Savannah's Smile

By SimplyTommy

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Follow Savannah and Noah on their journey of finding themselves and possibly each other. Being 16 the last... More

Chapter 1 Noah
Chapter 2 Savannah
Chapter 3 Noah
Chapter 4 Savannah
Chapter 5 Noah
Chapter 6 Savannah
Chapter 7 Noah
Chapter 8 Savannah
Chapter 9 Noah
Chapter 10 Savannah
Chapter 11 Noah
Chapter 12 Jared
Chapter 13 Savannah
Chapter 14 Noah
Chapter 15 Savannah
Chapter 16 Savannah
Chapter 17 Noah
Chapter 18 Savannah
Chapter 19 Britt
Chapter 20 Noah
Chapter 21 Noah
Chapter 22 Noah
Chapter 23 Savannah
Chapter 25 Noah
Chapter 26 Savannah
Chapter 27 Savannah
Chapter 28 Noah
Chapter 29 Savannah
Chapter 30 Noah
Chapter 31 Noah
Chapter 32 Noah
Chapter 33 Savannah
Chapter 34 Noah
Chapter 35 Savannah

Chapter 24 Savannah

27 0 1
By SimplyTommy

Text Message
Unknown number- Hello Savannah it's your mother. I'm not sure if your father told you I was trying to get in contact with you. He said you weren't ready so  I got your number from my mother. I wanted to know if we could talk. I know you don't owe me anything but I would love a chance

I don't want to talk to her. What is there to explain why she left? After Noah and everyone left I decided to take a walk. The park is beautiful and it's always quiet at night. I can think. As I walk to the swing I see a girl sitting on one of the swings. I guess I'm not the only one who comes here to think. I sat on the swing before I put my headphones in.

"It's beautiful out here, isn't it?" She asked.

"Yeah." I smiled it is.

"Hi, I'm Mia" She held her hand out for me to shake. She has pretty Green eyes that match her glowing brown skin and an America's Next Top Model body.

"I'm Savannah," I said shaking her hand.

She stared at me for a moment. "You're new here, aren't you?" She asked pulling her long straight brown into a ponytail. Before I could answer. "It's just that I grew up here it's a small town. So I know everyone and I never seen you before."

"Um yeah, my dad and I moved here from Philly a couple of months ago."

"So do you like it here? I know it isn't much. But it's home for me. I've been back home for a month now."

"Yeah, I'm growing to love it." I smiled thinking about Noah. And how meeting him changed my life in so many ways. I have friends and my family who care about me.  "Why did you leave?"Breaking myself out of my thoughts.

"I had to get away. I hurt my friends. My ex-boyfriend the most." She said putting her head down. "I betrayed his trust, and I came back to hope I got back to him."She looked up at me with guilt and pain in her eyes.

I smiled. I felt bad I don't know her story but I can see she's hurting. "I hope everything works out for you. Who knows maybe he'll forgive you and y'all can move on."

"Hopefully, so why did you take this late-night walk to the park?"

"To get some clarity." I shrugged my shoulders. "Someone who should have never left wants back in. I don't know if I should." I let out a breath.

"Well, I know what it feels like on the other side so maybe the person is sorry, and all they want is another chance."

"Maybe but that's where my question comes in are they worth that second chance? Who to say it won't happen again"

"And who to say it will?" She smiled. "You just have to want them in your life."

I nodded in agreement. "Thanks, Mia. This was a good talk I needed it. I can put things into perspective."

"Yeah, it was she laughed. What would you do if you were me?"

"Honestly. I would work it out with my friends because they keep us sane." I smiled. " And as for my ex-boyfriend, I'll apologize but hold off on getting back together just be friends to see if something is still there you gotta rebuild trust."

"Your right. Thanks. Hey, can we hang out sometime? Only having your brothers talking to you can get exhausting. I need female time with friends."

"Sure. I put my number in her phone. I'm about to head back home. It was nice meeting you today Mia."

"You too Savannah" she smiled as she was waving goodbye.

I sat in the park for 30 minutes as it started getting dark. I know I should be heady back home. My phone died an hour ago Dad probably getting worried. Walking into the house Dad is on the couch.

"Hey, Dad! "

"Hey, honey."I was calling you where did you go?

"I took a walk to the park and started talking to a girl I met there. My phone died so that's why you didn't get an answer."

"Oh okay well next time please charge your phone fully or better yet notify me where you going."He grinned with one eyebrow raised.

