Unwilling (Werewolf Love Stor...

Por chris815

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(Previously titled: My Mate is a Criminal and a Murderer). Unwilling to accept her life. Unwilling to accept... Más

Unwilling (werewolf love story) - Prologue
Chapter 1: Goodbye California, Hello . . . Jamie?
Chapter 2: Mississippi gives me Sarah
Chapter 3: Sarah Emily Argent II
Chapter 4: Welcome to Cross Hill
Chapter 5: It's a Mistake. It Has to Be
Chapter 6: Mi Luna
Chapter 7: This Cannot Happen Again!
Chapter 8: I Am Not His Mate!
Chapter 9: This Isn't Over
Chapter 10: Merry Christmas
Chapter 12: I Hate You, Jason Lune
Chapter 13: Welcome to Laurens District High School
Chapter 14: I Think I'm Going To Like Math
Chapter 15: We Can't Trust Him
Chapter 16a: It's Like Breaking Your Own Heart
Chapter 16b: It's Like Breaking Your Own Heart
Chapter 17: What A Hypocrite
Chapter 18a: Stupid Teenage Werewolf Hormones
Chapter 18b: Stupid Teenage Werewolf Hormones
Chapter 19: What Could Be Worse?
Chapter 20: Luna?! OH HELL NO!!!!
Chapter 21: Confidence Thrives on Honesty
Chapter 22: It Looks Just Like Mommy's Fur
Chapter 23: Pup of Two Alphas
Chapter 24: Don't Kiss Ass Jason. It's Not Attractive.
Chapter 25: Learn Not to Mess With Me Again
Chapter 26: Stop Flirting Jason. I'm Here on Business

Chapter 11: The Aftermath

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Por chris815

~*Edited to my liking*~

Okay. So as I was writing the last chapter, I ended up putting complications in Emma's life with her pack. I didn't expect it to happen, but it did. This chapter will be a continuation of that problem, and hopefully the ending of it.

Here's a picture of Michael. -------------------------->>>>


December 28

It was a week before school started. Students had to return on the 4th of January.

I went shopping for Sarah's school clothes and extra school supplies.

When I registered her for elementary, I had a little trouble telling them I was her mother. I found out the Sarah's school had werewolf families, so they kind of understood my situation. 

I've been keeping my distance from Michael and Jamie since the incident. I'm still a little mad.


December 25

I head back downstairs and find Michael and Jamie in the living room, watching t.v.

Jamie puts some space between them when she sees me walking in. I can hear their hearts beating so fast. One sounded a bit abnormal. Or steady from its beat.

"What are you guys watching?"

I stand next to Michael. I can see them shifting in their seats. I'm making them very uncomfortable.

"Nothing. Just flipping channels."

Michael looks up at me, but quickly turns away when I look at him.

"Okay." I walk away and go to the kitchen.

I was getting hungry, so I wanted something to eat.

Just as I reach it, I hear Michael run after me.

"Emma, wait. I need to talk to you." I turn around to face him.

Michael always was good-looking. Even when he'd just get out of bed, he looked good. Michael is, I guess, you can say white. He has dark brown hair and brown eyes. Michael works out, but not as much as Joey. He has a medium build, but you can see his six-pack when he's shirtless. Like I said before, Michael has an beautiful smile. Whenever he smiles at Jamie, she blushes like crazy. It was kind of adorable seeing them together, but I still wonder what they're keeping from me.

"Are you mad at me?" He stops in front of me, with his sad looking face.

"What makes you think that?" 

I was a little mad that they didn't tell me, but I'm getting a little ticked that they're keeping something from me.

"I don't know if you are. You said we were going to talk about it, but you never did."

I walk toward the sink, putting the dishes from the counter in it.

"No worries. We're good."

For some reason, I lost my appetite, so I start walking out of the kitchen. Michael follows me.

"For a moment I thought you were going to kick me out or something." He chuckles.

I don't say anything. I just give him a smile. I turn back around and see Jamie standing by the couch looking at me. She almost looks as if she's glowing. 

"Thanks, mom." Michael says. 

I stop walking. Something is wrong here.

Mom . . . Mom . . .

And then it clicks. No!

I turn my body to face him.

"Em? What's--"


Michael raises his hand to his cheek. He looks back at me, in surprise. I'm in shock as well. I can't believe I just slapped Michael. I have never done that before.

"Emma? What was th--"


Michael's left cheek turns a darker shade of red. And my breathing becomes louder as anger builds within me. My werewolf instincts figured something out, but my brain hadn't yet processed it.

"Stop!" Michael just ordered me to stop.

My eyes begin to change colors. Before I know it, Michael is thrown across the house, breaking one of the side tables of the dining room.

I slowly walk towards him. I hear Jamie running behind me. 

"Michael!" I turn my head and let out a growl.

Jamie stops dead in her tracks, fear filling her eyes as she sees me.

I stand still. I hear four heartbeats, but there's only three people in the room.

I look at the brunette. She looks so different up close. My eyes move down to where I hear the small heartbeat. And they land on her abdomen. Jamie sees where I'm staring. She gasps and covers her stomach. 

