Two of a kind (phan and kickt...

By phanallamallama

2.1M 71.2K 148K

Phil doesn't have a best friend in his life. That is, until Dan turns up at his school. They become close and... More

Two of a kind
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapyter 3
Chapter 4
Chappy 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chayptery 9
Chapter 10
Chappity 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapipter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chaptet 18
Chapter 19
A bit about me
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chaperity 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapopter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chipter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38

Chapter 20

48.6K 1.6K 2.2K
By phanallamallama

More of a filler but here you go anyway.

Phil's mum was fussing all over him by the time he left the hospital, she wouldn't stop asking if he was okay, which he was as it was only a fractured leg. People were acting like he was broken half his body. He had texted Dan in the car on his way back but he hasn't responded yet, making Phil a bit worried, but Damian had texted him making sure he was okay (as well) and was getting home fine which had made Phil smile. He actually was really sweet, even if he didn't look it. When he finally pulled up outside his house Dan was sitting on his wall, waiting for him. Phil smiled at how he was coming to see him personally. He opened his door and shoved his crutches out in front of him, hauling himself up out of them and then Dan's arms were wrapped around him tightly, his head in Phil's shoulder.
"Dan I'm okay I promise," Phil laughed and he saw his mum smile from in front of them.
"I was so worried," Dan mumbled into his shoulder.
"Hey, I'm completely fine I promise, I will just have to have these for a few weeks and then I will be all better okay?"
"Okay," Dan said, pulling away from Phil and pecking his lips quickly, a smile now pasted on his lips.

"Come on, let's go to my room and I will explain to you what happened," Phil said happily, and he followed his mum into their house. He stopped at the bottom of the stairs, wondering how the hell he would get up them. "I forgot there were stairs here," Phil said meekly and heard Dan laugh, and felt a strong pair of arms scoop him up bridal style. He started screeching and laughing as Dan carried him up, hearing Dan giggle as well.

When they reached the top Dan put him down gently and pecked his lips again.
"Thanks love," Phil said, taking his crutches back and walking as best as he could along to his room. Dan walked slowly along behind him and closed the door after, helping Phil to sit more comfortably on his bed and sat beside him and cuddled up next to him, entwining their fingers.
"Right so what happened?" Dan asked.
"I came back from my grandmas early and stopped by at the playground in the park, you know, for old times sake? I was swinging and then I jumped off when I was up too high and fell badly, landing too hard on my leg and I broke it. Da- I called an ambulance when I realised my leg was wrecked and they came and picked me up, and gave me a sedative painkiller so I woke up in the hospital. I called my mum then I texted you and then you know the rest," Phil said.
"You are no longer allowed on swings," Dan said sternly. "I don't want you hurting yourself like that again," Dan ordered, hugging him tighter.
"You are such a worryguts, what are you gonna be like if we get kids?" Phil asked, tutting at him. Dan looked shocked for a second and Phil realised what he had said. "I er..."
"Do you really want to have kids with me?" Dan asked, starting to smile.

"Well yeah," Phil said blushing. "I know we're young and this is my first relationship blah blah etc etc and I don't mean now but I love you and I think you would be an amazing dad in the future," Phil mumbled, knowing his cheeks were heating up immensely.
"I love you so much," Dan giggled, and pecked his lips. "Our future. I hope we stay together and do adopt kids, I think you would be a perfect daddy." He leaned in and kissed Phil again, a little stronger, leaning into him more. Phil wrapped his arms around Dan's neck and pulled him closer, parting his lips a little to give Dan the hint. He felt Dan smile against his lips and brushed his tongue against Phil's lower lip, making him let out a tiny moan, moving them so they were lying down more.
"I think now would probably be a good time to say that Chris and Pj are coming over soon," Dan mumbled against his lips, pressing them back against Phil's still pouting mouth.
"Then they can wait outside," Phil said, pulling Dan back against him. He curled his working leg around Dan's, holding him close while he started playing with his hair. The doorbell rung and Dan tried to pull away but Phil tugged him back.
"We need to let them in," Dan muttered.
"They can wait for a bit," Phil replied, keeping his mouth against Dans.
"I think it's raining,"
"They can get wet,"
"I'm injured and kisses are healing,"
"Good enough for me," Dan said and knelt up a little so he could get to Phil's lips better, making a small moan catch in the back of Phil's mouth.

