The Mistake Or Miracle? *Comp...

By TWD789123

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***Completed *** WARNING. EXTREMELY CRINGY. This was my first book so yeah. It's pretty bad. I pray for your... More

Chapter 1 - A Mistake
Chapter 2 - Officer Smart Ass
Chapter 3 - Wtf Merle
Chapter 4 - Jess
Chapter 5 - Clean up
Chapter 6 - The CDC
Chapter 7 - Holy Shit
Chapter 8 - Shane
Chapter 9 - TS-19
Chapter 10 - Dam it
Chapter 11 - She's hanging by a thread
Chapter 12 - She's Up
Chapter 13 - Time goes by Fast
Chapter 14 - Randall
Chapter 15 - Daryl I have to tell you something
Chapter 16 - A Run
Chapter 17 - The New Girl
Chapter 18 - Somehow
Chapter 19 - A New Place
Chapater 20 - The Prison
Chapter 21 - Birthday Gone Bad
Chapter 22 - Carl
Chapter 23 - Prisoners?
Chapter 24 - Rescue Misson
Chapter 25 - Lori
Chapter 26 - Healing Slowly
Chapter 27 - Not One Good Day
Chapter 28 - Seperated
Chapter 29 - Lost
Chapter 30 - Never A Dull Moment
Chapter 31 - Termiuns
Chapter 32 - Your Sick
Chapter 33 - Together Again
Chapter 34 - Where Did They Go?
Chapter 35 - I Already Made You A Promise
Chapter 36 - Lost
Chapter 37 - Who Is This?
Chapter 38 - Alexandria?
Chapter 39 - Jobs
Chapter 40 - The Party
Chapter 41 - You Did What?
Chapter 42 - Promise Me.
Chapter 43 - Relax
Chapter 44 - Your What?
Chapter 45 - Now?
Chapter 46 - Lets Talk
Chapter 47 - Leaving?
Chapter 48 - Date?
Chapter 49 - Its Time.
Authors Note
Chapter 50 - Who The Fuck Is This?
Chapter 51 - Are You Fucking Crazy?
Chapter 52 - You Know Who.
Chapter 53 - W's?
Chapter 54 - We Need You.
Chapter 55 - Lets Go
Chapter 56 - I Have Leverage
Chapter 57 - Dream
Chapter 58 - Im Back
Chapter 59 - An Evolution
Chapter 60 - Tonight
Chapter 62 - You Ok?
Chapter 63 - Judith?
Chapter 64 - Photo Shoot
Chapter 65 - Dress Shopping
Chapter 66 - The Wedding
Chapter 67 - Honey Moon?
Chapter 68 - Neegan
Chapter 69 - Who Are You?
Chapter 70 - Practice
Chapter 71 - I'll Be Ok
Chapter 72 - Dinner Party
Chapter 73 - Surprise...
Chapter 74 - Pray For Me.
Chapter 75 - The Beginning Of The End

Chapter 61 - Take Over

32 0 0
By TWD789123

"Now Jesus helped me with the layout of this place. Where we are going, and Sasha and Abraham found a few heads we could use. Jesus and Shane are in another room discussing which one looks more like Gregory. Now here's the plan..." Rick said as we were all gathered around him. We were leaving in a few hours and him, Michonne, Daryl, and Glenn made a plan. Rick was explaining what was gonna happen.

"Now we need two people on watch, look out. Incase shit goes wrong we need someone out their to help us out. If we need to get through the entire compound and kill them inside it might be awhile. So we've decided Carol and Jessica will look out." He said

"No!" I yell back. "I'm not gonna stand outside keeping watch, I wanna help!" I yelled at Rick.

"You wanted to go, this is what your going to do." Rick said.

I sigh in defeat. "Ok." I agree.

"Now they led me in here, and took the two spears we brought for them down this hall way but didn't come back with them." Jesus said walking in from the other room with Shane and was explaining to us while drawing on a piece of paper. "So I'm guessing this is their weapons locker, armory." He said

"Good, then once we get their that's how we'll end it." Abraham said

"Not yet, we have to get through the guards. Once we give them the head they might not believe us so one of em might go inside to show Neegan. When he comes out that's when we kill them. Their should only be two guards, four at most." Shane said

"So once they come back out then we kill them?" I ask

"Yes." Shane said back.

"Why don't we just kill them once we get their. Two guards against all of us, doesn't seem like much of a challenge." I ask

"Because we can't, they have to let us in. Once they open the doors to the compound and let us in, then we kill them." Jesus said

"So they are basically letting us in?" I ask

"Yes, once we get in we each go in groups of two or three down every hall way and kill them. Since it will be late most of em will hopefully be sleeping. That's why we are leaving in a few hours, go around two or three in the morning before dawn. They'll be tiered, and off guard. We go through their rooms and kill them quietly. Once we find our way down to the armory we hit em hard. But, if we don't like what we see we turn back. They don't know who we are and I want it to stay that way for as long as it can." Rick explained. "This is how we eat, survive. We roll out at midnight. This way we got time to get there." He continues "We'll have Shane pull up in a car and give them the head. Now don't forget we need Craig. So once one of the guards comes back with Craig, Michonne you kill him and Aaron will grab Craig. Abraham you'll kill the other guard while Shane waits. We will be hiding in the bushes so they don't see us." After another hour of explanation we all leave the church which is where we went to discuss this and head home. Rick said we all need to sleep before leaving at midnight. It was about nine by now. So I head back home and lock the door behind me. I stop by Ethan's room to check on him to find him sound asleep. Thank god. I head up to me and Carl's room and open the door slowly. He's snoring slightly with his hair all messy. As he breaths out his hair flaps with it. I smile at my sleeping soon to be husband and put on the clothes I'm gonna leave with on. It was a black long sleeved shirt with army dark green pants. My black combat boots next to my bedside and I put my hair up in a ponytail tail. I found some gloves that were cool so I decided to wear them.