"You're pregnant." I whisper.

Jamie trembles, unable to respond to that question. Michael inhales sharply.

I snap my head to Michael and march over to pick him up. I drag him to the back door and throw him out into the yard. I make my way to him when I hear Jamie behind me again.

I turn around and grab her at her throat, constricting it.

I deeply growl as I order her, "Stay or I'll kill you both." 

"Emma, please." Michael gets up. 

I let go of Jamie and she falls to the ground, coughing. I turn myself toward Michael.

My eyes are now ice-green. My wolf has taken over. She is enraged from the betrayal of her pack members.

"You better fight back or you WILL die."

He furrows his eyebrows.


I run after him, changing into my werewolf form. Michael sees me sprinting toward him and jumps out of the way.

I stop myself and go after him again. This time Michael morphs. His fur has different shades of brown. Some parts grow darker in color.

Like I did with Jason, Michael and I fight. Jamie stands to the sides as ordered. I could see and feel the pain in her. She wants to help her mate, but she knows what'll happen if she gets involved.

Michael and I attack each other some more. Both of us rolling and tumbling around as we dig our teeth into each other. For a moment Michael thinks he's got the advantage, but I quickly counteract by grabbing his neck and throwing him across the yard. He hits the trunk of a tree and falls to the ground. 

He lays there, almost motionless.


Jamie takes a step toward him but stops when she sees me staring at her. She stays still as best as possible, but I can see her shaking in fear.

I make my way to Michael. He's changed back into his human form, letting out short breaths and coughing. I change back into human too, but my eyes are still ice-green.

"Emma . . . " He whimpers as he looks up at me.

"Do not think you can defeat me. I am still your alpha." I crouch down in front of him.

"You betrayed me Michael. You got Jamie pregnant without my permission. And that is unforgivable."

Michael's eyes begin to water from both the pain and guilt.

"Emma, please. I'm sorry."

"I'm sure you are, but you this is what you get." My facial expression is cold. "Some would say you deserved more and double since Jamie's pregnancy protects her from harm.

It hurt me to fight him, my friend, my family, but that pain was replaced by the anger of betrayal. Michael is a great fighter. However, that didn't stop me. I had to break him for his disloyalty.

"I have helped raise you and teach you things your father couldn't. I didn't do it out of pity either."

My eyes begin to water and I feel my eyes change back.

"I did it because I cared about you. I still care about you. I love you like you are my own brother. And If you were as loyal as I thought you were, you wouldn't have done this to me."

Michael stays silent. 

"I should kick you out for this, but I won't. I won't because I still love you. And you and Jamie need us. Especially right now."

Michael is shocked by my words. I stand back up.

"You will not tell the others about this until I do. We will make an announcement soon."

"You've lost my trust in you Michael. Now you'll have to earn it again." 

I walk away, leaving him there on the floor. I walk to Jamie, tears falling down her cheeks.

"You and Michael are to sleep in separate rooms for the next six months. I don't care if you need him during the pregnancy. He will be there in the day time."

"If I find out you did anything in that time frame, I will not hesitate to remove you both from this pack, dead or alive. Is that understood?" I stare into her eyes. 

Jamie shakily nods her head.


I walk away from them both and go back inside. Michael's wounds will heal within a few hours, but he'll have to stay in his room, to keep the others from noticing.

~*End of Flashback*~

"Come on, mommy. Let's go watch a movie!" Sarah points to the movie theatre across the street.

"Sure. Why not?" I smile at her. A movie sounds good.

"Jacob. You coming?" Jacob, Anna, and Joey had come along with us, but Joey and Anna went on their own.

"Yeah, I guess."

Jacob was still a little mad at me because of what I did to Michael. Joey and Anna understood completely, but still had some doubts about the way I acted. I told them about Jamie's pregnancy. They weren't sure how to react to all this news, but after a few minutes they congratulated the couple after I went upstairs to my room.

We make our way to the ticket booth and buy 3 tickets for We Bought A Zoo. It was the only movie suitable for Sarah and Jacob didn't seem to mind. Jacob had to pay because I left my wallet in the car when I put the bags in. I went back to the car to get it while Jacob and Sarah went inside to find seats.

After locking the car, I cross the street and walk back to the theatre. Just as I get in front, I recognized someone on the opposite side of me.

It was Jason.

He didn't see me, but I could see him. He was talking to a man, inconspicuously. As they shake hands, I notice something being passed through the exchange.

I look closer and the stranger puts that particular hand in his pocket and walks away.

Jason smiles as he pulls out a wad of cash and adds some more to it. 

I guess he's still dealing.

I stand there looking at him. I couldn't help but feel disappointed in him.

Jason puts the money back in his pocket and looks around before leaving. He doubles back when he notices me looking at him.

His smile instantly fades. I snort and shake my head before walking into the theatre. I didn't even look back to see if he was following, nor did I hear him call after me.

"Momma. How come we didn't buy a house with a zoo?"

Sarah looks at me as we walk back to the car.

"I don't know." I pull out my keys to unlock the car.

