Two of a kind (phan and kickt...

By phanallamallama

2.1M 71.2K 148K

Phil doesn't have a best friend in his life. That is, until Dan turns up at his school. They become close and... More

Two of a kind
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapyter 3
Chapter 4
Chappy 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chayptery 9
Chapter 10
Chappity 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapipter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chaptet 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
A bit about me
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chaperity 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapopter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chipter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38

Chapter 22

46.6K 1.6K 3.8K
By phanallamallama

Dun dudun duuun duuun dun dun dun duuun duuun dun dun dun dun. This is my tense music. I hope you are ready for a thing at the end.

Dan had lied. They did have to go up a lot of stairs while they were shopping. It wasn't even big flights, just ones in shops because the boys clothes were always on the top floor.
"Dan not more stairs please," Phil moaned when they walked into top shop, having to go upstairs yet again to find somewhere that might do some jeans for Dan.
"You could always stay down here," Dan suggested.
"I don't want to look at girls clothes. And anyway, you need my help while shopping," Phil said.
"Fine. I get it. I will give you a piggy-back," Dan sighed, smiling.
"I love you," Phil told him and pecked his lips.
"Love you too, now give me your crutches and hop on," Dan told him. He bent down a little in front of Phil and Phil wrapped his arms and legs around Dan, clinging like a baby monkey and giggling. He took his crutches back off Dan and they started to climb the flight.

"I am going to be so fit when you finally have your cast off, I have been carrying you everywhere it had better of made a difference," Dan puffed as they got near the top of the stairs.
"You are fit already, if maybe not so much in health terms," Phil told him, kissing the side of his head.
"Well that's always good to know, but I still want my tummy to be flatter," Dan told him.
"But I love you pudgey stuffing," Phil said sadly.
"Well it's not like I am going to be exercising or going to a gym and I hardly do anything sporty. So the pudge will go if it wants to," Dan said.
"Have I ever told you how adorable you are?" Phil asked him.
"Maybe. But it's nothing compared to how cute you are," Dan said as they reached the top of the stairs. Dan lowered Phil down carefully and Phil supported himself back on his crutches. Dan started to move towards where the jeans were but Phil grabbed him quickly and pecked his lips. "What was that for?" Dan asked, grinning.
"Because I can. And your lips are pretty. And your face," Phil blushed.

"Well then this is for the same reasons," Dan said and kissed Phil back. They heard giggling when they pulled apart and saw two blonde girls and a smaller brunette standing behind them, unable to get up the stairs to the actual clothes.
"Oh sorry," Phil apologised and shuffled to the side so they could at past.
"Oh no it's fine, I was just saying that you two are really sweet," one of the blondes said, giving a toothy smile, freckles dotting her face proudly.
"Yeah, it's nice to see people who will show their affection in public," the other blonde said and cast a pointed look over at the brunette.
"I will happily hold your hand, just take it or ask if you want to sweetie," she said, ducking her head behind her wavy hair. Phil giggled to himself, thinking how she looked a bit like she was a Disney princess. The blonde took her hand and smiled back at Dan and Phil.
"Anyway I hope you two are happy together as you're cute," she said cheerfully and they walked past them grinning towards the bags.

"It's time like this when I love people. Now come on, jean time!" Dan said chirpily as they made their way over to the darkest jeans. Dan started rummaging and laughed, pulling out a deliberately ripped pair of skinnies, fraying at the bottoms.
"They're black and torn like my soul," Dan joked.
"I think they would look good on you," Phil told him.
"Really? Should I try them on if they have my size?" Dan asked, a little shocked by Phil thought this.
"I do and yeah, go for it. But look for other pairs in case they aren't right," Phil advised him.
"Okay boss," Dan said, mock saluting Phil before looking back to the jeans. He pulled out another pair, just normal black skinnies and decided they would do.
"Are you sure I should try these on?" Dan asked Phil again, holding up the torn pair.
"I do, I think they would really suit you and I can prove it. Just a second," he told Dan. He scuttled over to where the girls from earlier where looking at boys sunglasses and trying them on goofily. "Hey guys, I was wondering if you would help me convinced boyfriend that these jeans would look good on him?" Phil asked them.
"Sure. We will be your style guru's," the blonde one without the freckles said happily. Phil waved Dan over who held up the jeans for the girls inspection.

They looked for a while before the one with freckles decided to speak.
"Buy them. For the sake of your boyfriend buy them," she blurted out.
"What's she is trying to say is buy them as you will look really hot in them," the other blonde said. Dan looked over at the brunette in hope she would disagree but she smiled at him and wiggled her eyebrows.
"Yeah, I'm with them, at least try them on," she told him.
"Fine," Dan said laughing and walked towards the changing rooms.
"Thanks you guys I love you all," Phil told them.
"You're welcome," the blonde and brunette holding hands again chorused.
"And our pleasure," the other blonde said cheekily and Phil laughed. He have them a little wave and then walked over to the changing room and went inside and sat on a seat outside the stalls.

