Unexpected Love || Harry Styl...

By clarity-

2M 47.1K 22.6K

Meredith's perfect life turned upside down after her parents death meaning she had to move in with her older... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two
Chapter Fifty-Three
Chapter Fifty-Four
Chapter Fifty-Five
Chapter Fifty-Six
Chapter Fifty-Seven
Chapter Fifty-Eight
Chapter Fifty-Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty-One
Chapter Sixty-Two
Chapter Sixty-Three
Chapter Sixty-Four
Chapter Sixty-Five
Chapter Sixty-Six
Chapter Sixty-Seven
Chapter Sixty-Eight
Chapter Sixty-Nine
Chapter Seventy
Chapter Seventy-One
Chapter Seventy-Two
Chapter Seventy-Three
Chapter Seventy-Four (END)
Extra | UN Fragment

Chapter Twenty-Four

29.5K 690 387
By clarity-

Meredith's P.O.V

[Outfit on the side]

I walked down the hall with everyone's eyes on me. Yup, every pair of eyes were on me as I made my way to my locker with my heels hitting the concrete floor.

"Is that Meredith Watson?"

"What happened?" 

"Why is she dressing like that?"

"She looks hot"

I heard people whispering to each other. I just smirked to myself and opened my locker stuffing my shit in there and grabbing the books I need. 

"Hey babe. Looking good," Some random dude called winking at me. I smirked. "Thanks, maybe you can get some later," I replied making his friends laugh and him to stare at me in disbelief. I guess he expected me to shut him up. 

I heard a whole group of 'oooo's' go around. Wow I love this attention. 

I looked like one of those bad ass girls. Dani and El helped me put my outfit together. Even though the leather pants were tight that I don't think my blood flow was right but who cares. My heels were high but I got used to it. I have been practicing and I love it. But I do miss my converses and TOMs but I can't go back to that anymore.

My fashion sense changed. Well not completely but whatever. The makeup on my face was heavy but I looked hot!

"What up with your outfit?" Molly's annoying ass voice asked. I turned around to face her and her two dogs. 

She looked the same and I saw Tori behind her. God, I haven't seen that bitch since yesterday in Harry's apartment. Oops. I forgot. I can't say that asshole's name anymore. 

The less I think about him or say his name, the less time it will take me to forget him. 

"What's up with your face?" I shot back making some people snicker. 

"You look different but I see you are still a bitch," She stated. 

"Thanks. I wouldn't change my bitchy self for anything. Unlike you. You need a new face, a new body, a new fucking brain." I responded. She gave me a death glare. 

I walked away to find Dani or El. Everyone stared at me as I walked away. 

As I was making my way to the girls toilet, I bumped into somebody. 

"Oh hey Mere- what the hell happened to you?" Louis exclaimed. Gosh, I have so much to explain. 

"Hey Meredith!" Dani came jogging up to us before I got to answer Louis. 

"Dani will explain," I smirked and kept walking. I heard Louis ask 'what happened to her?' 

I went into the girls toilet and went over to the sink. 

How can I pull this off. It hasn't been an hour and I already hate this. How can I act like this and dress like this when I am a totally different person inside? Oh yeah. Fucking Harry made me like this. 

Because of his ass I have to do this. 

I am tired of people thinking they can walk over me and they think I'm that gullible. Well this is the time to prove them wrong. 

I heard the bell ring and I was about to rush to class but remembered I was a bad ass now. What does bad asses do again? Oh yeah. They are always late for class. 

Works for me. More time to play Temple Run. 

I leaned on the wall and started playing that was until I her voice. 


She strolled in and stood a few feet in front of me and crossed her arms. 

"Why the fuck are you looking at me like that?" I snapped putting my phone away standing up straight. 

"Excuse me?" She made a face. 

"You're excused," I smirked. She huffed. 

"Why the hell are you wearing that and acting like a fucking bitch?" She questioned.

"Because I want to. Got a problem?" I shot back. She rolled her eyes.

"Yes I do have a problem. You are my cousin and-"

"Whoah whoah whoah! Cousin huh? Don't you dare call me that! I am not your fucking cousin! A cousin wouldn't go around helping guys win a bet and plan to hurt their cousins. No. N-O." 

"Look Meredith. I'm sorry-"

"You are sorry huh? You really think sorry would solve this? I was going to help you Tori. Even though I fancied Harry, I still wanted him to be yours. But you go on with him and help him hurt me." I shook my head in shame.

"Wait you fancied him?" She questioned surprised.

