Unexpected Love || Harry Styl...

By clarity-

2M 47.1K 22.6K

Meredith's perfect life turned upside down after her parents death meaning she had to move in with her older... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two
Chapter Fifty-Three
Chapter Fifty-Four
Chapter Fifty-Five
Chapter Fifty-Six
Chapter Fifty-Seven
Chapter Fifty-Eight
Chapter Fifty-Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty-One
Chapter Sixty-Two
Chapter Sixty-Three
Chapter Sixty-Four
Chapter Sixty-Five
Chapter Sixty-Six
Chapter Sixty-Seven
Chapter Sixty-Eight
Chapter Sixty-Nine
Chapter Seventy
Chapter Seventy-One
Chapter Seventy-Two
Chapter Seventy-Three
Chapter Seventy-Four (END)
Extra | UN Fragment

Chapter Twenty-Three

27.8K 684 152
By clarity-

Author's Note: Oh my god! I love you guys so much! I have reached over 1,000 reads and that's amazing! I can't believe you guys like my book so much. I thought it was so crappy and only like 20 people are going to read it. I love you guys sooooooooo much! I can't even explain it! Thank you so much for reading and I promise I will try to update every day. If I don't, I am sorry and I'll probably update the day after!

Meredith's P.O.V

I am done with this. So fucking done.

I tried to close the door in his face but his strong ass hands kept it open.

"Meredith, please listen to me." He said coming in. I walked away and entered the living room. Harry came along with me and I was trying so hard not to walk over there slap the shit out of him. Even though I'm sure my hits are going to be nothing to him but I don't care. I wanted to release my anger on something.

My back was to Harry as I stared at the picture on the wall. It was a picture of me and Michael. We were pretty young and I missed those times. I missed my mum yelling at Michael because I lied and said he hit me when he really didn't. I missed when dad came home from work he would scare the hell out of me when I am watching Tom and Jerry.

"Meredith, I'm sorry. I-"

"You are sorry Harry? Really? Are we going through this again. When you fuck up and say sorry and we become best friends again?" I snapped turning around to face him. He just stood there staring at me. If I wasn't thinking straight, I would of thought he is actually sorry but I am so over this.

"What do you want Harry? You want me to give you one of those famous speeches I gave you every time you screwed up? That's what you want right Harry? You just want me weak so two days later you do something to me and we are back to square one again." I said. He didn't move nor blink.

"I don't need you to act anymore Harry. If you really want that title at school and would do anything for it then ask me right now so you can fuck me. I would gladly take the offer and then you can throw me away like the others. I am just so over this. I don't want to be in this game of yours. You should of just told me from the first time we met that you wanted to shag me and that's all. I would of done it and not get hurt like this every single week. When I really think about it I don't know how I actually put up with this. The worst part is I fell for it. I fell for all of your games and look at me now. I don't know what to do with myself."

"Stop it just stop it!" He yelled closing his eyes and rubbing his temples. "You don't know me and you don't know how I feel about all this!" He shouted. Is he fucking serious?

"I would of known Harry. I would of known if you weren't playing with me all this time and making me fall for all your tricks! You shut me off when I want to know more about you. I thought I could change you but when I think about it I barely know you. And you want to know this? I am hopelessly in LOVE with you even though you have been hurting me from day one!" I screamed.

It's out. I didn't know I was going to tell him like this. But it happened and I'm glad because a heavy weight was lifted from my shoulders.

"W-what?" He stuttered staring at me in disbelief.

"Yes Harry, I've said it. I don't know how it happened and when it happened but it happened and when I try telling myself I don't love you, the feeling grows. Do you know how it feels when you love someone you don't want to and they don't give a shit about you? Obviously you wouldn't know. I mean when's the last time you actually felt something for someone?" I asked.

He just stared at me with wide eyes. 

"You want the title, don't you Harry?" I questioned. "Come on, let's go and get this over with," I said and went over to where he was standing and grabbed his hand trying to pull him out the living room to the stairs. I can't believe I am doing this. 

I pulled him harder but he didn't budge. What is his problem?

"Come on Harry!" I exclaimed. 

"No," He sternly replied. 

"No?" I questioned letting him go and staring at him. He was looking down at the rug. "Why no Harry? Isn't that what you want?" I asked.

"No," He repeated. What?

"Why not? You totally meant it in that recording. Unless you are telling me Tori did all that technology shit to make that up. Tori is clever but not that clever to do all that." I said. " Why aren't you going to fuck me? Harry I'm letting you do it. I don't care anymore. It's what you wanted all along, why aren't you taking the chance?" I questioned.

"I'm not going to fuck you and ruin you like that," He muttered still looking at the floor. 

"Really? So you are saying all this you've been doing is a lie. I wasn't a part of your games? Tori was lying? You weren't trying to get in my pants?" 

He stayed silent. Thought so.

"Get out Harry." I said. He looked up and our eyes met. My heart broke again. His eyes were full of guilt and hurt. But do I know. I keep on thinking these things when all this was an act. I am so done with this. 

"Please Harry. Please, just get out of my house. I swear if you don't I will call the cops." I threatened. 

"But you said...... you said you loved me." He whispered. "I do Harry. I didn't deny it. I love you Harry, but it's better for both of us to go back to unknowns like we were before I bumped into you in the parking lot. If I didn't we would of never talked or anything. I wouldn't of been part of any of this. So please Harry. Leave." I explained turning around letting the tears spill. 


"I said get the hell out of my house!" I turned around and shouted. " Go fuck Tori or Molly or who ever the hell you want! GO do something in your life that doesn't involve around me! I am so done with you and you keep on finding new ways to hurt me! Just leave!" I yelled. He sighed and slowly turned around. 

