The Mistake Or Miracle? *Comp...

By TWD789123

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***Completed *** WARNING. EXTREMELY CRINGY. This was my first book so yeah. It's pretty bad. I pray for your... More

Chapter 1 - A Mistake
Chapter 2 - Officer Smart Ass
Chapter 3 - Wtf Merle
Chapter 4 - Jess
Chapter 5 - Clean up
Chapter 6 - The CDC
Chapter 7 - Holy Shit
Chapter 8 - Shane
Chapter 9 - TS-19
Chapter 10 - Dam it
Chapter 11 - She's hanging by a thread
Chapter 12 - She's Up
Chapter 13 - Time goes by Fast
Chapter 14 - Randall
Chapter 15 - Daryl I have to tell you something
Chapter 16 - A Run
Chapter 17 - The New Girl
Chapter 18 - Somehow
Chapter 19 - A New Place
Chapater 20 - The Prison
Chapter 21 - Birthday Gone Bad
Chapter 22 - Carl
Chapter 23 - Prisoners?
Chapter 24 - Rescue Misson
Chapter 25 - Lori
Chapter 26 - Healing Slowly
Chapter 27 - Not One Good Day
Chapter 28 - Seperated
Chapter 29 - Lost
Chapter 30 - Never A Dull Moment
Chapter 31 - Termiuns
Chapter 32 - Your Sick
Chapter 33 - Together Again
Chapter 34 - Where Did They Go?
Chapter 35 - I Already Made You A Promise
Chapter 36 - Lost
Chapter 37 - Who Is This?
Chapter 38 - Alexandria?
Chapter 39 - Jobs
Chapter 40 - The Party
Chapter 41 - You Did What?
Chapter 42 - Promise Me.
Chapter 43 - Relax
Chapter 44 - Your What?
Chapter 45 - Now?
Chapter 46 - Lets Talk
Chapter 47 - Leaving?
Chapter 48 - Date?
Chapter 49 - Its Time.
Authors Note
Chapter 50 - Who The Fuck Is This?
Chapter 51 - Are You Fucking Crazy?
Chapter 52 - You Know Who.
Chapter 53 - W's?
Chapter 54 - We Need You.
Chapter 55 - Lets Go
Chapter 56 - I Have Leverage
Chapter 57 - Dream
Chapter 58 - Im Back
Chapter 59 - An Evolution
Chapter 61 - Take Over
Chapter 62 - You Ok?
Chapter 63 - Judith?
Chapter 64 - Photo Shoot
Chapter 65 - Dress Shopping
Chapter 66 - The Wedding
Chapter 67 - Honey Moon?
Chapter 68 - Neegan
Chapter 69 - Who Are You?
Chapter 70 - Practice
Chapter 71 - I'll Be Ok
Chapter 72 - Dinner Party
Chapter 73 - Surprise...
Chapter 74 - Pray For Me.
Chapter 75 - The Beginning Of The End

Chapter 60 - Tonight

27 1 0
By TWD789123

A/N: Holly mother dick y'all chapter 60. Ahhhhhhh! It's unfortunately not gonna be that exciting but hey, shit happens........ ;)


"Please sit." She said

"Why?" I asked

"Come on, lets get it over with." He said and so I give in sitting on the small couch with him across from Dianne.

"Mind if I record this?" She asked

"I mean you've already recorded the others so what's stopping you from recording this one?" I snap back. I didn't want to be here. I wanted to be in the house with Daryl, Michonne, Judith, not sitting here with Carl. Not that I didn't mind being here with him I just didn't want to talk to Dianne. She already talked to both of us, but now she wanted us together. Whatever. So she pushes a button and a red light turns on showing its recording.

"So you two are together?"

"Duh, you found that out during my first interview." I said

"Yes we are." Carl but in to my comment.

"How old are you both?" She asked

"You'd think you woulda asked that during our single interviews?" I ask sitting back in the couch.

"Yes but what's wrong with asking now?" She asked

"Nothing. Just stupid." I said

"How so?" She asked

"Never mind. You wouldn't get it." I said back

"So?" She asked again

"I'm 17. I'm guessing you probably are too by now. Probably 18 by now." I said

"So why did you want us together?" Carl asked

"I just have a few questions." She said

"Well what do you wanna know?" I asked

"How long have you been together?"

"Um, well we have been friends since the beginning of this shit hole. But together together wise, like uh.... maybe....... listen I honestly have no clue." I say looking at Carl.

"Me either." He shrugs he shoulders back at me.

"But-" she starts but I cut her off

"But it's been a LONG time." I say emphasizing the word long.

"I can see that." She smiles slightly

"How?" I ask

"Well for starters when you both came in and you wouldn't leave each other. Second you two are the only teens we've come across who are nice to each other since Enid and Ron. And they are mean sometimes. Third, you two are holding hands and I don't think you even notice. It's so natural to you both to be affectionate. It's cute." She finished. After she finished I did notice we were holding hands. Usually it's just a natural thing we do. Not like we do it on purpose. It's just natural now.

"Anything else?" Carl asked

"Judith. Is your sister." She said looking at Carl.


"Well why do you care for her so much?" She asked looking at me.

"Because she's my family. Not only is she my boyfriends sister, she's important to me just as much as he is." I finish

"I see. And do you plan on staying together?" She asked

"Of course. I'd except nothing less of us to be married one day." Carl said and I smiled slightly at the idea.

"Same with me. It'd be nice to settle down with him and not have to worry about who's gonna die tomorrow." I said.

"Well you can go if you wish." She said and we both stand up.

"Goodbye, see you shortly." She said as we walked out of her house.


