Weasley Twins X Reader One-Sh...

By Cloud_Of_Rain

270K 6.5K 1.3K

A collection of Weasley twin one shots and imagines that I have found. NONE of these are my original works, t... More

Imagine Fred Being Too Embarrassed To Bring You Back To His House.
Imagine Being Childhood Friends With Fred And Falling In Love
Imagine You And Fred Going For Your First Ultrasound
Silence (Fred X Reader) Original Writer: emyxbunnie
Closets (George X Reader) Original Writer: Sola71296
Passing Notes (George X Reader) Original Writer: Icyangel12
George Weasley X Potter! Reader: Patronous Original Writer: Icyangel12
Quidditch Distractions (George X Reader) Original Writer: Ivymchang
Jinx (Fred X Reader) Original Writer: Supernova750
Schemes (George X Reader) Original Writer: Supernova750
Out-Pranked (Fred X Reader) Original Writer: GhostRain1412
Twins (Fred X Reader) Original Writer: MaisiesRawArt
Midnight Meetings (George X Veela!Reader) Original Writer: MaisiesRawArt
Real Magic (Fred X Reader) Original Writer: SkyPheonix13125
Breaking Rules (George X Reader) Original Writer: SkyPheonix13125
Shouldn't (Fred X Reader) Original Writer: Sola71296
Practice (George X Reader) Original Writer: fangirl221
The Battle (George X Reader) Original Writer: Miss-Union-Jack
Love Potion (Fred X Reader) Original Writer: Kirbydrabbles
Misunderstanding (Fred X Reader) Original Writer: Miss-Union-Jack
Lipstick (George X Reader) Original Writer: Miss-Union-Jack
Reward (Fred X Reader) Original Writer: Miss-Union-Jack
Flirt (George X Reader) Original Writer: ironicbee7
Common Room Kissing (George X Reader) Original Writer: LittleCuteInsaneBoy
Dating Dilemma Original Writer: supernatually-potter

Hush (Twins X Reader) Original Writer:mikinataka on DeviantArt

10K 211 101
By Cloud_Of_Rain

It'd been forever and a day since you first made love with the twins. It had been...interesting, to say the least, establishing your relationship-or would it be relationships-out in the open, but in time the discomfited tensions settled down. No, the whole of the world wasn't on your side, but you had the support of family and friends.

So here you were, one graduation, two jobs, and many passionate nights later, laid up in bed, dying. Or at least it felt a lot like it.

"I know (y/n). I know. Trust me I had seven!"

"Aunt Molly you are not helping!"

"Well you're the one who wanted to do this naturally," Ginny teases as she brushes the sweaty hair clinging to your forehead.

"Ginny, I swear to Salazar I will bite you!"

Ginny chuckles playfully as she looks down at you with a smirk. You'd roll your eyes if you weren't so damn tired.

"You're almost ready, Mrs. Weasley," Hermione says gently with soft smile before she moves across the room to gather her tools and Merlin knows what else the healer needed.

"Ooh! For a bit, I thought she'd been talking to me! It's so strange to think there's three Mrs. Weasleys in one room."


"Oh, honey, do calm down and breathe. Your face is beet red. Honey, breathe," Molly coos gently as rests her hand atop your head.

You let out a ragged shaky breath and take in a trembling one, attempting to abide by Molly's words. It was a hell of a lot easier said than done. You clench your teeth as another contraction sends a sharp pressing pain down your back. You groan pitifully and Ginny sympathetically takes up one of your hands, ignoring the dampness of your palms.

"There you are, hon. That's good!"

"Bloody hell! Where are my husbands!?"

"The Floo at the shop is misbehaving..." Molly relays gently.

"And they can't apparate because of the wards you set up all over the house," Ginny finishes as she waves her hand across the bedroom.

"Are you trying to blame me!? I simply don't care for people surprising me by apparating in and about my house, let alone those pranking idiotic brothers of yours!"

"You married them," Ginny teases, taking no offense from your words, and Molly quickly slaps the young woman's hand.

"What Ginny means is that they'll be here soon, no doubt."

You shut your eyes and throw your head back into the throng of pillows Hermione insisted you'd need. The clever witch had probably studied up more on pregnancy than you had and you were the one with child. You chuckle at the memory of elation across her face when you'd told her of your pregnancy. She'd given you this almost sisterly look before proceeding to maul with all of her surging affection. Hermione had been the first person you'd told, accidentally in a way. You were in need of spell to confirm your self-diagnosis and you knew the brunette was the girl for the job. It certainly hadn't hurt that you'd found the bushy haired witch had become rather like a sister to you, especially after the war.

You could recall that day vividly in your mind, from the moment you called up Hermione through the Floo to the second those redheads of yours walked through the door and every overwhelming second in between.

