Single Dad "Starting Over"(Hu...


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What happens when a 27 year old Country music sensation is forced to "Start Over" as a single dad? Will he be... Еще

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108

Chapter 109

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Hunter's POV

"Hey, Babe. How're feeling?"

"Fine." Liddy sighs. "I guess."

"What do you mean? Is something wrong? " I ask as I slide next to her, on our bed and wrap my arms around her. Pulling her close.

"No nothing's wrong except that I'm huge and look like a beached whale."

I want to laugh at her comment but manage not to. I know how sensitive she is right now. "No you don't. You look beautiful."

"Oh Hunt! How can you say that? My ankles and face are swollen and my belly is so large. It looks like I have 2 basketballs stuffed under my shirt."

I squeeze her tight, then reach out to run my hand over her extremely round belly. "Did you hear that? Your mom just compared you two to basketballs."

"Oh stop." She says as she swats at my hand. "I was not referring to our babies as basketballs."

I laugh. "I know you weren't. I just like to tease you."

"I know you do."

"So truthfully, how are you feeling?"

"Okay I guess. The nurse says my blood pressure is high, but not too bad."

"That's good news."

"Yea, it is. I'm just really having a hard time getting comfortable today and I'm so bored. Having to rest so much is starting to get to me."

"I know it is." I say as I lean over and kiss her forehead. "You've been such a trooper. I can't believe everything you've gone through. You have no idea how proud I am of you. I love you so much."

"I love you, too." She mutters as she lays her head on my chest and begins to play with the cross hanging around my neck. The one she gave me for our one year wedding anniversary.

As she snuggles in next to me, trying to somehow find a comfortable position, I gently rub her back hoping to alleviate some of the lower back pain she's been experiencing the last few months.

"Mmmm, that feels so good."

I smile, happy that I can help relieve at least some of her pain. She's been through so much over the last 15 months, trying to have a baby. The disappointment and despair of two failed IVF procedures, took a toll on her emotionally, the first one being unsuccessful and the second one resulting in a miscarriage at 6 weeks.

"So the twins seem to be really active today." I say when I notice her grimace slightly as one of the babies kick.

"They are, more so over the last day or two. I'm starting to get nervous."

Knowing she's concerned about going into labor too soon. I pull her close and kiss her forehead. "It's going to be okay. Don't worry. Remember what Dr. Ellbin said. Everything should be fine as long as you made it to 33 weeks, which you did. You're now almost at week 36!"

"I know what she said, but I still want to hold off for as long as I can. I'm worried about how developed their lungs are and what their birth weight will be, if I go too soon."

"They'll be absolutely fine. I'm sure of it. Perfect just like you."

She smiles, but I can see the uncertainty in her eyes, although she tries to hide it from me.

"So what is Harper doing?"

"She and your step mom were getting ready to take CJ for a walk."

"Awe that's nice. He certainly NEEDS the exercise." She giggles. "Is it just me, but I don't remember Cole being so energetic?"

"It's not just you. Cole definitely wasn't as rambunctious as Cole Junior."

"Remember how he would just laze around and sleep all the time? He'd sprawl out on the couch on the bus barely leaving room for the rest of us to sit."

I laugh. "Yea, I do. He was easy to take with us on the road. CJ won't be that's for sure."

"I know! Thank Goodness my parents moved into the apartment over the garage and for their offer to help out with CJ. Otherwise I don't know what we would do?"

"They're a god send. Both they and my parents have been such a help with Harper and the our little  greyhound, these last few months."

"And Lord knows we'll need all their help once the twins arrive."

"Trust me. We won't be hurting for helpers, with our little ones. We've got Liz and your niece Abbie, everyone from the band including Jill and even Betsy. Plus we have my parents and your parents."

"Oh and don't forget Shelley and Ryan. She's dying to help. That's all she's talked about since they discovered she was pregnant a few months ago."

"So see no worries. We'll be all set. Once our babies arrive."

"Which I think is going to be sooner than we think!" Liddy hisses as she struggles to sit up.

"Why do you say that?"

"Cause my water just broke!"


Hunter's POV

"Hunt, how's Liddy and the babies?" My mom asks as she and my dad meet me, Harper and Liddy's parents, in the hospital waiting area.

"Fine I guess." I reply, nervously rubbing the back of my neck. They're getting her prepped for the C-section now. Once that's done, they'll come get me and I can go be with her, in the OR."

"Oh good. I wasn't sure since this is more or less an emergency C section, if they would let you be there with her."

Before I can respond Harper interrupts. "Grammy, Mum is having the babies! I'm so happy."

I smile at my beautiful 4 year old daughter and the look of joy and excitement on her face. She's grown up so much in the past year. I can hardly believe it.

She was the one who wanted to start calling Liddy, mom when she realized that her siblings would be calling her that, too. And even though the gesture warmed Liddy's heart immensely she didn't want Renee, Harper's mother's feelings to be hurt. So we called a family meeting including Renee and her new husband Michael. What we ended up deciding is that Harper and our twins will refer to Liddy as mum and Liddy's parents as Mimi and Gramps, while Harper continues to call Renee, mom or mommy.

"Yes, I know sweetie. That's why everyone is here. Grampy and I, Mimi and Gramps, Uncle Matt and Aunt Stephanie and everyone else from the band."

"Jett's here, too!"

"I can see that." My mom replies, trying not giggle at the extremely obvious crush Harper still has on Jett.

Both Liddy and Melissa believe that our children will end up together. As much as I hate to think of my daughter all grown up and in a relationship, I have to admit that there are strong feelings between those two. Even now, Jett is almost as protective of Harper as I am.

When a young woman dressed in scrubs walks into the room, I immediately stand up. "Mr. Hayes?"