"Sorry, Dad will do." I smiled.

"So who's the friend you met today?"

"Her name was Mia she seemed nice. She's from here and noticed I looked new. Something about a small town." I shrugged my shoulders.

Dad laughed. " Well, there's food in the oven. Eat something and I'm not asking."

"Okay. Okay."I said surrendering. Smiling it felt good hearing him laugh.

"Oh yeah, I talked to Doctor Jane about the therapy or support group. I know you didn't mind either one. We found someone who has experience.  She's a psychologist. I think one-on-one support with someone who understands will be great." He smiled.

I agreed. I smiled. "Yeah, I agree it will be better. I'll feel more comfortable opening up to one unknown person about this instead of a whole group of unknown people. Thanks, Dad. So when do I start?" I hugged him and he hugged me tighter.

"Next Tuesday. I'm so proud of you Savannah." His eyes got watery. "You becoming so much stronger and wiser with everything you have been through."

"We've been through," I said breaking the hug and looking up at him. "With everything WE have been through Dad. Not a single thing happened to me that didn't happen to you. So if I'm getting my strength from somewhere it's you. I'm your daughter's only daughter and you had to watch everyday me get sicker." I paused to wipe the tears. "You were watching me die and there was nothing you could do about it. I watched you pick me up when I was low and took care of me without a complaint or blame even though I was the reason you lost the love of your life." Wait did I just say that out loud, it slipped.

His eyes opened wider. He looked at me incredulously. "Savannah you don't think you are the blame for your mother leaving? You are not the reason. Your mother and I problems existed long before you got sick. Don't ever blame yourself for her mistakes. She couldn't handle you being sick. She couldn't watch it. She loves you and couldn't handle seeing you so sick. Sweetheart I'm fine with losing your mother I got to keep you." He smiled and wiped tears from his and my eyes as well. He hugged me and I snuggled my head in his chest. I love my dad. He is everything to me I don't know what I do without him. I stayed with my head on his chest until I fell asleep.
I woke up the next morning with Noah's ringtone blasting in my ears.

Hello. I said muffled. With my eyes still closed.

Hey beautiful, he laughed. Did I wake you?

Kind of, it's okay. I'm finally opening my eyes. I'm in my room!

Is there somewhere else you should be? He said a little sarcastically.

I said that out loud. I giggled. No, I fell asleep on the couch with my dad last night he must have brought me up.

Oh okay. Well, remember I invited you to dinner to meet everyone?


Good dinner is tonight. I'll come to get you to be ready by 6:30.


Okay. I'm going to meet a friend for some lunch. I'll call you when later. Well, I'll be texting you soon.

Okay bye, Noah.

Bye, beautiful.

I couldn't stop smiling. Noah breaking the walls I took time to build.

"Hey, Honey!"Dad said knocking on my door.

"Yeah, Dad it's open."

"Hey, I'm making breakfast be down in 20."

"Okay." I smiled. I'm hungry I said rubbing my stomach.


When dinner was ready I sat at the table with Dad. He kept looking at his phone. Someone kept calling and texting. I knew something was up. I know he's seeing someone but why is it such a secret? Does he think I couldn't handle it? That I was going to be mad? I would be happy to see someone making him happy.

"What's wrong Dad?"

He let out a breath. Like what he had to say was difficult. He looked down at his phone. He smiled. Dad and I had that in common. We smiled when nervous. "It's okay Dad just say it. I know you seeing someone. I'm okay with it. I'm not mad or anything."

He looked at me with a shocked expression. "Wait. What? You think I'm seeing someone."

"Well yeah, you have been getting nonstop texts and phone calls not just today but lately. You go to private rooms to have conversations. Your mood has changed. You smiling and laughing again. I was sure a woman had something to do with it."

He laughs. "No, I'm not seeing anyone. Your aunt wants to see you." My aunt Patricia is my dad's sister. We don't have a relationship with each other because simply she hates my dad. She blames my dad for my mom taking off. She said he pushed her away. I couldn't handle all the blame on my dad being as though he was the one who stayed to take care of me. I don't know what she wants from me.

"Savannah! Savannah!" Dad snaps his fingers in my face.

"What does she want?" I snapped.

