Someone's Forever

By NeelamMenghani

594K 27.9K 6.3K

*Long Listed for Wattys 2018* E-Awards 2017 Winner *Best Hooked Story * *COMPLETED* Life, love, hate and b... More

Someone's Forever
1. Goodbye Normal, Hello Miracle
2. Let The Mystery Begins
3. Past, Present and Future
4. A Vow to Protect
5. Questions, Confusions and Amusements
6. Test of Patience
7. Deal that sealed Our Destiny
8. Consequences of Negligence
10. Faith and Myth
11. Enlightening Darkness
12. Breeze of Change
13. His Pain, His Relief
14. Old Pain, New Wounds
15. Shock One After the Other
16. Morning Mayhem
17. Stepping in the Arena
18. Calling out the Soul
19. Chaotic Afternoon
20. Just a Glimpse
21. An Evening Maze
22. A Little Further
23. A Spark in the Dark
24. And He Found Her
25. Conflicting Deception
26. Do Not Speak
27. Ancient Legends
28. Arrival of the Grey Sky
29. Closer to Appraisal
30. Meeting Mr. Mycroft
31. To Save the King
32. Check'Mate'
33. Defiance in Acceptance
34. Losing Her Chance
35. A Call from 'Treasure of Heart'
36. A Walk Unexpected
37. A Meet to Remember
38. Curve of Guidance
39. Conceptual Claws
40. Instinctive Step
41. Healing Wound
42. Webbing Deep
43. Reiterating History
44. Turned Table
45. Expectations Unexpected
46. You are Not Alone
47. Assurance from Guardian
48. Reaching the Surface
49. 'V' for A V
50. Lost and Found
51. 'Queen of Hearts'
52. Marvelous Majestic Meet
53. Old Rust but Gold
54. The Will of Time
55. Two Purposes, One Arrow
56. Apart from You
57. Mystery and Miracle
58. A Celebration so Special
59. Hide and Steal
60. You and Us
61. The Night Falls
62. Trust is Essential
63. Tussle to Throne
64. A Word with Divergent
The Slave
65. Your Answer awaits You
66. Privilege of Acceptance
67. Two Names in One Breath
68. Fire: A Lethal Game
69. Peace and Storm
70. Sweat in Smirk
71. The Mate Bond
72. Shield Defends, Sword Attacks
73. Heard Unsaid
74. Rational Rage
75. BitterSweet Sky
76. Defeated Victory
77. Knows More than Told
78. Desperate Diversion
79. Fragile Trust
80. Gust of Rush
81. Howling Heart, Quiet Eyes
82. Damsel in Despair
83.1 Dark of Light: Alicia
83.2 The Rising Dawn: Alicia
83.3 Balance of Nature: Alicia
84.1 The Preface of Pain
84.2 This Finally Concludes
85.1 Sparks & Pains
85.2 Is Pain an end?
86.1 Always Behind of You
86.2 Behind the Maze
87.1 Sealed Secret
87.2 A Fate Sealed
88. The Rise of New Dawn
89. Closer and Far Away
Whispers of Forever
Someone's Forever
Sacrifices of Sapphire

9. A Night of Dilemma

12.7K 517 109
By NeelamMenghani

A Dilemma worth wondering!


  Remembering that I'll be dead soon is the most important tool I've ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life. Because almost everything – all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure – these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important.

Steve Jobs



Death, a Bitter Truth.

Everyone wants to live life, no one wants to die. For some it's easy, for some it's painful. Some fears it and some accepts it with open arms but it comes to all sooner or later, everyone has to go with nothing, whatever you have will be left Behind.

Escape is Impossible.....

My life was simple, easy, normal but I was happy or at least trying to be happy but the destiny played it's trick and shove me in this place where my life stands over a cliff ready to fall. 

They say when your final calls come your whole life appears in front of you which reminds you what right and wrong you have done in your entire life. But I guess I seems to be different.

I know this is the end, I'll die here in the woods from the claws of these wild creatures. My tears are flowing uncontrollably. My body is shaking desperately trying to find an escape and hide somewhere and save myself from death. My mouth is pressed under my palm to hold back my sobs while other one is behind my back seeking support from the huge old tree as a bolster in my final moments.

My eyes must be red and wide with tears and fear. I wanted to see my journey of this life, for the last time live the glimpse of my fairy Mom, my guardian Prince and my Father. Our past was not happy and ideal but still we are family, I'm his blood, he is my father and I love him.