"I wish we had a zoo." She mopes.

"You can't even keep your room clean." Jacob says behind us.

"You don't either!" Sarah gives him a dirty look.

"But I don't want a zoo!" Jacob retorts and sticks his tongue at her.

She sticks out hers too.

"Alright you two. Get in."

I open the door for Sarah and help buckle her in. She can pretty much do it herself, but it's those little things I like to do for her.

I kiss her on the head and close the door. As I open my door, I look up and see him staring at me.

Jason stands there wanting to say something, but I don't give him the chance to. I get in and drive off.

"Why was he standing there?" Jacob asks.

I turn to him.

"I don't know, but I don't care." 

Jacob nods and looks out the window. After telling him and Michael about Jason, they've been a little nosy about it. Jacob thinks there's something deeper between us, but Michael doesn't think so. Or just doesn't want to.

After tucking Sarah in bed for the night, I went to my room. I decided to take a shower and took in a change of clothes. I didn't want to make that mistake again.

I get out of the shower and change into my pajamas. I walk back into my room and put my other clothes in the hamper. I go to my closet and notice a dark figure standing outside my glass doors. The moon isn't out tonight so I can't tell who it is.

I slowly walk to the balcony doors and place my hands on the door knobs, but I don't open it.

Don't worry. It's just me.

I swing the doors open.

"What are you doing here?!" 

"Shh. You don't want to wake Sarah." He turns his head and smiles at me. I furrow my eyebrows.

How does he know she's asleep?

Knock. Knock. Knock.


I gasp. Stay here.

I close the doors and close the curtains as I hear my bedroom door open.

"Emma? Who are you talking to?"

Michael stands in the doorway, looking around.

"No one." I said that a little too fast.

He looks at me suspiciously.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah. Just a little tired tonight." I walk up to him.

"I think I'll go to bed early." I smile wryly at him as I grab hold of my door.

I still can't look at him the same way.

"Alright. Goodnight."

I start to close my door, but he stops me.

"Hey Emma?" I open the door.


"I'm sorry. I never meant to hurt you that way. I was afraid you'd be disappointed in me and I didn't want to leave. And I'm still loyal to you and--

I pull Michael into a hug.

"I know you never meant to hurt me."

He squeezes me tightly.

"I love you, mom."

I can feel my eyes water.

"I love you too."

I pull away to see his face.

"I could never be angry with you. You're going to be a great dad. I know it."


He places his forehead upon mine and looks at me with happiness in his eyes. I start to smile. I have my Michael back.

"You're still grounded."

Michael sighs and rolls his eyes. This makes me laugh. Michael steps back and walks away.



I close my door and turn off my light. I dry my face before walking to my night stand and turn on the lamp.

I then go to my balcony and open the doors. 

Jason is still here leaning over the bannister, looking around.

"Glad to see you two made up." He says.


"I saw you fight him last week." He smirks. "You kicked his ass."

"What the hell are you doing here, Jason?"

He straightens his back and faces me.

"I came to talk to you."

"And you had to come onto my balcony?" I raise my eyebrow at him.

"It's not like you would've come down to see me."

"You're right. I wouldn't. And this doesn't work either." I step back and close my doors.

He quickly steps forward and stops the doors halfway.



"You have to let me explain about today."

"What for? It's not like I care about what you do with your life." 

He starts to get serious.

"Emma, stop it."

"Stop what?" I look at him innocently.

I don't know why, but I have a need to want to piss him off.

"Stop acting like you don't care, because I know you do." 

I smirk at him. "No I don't."

"Yes you do. Or else you wouldn't have looked disappointed when you saw me."

"What makes you think I was?" The side of my lip slightly raises.

Jason's face hardens and yanks me through the doors. He pulls me close to him wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Because I saw the hurt in your eyes." He lowers his eyes to my lips.

"Let me go." I push myself away.

He brings me back to him and presses his lips against mine, but I don't kiss him.

Rage fills my blood and I pull us apart and slap him across the face. He lets go of me.

He places his hand on his cheek and grins at me. I furrow my eyebrows.

This can't be good.

In one swift motion, he grabs me by my neck with his right hand, keeping our mouths inches from each other. I try to push him away, but he firmly places his left hand around my waist. I bang my fists against his chest, pushing him, but his grip is too strong. I won't back down.

He smirks at me as I struggle in his grasp. I hate the fact that he likes that I'm angry with him right now.

I sort of give up pushing him, but I keep my fists on his chest to have some distance between our faces.

Both Jason and I stare into each other's eyes. His face is a little serious, but I'm just glaring at him. I can feel his right hand soften a bit as his thumb moves up and down my neck. This sends a shiver down my back. His eyes slowly move down to my lips and a side of his mouth rises.

My eyes widen, realizing what he's thinking. I make the mistake of gasping at this, which causes my lips to partially open.

In that moment, Jason leans forward and presses his lips against mine . . . again.

I try to move my head away, but his hand moves up my neck to keep me from separating from him.

I try to push him off me, but I can't seem to fight it anymore.

I kiss him back.

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