
By hey_Jacyyyy

2.5M 69.7K 9.1K

2013-2014 "You don't know me, no one does," I said in a voice just above a whisper. "Then let me in, I want... More

1. Goodbyes.
2. Morning After.
3. Home.
4. Nobody's perfect.
5. The mall.
6. My baby.
7. The first race.
8. Apology breakfast.
9. Class Teachers & Students.
10. True colours.
11. Whats wrong with you?
12. Its only a Scratch.
13. I'm fine.
14. Meeting Constable Frey.
15. Insults.
16. Dad?
17. Revenge best served even.
18. Jake.
19. The Happy Text.
20. Date Cut Short.
22. Death Notes.
23. Stick to the roads.
24. Tampered.
25. The Feather Design.
26. To Sad to be Mean.
27. The tip off.
28. False Evidence.
29. The Explosion.
30. Jesse.
31. I hate Puzzles.
32. New Friends.
33. Important calls.
34. Sharpie Wars.
35. She's my Sister.
36. Confrontations.
37. Logan's Luxury.
38. June Second.
39. Problems & Solutions.
40. Nasty Rumours.
41. Bad Luck Birthdays.
42. Britty's Secrets.
43. Meeting Fay.
44. The Note.
45. The Boys.
46. Private Jets.
47. Tiara.
48. Relatives.
49. Just Keep Swimming.
50. Deals.
51. Cars, Cars & More Cars.
52. Riverstone.
53. Rest In Peace.
54. Global Threat Operative.
55. Another Note.
56. Birds Of The Rainbow.
57. The Funeral.
58. Light & Dark.
59. The Hux's.
60. Beautiful Endings.
61. 3 Months Later.
62. I'm Back.
63. Hatred & Hospitals.
64. Explain.
65. Just My Luck.
66. Party?
67. Her.
68. Code.
69. The Arrest.
70. Snapping.
71. Letting Go.
72. Was it Worth it?
73. Wasn't Your Fault.
74. Our Love.
75. In The End.

21. The Bitch is Back.

39.8K 910 76
By hey_Jacyyyy

I seriously would have stayed in bed today if I had remembered the date. But no stupid me had to be to caught up in my new boyfriend, yes Jake had asked me out on Wednesday.

I'm not sure what made me say yes, was it the fact that that same boy was still plaguing my thoughts? Probably.

I kinda felt bad for having that as a reason to say yes but I convinced myself that I really liked Jake. He was good to me, but only if he would stop smirking, I swear I feel like hitting him across the head with my shoe.

The girls had ambushed me on Sunday because I had fallen asleep on his couch with him watching the Avengers, yes I do love that movie. I told the girls all the details about it and how I woke up to the sweet gesture of having a blanket wrapped around me.

They all gushed at my explanation but the little voice in my head kept reminding me about the annoying things that I found about him. Like the smirk, how many times I wanted to slap it off, but I restrained, I couldn't count on all my fingers and toes.

I shifted my position on the desk as my eyes closed letting out a sigh and pushing away the pestering thoughts. I was sitting next to Chloe and Zac had finally moved back next to Jesse in design.

"I'm sorry miss Skye but am I boring you?" Mrs Hoyt snapped an I groaned sitting up.

"Very much," I grumbled rubbing my eyes to get the sleep out of them.

She didn't respond, she had learnt to ignore me. What a smart teacher she's becoming.

"Jackie Skye, please come to the front office," the receptionist called over the speaker.

I groaned stretching and grabbing my stuff, "what did you do now?" Tabby asked me as I shoved my stuff into my bag.

"Not sure," I shrugged swinging my backpack over my shoulder.

"Well just to give you a heads up, while you were sleeping Jesse got sent to the office, so.. you'll probably see him," she whispered to me and I nodded walking out of the room.

Mrs Hoyt totally acted like I wasn't there so I stopped at the door and turned around to smile at the class, "goodbye my bitches!"

The class laughed while Mrs. Hoyt scolded me, her eyes narrowing into slits. Before she could strangle me I ducked out of the classroom laughing as I walked to the front office.

I pushed open the door smiling, but it instantly dropped and changed into a snarl, "what the fuck are you doing at my school?" I spat at the lady sitting on the chair next to the reception.

The principle popped her head out of her door along with Jesse, but as soon as the saw it was me they went back to whatever they were doing.

"Oh hello to you too," she said sarcastically narrowing her matching blue eyes to a glare.

"You shouldn't of come Tanya," I snarled with hatred.