He sighed. "Don't be angry with her Savannah. I want you to have a relationship with her." He said with sincerity in his voice. "She's your aunt. The last living relative on my side of the family." Dad had a sad look on his face. I know he's thinking about grandma. Dad's mom died two years ago. Her heart stopped in her sleep. But she had lived a full life. She was 98 when she passed. I miss her and I know Dad misses her. For her to be 98 she didn't act like it. She would always go on hikes, and marathons, she even took me skating. We would do a lot of fun things especially when I was feeling better. I smiled reminiscing about her in my head. Dad took notice.

"What are you thinking about?"

"How much I miss Nana Mae." I smiled eyes getting watery. I blink back the tears. "You're right I guess considering I won't be getting better anytime soon I should patch up  SOME broken relationships" I emphasized that some.  

"Honey?" He looked at me a with careful look.

"Yeah, Dad?"

"Don't talk like that okay? Don't make plans to settle differences because you think you're going to die. You don't know that."

"Okay." I smiled. As much as I wanted to believe it was true this infection can spread like wildfire and I would have to accept fate. I accept the fact their a 30/70 percent chance I'm going to die. I just need everyone else too.

"I know you probably don't want to hear this." I immediately knew where this was going. "I think you should talk to her." I knew he was going to say that. But why?

"What? Why would you even suggest that?" I snapped rolling my eyes.

"Because she's your mom and she wants to make things right. Just think about giving her the opportunity."

"Ha, my mom walked out on me when I was 6," I said sarcastically. "Make things right how about not doing anything to make it right?" I was screaming at this point. I was furious at my mother for making my dad pity her. I was even more mad at Dad for defending her. I had to get out of here. "I hate her!" I yelled. "How could you even think I wanted to see her? Why are you talking to her? She hurt me. She hurt you. I cried myself to sleep for months when she left." Shit word vomit. Dad never knew that. He looks shocked I can see the tears on the rim of his eyes. That just made my tears fall more. He got up and tried to hug me.

"No no stay away from me," I yelled angrily backed up, and ran out the door. I had to get out of there. I know I shouldn't have yelled at my dad like that. He was only trying to help as usual. I just couldn't handle him siding with her. No, maybe he didn't know the extent she hurt me. I started walking up this dirt path it's a park across the street from this diner. Waking to get a seat on the swing. I spot Noah with a girl. I couldn't get a look at her face, her back was turned. I instantly feel a pain in my chest. He was smiling so brightly at her like she was the only girl in the room. She had her hand on top of his. And he let her keep it there. She laughs at something he says, and I get a good look on her face, Mia. The way she looked at him it clicked Noah was the ex she was talking about. The way things look it might be working in her favor. I can't state any longer before I blank back the tears. I turn to walk away to run right into a tall guy's chest.

"Shit oops, I'm sorry," I said looking up. "Mike!"I smiled "What are you doing here?"

He looks at me angrily before relaxing his face into a smile. "Hey Van! It's fine I wasn't watching my way either. Technology!" He said holding up his phone. "I was on my way to get some bottles, bibs, pacifier wipes." He was reading off the list. I laughed. "What are you doing here?"

"Had a bad argument with my dad. Not ready to face him yet." Oh also hiding from Noah and his ex who I also met. But I keep that to myself.

"Well if you wanna" I glance over to the diner again. They are still there eye gazing at each other. My facial expression must change because before I knew Mike's eyes traveled to what I was focused on and he grunted.

"Shit Savannah," He said with disappointment.

I brushed it off

He studied me. "You didn't know, did you? Fucking Noah" He said out loud.

"I met her."

"What?"He said wide-eyed.

"Yeah, I was at the park and she came over and started talking to me. She seems nice. I can see why they might get back together."

"What Savannah? Are you crazy? Listen he's dickhead for not telling you about this lunch. But nothing is going on with them."

"Maybe not yet. But look how they look at each other. That's love and history. How am I supposed to get in between that? Go to go meet his family now?"

Mike looked at me incredulously. "He was taking you to meet his mom and dad? His DAD?"

"Yeah," I said suspiciously.  "We were supposed to be having dinner at his grandma's house. But I don't think I want to go anymore. He can take Mia. I'm pretty sure they have a lot to catch up on. I think I'm just going to head back home."

Mike sighs. He looks at me with concern and sadness on my face. "He doesn't love her anymore. I've seen how he looks at you. Never have I seen him look at a girl the way she looks at you. Savannah just don't give up on him let him explain. Okay, promise me you will."

"Okay," I smiled. "I promise you." I looked over to the dinner one last time and Noah was still looking at her, I turned to walk home.

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