I can feel your heart beat...

By lxuxex

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What would happen if you lived in a world where you thought everyone hated you? Where the one guy you like ju... More

..when I look in your eyes..
..when your close..
..when I'm with you.. (part 1)
..when I'm with you.. (part 2)
..when I miss you..
..when I look at you..
..when I'm dreaming..
..when you own me..(part 1)
..when you own me..(part 2)
..when I'm safe..
..when we're together..
..when we're being watched..
..when I'm confused..
..when I feel like giving up..
..when I need you by my side..
..when I'm in danger..
..when I lay my eyes on you..
..when I need you..
..when your gone..

..when I'm in your arms..

5.2K 72 7
By lxuxex

I can feel your heart beat..when I'm in your arms..


"Because.." he started leaning back as he started to walk away, still holding on to my hand, he

 got to the point where are arms were stretched out and our hands were slowly slipping through each others grasp. ". . you need to know everything about your mate" he whispered. My eyes widened and my stomach turned. Our hands slipped from eachother's grasp as he turned the corner and left. 


Mate? .. no, no I heard him wrong. My mind must be playing tricks on me. Mate, he probably said date. Yea date! You could call this a date.. right? 

'Mate' I heard his soft angelic voice repeat in my head. My eyes turned back into the burning feeling and my stomach turned into knots like the first day. I groaned in pain, it was worse then before. My head pounded and my heart felt like it was being ripped out of my chest. "GO AWAY!" I screamed, clutching my stomach. I leaned my back against the cold wall and slid down until I was sitting on the ground. "Just go away, please" I whimpered. 

"No can do, sweetheart" were the last words I heard before blackness took over me.


"Are you sure?" I heard a soft distant voice say from a far. It sounded like Mandy. I moved my head around, not willing to open my eyes. I felt arms wrapped securely around me. His touch gave me a sensational feeling. His touch sent sparks flying through my body. His touch gave me an electric shock. His touch I recognised. 

"Yea, I'm pretty sure. This happened last time too, I've experienced it all before considering my mom isn't one" My suspicions were correct, his soft, beautiful voice made my heart beat increase.

"So your only half?" the girl replied who I now know is Mandy.

"Yea. I knew something was wrong the minute I left. I shouldn't have left her there after I.. told her." he replied. I could hear the worry in his voice. I felt bad. None of this was his fault, I just had a bad bug.

"So she is your mate?" Mandy question. The minute I heard her words my stomach turned and my heart beat quickened. 

"Yea.." he started, sounding like he was dreaming. I peeked my eyes open to see him staring at me. "I can feel it" he finished. 

"Aww" Mandy cooed. Gosh she sounded like such a girl. "Have you kissed her ye-" 

"NO!" I cut her off leaping up. She jumped back holding her heart. 

"God, Sam! Don't do that!" she yelled, holding on to Christian, who I never even knew was here.

"Sorry" I chuckled. I looked around at my surroundings. We were in a car, more like a van. All four of us in the back and a lady driving? 

"Where are we going?" I asked. 

"Forest" she replied, simply.

"Why?" I questioned.

"No more questions!" she sing-songed. 

I slumped back in my seat, or what i thought was my seat and lay my head back. His arms wrapped around me, making me blush. "Sorry, I forgot I was on your lap" I mumbled, blushing.

"Don't worry, just get comfortable." he smiled. I nodded my head, sitting side-ways on his lap. "How are you feeling?" he mumbled against my cheek. He gave it a peck, leaving trails down to my neck. 

"Good" I choked out, feeling the sensation running through my veins as his lips neared mine. As he was about to touch his lips with mine, his eyes closed, I stopped him. But I seriously don't know why. "Not that I don't mind, but what are you doing?" I mumbled, my lips brushing off his, but it was enough to make me blush incredibly, a smile creeping on to my face. He sighed.

"I don't know, I guess I just let my hormones get the best of me." he chuckled. I nodded kissing his cheek. Hormones. I'll use that as an excuse.


"Guys, what are we doing out here?" I questioned. My eyes wandering around my surroundings. I was currently in a deserted forest, one light shining down where I stood, the moon being the only source of light.

"Any minute now" Justin whispered very lowly, only meaning for Christian and Mandy to hear, but I had managed to. They stood a good distance away from me. 

The moon got to it's fullest. I looked up to see it full. A full moon. My mouth gaped open at the sight but quickly shut as I groaned in pain, not again. My eyes burned for what seemed like the second time today as my stomach lurched causing me to yelp. "Guys, w-w-what's happening?" I choked out. Groaning.My dad told me this would go, he told me I'd feel better, he told me I'd be fine.

"It's okay Sam, stay strong." Mandy replied in a soothing tone. 

"AGGH!" I screamed. Tears streamed down my cheeks, my head was pounding.

"Guys, I gotta help her!" I heard Justin plead. I looked up to see him running towards me but Mandy and Christian pulled him back.

"Guys h-AGH!" I screamed.  "please" I whimpered, crouching down to my knees. 

After sometime, the pain subsided. The tears stopped and the pounding in my head left. I felt my eyes widen as my body moved in an unnatural way, but strangely it didn't hurt at all. 

I heard the sound of clothes ripping as I crouched down in a crawling way.. like.. like a ..dog.


Not one of my best chapter's but still chapter 6!

I hope you like it..

As I said, not one of my best.





Paeaceee! -LaurenxD

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