Bad Boy Games

Od MeMyselfAndI123

77.1K 2.3K 341

I gritted my teeth as his hands ran up the blonde bimbo's thighs and when he leaned forward to suck on her ne... Více

Bad Boy Games
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55

Chapter 5

1.9K 55 5
Od MeMyselfAndI123


     Hey guys so I decided to post this today because we're moving tomorrow! I'm out of school today cuz of parent/teacher conferences or whatever they're doing (who really cares as long as I don't have to go to school? xD  ) Anyway so we've been packing for a while but tomorrow we're moving furniture and stuff like that. I'm so excited! Enjoy! :3



                “Come on, you look hot! Get out of the car!” Winter urged. I bit my lip nervously and took a deep breath to calm my racing heart, opening the door and stepping out into the cool night air. I almost fell and had to catch myself on the door. Ugh, stupid heels! Why did she make me wear these? Oh yeah, because they ‘match my dress perfectly.’ I rolled my eyes at that.

                Pulling the hem of the short black dress down self-consciously, I looked around nervously. Winter made me wear this tight dress that barely covered my ass, three inch heels, and she did my makeup. She didn’t put too much on and it looks really good. All she did with my hair was curl it a little bit. Winter grabbed my arm and pulled me towards the huge house where the party is taking place.

                A bunch of people are out in the yard, some drunk and others basically eating each other’s faces off. Ew. She pulled me in the front door and we wrestled our way through the mass of sweaty dancing bodies, everyone grinding against each other. Several guys tried to grab me but I slapped their hands away, gritting my teeth. I really hate this.

                She stopped in the middle of the dance floor and threw her hands up, swaying her hips to the loud music blasting out of the big speakers. I stood there awkwardly, getting pushed around by a bunch of people.

                “I’m going to go get a drink,” I yelled over the music. She somehow heard me and nodded, now grinding against some guy. I weaved my way off of the dance floor and made it to the kitchen. Coolers sat on the counters and I found a bottle of water, opening it and taking a sip to sooth my dry throat. After a while I went back out to look for Winter but before I found her I saw something that made my blood boil.

                Jacob has his hands on some blonde bimbo’s hips and they’re grinding against each other. He looks bored but she’s too drunk to notice or care. She turned around and pressed herself up against his chest, flirting and attempting to look seductive. Let’s just say a drowned cat could’ve done better. I don’t like him- hell, I hate him. He’s just an annoying, cocky, stupid player of a bad boy who only cares about the next time he’s getting laid. So why is it bugging me so much?

                He suddenly looked up and met my gaze, his eyes roaming my body and darkening before meeting mine once again. The breath caught in my throat and I couldn’t move for a moment, lost in the intensity of his gaze. I finally snapped out of it and tore my eyes away from his, now frantically looking for Winter. I didn’t find her on the first floor and sighed, going up the stairs when I found them. This is worse than downstairs. People are making out against the walls and basically having sex in the hallway. I shuddered and hurried around, desperately hoping I’ll find her soon.

                I didn’t dare open any of the doors, not wanting to scar my eyes from what could be happening behind them. I swear if Winter is in one of these rooms with a guy… My eyes roamed the hall, trying to pick out her blood red dress. I didn’t find it and went down the next hall, this one empty and kind of dark. I went to turn around but hands came around my waist and pulled me roughly backward, covering my mouth.

                They pulled me into a dark room and locked the door, slamming me against it. I whimpered and started to scream when they uncovered my mouth. They slapped a hand over it again and pushed me into the door harder, causing me to wince from the sharp pain that flashed up my spine. An unfamiliar guy with dark blonde hair and cold green eyes stared back at me.

                “Shut up you bitch,” he snarled; I could smell the alcohol on his breath and gagged. I whimpered again and tried to bite his hand. He ripped it away. I started to scream again until he dragged me across the room and threw me down on the bed, pressing his body against mine. I instantly went quiet and felt like puking.

                “Please… don’t… don’t do this!” I pleaded, fighting him as he tried to pull off my dress.

                “I said shut up!” I bit my lip and felt tears spilling down my face. Why? Why is this happening to me? What did I do to deserve this? If I hadn’t agreed to come to this party I could have been home reading a book or with Michael and Mom, not here about to be raped by a drunk guy at a party I didn’t even want to come to.

