The Mistake Or Miracle? *Comp...

By TWD789123

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***Completed *** WARNING. EXTREMELY CRINGY. This was my first book so yeah. It's pretty bad. I pray for your... More

Chapter 1 - A Mistake
Chapter 2 - Officer Smart Ass
Chapter 3 - Wtf Merle
Chapter 4 - Jess
Chapter 5 - Clean up
Chapter 6 - The CDC
Chapter 7 - Holy Shit
Chapter 8 - Shane
Chapter 9 - TS-19
Chapter 10 - Dam it
Chapter 11 - She's hanging by a thread
Chapter 12 - She's Up
Chapter 13 - Time goes by Fast
Chapter 14 - Randall
Chapter 15 - Daryl I have to tell you something
Chapter 16 - A Run
Chapter 17 - The New Girl
Chapter 18 - Somehow
Chapter 19 - A New Place
Chapater 20 - The Prison
Chapter 21 - Birthday Gone Bad
Chapter 22 - Carl
Chapter 23 - Prisoners?
Chapter 24 - Rescue Misson
Chapter 25 - Lori
Chapter 26 - Healing Slowly
Chapter 27 - Not One Good Day
Chapter 28 - Seperated
Chapter 29 - Lost
Chapter 30 - Never A Dull Moment
Chapter 31 - Termiuns
Chapter 32 - Your Sick
Chapter 33 - Together Again
Chapter 34 - Where Did They Go?
Chapter 35 - I Already Made You A Promise
Chapter 36 - Lost
Chapter 37 - Who Is This?
Chapter 38 - Alexandria?
Chapter 39 - Jobs
Chapter 40 - The Party
Chapter 41 - You Did What?
Chapter 42 - Promise Me.
Chapter 43 - Relax
Chapter 44 - Your What?
Chapter 45 - Now?
Chapter 46 - Lets Talk
Chapter 47 - Leaving?
Chapter 48 - Date?
Chapter 49 - Its Time.
Authors Note
Chapter 50 - Who The Fuck Is This?
Chapter 51 - Are You Fucking Crazy?
Chapter 52 - You Know Who.
Chapter 53 - W's?
Chapter 54 - We Need You.
Chapter 55 - Lets Go
Chapter 56 - I Have Leverage
Chapter 57 - Dream
Chapter 58 - Im Back
Chapter 59 - An Evolution
Chapter 60 - Tonight
Chapter 61 - Take Over
Chapter 62 - You Ok?
Chapter 63 - Judith?
Chapter 65 - Dress Shopping
Chapter 66 - The Wedding
Chapter 67 - Honey Moon?
Chapter 68 - Neegan
Chapter 69 - Who Are You?
Chapter 70 - Practice
Chapter 71 - I'll Be Ok
Chapter 72 - Dinner Party
Chapter 73 - Surprise...
Chapter 74 - Pray For Me.
Chapter 75 - The Beginning Of The End

Chapter 64 - Photo Shoot

15 0 1
By TWD789123

I got back to the house and find Carl shirtless in the kitchen. His body jerked towards me when I shut the door behind me.

"Ready?" He asked

"For sleep. Yes." I said smiling. He sighed and walked over to me. He wrapped his arms around my waist holding me gently. I wrap my arms around his neck and lean my head on his bare chest. We didn't say anything, just stood their.

"Carl." I say breaking the silence.

"Mhm." He hums

"I need sleep, come with me." I said and let go but quickly grabbing his hand and up the stairs to our room. We walk up the stairs to the room and he shut the door behind us. I take off my gloves and set them on the nightstand as Carl grabs onto my waist. He moves me towards him, me now facing him. He plants small kisses down my neck looking for my sweet spot. I suddenly moan slightly when he finds it and he smiles sucking on it. After a few minutes of that I get lose of his grip but he pulls me back.

"Carl." I said before he slammed his lips into mine. Kissing me passionately until we pulled away to breath.

"I need to change." I sighed.

