Magic Marvel (Stripper!AU)

By LillyWillow13

62.8K 1.6K 1.9K

This is an Alternate Universe where the Marvel characters are strippers instead of superheros. I don't own an... More

A Special Birthday
Gay Night and New Hires
Doe Show
A Graduation Present
Down Time
Heaven on Earth
The Contest
Unexpected Visitors
Private Show
The Exchanges
Trick or Treat
New Years Day
Valentine's Day
New Kids on the Block
Out Of This World

Vegas, Baby!

2.4K 69 137
By LillyWillow13

This Vegas chapter will be split into two parts. The first part will be what they do when they first arrive and the second will be the contest. Prepare for sailing ships!

That morning, Lilly was going through her e-mails as usual when one in particular caught her eye. It was an invitation for her club to join a stripping competition that was to be held in Las Vegas next month. She would have to wait until confirmed it with her workers, but she was pretty sure that they could make it.

"Hey Laia?" she called, turning away from her laptop.

"Yeah Lil?"

"There's a contest in Vegas next month. Wanna go with me? It's a long weekend..."

"Sure, sounds like fun," she answered.


That night, Lilly gathered the dancers around her. Clint was back by now and more popular than ever.

"Listen up boys, I have an announcement!" Tony suddenly gasped in feigned shock.

"You're not breaking up with us, are you Lilly?" he asked, placing his hand over his chest.

"No way, look at the smile on her face. Obviously she's pregnant," Clint quipped. Lilly gave them both an unamused expression.

"Are you quite finished?"

"Wait... no. We're done," Clint grinned. Sighing, Lilly shook her head and rolled her eyes as Clint and Tony looked at each other like naughty school boys.

"Now, what I was going to say before Beavis and Butt-Head over here interrupted me was..."

"You're Butt-Head."

"You're Butt-Head," they argued, nudging each other.

"Next month, there's a stripping competition in... Las Vegas, Nevada!" Lilly continued. They all gave her looks of excitement.

"Wait, seriously?" Pietro asked.

"Yep!" she said happily. "I need to know who will be available." They all checked their calendars before they could agree. Once that was sorted, Lilly went to ask the girls if they could come; knowing that Tony and Pietro would sulk without their stylists to take care of them. After the show Tony approached Lilly.

"Hey Lilly, why don't you let me pay for accommodation? It's the least I can do," he offered.

"That's sweet of you Tony, but I couldn't ask you to do that."

"Come on. I own a hotel in Vegas so it wouldn't be a bother." Somehow, this news didn't surprise her. Lilly opened her mouth to protest but Tony stopped her.

"No arguments. I'll set it up," he smirked.


A month passed in the blink of an eye, and it was time for the contest. It wasn't until tomorrow night, but they wanted to arrive early to get a feel for the place. After checking into the hotel, Lilly and Laia decided to hit a few of the casinos. Lilly made a time and place to meet with her team later. As they were walking past the blinking slot machines, Lilly heard a familiar voice.

"Lilly Willow? Is that you?" She turned around to meet with an ex-JARVIS employee.

"Wade Wilson, you gorgeous son-of-a-bitch! How've you been?" she smiled.

"Lilly Alice Willow, you kiss your mother with that mouth?" he scolded, hugging her.

"How did you know my middle name? And you're language is far worse than mine."

"Read your file. And I don't kiss your mother with my mouth. What're you doing in Vegas?" he asked.

"I own JARVIS now and we're here for the contest. By the way this is my roommate Laia. Laia, this is Wade, he was one of the entertainers when I first started at JARVIS." Grinning Wade draped his arm over Lilly's shoulders.

"Let me tell you something about this girl here Laia. When she started out, she was so shy; she couldn't look us directly, in the nipples." Lilly burst out laughing.

"But look at her now, she's queen of her own reverse harem," he concluded. Wade suddenly spotted a dark-haired woman. She pointed at him, then to her watch.

"Whoops, that's my manager. I was only jumping on a couple of sluts while I was on break."

"You mean slots?" Lilly asked.

"Do I?" He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively. Lilly shook her head.

"Alright, I'll let you go," she said, giving him a playful smack on the butt.

