Aria Black and the Prisoner o...

By emusername

33K 749 259

When Sirius Black escapes from Azkaban, his daughter Aria Black knows her life is about to get much harder. S... More

Author's Note
Later, Professor
Bloody Fools
The Vampire Who Likes AB Blood
Bad Lady Problems
Complete and Utter Hippogriff Dung
Excited with a Fork
Dragon Dung
The Most Feared Human Inhabiting Hogwarts
Upstaged by a Flipping Sport
Don't Make Me Tear off Your Dreadlocks
The Patience of a Sick Baby
George's POV
The Queen of Frickin Trouble
Shoddiest Chaser Ever to Fly the Pitch
A Hero From a Book or Something
Metamorphagus BFF
I'm Effing Puking!
And um..... Happy Birthday?
No Falling, Failing, or Dying Around Here, Folks!
The Lord's Hotter Twin Brother
Long Live the Fudging Lions
You are Insane!!!!
I am not a Sperm Donor
You're Both Mental!
If Snark Could Kill
Have Fun in Prison, Asshole
Please Don't Eat My Godfather
Author's Note

Take Care, Dear One

884 15 6
By emusername

In the morning, we are woken up by the flood of Gryffindors headed to breakfast. Determined to get some more sleep, we move up to the boys' dormitory.

After a good two hours of additional sleep, we finally wake up. I explain the events of last night to my friends. They are initially angry about me not telling them that Remus was a werewolf, but get over it soon.

My ankle hurts like hell. I don't tell my friends about that, they would only worry. So I perform a small healing spell that dulls the pain. It's ineffective for the most part, but it can get me to Remus.

Speaking of Remus, I wonder if he got in last night. Sometimes he wakes up in the morning lying in a random place and sometimes he is just awake when the moon wanes.

I leave my friends and head to Remus's quarters. People are gossiping in the hallway more than usual.

"I guess this explains why he'd been gone so much." One Slytherin student says.

"I can't believe it," says another. "He was our teacher all this year, how could we not have noticed?"

Heather, Fred's one-time date to Hogsmeade approaches me in the halls. "Did you know, Black?"

"Know what?" I murmur, tiredly messing with my hair.

Her eyes widen. "That your godfather is a werewolf. The whole school's talking about it."

"How could she not have known?" Robert Cowell says. "She lived with the man for years!"

I roll my eyes and continue limping on. Someone must've told Remus's secret. Was it Harry, Ron, or Hermione? More people stop and ask stupid questions about Remus. I even yell at a few for being insensitive about werewolves.

When I finally get to Remus's quarters, he is not there. He must be in his office. I groan, and head to his office, where he is listening to classical music, emptying the contents of his desk and packing them away.

"No!" I exclaim, racing over to him, dragging my leg behind me. "Remus, you can't leave! I'll go to Dumbledore, make him listen-"

Remus puts a photograph of the two of us into a box and offers me a soft smile. "Dumbledore did not fire me, I resigned."

"But-but you can't! You're-you're a great teacher, and I need you here! I need you here, Remus!"

He shakes his head softly. "I'm afraid I can't stay, my Ariana. The students' parents-"

I roll my eyes. "Forget about them, Remus! You have a job, you've kept it for a whole year! We've been happy, stable even! Please stay."

"Ariana," Remus says quietly. "even if I could ignore the Howlers from the parents, I cannot ignore the stares. When people find out what I am, they cannot help but look at me another way. I can't bear it, my dear. As much as I'd like to stay with you, I'm afraid I can't."

I force back my tears and sit down on top of his clean desk. "Okay."

Remus moves to stand in front of me. He looks solemn and thoughtful. "Let me take a look at your ankle."

I lift my foot up and he takes it in his hands. Remus wraps a bandage around it with his wand. "I am so, so sorry, Ariana." He says.

I shrug. "Don't worry about it. I'm fine, the ankle thing doesn't even hurt."

"Just make sure to go to Madame Pomfrey after you are done here." He tells me. Remus takes a deep breath. "Your friend, the vampire, how long have you known him?"

I pause. "Since the beginning of term, but please, please, don't tell Dumbledore. He already doesn't like Eleazar, and-"

"My lips are sealed, Ariana." Remus promises, stacking his books up inside of a box.

"Thanks." I tell him. "Where's Tonks? Isn't she supposed to be obsessively following me around?"

He smiles. "She's wrapping up security on the castle. The term is ending so she'll no longer be needed at Hogwarts. I believe Dumbledore was going to talk her into not going home with us. Would you be alright with that?"

I grin. "Does that mean I can leave the house? Unaccompanied?"

Remus nods. "Yes, you are in no immediate danger, especially from Sirius Black."

"YES!" I cry, pumping my fist in the air. "FREEDOM!"

He smiles. "I still hope we can have Tonks over for some family dinners."

A devilish smirk appears on my face. "Of course, Remus. That's a lovely idea."

He seems confused. "Why are you smiling like that?"

"No reason." I say, shrugging with a smile.

Remus rolls his eyes and gets up on the desk beside me. "You know, I was thinking we could have Sirius over some time this summer, if we can sneak him in. How would you feel about that?"

I was hoping this subject wouldn't come up so soon. "Um... maybe." I say.

"I just want you to be able to know your father, Ariana."

I look up at him. "He's not my father. You heard him. He wants nothing to do with me."

Remus sighs. "Sirius will warm up to you, I promise. He's just-"

"I don't really care about him liking me." I say. "He's been gone all my life, and he is not my father. You have been with me through it all, Remus, not him. You are my father."