I want to go with their happy faces in my heart and eyes, I just want to close my eyes and welcome death.

But much to my chagrin, my eyes are wide open, focused on the mysterious brown fireballs approaching me, watching its every move toward me. The silence of the night was the submission of the woods. Silent Resignation to the command of the mysterious creature. The four legs were approaching Confidently, each step was measured with authority and oozing power.

A Supreme Authority....

A power....

A Leader.....

The cool wind allowed the huge trees to removed the curtains to let through the twilight casting a silver glow on the woods. With another thunderbolt piercing the darkness, I got the chance to look at my death.

With it's first look made me gape, the blood drain out of my face and a sickening feeling started to settle in my stomach. From some distance, there was an enormous creature, too big to be called as natural. Tall frame which was at least foot taller to my frame or maybe more. The dark brown furs covered it's huge body like a blanket, they were shining differently in the twilight. Dark brown can also be mistaken as black. A powerful aura and confidence was radiating from the creature, demonstrating his command and authority. Big sharp claws were cutting grass like sliver under them. Every detail about it was screaming deadly, but strangely warming.

This is it, my death is in front of me...

Fear made me shut my eyes and body still, but the constant raving of my mind was still unaffected by it.

No, don't be a coward, face your death...

You are brave, be a brave midnight meal for the wild mysterious creature.....

Face your death, Eye to eye...

The moment I opened my eyes, my world stand still. The creature was standing on some distance from me skeptically, shooting glares at me, of course not liking an intruder in it's place.

The moments were passing with me staring at that creature with fear and it was glaring at me like silently scolding me for being an unwanted guest in his land at this time.

What would happen in a short walk at night, it's a short walk. Right?

Now, face the consequences of negligence in the form of death. Jerry, I wish I had heard you.

My heart forgot to beat, my lungs forgot how to breath in its piercing gaze.

Then it came closer, once it was standing still while looking down at me with it's blazing brown fireballs, straight into my eyes. Whereas I forgot how to breath, his warm breath were hitting my face sending chills in my spine with fear.

Standing there numb, I didn't knew what to do? How to do? But more than that I was to tired to do anything, too tired to run and not so stupid to run, I know it'll outrun me if I try to. My breathing was calm now and tears were flowing. The blood was pouring out from the cuts and wounds but the pain was not there, maybe because my body was too shocked to feel anything.

Surprisingly, the throbbing pain in my chest was gone, with the first site of this majestic creature.

My heart came to my mouth when it started to saunter again toward my direction. Frightened I started to step back but the enormous tree was blocking me, so I aimlessly made efforts to enter inside the tree praying with some miracle, I could hide inside its trunk to save my life.

But with my luck or his luck, all efforts went vain. Sighing I stopped trying. Let's face it.

Slowing and very slowly, it made it's way to me. his steps were measured and confident, like he didn't wanted to scare me.

What a gentle animal....

Once he was standing on a safe distance, not intruding my private space. All time his eyes were on me, perceiving my every move. Then he took a long sniff and closed his eyes for a brief moment. When it opened them again, they were dark chocolate brown with a shade of pitch black.

From glowing brown to blackish brown.....


My breath caught in my lungs and eyes became saucers. How can it be possible, it's a wild animal in the woods not some beast from beauty and the beast fairy tale. I gawk at him like a zombie. I opened my mouth but my vocal cords were already fainted with it's one look.

It kept staring at me like I'm some christmas gift wrapped for him.

A foreign meat treat as christmas gift....

Baffled I cocked my head to the side on which it too mimicked my actions and cocked his head, flapping his ears. I was left awestruck looking at him, this creature looked so majestic, wild and lethal yet so innocent and innocuous.

We both were looking at each other with different emotions, mine were fear and awe and his were a mystery, yet very intense. I never had thought to experience any emotions from a wild animal. The staring continued until some annoying fly invited itself on my nose to cause me to sneeze.

This seems to break the spell casted between us, he narrowed his eyes and stepped closer while I tried to fly away the unexpected guest from my nose. In my mission for saving my nose, I didn't perceived it being close to me. when I looked at it's direction, long soft shining furs blocked my view. I tried to look past the barriers but all went in vain, then my tube light brain evaluated things and made my eyes pop out of the sockets.

It's him....