"Woah," they heard a male voice say and broke apart quickly, looking round at Phil's door and seeing Chris and Pj standing there, Pj with his hand clamped over Chris's eyes and Chris trying to remove it.
"Pj I want to see," he whined, making Pj laugh and Dan and Phil blush.
"Hey guys," Dan said awkwardly, moving a little further away from Phil.
"So Phil, your leg is fractured? I am asking as I can't see," Chris said pointedly and Pj removed his hand. "Oh this this boring now you guys stopped kissing," he said winking at Dan and Phil who scowled at him.
"So Phil what happened?" Pj asked. "Did you get attacked by evil space explorers?"
"Nope, the floor," Phil laughed.
"Please tell me there is more to this," Pj chuckled back.
"I went to the park after I went to my grandmas and I was swinging and I jumped off too high and fractured my leg," Phil explained.
"Oh, I hope you aren't in too much pain," Pj replied.

"He's not I have checked," Dan said, slightly protectively.
"Don't worry Peej," Chris said flopping down onto the bed in between Dan and Phil and wrapping his arms around both of them. "Phil has his Danny bear to look after him,"
"Shut the hell up," Dan said and removed Chris's arm from his shoulder. Chris leant his head on Phil's shoulder and Phil giggled.
"Isn't this Pj's job?" Phil asked.
"Oh yeah, boyfriend I want hugs," Chris said, making grabby hands at Pj.
"Nope, you have to come to me," Pj said, hands on hips. Chris jumped up and walked up to Pj who slid his arms around Chris's neck. Chris smiled cheekily and whipped Pj round, French dipping him and kissing him deeply.

Dan placed a hand over Phil's eyes and he tried to push it off, but Dan held it firm.
"Rude," Phil pouted, and Dan removed his hand.
"Oi, you two! Stop making out, go home and use a room for that, you both have them," Dan called to them, and they broke apart.
"Bye then!" Chris called and dragged Pj out the room.
"Really?" Phil said exasperated.
"Maybe later," Chris winked, poking his head back around the door.

"Dan, Phil do you want anything to eat?" They heard his mum call. Chris and Pj had gone home as they had some 'homework' to do so it was just Dan and Phil cuddled up for some couple time.
"I'm not hungry, are you?" Phil asked Dan.
"I should probably go home love, otherwise my mum will moan," Dan told him, shuffling away and standing up.
"No thanks mum," Phil called loudly back to his mum before quickly grabbing Dan's hand. "Don't leave me without a kiss," Phil told him.
"I would never, I hardly leave your presence without one," Dan laughed, before leaning over and kissing his lips sweetly. "See you tomorrow my lion cub,"
"I like that nickname," Phil said, blushing slightly.
"I will be sure to tell Chris about it then," Dan said, raising his eyebrows.
"Fine with me, I know what he used to call Pj before they were dating which will shut him up," Phil said.
"Please tell me," Dan asked.
"Sexy little cutie," Phil told him and they both laughed. "And sometimes Devil in too many clothes," making them laugh harder.
"Oh Chris. Anyway love I must go, and are you still coming on Saturday?"
"Of course I am,"
"Be warned, my mum will baby you with your leg,"
"Is Damian still not going to be there?"
"No so we are safe," Dan smiled and Phil forced a small one back. "Now I really must go, I love you lion cub,"
"Love you too Danny bear," Phil said and reached up for another kiss, but Dan was already walking out the door, waving as he went. Phil sighed as soon as he was out of sight and slumped back further onto his bed, frowning a little. No proper goodbye kiss, oh well.

He sat staring into space, still frowning, when his door opened and Dan walked back in. No, wait, it was Damian.
"Dame, why are you here?" Phil asked brightly, smiling again.
"I still feel terrible about pretty much breaking your leg," he admitted. "And your mum let me in by the way, she thought I was Dan and I said I left something so she won't ask questions,"
"Damian this is not your fault. Repeat after me: not Damian Howell's fault," Phil told him.
"Not Damian Howell's fault. But are you sure you're okay?"
"I promise you, everyone keeps asking and I haven't changed in the past few seconds so i definitely am. Anyway how are you?" Phil asked politely.
"I am actually meant to be at a party, but I'm not showing up. Will probably get some hassle from my 'mates' tomorrow but ah well, I'm a lot happier here," he said cheerfully, then went red. "Oh no not in that way," he said, blushing deeper.
"I didn't think you did mean it in that way," Phil told him. "And good for you. And if you have a lonely day tomorrow you can always come and hang out with me, but no park. I am staying away from swings for a while," Phil joked.
"Thanks Phil. Anyway, not to pry, but how are you and Dan? It's just when I came in you were frowning and I know he just left," Damian asked a bit awkwardly.
"Fine, it's just me being silly. We have this thing of goodbye kisses and he kinda didn't kiss me goodbye like he usually did when he left and I was just thinking," Phil told him, chewing his lip a little.
"Phil don't worry. He is madly in love with you, believe me I know and I don't talk to him much," Damian told him and a small smile sneaked onto Phil's lips. Damian checked his phone and frowned. "I have to go, but i will see you again soon okay?" Damian said, grinning at him before standing up.

