Phenomenal ▹ STYLES [COMPLETE...

By bamagalforever

37.7K 1.5K 685

BOOK 1 OF MY WWE SERIES ❝Do you know who I am? Seriously, do you have any idea who the hell I am? If you don'... More

Sum-Up • Prologue • A/N
• Playlist •
• Chapter 1 •
• Chapter 2 •
• Chapter 3 •
• Chapter 4 •
• Chapter 5 •
• Chapter 6 •
• Chapter 7 •
• Chapter 8 •
• Chapter 9 •
• Chapter 10 •
• Chapter 11 •
• Chapter 12 •
• Chapter 13 •
• Chapter 14 •
• Chapter 15 •
• Chapter 16 •
• Chapter 17 •
• Chapter 18 •
• Chapter 19 •
• Chapter 20 •
• Chapter 21 •
• Chapter 22 •
• Chapter 23 •
• Chapter 25 •
• Chapter 26 •
• Chapter 27 •
• Chapter 28 •
• Chapter 29 •
• Chapter 30 •
• Chapter 31 •
• Chapter 32 •
• Epilogue •
• Extended Epilogue •

• Chapter 24 •

702 33 13
By bamagalforever

— The Very Next Morning —
• Britt's P.O.V. •

I felt something on my arm, so I snatch up myself and realize that I was drooling all over my arm. Ew, how gross! Nevertheless, I adjust my body to lie against the headboard and take a moment. My head hurt like bloody hell, due to a possible migraine and hangover.

I heard something suddenly, so I turned my head so much that I nearly gave myself whiplash. Someone had came in through the door to this hotel room that I do not recognize whatsoever.

That's when a figure appeared with a plastic bag around their arm. Those same old familiar brown orbs hit my dark ones as well. AJ...?

He doesn't smile or show any emotion whatsoever towards me as he sits down a bottle of water and two little pills on the bedside table, that he got from the plastic bag. He takes a seat on the other bed and gestured towards the stuff. "For your hangover," he said, having such a hoarse tone for some reason. It was like he had to cough it out.

I quickly snatched up the pills and water bottle in separate hands. I tossed the pills right into my mouth and used the water to help swallow them down with. After the pills had sunk down into the pit of my stomach and had settled, I sat the water bottle back on the bedside table and began to sweat suddenly.

Reason why is because of this almost awkward scene with AJ. The last thing I remember telling him was that I wasn't going to sleep with Nick and vise versa. Also, pointing him out on being so damn jealous. After that point, I only remember a good sober hour at the club with everybody, then that's it.

AJ's nursing me back to health and I just don't understand why, though. How and why? "Did you have to come get me from the club or something? What happened?" I stammered out, my own voice sounding hoarse – same as AJ's, for some reason.

"Yeah, something like that," he replied with a shrug. All the same, he seems to be holding back something. The usual eye contact between us just wasn't there anymore, either, too.

I gulped, feeling the sweat now, and coughed. "Sorry that you had to," I apologized to him, being short with it, although I didn't didn't know the whole story from last night.

I spot my phone on the charge, lying on the table. So, I snatched it up and went on Twitter, due to all of the notifications I seemed to have on here. As soon I click onto it, I see a picture I was tagged-in by Dana Brooke. It's a picture of me and... WHAT THE FUCK?!

"I kissed Emma?!" I exclaimed, breaking out in a even deeper sweat. Why would this be on Twitter? Why, Dana, why?!

Apparently, that's not AJ's full attention because he quickly changes the subject. "Look, Britt, I don't know much about that, but I seen something else going on when I got there," he began to confess and actually explain to me what happened. "When I got there, Nick was practically chewing your face off."

What?! I immediately fell silent, embarrassed of my sudden actions from last night. God... After all that shit I ranted to AJ last night before that about, then I go and halfway do it, I guess you could say.

"Sorry," I apologized to him once again for my horrible mistakes. I hope he can understand, but the same flame that was one between us – something we had shared for such a long time – had disappeared like a candle in the wind.

He seemed to have brushed it off as he admits: "I know you wouldn't have done that sober, even to spite me."

In a weird way, yet truthfully, he's right. I don't think I would have done that sober to even throw it in his face afterwards. AJ realizes that I'm not that cruel to do that to someone I care about way more than my own-self.

Again, I apologized and he seems to understand, but something's off about him now. If it wasn't obvious before, he's definitely holding back something.

"What is it? Is there more to what I did last night?" I asked him, definitely more concerned that ever. Why's he holding back for? That's not like him at all.

He seemed to have mentally reject my request to know, but ends up sighing of our some sort of frustration. "I-I...," his voice trailed off as he jumps up and heads for the door. "I'm going to the gym." Okay, then?

He left in such a hurry that I'm surprised there's no trail behind him. Nevertheless, I pulled my phone back out and find Emma's number. I texted her: Hey, we kissed... I'm scared now. She quickly texted me back, of course.

Emma 😘
Yeah, we did! Don't worry, Zack loved it!! Just a dare, after all! 😉

I decided to just leave it off as that as I went to find another friend's phone number and began to call it. A moment later, they answered with the usual sweet greeting.

"Hey, Nikki," I greeted my old friend, Nikki Bella, and smiled as soon as I heard her voice. I wasn't about to confess shit to her about Nick and I last night. "I was just going to tell you what happened last night when I got drunk."

I heard her laughing, which made me smile wider. "Oh, my Gosh! Is this about that picture I seen of you and Emma kissing?" Dammit, she knows too much now.

"Yeah, so apparently, it was a dare," I giggled alongside with her. "I definitely wouldn't have done that sober, that's for sure."

"Awe, was she a bad kisser, Britt?" Nikki asked in a whiney voice and I rolled my eyes in return.

"Honestly, I don't remember, to be quiet honest with you," I chuckled, realizing how much I've really missed her and just missed talking to her altogether. "I miss you, Nik."

"Awe, boo, I miss you, too," she confessed, then sighed. "Unfortunately, I gotta go now, Britt. Gotta do some therapy stuff and that's gonna be hell alone. Maybe I'll call back later, yeah?"

My heart fell, but I remained positive. "Sure, Nik," I told her with a smile that she couldn't see. "Go do some therapy and I'll talk to you later. Love you!"

"Love you more! Oh, and Brie and Bryan say hey!" I told her to tell them I said hey back, then we hung up just like that.

Then again, I'm all alone in this bed with a major fucking headache, watching a black-screened TV – but I suddenly find my mind drifting off and away to AJ and last night.

The puzzle pieces just don't add in my head with an hesitated AJ and the crazy night I had. I hope, for Nick's sake, AJ didn't knock him flat on his ass. Despite the whole Nikki situation from before, Nick's a great guy and a great sense of humor, but AJ doesn't care. Do I even care? Of course, I do.

Bottom line is, though... What was it that he was going to tell me?

• "BADA-BOOM! REALEST GUYS IN THE ROOM! HOW YOU DOIN'?!" I'm doing quite fine, Enzo, thanks for asking (my love 👅💦)! So, um... *cough, cough*... Anyways, so, this was short and stupid AF, but it's gonna come in handy NEXT chapter where all of u will be like this emoji – 😧 – at the end of Chapter 25, and I'll be like 😂 cuz of... Yeah... Hehe 😏 So, bare with me until - especially - next chap! Oh, yeah, and I just watched Dean Ambrose's movie "12 Rounds: Lockdown" (cuz I got the DVD on sale at Wal-Mart) and it was good AF! My mom even gave it a 10 👍🏻 So, yeah, that's it... For now, my loves 😉 All the love .xx •

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