He was taller than I thought, when I looked up to see his face, it's dark glowing eyes were already looking intensely at me. Like looking straight into my soul. I audibly gulped. My mouth went dry when his warm breath was caressing face and neck. His soft, shining furs were shone in my mouth and tickling my arms, making it hard not to do tickling dance around him.

Tickling dance?????

Mental note :- to admit in mental hospital if by some miracle I get saved from here...

But what it did next gave me a heart attack, it dipped his head and buried it in my neck. I literally jumped to the heaven and came back. It didn't stopped there, it started sniffing me and nuzzling his nose all over my neck and face. My mind went blank when his soft furs tickled my cheeks and neck causing me to giggle and squirm under him.

What this stupid creature is doing?

Am I some perfume he is sniffing??

Suddenly his whole body went stiff, like a statue. It lifted his head and I came face to face with it's glowing brown orbs. When our eyes met, the moment left me stunned, it's eyes were human eyes.. They were familiar.

Familiar Glowing Brown eyes

Shaking my head, I threw that thought away from my mind, it's not possible. This is stupid, fear of death is playing tricks with me.

It's eyes bore into mine, taking a step back. It gave me some space to breath then suddenly it sniff again. Alarmed it roam it's eyes all over my body, his roaming stopped on my arms and legs. A soft whimper left his mouth while looking at my limbs. I jumped when I heard a low growl coming from his throat.

Startled I kept looking intently at this majestic creature. Once it's eyes met mine, they soften and exhale loudly, his expressions were pained.

I gape when once again it dipped his head in my neck. Not only it was nuzzling his nose on me but also licking my arm.

I don't know from where the lost energy came to wounded arms, just when it was licking my arm like a Lollipop.

Somehow the only slipper left in my leg came to my left arm and without thinking twice I threw the slipper on his head. It worked because, it snapped its head toward me and narrowed his eyes and baring his sharp white teeth more specifically chopping blades.

I mentally hang myself from ceiling fan.

Why I had to use my non-existing fighting traits?

Now it'll swallow me whole and chew me without delay...

Great Niera....

But to the lord of unexpected, it just huffed and started to lick my wounded legs, leaving me in dilemma to either breath a sigh of relief and thank almighty, that it didn't swallow me or to keep waiting till it didn't done with it's licking and then devour me as it's midnight snack.

Leaning to the old respected tree, I tried to stay still and not to squirm. My heart beats were racing as I can hear them loudly. My eyes were glaring daggers on this Mysteriously Idiot wild animal.

Stupid pervert wild animal, can't you just eat me and leave why sniffing and licking like I'm a perfumed marshmallow?

It stilled and started shaking, then looked at me with what I can call an amused expression and gave a loud growl.

It was laughing?

Do animals laugh?

But why it was laughing?

Oh No, did I said that loud? Wait how can it understand what I was saying?

My gaze turned confused as well as suspicious and it halted it's growling and went stiff.

Suddenly I felt a sting on my right arm which made me to yelp in pain. The creature's ears peeped up. It turned to it's left looking it that direction and suddenly it let out a loud growl, it was an angry and powerful growl.

The pain was increasing with each moment, when I examined my arm, there it was small arrow like stick, very small and black in color. I tried to remove it but suddenly dizziness came over me.

My throat went dry, vision started to spin, my legs wobbled and body went numb. My eyes became heavy, suddenly I was too tired. 

When my eyes met that mysterious creature, I found his panicked gaze already on me. when I finally started to fall, my head fall on the soft and shining dark brown furs.

Giving me a chance to see a strange mark on it's neck.

With one last look to my confusing killer, I closed my eyes with the feeling, I was safe with him....


Darkness, it's all around me.

Shuffling, muffling, trees and dry grass. I can heard some distinct sounds. I am trying too hard to listen but my ears can't grasp exactly what is happening. There was something warm around me. Cold wind is hitting the bare skin of my limbs. I tried to rub my cold skin to warm my body but I can't feel my body, I can't feel anything at all. My eyes are closed but I'm unable to open them.

My body is in motion, I can feel it with the pressure of cold wind over my body, I wanted to snuggle more into the warm embrace but was unable to. I want to shout, cry for help but my whole body is numb.

Suddenly everything came to halt. Something warm wrapped around my whole body giving me some relief. A finger poked on my neck, resulting in some vibrating around me. it was not clear but a faint growl which I can hear.

