Two of a kind (phan and kickt...

By phanallamallama

2.1M 71.2K 148K

Phil doesn't have a best friend in his life. That is, until Dan turns up at his school. They become close and... More

Two of a kind
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapyter 3
Chapter 4
Chappy 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chayptery 9
Chapter 10
Chappity 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapipter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chaptet 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chaperity 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapopter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chipter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38

A bit about me

32.2K 1.2K 436
By phanallamallama

There is a chapter next so you can skip this but I just though 'hey you know like nothing about me so I am gonna tell you shit about myself as I feel like should' so feel free to skip ahead to the chapter :)

Anyway hello! My name is Anneliese but seriously call me anni, my name is too complicated and long and pronounced badly a lot. I am 15 years old and I am from birmingham (home of the bull not the queen) in England.

I actually only started writing in April but started wattpad a lot later when my friends told me about it. So I got it and used it to read and thought, hey I might put flickers on here. So i did. Then I got bullied into writing Torchwood in the TARDIS by my lovely friend Emmy (who will now moan about me not updating it) and then one night I was lying in bed (all my ideas come to me either late at night or when I can't write them down which is annoying) and I woke up and quickly scribbled in into my iPod. Thus Two of a kind was born!

I actually didn't start writing that too long ago wait I will check- 16th of September I think so yeah not to long ago.

As well as writing I like art and English (of course) but otherwise I am not sure what I am going to do with my life when this school year ends (have to go to sixth form which is an English thing I don't know how to explain) and choose 4 subjects to take which could define the rest of my life. So scary stuff. But instead of worrying I write or doodle or do something to take my mind off it. Writing is kinda like a therapy to me as it relaxes me and makes me happy. I will never write because I don't want to as it's not the same wow this is getting a bit less light and happy and change subject!

Should I say what I look like? I don't know it's not like I have done one of these before... I will just say I am blonde with annoying eyes which can't decide if they are grey, green or blue. My friends always say that's great but it's really not! When you have to say it on a different language you are like erm my eyes and jdiwndhwlabfjs (that's how French is to me and I decided not to drop it I'm such an idiot) which is not fun. Nope.

Right, FANDOM TIME! *starts a rave* SUPERWHOLOCK BICHES! And from the phandom of course. And a potter head and I like Percy Jackson but I am not so much part of the fandom if you get me. Am I missing some? I'm not sure erm... I am also a tribute (hunger games) but I am slowly starting to become a shadowhunter (the mortal instruments) but I am more of a Mundie at the moment. *sighs*

I literally have no idea what to say this doesn't usually happen. If I could I would bang my head off yours like in doctor who and give you all my background knowledge and shit so you could understand what I am trying to say. Erm i use weird make up like a have brown eyeliner and i wear it with blue mascara but then sometimes i wear blue or purple eyeliner and school hasn't noticed yet somehow. I also like weird clothes. Yup. I change my style like every few weeks, at the moment I am more punk which I like a lot actually but I love vintage clothes. I get quite a lot of clothes from charity (thrift) shops and people always ask me where I get things from and i'm just look BOOM CHARITY SHOP SO TAKE THAT WITH YOUR DESIGNER JACKET THAT WILL BREAK TOMORROW!

Yeah people are scared of me at school as I have no inside voice and talk about cats a lot (and did a presentation on why I hate people[thats complicated but I don't hate any of you guys because you are all lovely :3 ] so that's part of it) but I have friends who are used to it now so that's all good.

Back to something more normal (I can't think of anything again).

Yeah I really can't think of anything.

But anyway, thank you everyone who is reading this story and voting or commenting, it means so much to me :3 I love you all you beautiful people :3

Anyways before I get all soppy and weepy with happy tears I am gonna stop :p

Anni out!

(>^_^)> *hugs you*

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