They fit me perfect and so after I was ready I laid down. I know I woke up Carl because he is now facing me.

"Hey." He groans from being woken up.

"Hey, go back to bed, I was just getting ready." I say.

"I know, are you sure you wanna do this?" He asked

"I'm not sure of anything anymore. But all I know is I'm gonna be back here soon. For you, Ethan, Daryl, I'm coming back. And no one is gonna get in the way of me getting back to my family." I reassure him.

"I hope your right." He saids back.

"Me too." I said and with that I fell asleep.


"Jessica, Carl, get up!" I heard Rick yell for us.

I get up knowing I had to leave. Carl gets up too and we both go down stairs to Rick after I put on my shoes.

"You ready? Everyone is already set, your the last one to pick up." He said standing at the door.

"One second, let me say goodbye to Ethan." I say and he nods. Carl and Rick start to talk silently as I head to my sons room. He's now awake laying in his crib.

"Did grandpa Rick wake you up?" I ask while picking up my now wide awake baby. "I know, he's the worst. But listen, you just go right back to bed. I'll be back tomorrow ok? So don't worry about me, now your dad, you might wanna worry about him. He's a little uneasy. So look out for him ok?" I ask my son who just stares at me in confusion from my words. "I love you." I say holding him tighter and kiss his forehead pushing back his hair. I walk out and hand Ethan to Carl.

"Bye." I said hugging Carl tighter than I ever have in a while.

"No. No goodbyes." He said. "You'll be back, I'll see you later." He saids still holding me in his arms with Ethan.

"Ok, see you later." I say and let go. Rick and Carl hug as we and me and Rick leave.

~2 and a half hours later~

We've been driving for about two hours or so and everyone had weapons. At least one knife and gun. Everyone going in, which is basically everyone has heavy artillery and a knife as well. Me and Carol have a hand gun and knife as well. We make it and park aways away. Shane takes a car and drives up to the front door of the compound. Me and Carol head out to our spot.

"Jess!" Daryl calls after me before leaving.

"Be careful ok?" He said and I nod back in return. He pulls me close to him and we hug. He holds me tight for s few seconds and let's go.

"I will. You too ok?" I said back and he nods. So me and Carol head out.

A/N: I know this isn't all of it because it's was watching this ep while writing this and I'm too lazy to write the entire sense so just watch that. This should help a little bit but yeah. It's very complex and very well strategize but I'm too lazy. Lol. So yeah, continue.....
If you can't watch that clip it's just the send when they go inside the compound and kill all of em. If the scene where Abraham and Sasha kill a guy and he sets the alarm off that's where I'm gonna go start back at with Jess and Carol.

Jessica's P.O.V

Carol and I have been standing it here for a while. Maybe thirty minutes? Suddenly an alarm went off.

"We need to go help them." I said and started walking towards the compound building.

"No we need to stay here I'll go." Carol said

"No I'm going Carol!" I snap back

"No Jessica you can't! You shouldn't have in the first place!" She said.

"What are y-" I started but stopped. She raised her gun, but I could tell it wasn't at me. I look over and see a man with his gun up. She shoots him in the arm and he falls. I run over to him aiming my gun at his face.

"Jessica let's go!" She said

"No, not till it's done." I said raising my gun to his head.

"Stop! Or she's dead." A voice came from behind me. I turn around to see a women with a gun to Carols head.

"On the ground right now!" She said again. Then another women next to me with a gun to mine. I slowly put down my gun and take out my knife dropping it.

"Nice boots." Some older lady said to me.

"Murderes bitches." The one holding a gun to me mumbled.

"We will take em off before killing them." The other one said. Soon we are dragged to this fence. It's daylight out and the older women is helping the guy Carol shot.

"Shut up!" She said to the guy. Their was a engine noise and the women with a gun to my head spoke.

"What the hell was that?!"

"It's Primo. Dam it." She said looking through the binoculars.

"They got him gimme the walkie." She demanded from the older women.

"Lower your gun prick." She said into it. I had a feeling she was talking about Rick.

"Yeah you with the cold pipe on. Lower your weapons now." She said again.

"Come on out. Let's talk." He said from the walkie.

"How many we got?"

"Eight in sight. Too many." She spoke.

"We've taken more." The man said

"We aren't going to come out but we will talk." She said

"Names?" She asked us. Me or her didn't say anything.

"Names!?" She said again with more anger.

"I'm Jessica she's Carol." I spoke quietly

"I've gotta Carol and a Jessica. Thinking that's something you wanna chat about?" She said into the walkie. "Now we are going to work this out. And it's going to go our way.

"We have one of yours. We'll trade." Rick said

"I'm listening." She said back

"I wanna talk to them, make sure they are ok." Rick said

"I'm gonna put you on and you say your ok. Nothing else. Try something I'll know." She said. She walked over and put the walkie to my face.

"Rick, it's Jessica. I'm ok." I spoke.

"It's Carol. I'm ok." Carol said into the walkie.

"Theirs your proof. Let's talk."

"Alright here's the deal. You give us ours we give you yours. Let them go and you can have your guy back to live." Rick said.

"Doesn't sound like a fair trade. Two for one." She said back. The group started arguing about something but I wasn't listening.

"I know your talking it over. But do we have a deal?" He asked

"I'll get back to you." She said and before anything their was a bag over my head.

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