Phenomenal ▹ STYLES [COMPLETE...

By bamagalforever

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BOOK 1 OF MY WWE SERIES ❝Do you know who I am? Seriously, do you have any idea who the hell I am? If you don'... More

Sum-Up • Prologue • A/N
• Playlist •
• Chapter 1 •
• Chapter 2 •
• Chapter 3 •
• Chapter 4 •
• Chapter 5 •
• Chapter 6 •
• Chapter 7 •
• Chapter 8 •
• Chapter 9 •
• Chapter 10 •
• Chapter 11 •
• Chapter 12 •
• Chapter 13 •
• Chapter 15 •
• Chapter 16 •
• Chapter 17 •
• Chapter 18 •
• Chapter 19 •
• Chapter 20 •
• Chapter 21 •
• Chapter 22 •
• Chapter 23 •
• Chapter 24 •
• Chapter 25 •
• Chapter 26 •
• Chapter 27 •
• Chapter 28 •
• Chapter 29 •
• Chapter 30 •
• Chapter 31 •
• Chapter 32 •
• Epilogue •
• Extended Epilogue •

• Chapter 14 •

1K 42 17
By bamagalforever

• AJ's P.O.V. •

— 2004 | 13 Years Earlier —

Two-thousand and four had been quite a year so far. My wrestling career was still taking off successfully, but it was coming together smoothly. It would eventually as I lie all my trust within God, Himself.

Of course, I'm just a man. One man. I can only take so much from this world and its lustful temptations. The past year and a half, I've been traveling with another fellow wrestler known as Eliza London. She has a real name, though, of course. That would be Britt Daria. She literally hates it when I call her Brittany, which would technically be her real first name.

She's such a beautiful young lady with a bright future ahead of her right now. I'm twenty-seven, as of this year, and she's a new twenty-one year old to this world. She doesn't know the lustful temptations I feel... Yet, but she will. It's only a matter of time.

Instead of going out drinking with everyone like average new twenty-one year olds do, Britt didn't want to do that. She just wanted to grab some pizza and chill for the night. All she had was me now, after all, since Paul was off doing bigger and brighter things elsewhere. So, I promised her that I would take her out for pizza after our show tonight.

That night when she hugged me, all I knew was that I never, ever wanted to let her go. Ever.

• • •

— April 18, 2016 —
(Present Day)

Tonight for Monday Night Raw, we're actually live in the beautiful place known as London, England. Every time I'm here, I have to soak it in all over again. God, this place is so great, really. The name, itself, only reminded me of one specific person in particular and that would be Britt, of course.

I'm patiently waiting outside of Shane and Stephanie's office while he's in there talking to Britt about these "big and better" plans he has promised for her. Hell, God knows she really deserves a damn push. She's wanted to get here as long as I have, but she's always waited on me to go first.

I hope they don't give her another empty promise that ends with her in pure disappointment. She's had so many hopes and dreams going into this career here at WWE, but they haven't always came through with her. Her name's been ran through the mud, which she doesn't deserve at all.

I tapped on the wall I was leaning on right now to try to pass time, but my mind was stretched. Nothing was helping by easing the daily frustration and aggravation I feel for myself every single day. Heh, it all leads back to Britt at some point or another.

When I first kissed her, I couldn't believe it, myself, and I'm the one who recommend doing it just to get it over with. I didn't expect my long obsession with those lips to get the best of me. Yes, I do admit that I have always wanted to touch her body like I did – and still do – but I could never because of my marriage.

I crushed on Britt for the first two years I knew her, but that was until my wife became pregnant with our first child. I had to throw my petty crush to the side in able to focus back on my wife and new baby. Britt, however, stayed with me every single second leading up to Ajay's birth. Hell, she was there in the waiting room when I came out and announced that it was, indeed, a boy. She ran right to me and threw her arms around me, congratulating me with a huge smile.

Again, two years later, Wendy was pregnant again with our second kid. Once again, it was a boy, in which we would name Avery. Then, it was the same scene another two years later with another boy named Albey. It was only two years ago this year that we had our last child together, a little girl named Anney.

Now, at the age of thirty-eight (about to be thirty-nine in June) and single, I've never been so heartbroken before in my life. Britt, however, has somehow crept back into my heart like she was fourteen years ago with that crush I had on her.

Truth of the matter is that... Gosh, I don't even know how to admit it. I can't seem to even admit this to my two bestest friends in Karl and Luke. I have admitted it to Britt, herself, but I can't to my own self. My heart can say it loud and clear, but my mind can't.

Huh... If I wasn't married at the time I first met Britt, I would've definitely had made her my wife in a heartbeat. There, I said it! Despite that, I don't regret my kids that I do have with Wendy now or the love we shared with each other the past twenty years.

At the time, it seemed so simple to just divorce Wendy at the time I had this crazy crush on Britt, but I knew that nothing would come of it. I'm a Christian man, don't get me wrong, but if I had known that after twenty years, Wendy would of file for divorce and kicked me to the curb, then I would've dropped her for Britt at the time. Then again, it comes back to my kids. I wouldn't change them for the world.

The word love has came to my mind very many times when it comes to Britt, but that's just another thing I can't admit to myself – including her or anyone else, for that matter. Do I love Britt? I mean, I have always cared for her as one of my best friends, but I don't know if that word has ever came up in any conversation I have ever had with her. Ever.