"Ooh, spank me harder mommy. I've been a bad boy," he said, bending over in front of Lilly.

"Get out of here!" she laughed, kicking his rump.

"I like it when you get rough. Anyway, we have to catch up sometime," he waved and headed off. Laia stared at Lilly dumbfounded.

"That guy was so weird."

"Oh, he's a complete wanker, but he's good for a laugh," Lilly admitted.

"So what was his act?"

"He had this move called... The Helicopter." Lilly's face turned red as she remembered Wade's act and Laia raised her eyebrows.

"It's exactly what it sounds like. He'd... take his 'old fella' in his hand and spin it around like the rotator of a helicopter," she said, twirling her hand for effect.

"Hold up, he got naked?! None of the other guys get naked," Laia stated.

"Yeah, there were some complaints and a lawsuit but it was dropped and that's why JARVIS is a strip-tease joint. It's the reason why Wade came up here; so he could drop trou without getting in trouble," she explained.


Later, Lilly met up with the rest of the team to sign in. They entered the building, got their name checked off and headed into the designated room for rehearsals. The boys all went to practice their acts while Lilly wrapped her arms over the girls' shoulders.

"Okay Meg and Bri, my little superstars; let's go over tomorrow night's game-plan." They sat down at a table so they could watch the performers and write down tactics.

"Oh, before I forget, I pulled some strings and I was able to get you on stage," Lilly added. Bri and Meg's eyes went wide.

"What do you mean 'Up on stage'?"

"After their group act, each of them has their own individual act. They are required to have at least one woman on stage with them. I got you for Tony and you for Pietro," Lilly smirked, referring to Bri and Meg in turn.

"I also got Laia for Clint," she concluded.

"Really?" Bri asked.

"Of course. You haven't noticed how close they've been lately?"

"I guess so," she shrugged. After that, they continued for practicing for hours until a loud, hollow growl interrupted them. Lilly blushed and tried to hide behind her paper.

"Good Lord, was that your stomach?" Meg laughed.

"Yes, it was." She admitted sheepishly. Standing up, Lilly called the boys over.

"How about we wrap up for now, and continue on tomorrow. Let's meet for drinks at the bar at nine. You've all earned it," she smiled. They all agreed and left to do their own activities. As they entered the lobby, Lilly noticed Bucky turn pale and he quickly retreated back into the hallway. She waited a few minutes before following him.

"You okay Buck?" she asked, keeping her voice low.

"I-I'm fine. You see that guy out there in the leather jacket?" Lilly discreetly went to look around the corner.

"The one chatting up the red-head? What about him?"

"He's part of an organisation called Hydra. I recognised the symbol on his jacket. They're a... male escort service." Lilly's eyebrows shot up in surprise and a light dusting of pink crept across his face.

"Male escorts as in p-prostitutes?" Bucky nodded.

"I used to work for them when I was back-packing through Europe." Lilly's jaw dropped. So many questions came into her mind but none would form on her lips.

"I was far from home and I needed the money. Yeah I went on the dates, but when it came time to put out, I couldn't do it. I just... wanted to keep myself clean, you know?" Lilly slowly nodded and closed her mouth, realizing that it was still hanging open.

"After a while, they wanted me to indulge in rape fantasies and BDSM but I couldn't do it so I came back to America. I was raised to treat women with respect. I know I get a little rough in my act but that's all it is." A smile made its way across Lilly's face and she placed a gentle hand on Bucky's cheek.

"You're a sweet guy Bucky. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise." Bucky gave her a grateful smile.

"Can you tell me when he's gone? I'm worried that if Hydra find me, they'll take me back."

"Of course hon; you're safe with me," Lilly said and leant against the wall to monitor the man in the leather jacket.

"So... does anyone know?"

"Just Steve. I wouldn't the others to catch wind of this," Bucky replied.

"I understand. Don't worry, I won't tell 'em." Lilly watched as the couple left and signalled Bucky to let him know it was alright. He thanked her and went on his way. When Lilly got back to her hotel room, she would definitely have to do some research on Hydra.