"Jeez no mum than?" she said rolling her eyes and standing up.

"You lost that right a long time ago," I spat eyeing the door that was behind me.

"Don't you dare try to leave Jackie," she said coldly when she noticed what I was looking at.

"What part of I never want to see you again don't you understand?" I snarled clenching my jaw.

"Oh please I'm your mother," she waved it off.

"Again, you lost that right a long time ago," I said coldly repeating my earlier words.

"You don't mean that," she denied shaking her head so her fake blonde hair bounced back and forth.

"I really, really do," I said nodding my head in agreement with my words.

"Cut the crap Jackie, you're always doing this," she spat back affected by my words.

"What remind you of the years of pain dad suffered because of you?" I asked.

"No you never face your problems, you either run or well... do this," she shrugged.

"And what do you mean by this?" I snapped trying not to rip her extensions from her head.

"Defect the problem, we could of already made up and been fine," she said simply.

"Lets get one thing straight than, I never will forgive you as you do not deserve my forgiveness. What you put me and dad through is unforgivable, you turned to drugs and other men behind dads back, not only did you hide the men from dad but to keep me quiet you and your hoes would slap me, threaten me and hurt me. My only safe place became my school and even there I was bullied everyday and I came home with bruises just to get more from you and your drugged fucked prostitute," I spat making my mother flinch and regret filled her features.

"Can we please do this more privately?" she asked looking at her heels now but occasionally shooting glances at the principles door that now the receptionist was hiding behind.

"No, leave Tanya, and when I say never come back I mean it, just like I did last time I said it," I glared her down and she finally gave in and stepped out of the school.

I ran a frustrated hand through my hair watching as her car drove off. I didn't regret anything I said, and I most definitely didn't care who now knew about my dark past.

I huffed out a breath putting a fake smile on my face and walking over to the principles door. I opened it cautiously and all three heads turned to me acting like they hadn't just witnessed that.

"Principle Hannah I'm sorry but I need to go home and punch a wall," I said still wearing the smile that didn't reach my eyes.

"Sure darling, go I'll see you Monday," she smiled warmly at me and I thanked her before walking from the room and out the door that Tanya had left from.

I pushed it open making my way to my bike and getting on, putting the helmet on I started my bike and drove off. I drove carefully knowing that if I let my anger out I'd most likely crash. Again.

I pulled up at the beach as I didn't feel like going back to the dorms. I texted all the girls telling them that I would see they after school leaving no explanation for my leaving.

Turning of my phone I chucked it in my bag slumping down on the sand, I closed my eyes laying down and tried to calm my breathing so it would be more even.

"Jackie?" I heard someone ask and I cracked my eye open to see Jesse's soft brown eyes looking at me in concern.

"Jesse?" I answered back and I saw him smile rolling his eyes and he came to lay next to me.

"Are you-" he started.

"Don't you dare say okay," I cut in and he laughed.

"No are you hungry?" he smiled shaking his head and handing me a choc-chip cookie.

"Yeah thanks," I smiled slightly taking the cookie as he grabbed out another one for him.

"Was it all true?" he asked quietly hesitating slightly.

"Yep," I shrugged popping the 'p'.

"You could of told me," he said softly.

"No, I didn't want to bring you in my family dramas, well not that part of it," I smiled sadly and I closed my eyes.

"I'm sorry for everything," he apologised.

"It's okay," I forgave him.

"No really I shouldn't have said any of the stuff I did or acted the way I did, it was horrible and uncalled for, I was being a bully and I let Kate manipulated me, I know I shouldn't of kissed Kate after I had kissed you it was really a dick move but I-"

"It's seriously fine, I can deal with bulling," I shrugged cutting off his rambled

"It still doesn't make it right," he said and I knew he was shaking his head.

"Just please drop it Jesse," I groaned not wanting the conversation to continue.

"Fine whatever," he grumbled not happy that I wouldn't punish him or let alone yell at him for doing the things he did. But I knew I could never be mad at someone that I had once loved, yes past tense, I had moved on and I think I was actually developing feelings for Jake.

Oh who am I kidding I would never have feelings for Jake unless he stopped smirking, like seriously! Smiling isn't that hard!

But I did believe that I was over Jesse as I didn't feel the tingles he used to give me, they must of gone away sometime when he was making out with those girls, like Lee, oh wait that chic was named Lilly, the main slut at the school that I swear had several STD's Mandy and Rena that girl that always dressed in black and never cared about anything. And I can't forget Kate, can I.

"The bitch is back," I laughed realising that it described my situation perfectly, because in fact the bitch, my mother, was back, well for now.

