Dazed and Confused. (Nikki/De...

By prettylittleimpala

7.2K 286 44


Back Together Again.
I'm going crazy.
Remember to smile.
The truth.
Facing the music.
Here comes trouble.
Settled spirits.
The First Night.
Better and Better.
The Big Announcement.
Shock and awe.
All is well. For now.
The Attack.
Who did it?
Butting heads.
Proof is in the pudding.

Moving to success.

260 11 5
By prettylittleimpala

Nicole POV;

Deep breaths, that's what we needed to be taking right now. Jon and I had been back at work for a week after finally being cleared. We got the message that Shane and Stephanie wanted to see us; together. It was a little strange seeing as most meetings were separate. Our careers for the most part weren't intertwined in any way. Jon was moving towards a shot at the WWE World Heavyweight Championship and I was for the newly deemed WWE Women's Championship. We had been in different parts of the arena and decided to meet up at their office. I had already changed into my new Stay Fearless red gear, and sported my red and white Nike heel shoes as I began the walk towards the door. My phone buzzed against my skin from it's place nestled in the side of my trunks. I reached down to slide it out, it being a text from Jon. Almost there, Princess. I love you. It made me smile, and thumbs quickly darted about the onscreen keyboard to type a response. It was unneeded really, since I saw him the moment he rounded the corner. He reached out his hand, interlacing our fingers together in the same moment that lips met for a soft kiss. "You ready for whatever the hell this is gonna be?" He asked, chuckling nonchalantly. I nodded, hand squeezing his softly. "Ready as I'll ever be. Let's go inside before we're late." I would proceed to use my free hand, knocking three times before hearing Shane's voice from the other side of the wooden divider. "Come in!" I turned the handle and pulled it open, leading my fiancé inside. Both Shane and Steph had smiles on their faces, so I guess we weren't in any trouble. "Glad to have you both back," Steph began to which Shane nodded. "Now let's cut to the chase here. You're both in positions to receive a title match at the next pay-per-view event." Jon and I shot each other a glance before Shane took over the speaking. "But my sister and I figure, why not shake it up? Do something a little different." I felt Jon twitch a little, moving closer to rub his arm. "Different how, exactly?" Jon asked, exhaling through his nostrils. I had glanced around, I guess assuring I too was wondering the same. "Well," Shane began. "As you both know.. Our current WWE World Heavyweight and WWE Women's Champions have formed an alliance." Charlotte and Roman had been thrown together for whatever reason, which of course we did know. "Yeah, what's that gotta do with us?" Jon was antsy. Earlier he had got notice his mom was gonna be in attendance tonight, and they still weren't on the best terms. "Well, Mr. Ambrose, we want to put the two of you together to go after the alliance of Flair and Reigns." I felt my jaw drop slightly, looking astonished for some reason. "This is, wow.. Thank you both. I'm very excited to--.." Jon cut my sentence off, looking happy but a little concerned. "Is she gonna be safe? They still haven't gotten the bastard that attacked us." He had a point.. Shane and Stephanie glanced at each other before Steph spoke up. "We've beefed up security, taken precautions where necessary. You and Nicole will be one hundred percent safe." I couldn't help but smile. This was an amazing opportunity, and not only was there a possible title victory for both Jon and I on the table, but the opportunity to work as an onscreen couple. Something I'd always wanted to do. "Thank you both, we're so excited for this. It means a lot that you'd let us." I said, a soft smile inhabiting ruby red lips. "You're more than welcome. We'll have a segment backstage tonight with Renee. Dean will be having an interview where he'll talk about adding something to his arsenal. Later in the night, Charlotte and Roman will be cutting an in-ring promo. Dean will interrupt, talk, and then bring out Nikki." Shane explained, the two of us nodding along. "Sounds great. We'll make it great, don't you worry your pretty little heads." Jon stated, and I began to chuckle as we headed for the door. "We know you will." Shane added, as we then exited the room. "This is so exciting!" I exclaimed, followed by a chuckle from Jon. "It'll be somethin' Princess. I'm happy to get you by my side even more now too. We can even share a locker room." I smiled, leaning over to plant a kiss on his stubble covered cheek. "Good thing my stuff is already in yours then."

(A little while later, in Jon and Nicole's locker room.)

Both of us began the usual stretching. It was limited where it was only a brawl as opposed to a match. It was getting close to show time for us, Jon's interview having already aired. We left the locker room and began moving towards gorilla. By now, Roman and Charlotte were finishing up their entrance and were about to start talking. I found a monitor, watching as Jon did a few more stretches.

(In the ring.)

"Why are you all booing us?!" Charlotte's loud tone rang out. The boos only intensified, Roman now taking a turn to speak. "Char, they're booing us because they're jealous. They hate that the GUY and the QUEEN, are runnin' this damn place. Face it, there's no man and woman back there that can compete with the greatness inside this ring right now." The crowd once again began to boo loudly before Dean's music cut through the air and caused those boos to shift to cheers. "Oh brotha'! I think you forgot about someone." Dean would say loudly into his microphone. He was donned in his usual jeans, wife beater (white this time) and a leather jacket. He walked all the way down the ramp, but paused at the very end of it. Roman and Charlotte looked shocked. "What are you doing here?!" Charlotte yelled, infuriated her and Roman had been interrupted. "What am I doin' here? Well, your boy there said no man in the back could compete with him. He was wrong, because I have and I will again. Don't think I forgot what that steel pipe tastes like brotha'." The crowd booed in remembrance of the dirty double cross. "Don't you get it, Ambrose? I ditched you. I ain't got nothin' to prove." Dean would laugh, shaking his head. "You have a whole lot to prove, and a whole lot to pay for. I'm gonna do to you what you did to me. No, I'm gonna do worse. Your bones are gonna turn into a--.." Charlotte began yelling again, clearly annoyed. "Dean, Dean! Not only do we know you can't beat Roman, but we all know that you have zero chance with me in his corner and on his side! Who are you kidding?!" Dean laughed once more, looking dead at Charlotte now. "You don't think I forgot about ya', did you Baby Ric? Trust me, you won't be an issue in this." Charlotte laughed, moving closer to the ropes. "What're you gonna do Dean?! Are you gonna hit me? You gonna hit a Dirty Deeds on a woman?! Even you can't be that low!" Dean shook his head now, moving in his unusual and unorthodox way. "Nah, nah.. Charlotte. I'm not gonna hit you," Charlotte laughed now, thinking this was some sort of victory. "But that doesn't mean she won't." The crowd reacted in intrigue before Nikki's music hit and she began to walk down the ramp to meet her fiancé. A large smile took over beautiful features as the crowd cheered for her. She leaned in and gave Dean a quick kiss before taking the microphone. "Surprise bitch!" She exclaimed, dropping the mic and storming the ring. Nikki went right after Charlotte, tackling her to the ground. Dean had slid into the ring and began brawling with Roman on the other side. This went on for a moment or two before both Charlotte and Roman escaped the ring, fleeing for their lives. Both Dean and Nikki smiled, Dean taking Nikki's wrist into hand and raising her arm as both cheers from the crowd and Dean's music filled the arena. Both smiling wide before taunting the retreating enemy.

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