                He growled, frustrated, and grabbed the top of my dress, ripping it harshly. When he tried to touch me I grabbed his hand and twisted it. He cried out and pulled it away, his eyes lighting up with rage. He pulled his hand back and slapped me, hard. My tears flowed endlessly, dripping into my hair and down the side of my head.

                Reaching down, he unbuckled his belt and slid off his jeans, leaving him in only a shirt and boxers. I tried to kick, scratch, hit- none of it worked. He ripped more of my dress and I tried to scream again, only to receive another hard slap to the face. He kept going until he only had his boxers on and my dress was gone, leaving me in my bra and panties. He pulled his boxers down and I started to sob, struggling as hard as I can to get away.

                Suddenly the door slammed open, dim light from the hall flooding into the dark room. I tried to see who it was through my tears but all I could see was their outline. A second later the guy was ripped off of me and thrown to the floor. Whoever pulled him off of me started to kick and punch him until he was unconscious. I curled up in a ball and whimpered pathetically, flinching when someone gently touched my arm.

                “Lyla?” I know that voice… Jacob. Just as I realized this his face finally came into view, full of anger and concern but he mostly looked worried. He gently pulled me closer and I whimpered again.   “Shh, I’m not going to hurt you. I’m here; you’re safe. Shh,” he murmured, his voice soft and soothing. He shrugged off his jacket and gently wrapped it around me, engulfing me in warmth and the smell of his cologne.

                He picked me up and tenderly cradled my violently shaking body to his chest. I must look pathetic right now, whimpering, shaking, and crying like a baby.

                “Shh,” he cooed softly to me. I bit back a sob and cowered into his chest, grasping a handful of his shirt. He ran a hand over my hair, smoothing it back away from my eyes and carried me out of the room. I didn’t even realize we were outside until I felt the cool air on my face. Jacob’s jacket kept me warm and I breathed in his smell; the shaking eased a little.

                I don’t know how he did it but he somehow managed to hold me in his lap and drive the motorcycle all the way back to his house without a problem. He pulled up in front of his house, the engine dying down. Then he picked me up and carried me to the front door, unlocking it and kicking it open. He carried me inside and I kept my face pressed against his chest. I should probably go home but I don’t want to be alone right now.

                I shuddered and he looked down at me, his crystal blue eyes soft and caring. I froze and stared at him, my eyes wide. He reached down and gently ran a finger over my cheek, wiping away the tears. Carrying me through the huge house and up the stairs to his bedroom, I bit my lip and tried to calm down. My body is still shaking but not as bad as before. Being around him is making me feel safe.

                He gently laid me down on the bed and walked away. I whimpered and he moved faster, going into the closet and returning a minute later in nothing but a pair of sweats, holding another pair and a big t-shirt in his hand. Normally his six pack being on display would have distracted me but right now I just want to go to sleep and forget that this night ever happened. Quickly coming back over to where I’m still lying on the bed, he pulled me into his lap and placed the clothes beside him.

                His strong arms made me feel safe, like nothing can hurt me. I snuggled closer to him and he tightened his hold. Stroking a hand softly through my hair, he adjusted me so I’m sitting up in his lap, my back leaning against his arm and my head resting on his shoulder. Tears slipped down my cheeks and off my trembling chin.

                “Here, change into these. You can sleep in here. I’ll take the couch,” he murmured, placing me back on the bed and going toward the door. My heart stopped and I started to panic, my breathing becoming faster and labored. My arm shot forward and I grabbed his wrist.

                “No! D-don’t… don’t leave me! S-stay… please. I don’t want t-to be alone.” I whimpered. He turned around and looked down at me, my eyes wide and full of pain and fear.

                “Okay. I’ll stay.” I felt myself relax slightly and sighed in relief. He started to move toward the door but I stopped him again.

                “Where are you going?” I cried.

                “I’m not leaving, Lyla. I was just going to go in the hall while you change,” he reassured me. He looked into my eyes again. “I can stay if you want.” I nodded and he turned around, his back facing me as he waited for me to change. I feel a little uncomfortable changing when he’s in the room but when I thought about being alone I sucked it up. I feel really weak right now because I’m too scared to even be alone for a minute while I change.