Meanwhile, Pietro, Tony, Meg and Bri hit the hotel's pool. There were very few people there so it was almost like they had the whole place to themselves. Tony wore a pair of red swim-trunks trimmed with yellow while Pietro's were blue with white trim. They impatiently waited for the girls to come down, but when they did, their mouths went dry. Brianna had on a cherry two-piece swimsuit with a small frill on the hem of the top as well as on the butt. Meg on the other hand wore a simple silver one-piece.

"Stop staring boys, your faces will stick like that." With Bri's comment, the spell was broken and their cocky smirks appeared on their faces. In unison, they grabbed the girls, making them squeal and jumped into the pool. They splashed at each other and laughed. Eventually, someone (which may or may not have been Tony) suggested chicken-fights. Bri was hoisted on Tony's shoulders while Meg was on Pietro's. The girls locked hands and tried to push each other off. They fought hard but eventually Meg fell off from Pietro's shoulders.

"Ha-ha! Yes!" Bri threw her fists into the air but lost her balance. Tony lost his grip on her legs and she fell backwards into the water. After another hour; they decided to leave. As Meg was getting out, she hooked a finger into the bottom of her swimsuit to pull out the wedgie that had formed. Pietro saw this and froze.

"You coming Pi?" she asked, noticing he was no longer following her.

"You go ahead, I'll meet you later." He didn't dare go higher than his waist until he had sorted out his... problem.


Lilly rushed down to the bar, almost forgetting the time. In her haste, she accidently bumped into a woman and knocked her over.

"I am so sorry!" she whimpered, quickly going to help her up.

"It's-it's alright," she replied, rubbing her butt. Lilly suddenly recognized her.

"You're Jill aren't you? Bruce's sister?" Jill looked at her for a moment.

"Yes. Lilly, wasn't it?"

"Yeah. What are you doing in Vegas?" she asked.

"Bruce let it slip about this contest, so I came down. I even paid a little extra to get up on stage with Loki," Jill smiled. Lilly's eyes went wide.

"Loki's actually performing?! Man, I am so getting the DVD," she grinned.

"Wait a minute, aren't you a manager of a strip-club? Shouldn't you be used to seeing shirtless guys?"

"For the most part yes but that feeling never really fades. After all, I am still a woman," she laughed. "Do you want to join us for drinks? The team should all be there right now, and I'm actually running late to meet them." Jill agreed and they headed down to the bar together.


When they had arrived, Lilly spotted them all making a toast.

"Hey, go easy on the piss tonight lads; no woman wants to see a stripper with a limp dick," she warned.

"Relax Lilly, it's not like we're getting fully naked. Wait, can we?!" Tony asked. The men all stared at her as she tried to remember what was in the rulebook.

"I'm... not sure. I'll have to check the rules." Most of them grinned but Steve went quiet and excused himself. Lilly saw his face and followed him.

"Steve, everything alright sweetpea?" she asked. Steve sighed put his drink down on the bar.

"I don't think I can do it. I'm okay with stripping but I don't think I can get out my..." His face turned red and he was unable to complete his sentence.

"Aw, you're still the shy little skinny boy at heart aren't you?" Lilly cooed.

"Y-you know about that?"

"Yeah. Miss Friday showed me your audition tape. You were so scrawny and nervous, but look at you now. You can definitely fit in that jock-strap" she winked. "Although, you didn't have that trouble before in that department." Steve looked uncomfortable and Lilly placed a hand on his shoulder.

"I'm just teasing you Steve. Look, if you're really that uncomfortable, I'll just tell the others that it wasn't in the rules." He smiled timidly and thanked her.


At the end of the night, Lilly went through the paperwork and saw that Clint hadn't signed one of the forms. She headed to his room and knocked on the door.

"Yeah?" he answered, trying to hide behind the door.

"I need you to sign one of the forms and..." Lilly suddenly noticed his lack of shirt and the towel around his hips.

"You've got someone in there haven't you?" she stated.

"Kinda. Can it wait 'til tomorrow?" he asked.

"It's cool. Just have fun and use protection. Oh and not too many marks, you've got a contest to win tomorrow night," she winked. Clint grinned and closed the door. Lilly headed back to her room to flop into bed. Boy, tomorrow night was going to be fun.

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