You turn on your heels and walk back past the Floo before turning to walk back to the other half of the living room. You'd been pacing for almost half an hour now, pondering and musing.

"Where the hell are they!" You cry out to no one, considering you were home alone, an unnerved hand shuffling through your hair.

As if answer your cry to no one the Floo glows with life, a neon green illuminating the sizeable fireplace before expelling two chuckling redheads. The brothers are lively as ever as they stumble from the fireplace, clinging to one another in pursuit of physical support seeing that they were laughing rather hard. You observe them curiously, a single brow raised saying just as much as any words may.

"You'll never believe it, love!" George exclaims as he crosses over to you, laying a gentle kiss on your left cheek.

"Yes! It's a surprise unlike any other!" Fred chimes in before placing a soft kiss on your right cheek.

"Yeah...is that so? Well I've got a bit of a surprise for the both of you too."

The twins look to one another with eager and wide grins, brows raised in both interest and delight.

"Perhaps we should all sit down, yeah?"

The two nod as they follow after you. You sit tiredly in the large blue grandfather chair and the brothers perch themselves leisurely on each arm of the chair.
"So who should go first?"

"Should we not let the lady go first?"

"No. No. I want to hear what the both of you have to say first."

"Say Forge would you prefer to relay the news?"

"Why Gred I insist you do so!"

Fred rolls his wrist in a dramatic display of gentleman-like behavior, allowing his brother to be the one to tell you all that was to be said. George plays along beautifully, tipping his nonexistent hat to Fred in a hospitable display of thanks. You roll your eyes at their childish antics; some things simply never changed.

"Well, dearest wife of ours, we managed to acquire the contract!"


"Oh yes dearest!" Fred chirps as he leans in close with that adorable grin of 'theirs', "Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes is going global."

"Oh! That's wonderful! Absolutely wonderful!"

The men are silent and awaiting as they eye you expectantly. You sigh with the roll of your eyes. No sense in pretenses tonight, you were far too proud of your gentlemen. You kiss their awaiting cheeks, all smiles as you proceeded to do so.

"I'm so happy to hear it!"

They half-bow flippantly and you can't help but laugh fondly at the both of them. You were genuinely so very proud to see you're pranking twins come so far, establishing a thriving business and all the while never losing sight of who they were.

"Your turn," George sings as he pokes you lightly in your cheek.

You swiftly slap his hand away, fighting back the grin threatening to grace your lips. They're watching, fervently awaiting the news in which you promised to share with them, and the smile on your face slightly dies. IT wasn't that you were ashamed nor even undesiring, but to be a burden to these wonderful men was something you could never bare.

They'd just receive the contract of their lives. When were they to find the time to raise a child? But then again, they were Weasleys and every Weasley seemed ever so fond of having children and Fred and George were no different. The two had always mentioned desiring children, such conversations dating back to your many years back at Hogwarts. You let out a breath in which you hadn't quite realized you'd been holding. You'd always been one for putting things gently, seeking out the appropriate words after discerning each and every situation, but perhaps today it behoove you to be a bit more like your spouses. Forward and straight to the point, assuming a decent joke wasn't on the line.

You cough to clear your throat, straightening your posture in the chair. Candid simply had to be the best route.

"I'm pregnant."

Heavens how the words just tumbled from your lips and the twins momentarily frown at your words, briefly observing you before looking to one another. Your eyes zip back and forth between them as they seemingly communicated telepathically, as you'd long since come to believe.

"That's amazing!" Fred cheers as he takes your head into his hand and kisses you firmly upon the lips, "whose do you figure?"

"What? I don't know! I didn't exactly check. Would you just so happen to know any paternity spells?"

"I'm sure there's one though I doubt it'd matter," George says softly as he runs a hand through your hair, "after all no matter whose the kid would always be ours."

"Forge is right!" Fred agrees before he moves forward to kiss you and you melt beneath his touch, shifting the chair to better accommodate his wondrous ministrations.

George wraps his arms around your shoulder from behind, kissing at your neck, while Fred holds you from the front, hands running up and down your thigh.


"Why not?" they both whine in utter unison as you tear yourself away from their grasps by standing to your feet.

You turn around to face them with a smug look about your face before grinning with a saucy wink, "Because its moments like these that got us here in the first place."

"Yeah, but you love it," Fred supplies helpfully with a smug smirk of his own.

"Not to mention we got a marvelous child out of it all," George adds in as he and Fred urge you close, heads resting against your stomach.

And as you run your fingers through their soft hair, you simply cannot find it in yourself to deny either statements.

Another bout of painful pressure at you back draws you swiftly from the depth of your reveries and you groan pitifully.

"Now, now pet. I'm sure they're on their way now," Molly soothes with an empathetic smile.

