Not Your Typical Teenager

By LoveTHiddles

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"Darling I'll kill you!" "Oh if you only knew, I'm already dead. And you can't kill the dead." Not everything... More

Chapter One: Meet the Band
Chapter Two: Babysitting
Chapter Three: S.H.I.E.L.D. & A Mad Scientist
Chapter 4: Don't Go In
Chapter 5: A Cry For Help
Chapter 6: Megan Johnson
Author's Note
Chapter 7: Too Late
Chapter 8:Guinea Pig
Chapter 9: "Accident"
Chapter 10: Mission Report
Chapter 11: Waking Up
Chapter 12: Finding Normal
Chapter 13:No More Animals
Chapter 14: Practice Makes Perfect
Chapter 15: Time for Your Mission
Chapter 16: Mission Time
Chapter 17: No Longer A Slave
Chapter 18: You're Kidding
Chapter 19: Not as Free as I Thought
Chapter 20: You Really Shouldn't Have
Chapter 21: We're Too Late, Sir
Chapter 23: Another Tranie
Chapter 24: Time to Begin
Chapter 25: There Was an Idea
Chapter 26: I Am Loki Of Asgard
Chapter 27: Is Everyone Okay?
Chapter 28: Getting Some Members
Chapter 29: Gather The Rest Of The Team
Chapter 30: No That Can't Be Right
Chapter 31: On the Helicarrier
Chapter 32: Life, Scars, Apologies
Chapter 33: You're Needed...NOW!
Chapter 34: Preparing
Chapter 35: Ain't Nobody Dancin' Now
Chapter 36: Not So Pleasant Surprises
Chapter 37: All On My Own
Chapter 38: A 'Thank You' Would Be Nice.
Chapter 39: So You Don't Want Me Dead?
Author's Note! Important! Please Read!

Chapter 22: Your Call

154 11 5
By LoveTHiddles


Around 3 months later (April 27, 2015) NO P.O.V.:

"This is it, we are here," the driver of the SUV said.

"This is it?" Coulson asked while staring at the warehouse. "She is using Dr.Allen's warehouse as her...clubhouse?" 

"You could say that. The tracker we have on her led us here, so she is here right now, but she goes home. She doesn't live here."

"Well then I guess I better get going before she decides its time to go home. Remember not to send in back up until I ask for it or until you loose contact with me. Director Nick Fury told me to do this solo until I ask for back up, and right now, I am not asking for it." With that Coulson grabbed his walkie-talkie and weapons then headed for the warehouse doors. 

Coulson slowly pulled open the doors then walked inside the warehouse. He had his gun aiming in front of him ready to fire at any second. 

"Hello? This is Agent Coulson of S.H.I.E.L.D.!" He hollered  just as the lights went out.

Jessica's P.O.V. 

I heard the doors to the warehouse slowly creak open. I pulled my head out of my work and stood up from my desk, calling all the animals in the room to me-which was just Bella, a raccoon, a few rats, a few birds, and a few other different types of wild rodents. 

I quickly took off my sweatpants and pulled off my hoodie then threw them under my desk. I was now standing in my "super suit", if you want to call it that. Most wouldn't view me as a hero, I go around killing those who harm others, the bad guys, but people now think that doing that makes me a bad guy too. They've even come up with a name for me, a warning for people. Predator. They call me Predator. Catchy. 

I could turn the on the T.V. to any news channel any literally the only think that I hear about on there anymore is "Another life lost because of Predator." "Who will she strike next and where?" "Will this madness ever end?!" "Where can we hide from this beast?"  

The media really does love me. 

All of the power in the warehouse could be controlled from the lab by just a few switches and buttons. I flipped some of switches and hit some of the buttons and then bam no more light for my guest. 

I chuckled to myself then fell silent as I heard a man's voice saying: "Hello? This is Agent Coulson of S.H.I.E.L.D.!" 

The footsteps were slowly creeping closer to the lab door. I quickly climbed the wall and crawled up into the vent waiting for Mr.Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. to show up.

Coulson's P.O.V.

There was no response to my hollering. Not to surprising. I didn't really expect her to yell out, "Hey Agent Coulson! How are you? I am in the kitchen, do you want anything?" No, I wasn't really expecting a response from her at all. 

The lab doors now stood in front of me. I took a deep breath, opened the doors to the lab, and the second I was inside I was slowly spinning with my gun out.

"Predator?" I yelled. "I know you are in here. Look we can do this the easy way or the hard way, your choice. I personally enjoy a little bit of a  challenge, so please choose the hard way." 

I didn't plan on leaving until Predator was dead. This was my job, my mission, my goal, there is no way I am leaving until it is finished. 

Jessica's P.O.V.

I heard the lab doors open and I peeked through the vent cracks to see a man down there holding a gun and slowly spinning with it. 

"Predator?" The man yelled. "I know you are in here. Look we can do this the easy way or the hard way, your choice. I personally enjoy a little bit of a challenge, so please choose the hard way." 

I grinned. He wants a challenge? Oh, I can give him a challenge. 