"Whatever I don't fancy him anymore. You and Molly can share him. Matter of fact keep a calender of who gets him for the day." I said walking out the toilets. 

I can't believe her. She does all this on purpose then she comes apologizing. This is so herific! 

The corridors were empty. I walked up the flights of stairs and went to my homeroom. When I entered the room making everyone's head snap to me. I scanned the faces and I stopped breathing when I saw Harry's face. I mean the asshole's face. I have to remember that.

Our eyes met and I quickly broke the contact. From the corner of my eyes I saw his mouth drop when he saw my outfit. Actually every boy's mouth was open. I don't know what it is about this outfit. Maybe it's how tight the pants her. Maybe they get a good view of my bum. Well whatever.

"Ms. Watson, you are late." Mr. Simmons stated. No shit Sherlock. 

"Yeah, tell me something I didn't know." I muttered making some students snicker. 

I was about to go ahead and walk to my seat but then remembered I didn't want to breathe the same air as the asshole. No way am I going to sit next to him. 

I found a empty seat next to a guy with blonde hair. He had big round glasses. He was very cute. How come I never notice these guys? Oh yeah I was wrapped around the asshole. 

I took the seat next to the blonde and put my legs up on the desk so that my heels were in view.

"Ms. Watson, that is not your seat." The fucking teacher said. No duh. Like I didn't know that.

"Do I look like I give a shit?" I snap making some students gasp. What? Never heard somebody swear?

"No swearing in this class Ms. Watson!" Mr. Simmons stood up getting pissed. It was actually entertaining. 

"So I can swear in other classes?" I questioned with a smirk. Gosh I love this. This is so damn hilarious! Some students giggled quietly. 

"No!" He exclaimed but then took a deep breath in. Yup breath in and out old man. "Ms. Watson, I don't know why you are acting like this but please go sit in your seat." He sat back down and said calmer this time. 

"No." I sternly replied. 

"Why not? What is wrong with Mr. Styles?" he  asked. Oh you don't want to know.

"A lot of things," I muttered but everyone heard. 

"I don't know what is going on between you two but you have to sit in your-"

"Don't you understand that I don't want to sit next to that asshole?" I yelled standing up. Now he got me pissed. He didn't reply. I think he got scared. Wow I didn't know it was this fun being bad. I get to scare teachers.

"What is wrong with this seat? I don't want to sit next to him and obviously you can see that I have problems with him so why not just drop this and let me sit next to this guy?" I exclaimed pointing to the blonde.

"I'm sorry Ms. Watson. I-"

"You know what? I don't give a shit. Everybody thinks apologizing is going to solve everything. Well it's not. Why are people to fucked up these days. And why can't they leave me the fuck alone?" I cut him off. I stormed out the room just as the bell rang. 

That was a goof timing. I have Economy so that means I can see Niall and Louis. I need my friends. Maybe they will cheer me up. I mean Louis is a great cheer up. 

I walked into the room to find them both talking in the back in our usual seats. I sat next to Louis and Niall was in front of me. 

"Hey MereBear," Louis greeted giving me a side hug which I accepted. I needed it. 

"Dani and El told us what happened. Harry is a dick," Niall said. I gave him a smile which then he returned.

"I like the new outfit. You look like a bad ass!" Louis exclaimed laughing. I joined in. I haven't laughed like this. It felt good to laugh and not think about the person who is making your life a living hell.

"Is it true you cursed Mr. Simmons out?" Niall asked. "Wow. Words gets around quick. And yeah I did. He was telling me to sit next to the asshole when I didn't want to. He wouldn't fucking drop it so I did what I had to do." I explained. 

"Wow, the clothes are rubbing off on you," Louis joked. I giggled. "Yeah but it feels good. I mean at least I know I scared the hell out of Mr. Simmons and now people can't walk over me or mess with me." I responded. Niall and Louis nodded.

"So are you going to wear these dark clothes all the time? You might as well join Harry's group." Niall joked which I didn't laugh at. He stopped laughing and looked at me seeing that I'm not laughing so he stopped. He mouthed a 'sorry' which then I nodded.

"No I'm not going to wear dark clothes like these. I'm just not going to always wear jeans and a t-shirt. Even thought these pants are making my legs numb it looks nice," I said.

Louis chuckled. "It's that tight?" 

"Are you kidding? I'm sure it stopped my blood flow," I answered which made them both chuckle. 

The devil came in and sat down on the other side of the class thankfully. I wonder where Zayn is. I mean I haven't seen him since that kiss in the library. Kiss. I remember the kiss Harry and I had. He was so good and- wait wait wait! No! That kiss was a mistake and it never happened. Ugh, how can I think it never happened when it's all I can feel. His lips on mines and- ugh I have to stop!