I think I laid on the beach for almost an hour with Jesse and it was weirdly nice. Maybe I was wrong about Jesse being a jerk? Maybe...

I got up finally stretching and dusting the sand off my clothes. Glancing down at Jesse I stifled a laugh as I realised he had fallen asleep.

"Jesse," I said softly shaking him, he didn't stir.

"Jesse," I said again my voice a bit louder and I shook him more roughly, still didn't wake up. Would it be okay if I left him here?

"Jesse! Get your butt up or I'm leaving you," I said loudly causing some of the people on the beach to give me strange looks, he stirred slightly cracking an eye open with a groan.

"I don't wanna get up," he grumbled turning over so he was lying on his tummy.

"I'm gonna flick you," I warned but he just waved me off, and so I did what I told him I bent down and flicked him square in the back of the head.

"Ow," he pouted rubbing his head and turning to face me.

"I did warn you," I pointed out.

"I didn't think you'd actually do it," he pouted sitting up.

"Well I got places to go, people to see," I shrugged, even though I didn't really have anything to do besides get ready for tonight's races.

"Meany," he said sticking out his tongue childishly.

"Idiot," I muttered pulling out me phone and turning it on.

It vibrated a million times with missed calls and text messages, I grumbled reading a few of them from the girls, they all basically asked if I was okay.

I noticed my dad had called me too so I shrugged pressing call on his contact.

"Jackie legs!" my dad called through the phone as he answered.

"That is the stupidest name ever," I muttered.

"But I always call you that," he pointed out and I knew he rolled his eyes at me.

"Yeah... when I was like seven," I pointed out crossing my arms.

"So your mother called me..." he started, "she said your talk didn't go very well..."

"I totally forgot she was coming," I admitted.

"Look honey I know she did some horrible stuff but she's still your mother," my father sighed.

"Correction my biological mother, other than that she's nothing to me," I said coldly.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever, but she did try to apologise," he pointed out.

"Actually she didn't, she said that I either deflect my problems or run away from them, in her whole conversation I didn't hear a sorry," I corrected.

"Are you for reals?" he muttered like a teenager.

"Yep, now has she left and is she never coming back?" I asked hopefully.

"Darling you need to talk to her, she is your mother and other stuff that will convince you," he said and I smiled slightly.

"Your so weird," I rolled eyes at him even though he couldn't see it.

"I must get it from you," he laughed.

"Not possible, you're the adult and I'm the child so I get my habits from you," I chuckled.

"Okay well the other thing I wanted to tell you is that I should be able to visit sometime soon," he informed me and I grinned.

"That's great," I beamed.

"I know I am," he laughed.

"Around when?" I asked.

"Um... when I said soon... It may take a few weeks..." he trailed off.

"How many?" I asked with a sigh.

"Three," he squeaked.

"Than you better stay until the races because I want you to see," I smiled rolling my eyes.

"See you win? I will defiantly be there, have they realised that your a girl?" he asked with a chuckle.

"Nope the second last races are on today," I smiled.

"Goodie I'll be able to see you reveal yourself!" he laughed.

"You most defiantly will, when I win that is," I grinned.

"Well Jackie legs I gotta go I'll ring you later and please give your mother a chance," he sighed.

"Fine, love you dad," I grumbled at his stupid nick name and he ended the call.

"Who was that?" Jesse asked and I jumped not realising he was standing next to me.

"My dad, he's coming up in three weeks," I smiled walking to the car park and Jesse followed me.

"That's cool is he coming to the finals?" he questioned and we walked to our bikes.

"Yeah, I'm gonna make him go," I grinned.

"So will you be there cheering me on when I win?" he asked and I was confused until I realised that I wasn't racing as Jackie.

"Not likely, I'm going to be cheering on my cousin and Mr. Taylor," I smirked.

"Well I'm still going to win, I've been undefeated and I'm a four time championship winner," he said proudly.

"Championship?" I blinked confused.

"Yeah the top five races from each neighbouring town go to compete at the championships, there's two each year and four basically qualifier races, one each term to pick who goes. There's a mixture of different races at the championships like the relays, the singles and the elimination round. I've won each championship for the past two years giving me four in total," he explained.

"Can a girl get in?" I asked trying not to seem to interested.

"No the girl races are only for fun, there not that important," he shrugged.

"Ouch," I said feigning hurt at his sexist comment even though he didn't mean it like that.