"Or perhaps she meant to say zey are already here."

Fleur catches all eyes as she enters the bedroom and you eye your sister-in-law expectantly. She chuckles lightly before stepping aside a revealing your two betrothed. They're quick to either of your sides, both panting breathlessly.

"You're both late," you mutter dryly and they both offer you identical apologetic smiles as they each move to take up a hand.

Their touch alone seems to soothe an ache you hadn't realized was present. Ginny smiles to her mother before the two move over to Hermione, allowing the three of you some time alone. The twins quickly perch themselves on the edge of the bed, never once letting you hand slip from either of theirs. Another bout of pain, rushing from the lower half of your back to torture your front.

"Alright, (y/n). You're ready.

"Well it's about bloody time!" you bark, unconsciously snapping at the brunette.

But Hermione takes it in stride, smiling as she moves to prepare you as well as herself for the baby. The pain has settled into a pattern, having picked up its frequency. You squeeze the twin's hands with every ounce of strength your body would allow. As far as you were concerned you simply were not going to suffer alone, even if it meant their pain would only be through the crushing of the phalanges of their hands.

"It's alright," George says softly and you all but growl in response.

"Don't you dare 'alright' me! You did this to me!"

"Now now, technically we don't know if it was him, per say..." Fred asks with a playful smirk upon his lips and you shake your head furiously at the sight.

"One of you did this to me and by default you are both guilty!"

And the two had the audacity to laugh. Well may their fingers suffer.
It's tiring, the expansion of weary muscles and the absence of much need air, but your energy never quite flees you, body doing its utmost to urge a new life into the world. But the urge to push has lessened, body having discovered to work with the contraction rather than against. It's hot and you're so certain you'll be in need of a shower. The clock strikes twelves, melodic rings chiming twelve distinct times. The twins are supportive and Hermione finishes her job flawlessly. Through hazy eyes you watch as she stands to her feet, a small new life in her hands. You smile before laugh and throwing your head back in exhaustion with a grand finale of the twins moving into kiss you lovingly and repeated about your forehead.

There are no tears and wiling as Hermione and Molly move to clean and swaddle the child by hand. It was a wizarding practice to avoid using magic on newborns and young infants. You open your eyes to peer up at your other halves and the two quickly get the hint, helping you sit up and fluffing the pillows for you amidst the process.

"Congratulations. It's a boy," Hermione says tenderly as she draws close to Fred's half of the bed, offering the man the small bundle.

Fred takes the boy with a genuine look of awe upon his face and for a bit all the man does is watch his son with a smile of elation, borderline disbelief. Disbelief that anything could be quite so wonderful.

"Fred, darling. Some of us would also like to meet the latest addition to our family," you tease warmly as you place a loving hand on his shoulder.

He laughs through his nose before he shift to proffer you the small bundle. There's a wetness faintly pooling about in his eyes and you smile at the sight before shifting your gaze to the boy in your arms. It'd be a complete and utter lie if you said he were beautiful in the physical aspect of the word, but his sheer existence was enough to move you tears. He was born of the love between you and your loves and that was where the beauty lied.

"Hey, little guy," George murmurs gently as stretches out a finger, one of which the small boy is quick to bound in his soft grip.

The gesture makes his heart leap and he has to bite down on his bottom to lip to prevent himself from stammering his way through something overall absurd.

"Now wasn't that an interesting way to start Christmas Day?" Fred jokes as he moves in close on the bed and George follows suit, both nestle as close to you as humanly possible.

You smile at their reactions: loving, full of awe, and overall joyful. In time the others would enter the room, each eagerly awaiting a turn to meet the newest Weasley.

You hear more than you see as your eyes drift shut. Ron's ecstatic claim to teach the tiny boy how to fly a broom as soon as he was old enough, after all who better to learn from than the Chudley Canon's very best Keeper. Ginny raved on about making sure the child never dressed anything like her brothers did in their youth and you found yourself wordlessly agreeing. Hermione ensure that she'll teach him all she knows of spells while Arthur, ironically, is the one to teach the kid all there is to know about Muggles. There are more vows and promises, but your mind begins to completely fade sometime after Harry begins to tell the newborn about the wonders of being an Auror.

The twins, having been the only one to notice your growing lethargy, chuckle to themselves as they simultaneously move to kiss you on either of your cheeks. You sigh contentedly as you further nestle both into the bodies and the warmth of the blanket.

"Good night, love" George murmurs softly.

"And thank you for the most marvelous gift," Fred finishes sweetly .

The sweet and lively lull of your wonderful family chatting as each took a turn holding the small bundle acts as the perfect lullaby to gently urge your subconscious into the realm of slumber and soon their voices fade into but a hush. It's a dreamless rest, but what need was there for dreams for your life was already one come true.

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