Again I was in motion but this time there was slow. The faint sound of door opening then again shuffling, I was carefully placed on something soft. My body whimpered with the loss of contact. There were shots of electricity on my left cheeks which gave me some sense of comfort. The shots lingered to face with some warm air blown on my head. I smiled inwardly.

Again there was some sound like door opening and the tingling and warm air left my side leaving me disappointed. There were some mummering, people were talking. I couldn't catch anything in it, but then. 'Alph—' I hear something like 'Alph' then again everything went silent.

'Luna' I heard 'Luna' word. It's familiar, I have heard this word before but where. The door closed with a faint thud.

Silence was dominant in the air, then again the soft tingling lingered on my right cheek. Sighing in contentment, unconsciousness took over me.







That's all I can feel right now. How is it even possible?

A simple fragile human always being found in jeopardy. How can she viably do this, taking each step toward where there is a life threat.

Carefully putting her in her bed, I looked at her small wounded figure wrapped in blanket while sighing in disappointment.

I couldn't think of the consequences of her stupid night walk if Royce wouldn't have reached there on time. We nearly had lost her. I gritted my jaws on that thought.

One work, One work was assigned to Albert and his wife, and those good for nothing failed to do so. I was walking on edge, just because of them, I would have lost her. It was their responsibility to protect her, keep her away from going out at night. They all know the laws that restrict anyone to go out at night and the reason behind it.

Looking at her fragile unconscious form on the small bed, I tried to calm my exploding anger which was ready to blow up this whole motel. My mind drifted at the memory of her wounded small frame weeping in the mid of the woods. My heart clenched reminding it.

Reaching to the bed, I took her soft form in my arms. Holding her in my arms close to my heart gave me so much contentment. My world feels so complete with her. Every time looking at her innocent face I just want to hold her secure and take her away from this cruel world.

My fingers involuntarily lifted and found her cheeks, drawing different patterns on her soft cheek. My warm breath caressing her face, my heart deluged with a stranger emotion which I never thought existed in my ruthless self.

I sigh heavily remembering the unbearable pain in my chest with each passing moment I was going away from her. Each step was the test of my self control. I knew I was doing something wrong but I had to for my kingdom, my people and especially for her.

Turning away from her was difficult and she made it more difficult by staring with her transparent chocolate brown eyes. Her innocence and purity were clear in her eyes. Her eyes are the mirror to her bright soul but they are also a mirror for me, in her eyes I saw her soul which showed me her fragile yet bright innocent soul waiting to be cherished and loved but I also saw my reflection in them.  I saw the darkness and dread in me also very clear in them. My black and hollow soul was also reflected in her brown eyes.

Somehow I sensed she can clearly see my soul. The mask which I put out for the world had no use in front of her. She can see right through the mask in my gloomy and hollow soul.

I had to leave, not for me but for her. To save her from my darkness and dread but my mate had to be with me, just by throwing her life in danger by taking incoherent decisions from the petite brains of hers.



The word spread a strange warmth which I was somehow missing in my life. I have someone whom I can call Mine. Who'll be mine and only mine.

Taking her hand in mine, I recalled the moment when I was about to fly in the jet when Royce became agitated, the pain in my chest was increasing with each passing moment. Suddenly the urge to be with her became prominent. The pain reminded me I'm of her and our bond.

We were air-bound and I closed the link not to be disturbed and left alone in Miracle's thoughts. When suddenly Gerard shook me up. Jolting, my angry glares met his anxious ones, "Majesty, she left for the woods." I got all the answers for this heavy feeling in my heart.

At that point I knew I had to be with her. Once near the woods, Royce took control, shifting he ran in the woods searching her intoxicant scent. Finding her in her fragile form pierce Our heart in million pieces.

Trying desperately to hide from the wolves totally ignorant about the fact, they are not normal wolves but trained warrior wolves which would have sensed her only mere by her intoxicant smell.

Adjusting the blanket properly over her, I tried to figure out this situation.

 What would have happened if I wasn't reached there at time?

Why did she had to go out for night all alone only to take a walk?

And where were those idiots of guards? I will punish them for not fulfilling their duty.

I'll sentence them to death, they are nothing but a piece of useless slacker

Our mate is hurt. She is again injured.

Royce was stressed with Miracle's condition. He is losing control with each moment, one reason was her stupid decision and other was the delinquency of Albert and the guards.

Why our Mate always fall in danger?

Some people attract accidents but our Miracle, she just find a danger and throw herself in it. She is just different.