"Good, I'll watch." He grins and I playfully smack his arm as he lets me go. I pull out some clothes to sleep in and walk to the bathroom.

"Where are you going?" He asked

"The bathroom to change, duh." I said as I reached for the doorknob.

"No." He said putting his arm blocking me from grabbing the door. He slips in front of me and grabs the clothes in my hands. He throws them on the bed and drags me over to the bed.

"Let me help you." He saids. I smile as he slowly lifts up my shirt soon throwing it in the basket of dirty clothes we had. He moved his hands to my back grabbing my bra clip unhooking it and it dropped to the ground. He grabs my new shirt slipping it over me. Soon after my new shirt is on he grabs my waist pulling me closer. He kisses me again but a little bit more rough than the first time.

"Hey, not that I'm hating this but why?" I asked pulling away.

"Because I love you." He said and went back in for another kiss. He started to lightly bite my bottom lip. I didn't fight him, letting him in as he swirled his tongue around in my mouth. I loved him so much. Soon it went back to passionate kissing.

"Carl." I say between kisses. "Carl." I say again, him not stopping. "Carl!" I finally get his attention.

"What?" He asked

"I need to sleep." I said. He sighed in defeat.

"Fine." He said and we laid in the bed together. He immediately grabs onto me pulling me close to him and held onto my waist tightly. I laid my head on his chest and took a deep breath.

"Good night Carl." I say during my breath.

"Good night Jess." He said kissing my forehead. I smile at his action and grab onto his waist tighter.  I moved my hand down lower to his pants and as I adjusted to get more comfortable I felt something like my leg as I moved. I flinched until I realized it was Carl.

"Really?" I ask smiling knowing what he was doing.

"Sorry, you did it." He grins stupid.

"Your such a teenage boy." I say.

"Well I mean I am one." He said back.

"Hey, can I tell you something?" I asked

"Sure." He said.

"I just wanted to say thank you. For taking care of Ethan all the time. Your such a great dad and I've never had the chance to tell you how much I appreciate you. I love you." I said.

"I love you Jess, and you know I'd do anything for you and our son." He said. We soon fell asleep.

*3 weeks later*

Tara and Heath left yesterday to go on a special medical run. I over heard Daryl, Rosita, and Denise were going on a run soon. I was at home with Ethan in our living room, trying to get him to crawl. It was about 11 o'clock and Carl was out with Rick and Judith spending some time with them. They haven't been together much so I suggest they just hang out together. He left about an hour ago so it was just me and Ethan. I planned on going over to see Maggie like I do every other day but she's not doing well. She's getting worse and worse every day. Glenn said that Jesus told him that they had a doctor who could help her. Denise didn't have the supplies to treat her disease. She saids its, "too rare to treat" or some bullshit like that. But anyway, I decide to head over with Ethan. Denise told me it wasn't contagious so I could be over there with Ethan. I grab Ethan and take him upstairs with me into my room so I could get changed and watch him. I put him on the bed as I run and grab the bouncer from his room downstairs and bring it upstairs. I come up and see him wiggling around on the bed all happy. I laugh at my sons crazy baby dance and pick him up. He lets out a small laugh as I tickle his neck while holding him. I laugh at his laugh and he smiles at me. His blue eyes sparkled into mine and I smile. I set him down and grab some clothes. I put on a little bit warmer clothes because it was starting to get a little cold out. Not really bad but I hated the cold.

It was just a light sweater and some jeans with my normal combat boots. I lace them up and put on my gloves. I've gotten used to them and I like them. I grab Ethan's jacket from his room and run back up to him putting it on him. I didn't know if he was as cold as I was but I didn't take a chance of him getting sick. Him being only maybe 9 months, I don't know I've lost track, he was wearing a long blue sleeved shirt that said

Mamas boy.