Suddenly, the door came open and I bounced off the wall to position myself for Britt's arrival. She was saying her thanks to Shane and Stephanie before she closed the door behind herself and turned to me with a full and fresh smile.

"So?" I squeaked out, hoping she'll finish it off for me.

"So," she breathed out and took a moment to pause for dramatic effect, "my push is happening very soon after the next pay-per-view!"

Through instinct, I threw my arms open for her and she came crashing into them with full force. I wrapped my arms around her easy while she held a tight grip around my neck. I breathed in her very familiar scent, but most of all, I soaked in this moment with her.

"I'm so proud of you, Britt," I whispered in her ear like it was a secret. "You really deserve this."

"Thanks, AJ," she thanked me as we slowly were separating now. We had a small space between us now while her eyes were glazed like fresh donuts. "Anyways, how cool would it be for you to be the WWE World Heavyweight Champion while Karl and Luke are the Tag Champs and I'm the Women's Champ?"

"That would... Gosh, Britt, the would be truly awesome," I told her and signaled for us to start walking down the hall.

So, side by side, we walked together. We talked and laughed with one another while she was mostly doing all the talking for right now. As she was talking, I pushed my hand towards hers and slowly intertwined our fingers together. She noticed as she paused, but went right back to talking like nothing ever happened.

The electricity I felt right now was the same I had always felt whenever we touched, like kissing and such. I haven't had such a crush on her in so many years that I just don't know how to take it all in just yet. I will learn eventually, I hope.

"Hey, AJ," I heard my name being called. So, I took back my hand to my side and spun to where it was coming from. I noticed both Karl and Luke standing there with observing glares.

"Oh, hey, guys," I greeted them like normal and usual. Britt smiled and waved at them, so they returned the favor to her.

"Yo, AJ, can we talk to you real quick, man?" Karl asked of me, which only worried me a little bit. "Like... Alone?"

Awe, shit. I glanced back at Britt and she just shrugged, so I went along with them to their locker room. Once the door was shut behind us, Karl came right up to me and slapped me across the back of the head.

"What was that for?!" I exclaimed, immediately touching the top of my head to make sure it wasn't injured from his little stunt just now.

"For lying to us, you ass!" Karl answered me in a high volume.

What the hell? "When did I ever lie to y'all?" I questioned, putting my hand back to my side.

"Yes, you did," Luke added onto what Karl was saying and put a finger directly in my face. "You said that nothing was going on with you and Britt!"

God... Dammit. Ugh. What do I say? What do I say? What do I say?! "I have no idea what you're talking about," I lied right through my teeth, adding onto the lie I have created for myself from earlier. "You know that Britt and I are just friends and only friends." Damn, that's harder to say aloud than to think alone.

They didn't look convinced and I really don't blame them for not believing me, either. "Explain that little handholding we just seen with you two," Karl hinted, his eyes popped open wide now like he's crazy or something. "Hm, AJ? Hm, mind explaining that little stunt back there?"

Dammit... "Look, guys, you're going to laugh," I tried to explain in a different light, but they weren't falling for it. "So, um, we were just practicing for later on tonight and—"

"And you know what else, though, AJ?" Karl interrupted me completely with a huff. "It's the fact that you two have been my closest friends for a long time now while y'all are in this crazy relationship, which Luke and I have come to think isn't just an on-screen act."

Shit. Dammit, why can't I stop cursing now that I've been caught?! "It is," I tried clearing up with a small cough and rolled my eyes, too. "I mean... It's complicated."

"So, you do admit it's more than an on-screen relationship?" Luke chimed in with an observing look. He crossed his arms over his chest. "That's what you just said, right?"

"No, it's—"

"It's what, AJ?" Karl interrupted me again and practically got all in my face about it. "It's exactly what we think, isn't it? What we know, actually, now."

"Guys, seriously, it's just Britt and I—"

"You're fucking her, aren't you?" Luke asked pretty loudly and my face turned a slight shade of red. He began laughing and pointing at me. "See? I told you, dude, that he was! Haha! You can't lie to us—"

"I'm not fucking Britt, alright?!" I blurted out in pure anger towards these two, whom are supposed to be my best friends. They fell silent and waited on me to explain further. "I have a little more respect for her than to throw her into bed and do it after all these years!"

"Whoa, dude, sorry," Karl apologized first, almost silently. "Geez."

"No, it's not 'geez' or whatever," I pointed out, pushing even further with this discussion. "I've been divorced for a while now, but I'm not that desperate for any action. I'm taking things slow with Britt. Well... Trying to, at least."

With that said – mistakenly – their faces lit up like new Christmas lights with a small shade of red. They came right over to me laughing and smiling, congratulating me on finally confessing my lustful sins with Britt.

While it was all fun and games to them, it wasn't at all to me. It was only because it always starts off that way where it is all fun and games — right up until somebody falls in love...

• Ik, Ik 😘 Anyways, I love this song I've attached to this because it's true AF for their relationship... Am I right or am I right?! 😏 Anyways, for all the help I have received from lyssaababeee lately has been BEYOND amazing! So, if you're not already, follow her and read her awesome WWE stories – such as, my absolute FAVE, "Bonafide Love"! It's an Enzo Amore FF and it's good AF while it's ALL her fault why I'm obsessed with him like I am these days... Hehe 😈 All the love .xx •

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