He started walking out of the living room and I heard the front door slam shut. My life is over. I don't know how he did it but he ruined everything for me. 

Why did he fuck up all this for us? Was there even an 'us'? 

Plus why the hell are we connected like this? His father killed my parents. Gemma is his sister and she is probably dead. 

I fell on the floor and sobbed softly. 

Why me? Out of all people why me? What did I ever do to deserve this? 

I heard the front door open and I was hoping it would be Harry. I wanted him to come back and tell me he is sorry and he would do anything for my forgiveness and he would actually try. But I have to remember he doesn't have a heart. The place where the heart belongs in his body is just a dark hole. 

"Meredith?" Someone called softly. I knew exactly who is here. 

Danielle and Eleanor. 

I lifter my head from my knees and looked up to see them enter the living room. When they saw me on the floor they came rushing over and hugging me tight. 

"What happened? I just saw Harry stomping away from your house." Eleanor asked looking concerned as ever. That's why I love these two. They are the most caring people I met ever. 

"Give her some time, El. She will explain later. Now let's get you cleaned up." Dani said. I would of thanked her but I couldn't find my voice. I just nodded and let them take me upstairs. 

We entered the bathroom and they took off my clothes leaving me in my bra and underwear. I really didn't care they were seeing me like this. I mean we did have the same body. And plus they are my friends. 

Dani grabbed a pair of pajama bottoms and a t-shirt. They put Harry's clothes in my room somewhere since I didn't let them put it in the hamper. I don't know what I'm going to do with his clothes. Maybe I could burn it so I could feel a bit better. 

I washed my face. El took me downstairs and smelt waffles. The smell made my stomach grumble. 

El guided me to the kitchen. I felt like I was in a hospital and I was a patient. I saw down on a high stool and Eleanor joined next to me. Dani gave me my plate and Eleanor's and then got herself one plate and sat down across from us. 

"Ready to explain?" Dani asked which made me giggle softly. She did all this to get me to spill. 

"You did all this to make me tell you guys?" I giggled. Dani laughed. "Pretty much." 

I started telling them everthing that happened from last night. When I went to the park and found the guitar and Harry showing up. I told them about the kiss which made El squeal. I told practically everything. It was sort of a time-line from when I went to the park to the situation not even an hour ago. Dani and El both gasped when I told them about the bet and I was  part of it. 

"What a fucking jerk," Dani mumbled. "You love him?" El questioned.

I looked down at my almost finished plate. Hey, don't judge. It was very good. 

"Yeah," I sighed. "Since when?" Dani questioned. "I don't know. I just felt something for him. He is really different at times. He is like those sweet guys from the movies who gives the girls flowers and chocolates." I explained.

"He gave you flowers and chocolate?" El asked raising her eyebrows. 

"No, you big goof. I mean he acts just so sweet and it's hard to believe he actually was acting all this time. And Tori was part of this?! That is so fucking unbelievable!" I exclaimed.

"She is a fucking bitch. Not even Molly is like that," Dani stated. "But I don't get it. Why did Tori blow up Harry like that and tell you everything when Harry didn't shag you yet." El said.

"She was probably jealous," Dani muttered. "But she planned everything." I added. 

"Maybe she thought he shagged you already and it was time to blow up both of your spots." El said.

"Probably. That bitch is clever." Dani muttered making me giggle.

"But at least she came at the wrong time. It is better that you knew now than when he really did shag you." El stated. 

"Yeah but what I don't get is why didn't Harry pull a move on me last night." I uttered.

"Maybe he was scared you wouldn't let him and will catch on with his games," Dani said. 

Ugh, this is so confusing. I can't believe Harry thought this all through! If we actually worked out then the next time I would of actually let him. Even though I am super pissed at Tori, I kind of am happy she barged in today. If she didn't then I wouldn't have known about this. 

"But he didn't shag me this morning," I said softly. "What do you mean?" El asked.

"Well I was just done with all this that I told him he could fuck me right then and there but he didn't take up for the offer." I explained. Gosh this is so complicated.

"You told him he could fuck you then?" Dani asked her eyes widening. 

"Yeah, I was just so done with it. If he was so desperate to fuck me and get the tiltle in school then I would of let him. If it meant him never talking to me and leaving me along then go ahead." I explained. 

"But you want him to talk to you right?" El questioned. 

I groaned. "Yes I do. Even though he hurt me so many times, I just wanted to be with him. Talk to him and all. He understood me so well and he was great listener. No offence guys," I said. 

They nodded. "We got along so well and for once it wasn't a girl. That's why I fell for him. He has everything I wanted in a boyfriend but then again it was all an act." I continued.

"How did he know you were into those guys?" Dani asked. "I don't know. He is so damn confusing. I can't think straight because of him!" I exclaimed. Dani and El giggled. 

"Did he say he loved you back?" El asked.

"No, well I didn't give him a chance to speak to be honest. But then he has a girl every week. What makes you think he will actually love someone?" I questioned. 

"You never know...." El said.

"Whatever. I am done with him." I replied.

"Isn't that what you always say?" Dani asked.

"Yeah, but I mean it this time. I'm not giving him anymore chances. I need to forget about him. All I need is someone else." I smirked.

"What are you thinking?" 

"It's time to start over. I am not going to be that  goody goody everyone thinks I am. I am done. Tomorrow you guys are going to pick out my outfit and do my makeup and hair. I will get a boyfriend soon and I won't know anyone named Harry Styles anymore." I explained.

Dani and El stared at me like I was mad. Well I am. 

"This is a new beginning for a new Meredith Watson," I finished. 

Author's Note: I love that last sentence. It sounds like one of those movies. The girl says something like that and then theres a huge flash and dark music. I don't know but I hope you guys liked this chapter. More is coming so add this book to your reading list! I love you guys! 

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