                “Alright, I’m done,” I murmured quietly. He turned around and took in my appearance, standing awkwardly in his really baggy and comfortable clothes. I stared at my feet and bit my lip, tears still slowly falling down my cheeks. I’m still shaking but I can feel myself calming down a little bit every minute.

                I went over and picked up my phone, texting Mom to tell her that I’m staying at Winter’s house. I hate lying to her but I can’t exactly tell her what happened. ‘Yeah, um… I went to this party with Winter and some guy dragged me into a room when I went to find her. Then he tried to rape me but the badass of the school came in and stopped him so now I’m staying at his house. Love you!’ Yeah, no. Then I texted Winter and asked her to cover for me if Mom called her. They both said okay and Winter asked where I am. I said that I would tell her later and she finally agreed after a little more persuasion from me.

                Putting my phone down and looking up, I saw that Jacob had gotten two blankets and pillows and laid them on the floor. I pursed my lips. I shouldn’t make him sleep on the floor; this is his room. Maybe I should sleep on the floor…

                “Are you ok?” he asked, making me jump. I snapped my head in his direction and nodded.

                “I’m better than I was. You can sleep in the bed; it’s your room. I’ll take the floor…” I trailed off and went to lie down but he pulled me back.

                “It’s fine. I’m alright with sleeping on the floor for one night, no big deal. I’m a big boy. I can handle it.”

                “But-“I started to protest but he cut me off.

                “Lyla,” he said, his voice stern. I crossed my arms and lifted my chin stubbornly.

                “I’m not sleeping in the bed.”

                “Yes you are.”



                “I said no.” He stepped forward, toward me, and crossed his arms as well, giving me a hard look.

                “And I say that this isn’t the time to argue with me. You’re sleeping on the bed. I’ll tie you to it if I have to.” He looked into my eyes and I frowned, biting my lip. His bright blue eyes pierced into my chocolate brown ones, causing me to become immobile and my brain to scatter into a huge jumbled mess. I can see in his eyes that he’s telling the truth. I glared and then dropped his gaze, looking at the floor and sighing.

                “Fine. I’m only letting you win this because I’m tired and just want to go to bed,” I mumbled, hearing him chuckle. I can picture that smirk on his face perfectly. It’s definitely there right now. Grumbling to myself, I stomped over to the bed and flopped down angrily, jerking the covers up to cover me and curling up in a ball. He laughed again and turned the lights off, going to lie down on his little makeshift bed.

                Despite the fact that he’s a complete jerk, I am extremely grateful that he saved me tonight. I shuddered at the thought of what would have happened if he hadn’t come when he did and felt myself slipping back into that panicked state from before. Quickly pushing those thoughts away, I bit my lip again.

                “Night, Lyla,” he murmured, his soft voice barely disturbing the peaceful quiet that had settled in the room when we lay down.

                “Night,” I whispered back. I sat there for a little while, nibbling on my lip. After about fifteen minutes I broke the silence again.

                “J-Jacob? Are you still awake?”

                “Yeah,” I heard him say quietly. It was quiet for a moment before I talked again.

                “Well, this bed is pretty big and I don’t want you to sleep on the floor…” I trailed off and he didn’t say anything for a while. Then I heard his deep, husky chuckle.

                “You want to be in bed with me that bad? I was wondering when you’d finally crack.” I scowled into the darkness and huffed, rolling my eyes.

                “Whatever asshole. I was trying to be nice…” I rolled over and closed my eyes. Jerk. He laughed quietly and I heard the rustle of fabric as he stood, bringing the blankets and pillows back onto the bed. The mattress dipped as he lay down on the other side and I didn’t move.

                “Night Lyla. Try to keep your hands to yourself. I know I’m extremely sexy and all but you know… try to have a little self-control.” I rolled my eyes.

                “Yeah, the same goes for you. Hands to yourself,” I warned. I heard him chuckle quietly yet again and he didn’t say anything else. I stared at the dark ceiling for a while and my eyes slowly slipped closed as I was pulled into a deep, dreamless sleep.


So did you like it? Please tell me! And can you guys please try to tell people about this story? <3

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