Classes were a blur. I barely heard the teacher talk. It was like they were  talking in slow motion and they all sounded like grown men with deep deep voices. 

Finally lunch came around and since my last class was with Liam, I told him to tell the gang I wasn't going to be at lunch. He asked me a few times why but I just answered with a 'don't worry about it.'

I entered the school library to find the usual. Books and nerds. 

I walked down the aisle until I spotted black hair in a corner. I walked over and since there were big book shelves on both sides, no one could see. 

Why was Zayn hiding here?

"Zayn?" I questioned. 

"Oh shit," I heard him mutter. "Hey Meredith," He greeted still hiding his face with the book. 

"Why are you hiding your face?" I asked. 

"Um just really focused on this book. Can we talk later? I'm trying to finish this," he said quickly. 

He was hiding something. He was nervous and he was shaking. What's wrong with him?

"Zayn," I said and got closer. Before he can reply I pulled the book away from him. I gasped at the sight.

He had a black eye, there was a huge bruise on his left cheek, he had a split lip which was closing in. He looked horrible. His knuckles had scratches on it. 

Did he get in a fight?

Then it hit me. 

Harry Fucking Styles.

"I didn't want you to see," He mumbled looking away ashamed. I felt bad for him. Really bad. 

"Did Harry do this?" I asked softly sitting in a pretzel in front of him and caressing his cheek softly. He winced and squeezed his eyes shut when I touched the bruise on his cheek.

"Sorry," I murmured. "Why did he do this?"

"I told you he wouldn't like me hanging around you." He answered. "Oh Zayn. I'm sorry. This is all my fault." I replied.

"No no no. It's not. Don't blame yourself Meredith. This would of happened anyways," He responded.

"So you are like his punch bag or something?" I asked still caressing his cheek which seemed to relax him.

"Yeah," he whispered looking away embarrassed. "I'm sorry Zayn. You should stop hanging out with him. He can't keep doing this to you," I said.

"I can't Meredith. It's complicated. I'm his only friend. Louis, Niall and Liam left him."

"Wait Liam?"

"Yeah. We were all best mates in middle school. Then Harry fucked up and all and they left us. I couldn't leave him because I knew he had no one. Those jerks we hang out with him don't give two shits about him. They just hang around him so he could beat the shit out of anyone who bothers them and the popularity." He explained. This is unbelievable.

"What did Harry do?" I questioned. This question is killing me. Why was everyone afraid to tell me?

"It's better if Harry tells you himself," He answers. 

"Tells me? Like I'm going to talk to him again," I huffed.

"What do you mean?" He asked meeting my eyes. I don't know how but he found the answer.

"You found out about the bet?" He questioned. I nodded my eyes getting glossy. But I refuse to cry. Especially in front of Zayn.

"I'm sorry Meredith. I wanted to tell you but Harry threatened me not to. I didn't have anyway out. I can't believe he got through this."

"He didn't actually. We didn't have it," I whispered looking at my lap.

"So you found out before?" He questioned. I nodded. "I'm sorry. Harry is a jerk but I'm sure you know that by now." He said chuckling in the end. I giggled. 

I looked up to catch him look at my lips. Yup, I'm going to kiss him. I didn't waste time to connect our lips. He smiled against my lips and kissed back. 

We were in a uncomfortable position so I got on my knees and straddled him wrapping my arms around his neck while his arms wrapped around my waist. 

His kiss wasn't as amazing as Harry's but I didn't care. Zayn was good enough. At least he never hurt me like the ass hole who I fell for who was playing with me all this time. 

Our tongues battled for dominance. After a few seconds trying to win, I gave up so he won. 

We pulled apart leaving us both breathless and breathing heavily. He gave me a smile which I returned. 

"Will you go on a date with me?" He whispered. "Depends. Do I get to kiss you again?" I asked giggling. He grinned wide. "Yes you have the honor of kissing me again Ms. Watson." He said.

"Then it's a yes Mr. Malik," I laughed and connected out lips again.

Author's Note: So I pretty much was forced to write this chapter since my friends wanted me to update tonight. -cough- Gabby -cough- 

I like the ending. I like Zayn and Meredith together. They are so adorable. Tell me what you think. 

By the way on my last chapter I've gotten a comment saying this is the best book ever by far and I freaked out. I'm sure they haven't read After or Dark yet since both of those fan fictions are better than mine. 

I love you guys so much! And I  reached over 2,000 reads which is amaZAYN! Keep reading!

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