"Jess!" I heard someone yell my name and shaking my body.

"Jess!" They said again. I sit up and realize I'm in bed with Carl.

"Are you ok? You were talking in your sleep and it was loud." He said

"I-i-i was just remembering our interview with Dianne." I said

"Really? That's weird, I mean after what just happened with Jake." He said

"Don't bring that up please." I said moving to the side of the bed with my legs hanging off the side.

"Sorry, I'll go get Ethan." He said getting up.

"Why?" I asked

"Because he needs breakfast too." He said leaving. I finally regain focus in my eyes and see the sun shining inside our room through the window. I get up and get dressed. I put on some jeans and a t-shirt with my combat boots that still had blood stains on them.

I go downstairs to Ethan and Carl in the kitchen.

"Hey mommy." Carl smirked while feeding Ethan.

"Hi Daddy, how's Ethan?" I play along to his game. He calls me mommy so I call him daddy back. I find it weird but he likes it. (wink wink)

"So we gotta talk." He said sitting down as I grabbed an apple out of the fridge.

"About?" I asked sitting down.

"The Saviors, the run to kill them." He said

"What about it?" I ask

"I don't think you should go." He said

"Carl, I know Rick won't let you go and Daryl doesn't want me to go but I want to. I mean yeah, I don't wanna leave Ethan and you here for that long but I need to." I said

"No you don't." He said back

"Carl, I'm going. You can't stop me." I said

"Stay here I'll be right back." He said and got up with Ethan. He came back about two minutes later without Ethan.

"Were did you put our son now?" I ask smiling

"Somewhere where he can't see this..." He saids moving his hands to my waist. He pulls me closer and our bodies are up against each other.

"See what?" I ask

"This." He saids and kisses me. My arms trail up to his neck and I pull him closer. We kiss for what feels like forever and I love every second. He runs his tongue across my lip asking for an entrance but I deny it. He fights for his dominance but I fight back. After our battle we both realize we both aren't gonna give up. So we pull away breathing slightly heavier.

"I love you." He whispers going back in to another kiss. I kiss back and in between kisses manage to say

"I love you." Back.

"Ok ok we need to go see them. It is Monday after all." I said letting go.

"Ugh fine, lets go." He said and we grab Ethan putting him in a stroller because the last talk we had Rick said this one would be long so if we brought Ethan to bring a stroller. We get to Ricks house and some of the Alexandrias are their.

"They are going to help too." Rick said seeing me stair at them. I nod and take a seat as does Carl. I out Ethan next to me but he's still in the stroller.

"Now, I have some bad news. Maggie hasn't been doing well at all so we need one more person to come." Rick said and I knew this was my chance.

"I'm going." I said

"No your not we've discussed this." Daryl said

"No we haven't! You've yelled at me, I've yelled back. Not much of a discussion if you ask me!" I snap back

"Daryl it's our only option." Rick speaks up.

"Your saying you want her to go but not Carl!? Your fucking crazy!" He yelled at Rick.

"Not he's right. Jessica is practically an adult. I'm sure she could handle it. And Carl already said he didn't want to go anyway. I'm sure he'd rather watch his own son." Michonne spoke.

"She's right. I don't want to go anymore but if Jessica has to and wants to go, why not? I can watch my son for a few days." Carl spoke up.

"Daryl I'll be fine. You'll be there too so it's not like you won't know if I'm ok." I said.

"I swear if you make me regret this." He saids

"You won't. Plus you don't have an option anyway." I smirk. He breathes out a sigh in defeat.

"Now me, Daryl, Glenn, and Michonne came up with a plan. They want Gregories head to talk to Neegan. We are gonna find a walker look-a-like to give them. We kill the guards and get inside. This will be late so we kill them all in their sleep. We get through the the building quietly and quickly. Jesus said their should be about 50 of them so we have to be quick." Rick said

"When did you talk to Jesus?" I asked

"Him and Shane came a few days ago. Figured you wouldn't want to see them." Rick said.

"Yeah I get it." I reply. As Rick started talking again I stopped him.

"Are they still here?" I ask not realizing he was talking

"Yes, they are gonna help us. It's gonna be Me, Daryl, Carol, Michonne, Glenn, Abraham, Rosita, Jessica, Sasha, Shane, Aaron, and Heath." Rick said
(Heath is that Alexandrian that took me forever to find his name, here's a pic of him.)

(Oh and I honestly have no clue what I'm doing, just going for it. I did get to see this episode but it was kinda confusing. Hope you like what I do with it.)

"Any questions?" Rick asked

"When are we leaving?" I asked

"Tonight." He said.

"Tonight?" I ask stunned. Who the hell were we gonna do this tonight?

"Yes. They won't except it and it needs to happen now or never." Rick said

"Alright then." I said and stood up. Carl follows me and we push Ethan out back to the house.

"You ok?" Carl asked

"I just didn't except it to be tonight. I mean we are going to be gone for like two days. Maybe three, and that's if everything goes as planned which it never does." I say pushing Ethan in his stroller.

"You'll be fine, I'm sure everything will be ok and go as planned. And if not you'll work it out." He said

"How are you so calm about this? I could die." I said sarcastically.

"But you won't." He said

"How do you know?" I asked

"Because I know you. You aren't stupid enough to let it happen." He said adjusting his hat.

"I hope your right. Now I need some time with you guys before I leave." I said opening the door to the house.

"That sounds wonderful." He smirked.

"Carl, no. I meant like playing with our son." I said taking him out of the stroller.

"I know. I wasn't thinking like that. Your the dirty one." He smiled.

"Whatever Grimes."

"Whatever soon to be Grimes." He said back mocking me.

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