His jaw drops in surprise, like he doesn't believe anyone can feel for him like that. "I... Aria... I almost killed you last night."

I shake my head. "It doesn't matter. He'll never be the father that you are, Remus."

He wraps his arms around me in a warm embrace, not meeting my eyes. "I have to finish packing."

"Alright." I say irritably. "I'll just go then. Love you Remus."

"Er-love you too." Remus replies.

I roll my eyes and shove open the door. I angrily stomp (or attempt to) all the way to the Hospital Wing. It is relatively empty, except for a sniffling girl behind the curtain.

"We have got to stop meeting like this." Madame Pomfrey calls out with frustration.

"Sorry." I offer half-heartedly.

She shrugs and waves me over to my special bed. I move over to it and climb in. "The Headmaster told me you would be coming in sometime today. I hoped you would come in sooner rather than later."

I let her examine my ankle wordlessly, thinking about my exchange with Remus. He didn't want to say I love you. He always tells me that he loves me. After he mentioned Black, things got awkward between us.

She heals me up, and then goes to her office for a potion. The curtain in the corner is pushed back so that I can see the girl in the corner.

"I've heard them talking." Jane says softly. Her hair looks like it's been finger combed back into place. It's not so wild anymore. "They say Sirius Black was here, that he got away. I failed... I failed my dad..."

"No you didn't." I tell her. "As far as your dad knows, you drove Black away."

Jane's eyes widen hopefully. "I did, I did drive him away. But... my mom..."

"She's still dead." I say. Her face falls. "But I'm sure she'd appreciate the fact that you tried."

Jane nods. "I guess so." She looks up at me. "You're not that bad. I'm sorry I tried to kill you."

I shrug. "Four other people did too, so..."

"Well, it was my idea. I convinced Roger, Cormac, Zacharias, and even Katie to be a part of it." Jane says.

"Roger?" I say. He was the fifth member of their little party. He's a prat, but I didn't think...

She glances around guiltily. "Yes, him too. I'll turn everyone in so they have to stop worrying about you."

"Did your dad really tell you to kill Sirius Black?" I ask.

Jane nods. "He's an Auror, though. He became one to fight criminals like Sirius Black."

Madam Pomfrey comes back into the room. "Miss Gordon," she says pointedly. "has your Calming Drought sunk in yet?"

"Yes." Jane says. "I need to talk to the Headmaster, ma'am. Can I leave?"

Madam Pomfrey rolls her eyes. "Alright, then. Go ahead, have a nice summer."

"You too." Jane says. "And you, Aria."

I smile lightly. "Thanks Jane."

She turns on her heel and walks out of the Hospital Wing. Madam Pomfrey huffs and turns to me. "You'd better get going. The train leaves tomorrow morning and I know that you are not packed yet."

I roll my eyes and get up to go. "You know me so well."

I return to the dorm and pack my things beside Ange and Alicia. Once I'm done, I make some dumb excuse about having to go talk to Remus. Instead, I go to the Forrest to meet Eleazar.

"Ah, Aria darling, how is your godfather?" He asks.

I throw my arms around his neck. Eleazar chuckles and wraps his around my waist. "Thank you, thank you so much!"

Eleazar grins. "Anytime, dear. Is term ending today?"

I nod. "We leave tomorrow. I just wanted to come and say goodbye."

He stares at me for a moment, his expression mixed with sadness and slight confusion. "And Sirius Black? He is apprehended, I presume?"

I shrug. "Apparently he was never guilty. Word is that he stole a hippogriff and ran off."

Eleazar's eyes widen. "Your life is far more complicated than most humans."

"Tell me about it."

He stands up. "Aria, I want to thank you for being my friend this term. You have been very delightful, and I shall miss having you around this summer."

I grin. "I shall miss you too, Eleazar."

"Take care, dear one."

I roll my eyes as I pull him in for a hug. "Take care yourself."


The rest of the day is filled with goodbyes. Everyone around Hogwarts is crying, which is annoying. The Quidditch Cup sits in the Gryffindor dormitory with adoring house members around it. Oliver spends every waking hour beside it, usually with Tamsin and Jeremy by his side.

I am feeling ecstatic. I get to leave the house this summer, I'm in no immediate danger, I have great friends. Life is pretty okay.

After the trek to the Hogsmeade Station, the Heads of House count all their students. McGonagall approaches me. "Miss Black." She says. "Your other two attackers have been caught! It was two lovers in Ravenclaw. Justice has been served. Enjoy your summer, sweetie."

I nod, smiling. "That's great! Thanks Professor."

She pats me on the shoulder and walks away.

I catch up with my friends. Fred and George carry Angelina and Alicia on their shoulders. Lee walks beside them, cracking jokes.

"Care for one more?" I cry, springing off the ground onto Lee's back. I'm glad that Madam Pomfrey healed my ankle or else I would not have been able to do this.

He catches me gracefully. "Heya Ari."

Fred and George are singing the Hogwarts school song, both of them off key. Angelina and Alicia join them in harmony, both of their voices somewhat resembling the school's song.

We make it to the station, and everyone boards the train happily. My friends and I find our compartment, with our names inscribed inside. We are joking about our plans for the summer, and remembering stories of our year.

If anyone were to ask, yes, I am a teenage witch whose father is a notorious mass murderer on the loose, and whose godfather is a werewolf. I've had a hell of a year, but it has helped me in ways I cannot comprehend. My name is Ariana Taylor Black, and I am proud of who I am.

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