Michonne got it for him on a run she went on. He has plenty of clothes and cute things to wear which I'm thankful of. He had some black pants and shoes with it. After I laced his baby shoes up I put on my belt. It was a weapons belt but I didn't care. I enjoyed knowing if shit went down for some reason I'd have something. Wouldn't you? Exactly. But anyway, it had a holster for my gun on one side and a slip for my knife on the other. I put the gun on safety before putting it in the belt and put the knife in as well. I pick up Ethan from the bouncer and we leave the house. I walk outside and see Daryl talking to Denise. She sees me and waves and I wave back holding Ethan on my left hip. Suddenly Ethan starts to cry, holding his hand to his top mouth. I stop and move his hand to see he had a small tooth popping out from the top.

"Awh, does your tooth hurt baby? Don't worry, I bet aunt Maggie has something for you." I said but he kept crying as I walked. He kept trying to push on it but I wouldn't let him, so I put my free hand and use my pointer finger to push on his tooth slightly hoping that will help. He calms down a little bit but still in pain. I get to Maggie and Glenn's house and knock on the door. Maggie answers looking awful.

"Awh was wrong with Ethan?" Maggie asked

"He's got a teeth coming in and I'm pretty sure he's teething." I said walking in.

"Don't worry, I have just the thing." She said and walked into her kitchen. "Sit honey I'll be out soon!" She called from her kitchen. I sit on her couch with my son crying his eyes out from pain. I hated the sound of him crying and for the fact he was in pain but I'm couldn't really do much. She came back with a small green circle.

"Here, I knew this would be soon so I made Glenn get one on a run and he found one. It's a teething ring, I froze it so it would calm him down and numb it a little bit." She said handing me the small circle. It was frozen and so I hand it to Ethan and he immediately starts to suck on it pushing his gums and slobbering all over it.

"Thanks Maggie. I totally forgot that getting teeth hurt." I said as she slowly sat down in her love seat.

"Maggie, has Denise given you any meds? You don't look so hot. You've had a fever for like two weeks, you can barely move, when I see a car you see an elephant, you are sweating when your cold, you should seriously get something." I said

"I know, it's just... It's" she starts to cough heavy so I grab a pillow and lean Ethan against it so he wouldn't fall sitting up and run over to Maggie.

"Here." I said handing her a rag from my pocket so she could cover her mouth. After her coughing she sighed.

"Thanks Jess. Could you help me to my room?" She asked.

"Of course I can Maggie, come on." I said and she put one arm around my shoulders and I grab onto her waist as we go to her room slowly.

"Thanks. Now go take care of your son, he needs you more than I do." She smiled weakly. I smile back but it fades away quickly.

"See you tomorrow?" I ask

"Yes! We have to start planning this wedding!" She said all excited. I told her a few days ago I wanted to start getting things together and she was happy to talk and plan about it.

"Ok, see you tomorrow, do you want me to get Glenn or?" I ask

"No, he's working. I'll be fine." She said relaxing into her sheets.

"Ok well if you need anything, Aaron is next door." I said. She and Glenn lived by Aaron and since I lived farther away I counted on him to watch out for Maggie while Glenn was out. I go back out to see Ethan is now laying on his back still sucking on the teething ring.

"How did you manage to fall sideways?" I laugh while picking up my son. He smiles while chewing his toy and I just smile back. I push the hair out of his face back and start to leave.

"Bye Maggie!" I shout and shut the door behind me. It was decent outside, not cold enough to be uncomfortable, but not hot to be warm. I decide since I had nothing better to do I'd go for a walk with Ethan. I don't bother getting the stroller because he's not that heavy and I don't mind carrying him. We walk for about five minutes till we get to the park. Alexandria had a very small park that had a kiddy playground that we used to use for the other kids but now know, dead. But Aaron recently went out with Daryl in one of their trips and found a play set and brought it back. I saw Judith and Carl playing together and Rick watching as they all smiled and laughed as Carl chased Judith around the structure. I smile at it and suddenly he looks up and see us. He waves and continues running after her. She starts running towards me and I prepare myself for her coming. I move Ethan on my left side and Judith runs into my other arm.