"Dan?" Phil called. He saw Dan pop his head out from a curtain about two stalls down from where he was sitting.
"There you are," he said happily. "I have the unripped ones on at the moment, what do you think?" He asked as he came out of the door.
"I like them. But seriously, do no trousers stay on your ass?" Phil giggled.
"Nope, but you can't say you don't love it," he said, winking and patting his bum.
"Nope," Phil said and Dan grinned, going back into the changing room to try on the other pair. Phil sat daydreaming for a few minutes before Dan came out a little awkwardly to show him. Phil's mouth hung open a little. He looked... Well hot and unbelievably sexy was an understatement.
"Please buy them now," Phil said quickly.
"You think they look that good?" Dan said, smiling a little more.
"Can you not see yourself?" Phil asked.
"I don't know, they're a bit, I don't know, out there?" He questioned, looking at the mirror from outside the cubicle. Phil got up and went over to him, standing a little behind him.

"What I see is a gorgeous boy in really nice jeans which actually half stay on his ass," Phil told him. "But seriously Dan you look incredibly hot in them. And you're all mine," Phil said, hugging him from behind awkwardly.
"I will always be, but okay I will get them. And the other pair too though, I don't want to freeze in winter," Dan told him.
"You mean autumn," Phil said.
"Ah British weather," Dan said. "Now let me go so I can get changed," Dan said. Phil let him go but slapped him bum sneakily while he went back to change. "Someone's feeling a bit cheeky today," Dan said quietly, and Phil winked.
"Maybe. Now go get changed," Phil told him, crutching back over to his seat.

They brought the jeans and gave a quick wave to the girls from earlier who were now looking at oversized jumpers and they grinned back.
"It's nice meeting ungeneric girls for a change," Dan commented.
"They were really sweet. And so were the couple, I hope they stay together,"Phil said.
"Me too. Now home or somewhere else?" Dan asked as Phil climbed onto his back again at the top of the stairs.
"I can't think of anything. What about you?" Phil asked. Dan stopped suddenly and looked back around to a wrack of clothes.
"I like that leather shirt," he told Phil.
"Definitely home now," Phil said and Dan laughed, getting the hint.
"Fine," he said, pretending to be grimly but Phil kissed his cheek again and a smile made its way back into Dan's face.

They got back to Dan's house, realising he had forgotten keys so rung the doorbell. He was holding Phil's hand and pointing out how well they fitted together when Damian opened the door.
"I thought you were going out," Dan said coldly.
"Cancelled plans, sorry," Damian said cheerfully. Dan glared at him and pushed past him into his house, Phil following but giving Damian a sympathetic smile as he passed, mouthing 'hey'.

Then he realised that Damian was wearing a pair of slightly ripped black skinny jeans. Oh. So that's how he knew they would look so good on Dan. Oops. He just hoped Dan wouldn't notice.

Dan had already kicked his shoes off, a little angrily if you asked Phil, and Phil bent down to untie his own awkwardly. He did one foot then tried to get the other almost falling over in the process.
"I'll do it for you love," Dan said and bent down, untying Phil's shoe for him. Damian still hadn't left the hallway so Phil quickly mouthed a 'talk later?' To Damian who smiled, nodded and walked away. All without Dan seeing.
"Thanks bear," Phil said and Dan pulled off his shoe for him.
"Anytime. Now do I have to carry you upstairs?" Dan asked him.
"That depends how quickly you want kisses and cuddles," Phil said, and Dan grabbed him quickly and rushed him upstairs.
"Eager are we?" Phil asked cheekily as the reached the top.
"Shut up and come on," Dan told him, almost dragging him along.
"I take it that's a yes," Phil told him and followed behind him.

Dan picked him up as soon as he entered the room and placed him carefully on the bed, taking his crutches away and closing the door before lying beside him and winding his arms around him.
"I really like our cuddles," Dan admitted.
"And you think you're not adorable," Phil said, rolling over to face him and pecking his lips.
"Shush you," Dan said and kissed him again, holding it for longer.
"Never," Phil giggled, pulling away for a second before pressing his lips back firmly against Dan's. The moved their mouths happily in sync for a few minutes and Phil put slid his hand to Dan's waist, the other pressed between their chests. Dan drummed his fingers on Phil's hip out of happiness and Phil smiled a little into the kiss.