"I don't mean that, like that, it's just most of the girl races don't make it in the guy races, plus its really rough lots of sabotage happens too," he said as we climbed onto our bikes.

"Well Jesse I'll see you around, and thanks," I smiled slipping on my helmet.

"Not a problem Jackie, and I'm really am sorry," he smiled slipping on his helmet, I nodded my head in acknowledgment.

I started up my engine driving off and towards the dorms to wait and face the wrath of my friends for ditching them.


"You better have a good reason," Britty said putting her hands on her hips.

"I-" I started.

"It better be really good," Chloe cut in copying Britty and putting her hands on her hips.

"I-" I started again.

"Hurry up and give us your excuse!" Tabby cut in smirking as she knew she cut me off, and copying the others actions.

"My mother showed up," I said simply and confused looks clouded my friends features.

"Your mum? I thought she wasn't in Jai," Britty blinked confused as she scrunched her eye brows.

"She was, but I may of forgotten to tell you she was coming..." I smiled sheepishly.

"Are you alright?" Chloe asked concerned and I smiled up at them as they all had worried faces.

"I'm fine, now I have to get ready soon," I announced changing the topic.

"Oh can we help this time?" Britty asked with a bright smiled but all Chloe did was look confused and tabby was giving me 'we'll talk about this later' look.

"Sure," I smiled getting up and walking to my room as the girls followed.

I pulled out the boy clothes that I had shoved in the back of my closet, laying them on my bed I took out the wig as well just in case something happened.

"Wow you're prepared," tabby muttered.

"Well I'm serious about racing so I don't want to get kicked out," I admitted.

"Wait what's happening?" Chloe asked still confused.

"So... have you heard about the races?" I asked.

"Yeah everyone talks about it, they go on and on about I think Jesse, Blake, Zac, Kain, Mr. Taylor and some Jack guy that race, all the girls talk about them," she shrugged not sure where I was going with it.

"Well... That Jack guy is me... they don't let people race in the top league if you're not a boy so..." I trailed off and her eyes widened.

"You could die!" She squeaked, "you can't race!"

"I'm racing no matter what I came first the first race and third in the last one, so I probably have a chance at the championships," I smiled bitting my lip as the three girls eyes widened and jaws dropped.

"How did you find out about the championships?" Britty gasped.

"Jesse, he said he was going..." I smiled smugly and realised this was something that they were trying to hide from me as it was the first I'd heard of it.

"That bum head," tabby scowled.

"You really think I wouldn't find out?" I tsked, "anyway if I get in I am going."

"But you can't... people get really hurt at the championships, the other towns don't play fair, some people even die," Britty exclaimed.

"I'll be careful, I've done worser things," I shrugged.

"Like what?" Tabby asked angry.

"I've done street racing, that's much more dangerous than this, people get stabbed for no reason," I answered simply.

"I'm not going to sit there and watch you get yourself killed," Tabby growled.

"Who said I'm going to die tabby? Maybe you should have a little more faith in me," I growled back but she didn't flinch like the other girls in the room.

"You've been in hospital twice and each time you were lucky to make it, and they were only minor things," she hissed.

"Your not my mother you don't have to care if I die, oh a wait my mother doesn't even do that," I spat bitterly.

"I'm your friend, and I do have to care, who do you think waited with you until you woke up? Who reminded you about the things you had to do to get better? It was me but if you can't take your life seriously than I'm done," she snarled her eyes burning with rage.

"I never asked you to do any of that, and what does it matter to you? It's not your life, its mine," I growled and then I think she snapped.

"Than I'm done," she spat and turned around slamming the door behind her.

I looked to the two girls that looked both frightened and confused, the first to go after Tabby was Britty and I made a face, Chloe came and sat next to me.

"Look I know you don't like when people tell you how to live your life but tabby only wants what's best for you," she said softly rubbing my back.

"I can't deal with this right now, I have to get ready," I sighed and grabbed my stuff.

Changing quickly I glanced at the clock as it read seven-thirty, not bothering with my wig I did my hair up in a messy bun and smiled at Chloe who stayed quiet in my room as I got ready.

"Thank you Chloe," I smiled as we walked to the door and I slipped on my guy helmet.

"Would it be okay if you gave me a ride? I came here with Britty and my sisters going to meet me at the races," she smiled in a small voice.

"Sure but it is a motorbike..." I trailed of reminding her.

"Yeah it's alright, I think I will be able to do it without falling off," she smiled but her feature told me she was still scarred.

"Okay you can wear my helmet," I smiled putting it on her head and sliding down my visor as we walked out to the car park.


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