Royce was right. Our mate is seriously one of a Kind, even facing a huge wild creature in front her. She was showcasing her smart mouth where she had to trembling in fear. Remembering her majestic sound of her giggles bring a small smile on my face.

I never wanted her to stop, her fragile soft form close to us, her beautiful giggles and her big innocent eyes.

A commotion on the door brought me back. Lifting my head, I saw worried Revin was coming inside with Baron. They were unaware of my presence. Once they found me with her, they quickly bowed in submission. Now, I just want my sole attention toward our Miracle.

Leaving her on the bed, I went to stand beside window. Nodding, I gestured Baron to attend her. He walked confidently  toward her and started his examination. When he was about to touch her, I couldn't help but a warning growl escape me which stilled him and Revin took two steps backward. Turning Baron's intelligent eyes met mine, they held professional look.

Baron is one of the few I could trust on, he is intelligent and experienced for his work. A pure devotion can be experienced in his work.

Silently he asked permission for her treatment.

No one touches our Miracle. She is ours.

The possessive part of me agreed with Royce, but the treatment was more important for me. So, I just nodded affirmative. Smiling, he started treating her wounds.

But soon his smile turned into frown, turning he announced, "Alpha, her cuts and wounds are already healing. As for the reason for her fainting, I need to take the blood samples and check them, without them I can't give her any treatment."

"Dart." I snapped my head hearing Revin's words. He visibly gulped in my penetrating gaze. Gulping again he continued, "She is shot by the dart, which made her—"

"Which dart and who shot her?" Baron asked in his professional tone but it held urgency. Shaking slightly he answered, "I know nothing about  that, but Brandon  shot her in the woods to save her from the shock of seeing huge—Um— huge, you know."

Shaking his head, Baron stated. "I must talk to him about his, I must take your leave now, Majesty." He took the samples for which Royce was ready to rip his throat but controlled himself for Miracle's sake. Standing he took my permission to leave, bowing he left.

Once he left, the two good for nothing caretakers of the motel came. They were frantic, shaking with fear and anxiety. Taking small nervous strides, they came to halt to the threshold of Miracle's room. Bowing there were about to begin with their babbling on today's event but Revin cut them off with a growl. My eyes met with his heated form, his eyes were furious and black. His wolf was on edge.

Albert hid his wife behind him and changed in attacking pose with a growl. but stilled meeting my anger ones.

I wasn't in the mood to hear their ridiculous reasons, they were designated for a specific duty but they failed to do so. I ordered Revin to throw them out, which he complied eager to get away from my surfacing anger.

With one last concerned look in Miracle's direction, he bowed and left with the two shirkers.

Revin always have a soft spot for Miracle, I can sense it in his eyes. He is genuinely concerned about her. He tried to save her from the first day.

Once the door closed, I reclaimed my position on the bed with my Miracle.

"How is she now?" I could hear concern in his voice. Turning I encountered with the soft gaze of Gerard which was fixed on my Miracle.

"You could have used the Door." I announced on which he gave me smug look.

"Again, how is she now?" he asked again, I waved my free arm over her unconscious body. I didn't have to explain any further to him, I knew he had all the information before he graced us with his presence.

After all he is The Sir Gerard Warner....

Nodding he sat on a chair in the corner, his gazed fixed on mine. "Who gave Brandon orders to shoot Miracle with dart." I asked.

He narrowed his eyes on the word Miracle but turned neutral while answering, "She is a human and I don't have to explain further to you in this matter."

My anger was surfacing again, I placed my arms around her frame to control myself. "It wasn't the way to treat her. She—"

"Is a human and will be treated like that. I'll ask Revin to arrange tickets for her to be in the place, where she belongs." He answered simply cutting me off.

Anger clouded over my vision, my fists turned in balls. My eyes must have changed color because, Royce was taking control. But Gerard seems to stay unfazed from the change, his face presented seriousness, yet his eyes held amusement.

"I must order Revin now as—" I door flung open revealing Revin and Brandon. Revin cringed at the sound of the door whereas Brandon entered like he owns this place. Suddenly the tense atmosphere changed into complete silence with only the sound of Brandon 's whistle irritating  our ears.

Once he saw me and Gerard, he stopped while bowing. "Majesty—" he couldn't complete what he was saying before my fist met his smirking face, throwing him on the wall and falling with some frames from the wall.

Around me, Revin jumped to the other side while cringing and Gerard stood there with his casual all- knowing smile.