"Yes, that's me."

"Your wife is all set. We just need for you to go gown up and we can begin."

I look around at everyone. "Well, it's time."

"Tell Liddy we love her." Jan insists.

"I will."

"Let her know we'll be praying for her and the twins." My mom adds.

"Thanks, mom. I will."

"Oh no, Daddy wait!" Harper yells stopping me in my tracks. "Tell the babies I can't wait to see them."

I smiles as I bend down to look Harper in the eyes. "I most certainly will and I will also tell them that you will be the best big sister in the whole wide world."

The smile that lights up her face takes my breath away. "I will be. I promise."

I give her a hug and kiss her quickly on the tip of her nose then turn to follow the nurse.

Once I'm washed up and wearing a set of surgical scrubs I'm allowed to entire the operating room. There I find Liddy waiting for me. The look of relief on her face is evident when I walk over and take her hand.

"Hey there beautiful. Ready to be a mom?"

Tears fill her eyes as she squeezes my hand and nods. "I just hope I'll be a good mom."

I kiss her cheek wishing I could pull her into a hug but I can't since the lower half of her body is draped with a large greenish fabric. I'm assuming put there to block our view, while the doctors perform the cesarean section.

"Don't you worry." I say as I kiss her forehead and continue to hold her hand. "You're going to be the most amazing mother to our babies. They're going to love you so much. Just like Harper and I do."

"I hope you're right."

"I know I am."

"Excuse me Mr. and Mrs. Hayes. I'm sorry to interrupt, but we're already to begin. Are you?"

Liddy looks up at me for reassurance. I squeeze her hand and nod my head. "Everything is going to be just fine."

She smiles back at me. "Yes, Dr. Ellbin. We're ready."

While we wait for the doctor to deliver our babies, we fill the time by sharing some of our favorite memories. One of mine being the day she told me she was pregnant. The originality she used still impresses me. She had the words "YOU'RE GOING TO BE A DAD" printed at the bottom of my favorite coffee cup.

When we hear the cry of one of our babies, we stop talking and just hold our breath waiting anxiously for the nurse to show us our first born child.

"Here we go. Here is your sweet baby girl." A nurse with warm hazel colored eyes says as she passes our sweet bundle of joy to Liddy's waiting arms.

"Oh, look at her, Hunt. She's so beautiful."

"Yes, she is. Just like you." I whisper as tears start to fill my eyes.

Before I can say anything else the room is filled with the wails of our second child. Liddy stops cooing at our precious baby girl and looks up at me with such love but also with a slight grin, on her face. "I think he's going to be a singer just like his dad, from the sounds of it."

Even with tears running down our faces, we both start laughing. We don't stop until the nurse walks up to me and presents me with our baby boy to hold. "Hey there son. I'm your daddy and this is your mum. We've waited a long time to meet you and your sister. We love you both so much."

"As does your older sister, Harper." Liddy adds. "She's in the other room and can't wait to meet you, two."


Hunter's POV

"So Hunter when are you and Liddy going to tell us the twins names?" My dad asks as he reaches over my arm to stroke the cheek of his newly born grandson.

"I think we are all dying to know." Liz states. "I know I've personally been trying for months to get Liddy to slip up and tell me, but she wouldn't."

Everyone crammed into my wife's small hospital room laughs.

I look down at the gorgeous woman next to me and kiss her head. "I don't know, babe. What do you think? Should we tell them or let them continue to refer to them as baby A and Baby B?"

She laughs, even though I can tell she's exhausted. "I think we should put them out of their misery."

"Finally." Matt mutters from his perch next to the window.

I just chuckle. "Okay then. Drum roll, please." Steve immediately starts tapping on the wall. "Liddy and I have decided to name our babies.... Hope Elaine and Hudson Edward."

"Oh, I love their names!" Stephanie, Matt's wife exclaims. "Are they named after anyone in particular?".

"Their middle names are." Liddy replies. "Edward is Hunter's great, great grandfather's middle name and Elaine was both my grandmother's first name plus it's ..."

"My middle name." Jan announces with a bit of awe in her voice.

"Yes, it is and that's one of the reasons why we picked it. We wanted our babies to have family names and who better to name our baby girl after than you. Cause you have been the best mother to Liz and I since the day we met you. I love you so much and I hope you know that?"

Jan nods her head as tears roll down her cheek. "I do know that and I love you, too."

As all the happy tears are wiped away and everyone has had a chance to hold at least one of the babies, the room clears. Leaving just my parents sitting in the corner with Harper re introducing her to her little brother, Hudson and Phillip and Jan standing next to the bed that Liddy's laying in, fawning over their new granddaughter, Hope.

That's when it hits me how much my life has changed for the better and it's all because of Lindsay Irene. I'm no longer a single dad starting over, afraid to trust anyone. Instead I'm married to the most amazing woman who I love and trust with not only my heart but my daughter's, too. She's given me her love, support and now two of the most beautiful babies, for me to love and cherish. I can honestly say I am happier now than I have ever been.

I can't stop smiling as I think about our future and every twist and turn it'll take. It'll be a journey full of ups and downs but as long as we take it together I know it will be amazing. As for the songs I'll write along the way, they'll reflect our happiness, of that I'm sure.

The end


Hey everyone

It's taken awhile but Huddy's story is finally complete. I hope each of you enjoyed reading it as much as I did writing it.

My plans are for sometime later this fall to hopefully edit the whole book. I know the first few chapters are weak, really weak. I thank all of you who continued to read through those first 12 chapters. I cringe every time I read them.

Please vote and let me know what you think of the ending and the entire book as a whole. Your COMMENTS mean so much to me as does your loyalty.

I love you all!


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