"Hey Judy, slow down kid!" I shout smiling. Carl not far behind her out of breath.

"He's gonna get me Jessie!" She yelled holding onto me for dear life.

"Awh, well I'm sure I can help you out." I say holding her as she wraps her small arms around my neck.

"Excuse me sir but I believe this child is afraid of you." I joke around still kneeling in the ground with Ethan and now Judith.

"Maybe I am. Maybe I'm not." He smiles playing along.

"Yes you are!" Judith yells back. I laugh and she finally lets go.

"Having fun?" I ask as she ran back to Rick.

"Yeah, she's a real trip." He laughs as do I.

"She's so full of energy. I chased her three times and tickled her till she couldn't breath." He said as we walk slowly back over to Rick and Judith.

"I'm glad your spending time with her Carl. You both needed it." I say adjusting Ethan.

"How's Ethan? And what's that?" He asked looking at the toy he was sucking on.

"Maggie got Glenn to find a teething ring. He hasn't let go of it since Maggie gave it to him." I say watching our son still chew on the toy.

"Oh ok." He said.

"Hey Jessica." Rick said as we sat on the small park bench next to Rick.

"Hey Rick, how've y'all been?" I ask watching Judith throwing dirt around herself and in the air.

"Well she's been having a blast and I'm sure you have been to." He said patting Carl's sweaty back.

"Yeah, well that's good." I smile.

"But hey, can I ask you a favor?" He asked

"Yeah, what's up?" I ask.

"I want to get a picture of these two and then all three of us. Aaron found a polaroid camera and I want to take some now. I also figured we could use this to take pictures of your wedding too." He said pulling out the small camera. "Their is plenty of papers to refill it." He said showing me the camera.

"Id love too! I love taking pictures, but you should probably clean up Judith a little bit." I chuckle seeing Judith now rolling in the dirt.

"Great, give me a minute." He said getting up and going over to Judith. They walk away and I'm guessing back to their house so she can change.

"My dad's been wanting to do this forever." Carl said

"I'm happy to do it." I smile.

"Let me see him." He said and I hand him Ethan. Carl immediately smiles at our son receiving a smile back from him. Carl sets him in his lap and starts to tickle him. He laughs uncontrollably and holds onto his toy with one hand while shaking the other one around from laughter. I laugh at them playing together. This was perfect. Carl stops tickling him and moves his hand closer to me.

"What do you think your doing?" I ask raising an eyebrow.

"Are you ticklish?" He grins.

"Yes. I'm not denying it because you'll do it anyway." I smirk and he immediately starts to tickle me. I could feel my stomach hurting from the laughter and I can't push him away because he's holding Ethan and basically using him as a shield. Cheater.

"Ca-Car-C-Sto-st-STOP!" I yelled in laughter. He laughs too finally stopping seeing his dad and sister.

"Have fun?" Rick asked.

"Yes." Carl grins and I roll my eyes.

"That doesn't make the two of us." I joke.

"Whatever you loved it!" He said handing me Ethan.

"Here you guys pick a spot to take the picture I'll set Ethan down and figure the camera out." I said to Rick and he handed me the camera. I see their is nowhere to put him so I shout at Rick.

"Hey, I'm gonna grab his stroller!" I yell and he nods as I put the camera in the bench and I jog back to the house with Ethan and hurry into our garage. I strap him quickly in the stroller and practically run back pushing him. He's laughing his head off from my running and him hanging along for the ride. I'm it of breath by the time I reach the park.

"That was quick." Carl said handing me the camera.

"I miss taking pictures." I said.

"We've decide to do it over there." He said pointing to Rick and Judith standing by the only decent tree we have in Alexandria. It was an oak tree with a bench in front.

A/N: I tried to give you an image to help. Not the other stuff in the back round but this is what it could find.

I walk over to it with Carl as he pushed the stroller. We get their and Judith is already trying to climb the tree.

"Come on Judith, let's take the pictures." Carl said as I moved Ethan's stroller to where I could see him and take the pictures. They sit on the bench with Rick on the left and Judith in Carl's lap.

