wanted. We stayed for an hour before heading home. We didn't talk the whole way home. I guess he knew I wasn't in the mood. When we pulled up the house, I got out of the car and headed into the house right away.

"Oh fuck," Dave said when he saw me and started walking back up the stairs.

"Get back here," I said. He stopped and finished walking down the stairs.

"You couldn't have just told me that I had to do a music video for the song we did together, one for your band and one for mine?" I asked with my hands on my hips.

"It was suppose to be a surprise," he said.

"I didn't need to go. They stopped what they where doing when I got there," I said as I stormed off to the kitchen. Dave caught me by the waist before I entered the kitchen.

"Look I'm sorry. I just thought they wanted to include you. I love you," he said. I just stared at him. "I will tickle you," he added before he started actually tickling me.

"No stop. Fine I won't be mad anymore. I love you too. Stop please," I said as he tickled me. He stopped when I said stop the second time and pulled me really close to him and kissed me.

"So did you sleep with me and Frances last night?" I asked after we pulled apart.

"Fuck no!" he shouted.

"Not like that. Did you sleep in the same bed with us?" I asked again.

"Oh. Yes I did. You slept in the middle," he replied as I pulled away from him and headed to the kitchen.

I noticed the mail by the phone on the counter when I walked in. I started going through it. Dave, Dave, Dave, My phone bill, my credit card bill, Dave, Dave, and 2 letters for me. One was from my dad. He had started writing me when I came out here. His monthly letters were about the only contact I had with my family these days. My mother had shipped all my stuff out to me when I told her I wasn't coming back. She had also asked for a refund, which Dave gave her after I refused. The other letter was from my friend Scotty. I opened it and read it. Dave started making dinner and watched me as I read it.

"Oh my god!" I exclaimed.

"What?" Dave asked, mid chop of a carrot.

"Scotty is coming to see me!" I shouted and started jumping up and down.

"Whose Scotty?" Dave asked as he continued what he was doing.

"My like best guy friend ever," I replied.

"He's also the one that broke your heart without doing anything," Hunter added as he came into the kitchen.

The look on Dave's face was not a good one.

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