Phil decided he would be a bit brave and cheeky and moved his hand to Dan's ass, cupping it slightly. He heard Dan make a surprised noise in the back of his throat and Phil tried not to giggle. He felt Dan slide his own hand down to Phil's bum and Phil realised it wasn't too bad having it there. It was quite nice really. He relaxed a little more under Dan's touch until a while after he pulled away for some proper air.
"I see your hand is on my ass," Dan commented, grinning at him.
"You did it first," Phil said.
"Did not,"
"Did too,"
"You're a liar,"
"I'm a truther,"
"You're so annoying,"
"So why is your hand still on my bum?" Phil quipped.
"Because you have a really nice ass which makes up for you being annoying," Dan told him.
"Hey, meanie," Phil pouted.
"I'm sorry kiss?" Dan asked.
"Alright," Phil said huffily, but really he didn't care.

The make up kiss soon turned into lazy making out until Phil's stomach made a loud rumbling noise, making them break apart.
"Food time?" Dan asked.
"Food time," Phil confirmed and they pulled them away from their comfortable positions, but not before Dan had pecked him twice and squeezed his ass.

They rummaged around in the kitchen for something to eat.
"Hey do you want to make pancakes?" Dan asked Phil.
"Why would I ever say no?" Phil replied.
"You could be allergic to pancakes," Dan said childishly.
"How could you be allergic to pancakes?"
"Pancake poisoning or something? I don't know but let's cook as I am hungry now," Dan said, and his stomach rumbled on cue making them both laugh loudly.

Soon a buttery eggy smell was washing around them as they made the pancakes.
"My turn to flip!" Phil said excitedly and took hold of the pan and flipping it expertly. Dan had a go next and half of it ended up on the floor.
"Dan!" Phil said.
"What? It's not my fault it jumped higher than it should have," Dan said back, picking up the mess of pancake from the floor and putting it in the bin. Damian walked in and sniffed loudly.
"Hey, I like pancakes," he said, hinting heavily.
"Make your own," Dan said agitatedly.
"Dan," Phil said, shaking his head a little at him. "Have one if you want," Phil said, smiling at Damian.
"Why thank you," Damian said politely, picking one up and walking off with it, eating it plain and hot. Dan shot Phil an annoyed look.
"Why'd you let him have one?" He said, sounding pretty pissed off.
Phil instantly put his arms around Dan's neck.

"Because a spoonful of niceness can go a long way. And Daniel James Howell stop worrying I will leave you for him! I love you and only you, and I know deep down you know this. So even if I am nice to him I am just being polite okay? Just common curtesy, don't assume that I will just appear in his room and start making out with him just because I smiled at him. I'm not like that remember. Now am I allowed a smile and maybe a kiss before the pancake burns?" Phil asked, and a small smile returned to Dan's lips and he pecked Phil quickly.
"I'm sorry, I just get paranoid easily," he said a little sadly. Phil pecked him again and it made Dan smile again and they saved the slightly burnt pancake from the pan. Dan leant against the counter while watching the next one and suddenly smiled.
"Hey Phil? I love you too," he said, and blushed, hiding his cheeks with his hair. Phil giggled and stroked his cheek.
"Let's have our pancakes," Phil told him, and they started piling as much Nutella as they could find in the cupboard on top of them. What else would you want on pancakes?


It was almost a month later and Phil had never been happier. Everything in his life seemed so simple, he had the best boyfriend, really good friends and yeah one had to stay a secret but they hadn't run into any problems yet, so it didn't really feel like a downfall to his life. He had been talking to Damian a lot. He had split off from his friends and managed to stop smoking and hadn't been out to a party for ages. He said he was a little lonely but happy and Phil was glad for him that he could finally be himself.

He was sitting outside against the tree with Dan, Chris and Pj. They were just chatting as usual and Phil had his eyes closed, lying against Dan. He was just so comfortable lying with his friends in the sun, just listening to them talk and thinking. He felt Dan tense up as opened his eyes, blinking and trying to make out the silhouette of the person because of the sun behind them.
"Damian?" He heard Dan say.
"Dan why is there another you there?" Chris asked confusedly.
"He's my twin brother. Now what the fuck are you doing here?" He spat at Damian. Phil sat up and looked at Damian who was trying to smile normally, but it was flickering at Dan's actions.
"I transferred," he said, and everyone knew Dan was going to explode.

AND SHIT IS GOING DOWN! Yup the story is going to get even more confusing as the plot gets more... Shit is going downy. Anyway I hope you enjoyed it and I am sorry if you hate me for leaving it on a cliffywiff. But all will be more explained next time!


Stay warm my weasels (seriously it's getting cold)!

Anni out!

*sneaks into your room and puts loads of glow in the dark stars on your ceiling and fairy lights everywhere because they are pretty*

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