"Ok Judith, smile at the camera when I say ok?" I said and she nods.

"One, two, three, now!" I say and push the button on the camera. It flashes and soon the paper pops out with the picture. I hand it to Rick and he smiles.

"Perfect." He said.

"Rick, I know this is crazy, but I love taking pictures and I was wondering since we have plenty of papers to take pictures with and save for the wedding could I do a photo shoot of you guys?" I asked

"Um, if you want to?" Rick looked at Carl.

"Sure, Judith want to take more pictures?" Carl asked Judith who was playing with Ethan in his stroller.

"Sure!" She smiled and ran to the bench.

"I wanna do you and her together, then just Carl and her, then just you and Carl." I said and Rick nods. Rick sits on the bench with Judith in his lap as they wait for me to take the picture. I count again getting a good picture.

"Ok now, you and her." I said I Carl standing over me as I was knelt on the ground.

"Ok." He said and went over with Judith. She plopped herself into his lap and she pretends to fix his hair. I laugh at her basically messing it up and him trying to fix it.

"Thanks Judith, much better." Carl laughs as do I. I smile and repeat the picture taking process. Then Judith jumps up and runs to me.

"Can I go now?!" She wines wanting to play.

"Yes Judith, thank you for your cooperation in this matter." I joke and she shrugs my sarcasm off and runs to the play set.

A/N: lol that "thank you for your cooperation in this matter" thing is a family joke I have. I wanted to add if cause why not? Lol

"Alright you two let's see the bromance!" I joke as they sit on the bench next to each other.

"Ok, now pretend you like each other!" I joke and wait for them to smile slightly before snapping the picture. I add it to the pile of pictures I've already taken.

"Thank you!" I said handing Rick the pictures.

"No problem, It's good to be normal for once." He said. Carl comes over and kisses me deeply till Judith yells at us.

"Stop eating her face Carl!" She yelled playing on the structure. We both pull away laughing.

"What if I don't? What are you gonna do!?" He yells jokingly back.

"I'll get you!" She yells back. He smirks and leans in again kissing me even harder. I kiss back loving the rougher side of Carl until he pulls away hearing Judith come running for him.

"Carl!!" She yells chasing him as he ran away. They run around as I laugh at Judith trying to chase her much faster older brother. I was standing by the stroller watching them run. Till I lost sight of them and felt a small body slam into mine causing me to fall.

"Judith!" I yell at her now on top of me.

"Sorry, he started chasing me!" She said back.

"Well I mean you stared it." I said as we stood up.

"Nu-uh!" She saids back till a pair of arms lift her in the air. She screams in excitement as Carl spins her around holding her in the air. He finally sets her down and she's breathing heavy from laughing. I laugh as they both just sit on the ground so I join them.

"Have fun today Judy?" I asked a very tiered little toddler.

"Yeah!" She said.

"Hey, can I give you something?" Carl asked me.

"Sure." I said and he got up helping me up as well. He pulls me close to him and moves his hands to my waist pushing me up against him kissing me. I wrap my arms around his neck and deepen the kiss.

"Carl! Jessie! Stop eating each other before you accidentally swallow!" Judith yells

"Ok ok fine." Carl said pulling away. I laugh at her comment and we decided to head back home. We dropped Judith at Ricks because he already left. Once back at our house with Ethan I immediately go into the kitchen knowing Carl was gonna be hungry.

"What do you want?" I asked

"Whatever is fine, thank you." He said as I pulled out a pot from the cabinets setting it on the counter and pulls my hair back kissing my cheek.

"Your welcome, now go change Ethan's diaper please." I say sweetly and he groans taking our son to his room to change him.

A/N: ok so I loooooooved writing this. I know it was mushy but I loved writing this. The fact it was so long once I was done I was like daaaaaaaaaam. Lol sorry if you didn't like it but it's my book so I can do what I want. Lol hope you liked it like I do!
~ Jessica 😘

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