"Of course.Oh I know you are out on Saturday but I am coming over to your house then so I will probably see you then, even if it's only a little bit," Phil said.
"Yay," Damian said happily, grinning. His smile was very much like Dan's but he had no dimple on his cheek, but one closer to his eye. It suited him. "See you," he said and waved before walking back out the door.

Phil wish Dan didn't have anything against Damian, he was actually a really nice person. Maybe Dan would see a difference at some point and start feeling better about Phil and him talking at all. Cross fingers.


Phil was walking up a golden staircase, he wasn't sure why but when he looked over the edge he saw clouds. He looked up to see the top of the staircase where Dan was, waving to him and calling him to meet him. Phil grinned and started walking quicker.
"Phil! Wait up!" He heard someone call behind him and be turned to see Damian running behind him, panting and staggering a little. Phil held out his hand to help him when he was close enough and pulled him so they could walk easily together. "Thanks," he said and they slowly started climbing the stairs.
"What are we doing here?" Phil asked him.
"I have no idea, but I think you are meant to reach the top," Damian said, pointing to Dan who had stopped waving.
"So why are you here?" Phil asked.
"I think I am meant to motivate you or something. Or to tell you something. I'm not sure but I don't think I can make it to the top with you," he said as they continued walking.
"There is nothing stopping you, come on, join me," Phil told him.
"Okay," Damian said simply and they kept walking. Dan was closer now, still smiling, but a gate was in front of him, open wide, ready for them to enter.
"Come on Phil you're not far now!" Dan called, grinning to his boyfriend. "Come on, run before the gate starts to close!" Dan shouted, and Phil began running towards him.

He froze when he heard a scream behind him and span around quickly, seeing Damian half fallen through the stairs, gripping onto the edge, looking terrified.
"Help!" He called, sounding petrified. He was starting to slip, Phil took a step towards him before he heard Dan yell behind him.
"Phil quick! The gates are closing and they won't open once they shut!" Dan shouted worriedly, and Phil took a step towards Dan.
"Help!" He heard, and looked back at Damian struggling.
"Come on Phil, please! I love you, leave him," Dan pleaded, the gates half shut now. Phil looked longingly at Dan but the last little whimper of help coming behind him told him he couldn't go.
"Sorry Dan, I can't just leave him!" He called to him, looking sorry before racing back to Damian. He heard the gates clang shut as soon as he reached Damian and he sighed, but grabbed Damian under the arms and yanked him upwards, pulling him onto a secure part of the steps.
"Thanks," Damian panted.

"You gave up your chance to be with Dan and to be happy for eternity for me," he almost whispered.
"I couldn't leave you here," Phil said quietly. "I wouldn't have been happy if I knew I had let you fall," Phil told him.

"No one has ever done anything like that for me before," Damian said quietly.

"Hey Phil. I think I know what I have to tell you," Damian said more lightly.
"That dreams are metaphors and can show you your life, but you have to remember, you can change them so easily, and don't forget that," Damian said. Phil smiled at him and cast his glance back at the gate, and Dan had gone. He turned back, mouth open to say something, but Damian had gone too. And he was stuck, alone on a staircase which led to nowhere.

Is it me or does Phil's name look really nice in italics? Phil. Phil. Its pretty :3 anyway I am updating really quickly because I want to get on with the more main bit of the story but I needed this thingy to fill it so yeah that's why it's up yay!

Also I managed to crack my iPod screen today (like 30% is not cracked) so if there are any typos I am sorry but I can't see very well so yeah.


Stay healthy and happy my hedgehogs!

Anni out!

*cries over my broken iPod then hugs you so you have to feel my pain (wow selfish third world problems)*

*actually I will steal all your pain and lock it in an unbreakable box so you feel all good and happy* :)

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