I mentally told my dogs and the coons to start his and growling without leaving their spots. The man wouldn't be able to see where they were since it was dark, so why not have a little fun with him and take advantage of the dark? 

I watched as he got a tighter grip on his gun and aimed at where he thought the noise was coming from. He didn't ever fire. 

I had to fight back a chuckle as I moved back the vents entrance. I loved to mess with my victims before taking care of them. I just can't resist having a little bit of fun with them first. 

The agents back was toward me. I decided that now was my time to act. 

I jumped through the vent and onto the agent's back, tackling him to he ground. 

"You wanted me to come out? Well here I am!" I half sang. 

He grunted as he threw me off of him. "Well, its about time that you showed yourself."

We were both on our feet now circling each other slowly like two lions before they attack. 

"You can't defeat me. You know that right?" I teased. 

"You have no idea what I can do," he replied.

"I would like to see what you can do."

"You'll need the lights for that." 

"To see your fear?"

"Or for me to see yours."

I laughed, "I fear nothing." 

"That's what they all say." 

I rolled my eyes before mentally telling some of the birds and rats what switches and buttons to flip and push. The lights now shone onto us. 

He stood nearly six feet tall, had short dark brown hair, blueish eyes, and a stern face. I knew that he wouldn't be able to observe me the way I just did to him. 

I had on black nylon (what Captain America's suit is made of)  boots, pants, and shirt. My black nylon gloves had a small piece of metal at the tips of them with an even smaller whole cut out of the metal, this was for when I used my claws so that I wouldn't rip my gloves. My mask was also all black and the places for me to see out of were kind of like mirrors (what spiderman uses). The only other color on my suit was emerald green, very little of it. A small line of green ran up each pant leg and each arm. There was also a little bit on the boots (like how in Age of Ultron Widow has the very little blue on her outfit). 

"Now are you ready to show me what you got?" I snarled at him.

"Gladly," he said as he raised his gun. 

But the thing that really scared me was that the gun was fixed on me. It was fixed on the raccoon. 

"Don't you dare!" I shouted as I darted for the gun. I was too late though. 

The coon had been shot through the chest. Since I felt their pain it felt like I had been too. I let out a screech as I toppled to the floor, clutching my chest. 

"That's what I got," he mumbled. 

I was in to much pain to care about what he had. I began to cry as I still clutched my chest. 

"Now its time to finish you off," he said as he moved toward me. "But first I want to see your face as I do so." 

He dragged me by the shoulders and pulled me into my desk's chair. 

My animals began to growl at him. They were trying to protect me. 

I couldn't loose another one though. I mentally told them to leave and to go to my back yard. They started at me with terror in their eyes, but since they had to listen they ran as quickly as they could. 

"Alright, now lets finish this," he said too happy for my liking. 

He pulled my mask off my face and then dropped it in shock. 

"You're just a kid," he said, not expecting this. 

"Yes, I'm 13. What do you care?" I asked, ready to have this done with. 

"When I read the papers, and it said you were in your early teens I didn't really think anything of it. But now you're here. And you're just a kid. I can't hurt you, I would never forgive myself."

"Are you really just gonna let me go?" Now it was my turn to be shocked. 

"No, but we can make a bargain."

"What would that be?" 

"I will let you go. Under one condition. That you quit doing what you're doing."

"What?! No! Can't you see that I am getting rid of the bad guys?!" I yelled.

"By becoming one yourself? You've killed over 5,000 people in three months, by yourself!Are you not acting just like them?" When I didn't respond he continued. "I know that you think you are helping, but you're really only making things worse. Look if you quit doing this I will let you go. But the second that I find out that you're doing this again, lets just say you'll feel more than just the coon's pain. You've gone so far down this road its hard to get back onto another one and form a new habit. But I can help you. I will help train you to be better. I have trained so many people like you that I've become an expert."

"Why would you want to help train me?"

"Because you have potential. Look at you, you're one of a kind almost unable to be brought down. I want to help you use your gift for good."

After a minute of pondering this thought I finally had an answer. "Alright fine I'll join you in your training."

"One other thing, I was sent here to kill you so you must fake your death if I am gonna let you go."

"How do you want me to do that?"

"I want you to become a bird or something then I'll set the warehouse on fire as if I had burned you with it."

I nodded, "Yeah I can do that." I closed my eyes as my body changed from human to robin. 

He nodded at me then opened up the back door. I flew off without looking back. 


Coulson walked out of the burning  warehouse and to the SUV. 

When he reached the SUV the driver hoped out and opened the door for him.

"So is it finished?" The driver asked.

"Yes," Coulson said getting into the SUV without making eye contact with anyone. 

"Well lets get you back to S.H.I.E.L.D." 

"Sounds good." 

The whole way there Coulson thought about his new recruitment. She was something else. He had never worked with something like her before. He had worked with martial artist, murderers, scientist, and even a god, but not her. She was truly something else. Something amazing, something new, something bold, something valuable. But she was also something terrifying, something to be truly feared. Something that would be remembered forever though. In a good way, or in a bad way. 

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