Grunting in pain, he tried to stand but failed miserably, "What was that for?"

"What was in that dart?" Gerard asked, once again in his all business tone. Revin stayed in the farthest corner, his gaze drifted between Miracle and our discussion.

"Nectar of wild lilies from our woods." He answered casually, around me Gerard took a sharp intake of air whereas Revin and me, we stood confused.

"You used Nectar of wild lilies on her." Gerard asked in his alarmed voice. He nodded simply while shrugging.

I swear if anything happens to my Miracle, he won't be left with any shoulder to shrug.

"Go to Baron now and tell him about this." Gerard ordered after doing his mental calculations. He tried to stand but failed, "Can't I please go after sometime."

"Just please go, it's—it's important." Revin injected from behind.

"Alpha, I came here to take your permission to take this unauthorized intruder to cell. I'll make sure she'll get proper punishment for trespassing in—"

This time the wall got a hole with Brandon's blood creating stains on it. Revin cringed while jumping beside Miracle's bed. Gerard's power were surfacing creating a shield around Miracle and Revin whereas I didn't had any affect from them. He shot his powers on Brandon which nearly shook the whole room.

I knew he was trying to save him rather punishing him using his powers on him, because he knew if I'll use my hand, Brandon won't appear on Earth.


"Sir, I'll go and inform Dr. Baron about this finding. The sooner we work on it will be better for Luna." Revin croaked out.

"LUNA!!" someone exclaimed and we all face palmed ourselves.

It was none other than Serene. I looked at the whole in the wall, meeting the shocked frantic eyes of Brandon. "Revin take them out of here she needs rest and ask Serene to keep her excitement at bay and stay silent for this matter."

Nodding he came forward to help Brandon bowing he left with him and dragging a green jumping Kangaroo along.

"Stay here, I'm going." Ignoring his disapproval gaze, I left the place. My anger was surfacing and I have to control myself.

Out of the motel, I knew only one place where I could compose myself. It was only a few miles away but for my just the distance for a few minutes.

Once I reached there, soft breeze welcomed me, with the buzzing of branches from the huge trees. The flow of water from the bridge was giving a true reflecting image to the sky. The twilight gave it a perfect lighting. Small drops of water engulfed me as rain was pouring.

Reminding me of her pure and refreshing scent.

This was my peace, away from all but close to my heart. I spend my life here giving up all my worries, sorrows and melancholy.

Leaning over the old woods of the bridge, I was my own reflection in the clean water. Reflecting my worried look, seeking reassurance and relief in them.

Everything will be alright my boy, just don't lose hope. Just wait for her. You'll find your reason to live in her.

The words which I heard a long ago came back to me. I never thought I would find myself believing in those words but today holding her to my heart I found the meaning of those words.

But the dilemma in my heart is still there.

"Our dilemma is that we hate change and love it at the same time; what we really want is for things to remain the same but get better."

"You should be with her, didn't you." he just smiled while shaking his head in disagreement, he asked, "No, it's you who should be with her."

"No. I'll ruin her. She deserves more." I said facing the water observing the change in my reflection, the changes in me and around me in this long time.

"Let her decide this, after all its her decision as well. It's her life." He placed his hand on my shoulder. The same words took her away and now My Miracle.

"Give her  a chance Child, let her Enter your life. She'll bring the ray of light in our darkness. After all she is the ray of hope and life. That's her Luna. Queen. Mother. Your everything, your heart, your life. Your forever."


His phone rang in his coat's pocket. Looking at the screen, he frown. Hesitantly he answered the call and put the device over his ear. Listening to the other side the color drained from his face and I instantly went on alert knowing it was something about Miracle. Something which I won't be happy to hear.

Once killing the call, his frightened gaze met mine and my suspicions went  correct. Nothing can frighten Gerard, only the things matter to me can shake him and I had nothing to worry about in my life apart from my Alicia and she is safe and secure. But now I have someone. It is Our Miracle.

Facing him I wanted nothing else but to be her safe and alright.

But when he spoke the hope in me shattered, leaving only dread.

"She gained consciousness but due to the poison in the dart, her condition is critical." He announced with dread filled in his voice.


My hope

My life

My Miracle

My forever......


July 9, 2016

*Jeremy Renner as Brandon Craig* 

I hope you all had enjoyed the chapter and their dilemma. Next update will be soon.

Don't forget to Vote, Comment and Share. It'll be highly appreciated. 

Thank You,


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