Two of a kind (phan and kickt...

By phanallamallama

2.1M 71.2K 148K

Phil doesn't have a best friend in his life. That is, until Dan turns up at his school. They become close and... More

Two of a kind
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapyter 3
Chapter 4
Chappy 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chayptery 9
Chapter 10
Chappity 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapipter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chaptet 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
A bit about me
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chaperity 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapopter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chipter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38

Chapter 15

55.9K 1.9K 2.3K
By phanallamallama

Yay an update woo!

Should I wear anything special for tonight to make a good impression? xxx

No, just a nice shirt or something, wear your blue one, it brings out you eyes xxx

Phil was stressing as soon as he woke up. He really wanted to make a good impression so Dan's family would like him, even if his brother apparently was a bit weird. Phil didn't actually know Dan had a brother, but maybe he had just forgotten to mention him. Phil's brother didn't live with him anymore as he had gone to uni a few years back so Phil wasn't able to talk about or to him much. He still sometimes called him and talked through stuff in their lives, they were probably due for one sometime soon. He found his blue shirt and pulled it on, buttoning up the sleeves to his elbow and making sure there was no dirt on his jeans. Surprisingly he was too nervous to eat this morning so just sat on his wall, waiting for Dan to meet him. When Dan appeared round the corner he mined slow motion running to Phil while grinning, making Phil giggle and jump down to meet him.

"Morning," Phil said, pecking his lips.
"Morning to you. Are you okay?" Dan asked, putting his arm around Phil's waist as they started to walk.
"I am terrified," Phil said truthfully.
"My parents are nice and my dad can't even be there," Dan told him. "Don't worry about it,"
"I can't help but worry, I have never had to do this before! What do I do, just act nice and hold your hand?" Phil asked, starting to get flustered.
"Hey, it will be fine. And just act how you do with me," Dan told him.
"But I kiss you all the time," Phil whined.
"That's no problem, it's not like my family will mind. That and if you don't kiss me I will have to just kiss you then," Dan said, winking at Phil who pinched his side, making him jump. "Philly just don't worry about it, I will be there throughout so there will always be someone you know," Dan reminded him.
"Okay. But if I mess up it is your fault," Phil pouted.
"Fine by me," Dan said, then kissed his cheek.

"So, you're meeting the parents," Chris stated at break. "Terrified much?"
"Yes. A lot, got any advice?" Phil asked him. They were alone as Pj and Dan had gone to the water fountain. It was nice to just be with Chris for a bit.
"Well, don't make out with him in front of his family for starters," Chris said blatantly, grinning cheekily.
"I'm way too shy for that. Any other pointers?"
"Literally just be yourself, talk about lions and art and anything you like. If Dan's parents are anything like him it will be fine," Chris said reassuringly.
"He said his dad won't be there, but I am a bit worried about his brother," Phil explained.
"Why?" Chris asked.
"Dan seems a bit... Off with him. I don't even know his name. I know literally nothing about him and if he is even having dinner with us. So I am more terrified about meeting someone Dan doesn't seem to like then his mum who he has told me about," Phil tried to say.
"If Dan doesn't really say much about his brother then I doubt he will eat with you, is probably more likely to stay up on his room or something. And Dan will protect you from him if he says anything bad so again, it will be fine," Chris said again, making Phil feel better about the whole thing.
"I just wish I had done this whole thing before, I really don't want to mess up things with Dan," Phil said.

"The whole reason that you are doing this whole first time for everything with Dan is because he's special. I sometimes wish Pj was my first kiss, instead of some drunk girl at a party, but that's how life is. You have subconsciously waited for Dan to share these things with, and if I were you, I wouldn't have it any other way," Chris said truthfully.
"How do these amazing things come out of your mouth?" Phil asked, slightly bewildered.
"Because I am a god," Chris replied. "And I am secretly sweet and sensitive but my humour makes people over look it quite a bit," he sadly, drooping a little.
"Do you know what Chris? If things were different, I would love to have you as my boyfriend for just those reasons," Phil said. "But I am extremely glad you're my friend and nothing more," he added.
"Thanks Phil," Chris said, and shuffled over to put his arm around his shoulder and hug him.

"Hey, get your own boyfriend!" They heard Dan call and looked around to see Pj and Dan walking towards them.
"I hope you're not talking to me,", Phil shouted back. He unwound his arm from Phil and sighed. Why weren't friends allowed moments like couples were?
"Philly," Dan whined as he flopped down, resting his head in his lap. "Why is it so hot? I can't cope," he whined.
"Don't complain, it will start to rain otherwise," Phil said, half truthfully. Britain's weather really was like that. "Also don't be mean to Chris, he was making me less nervous," Phil said, tapping Dan's nose as a warning.
"Sorry love, I just get jealous easily," Dan sighed and Phil leant down and kissed him.
"Dan, it's not like I'm going to ditch you for anyone else ever you know,"
"You never know,"
"I do and it's not happening. Ever,"
"I love you,"
"I love you too,"

The bell rang for the end of the day and Phil waited for Dan outside his classroom. He shuffled nervously from foot to foot, hoping Dan's fangirls wouldn't be hanging around him to make it worse. He peeped his head around the door and saw Dan leaving his book on the table, trying to ignore the girls surrounding him. He looked over and saw Phil, smiling at him. The teacher dismissed them but as Dan started to walk towards him Charlotte grabbed his shoulder and spun him round to face him. Phil saw him say something to her, then strode out towards him and French dipped him, kissing him passionately on the mouth. Phil instantly kissed back of course, squealing as he was dipped. Dan slowly brought him up, staring into his eyes.
"Wow. But um... Why?" Phil asked, blushing as he noticed all the people watching.
"To stop those idiots pestering me, I'm sorry if you didn't want me to do that," Dan apologised, taking Phil's hand as they started to walk to the doors.
"It was a shock but honestly, feel free to kiss me like that whenever you want," Phil giggled.

"I will be sure to remember that," Dan winked back, making Phil go even more red. "So are you still nervous?" He asked more tentatively.
"A little, but not so much. An honestly, more about your brother than your mum," Phil said shyly.
"Oh Phil don't be. He's not that bad, just a normal twin brother," Dan said.
"I didn't know you were a twin," Phil commented.
"Didn't I say? Sorry, it must have slipped my mind," Dan said, chewing his lip. "Anyway we can hide in my room for most of this anyway so it will be fine, it's more introductions then hiding then dinner when you will have to talk but my mum will love you so it will all be fine," Dan said as they walked out the gates.
"Okay that's alright then, thanks for making me less scared," Phil said, pecking Dan's cheek while they walked.
"Welcome, thanks for doing this in the first place," Dan said, kissing Phil's cheek in return.

They soon reached Dan's gate. Phil almost wanted to dive into his house as they walked past but settled for snaking his arm around Dan's waist instead. Dan grinned at him reassuringly and unlocked the door.
"I'm home!" He called. His mum appeared almost instantly from what Phil guessed was the lounge.
"Hello honey, hi Phil sweetie how are you?" She asked happily.
"I'm fine thanks Mrs Howell how are you," Phil said politely.
"Oh call me Jessica," She said.
"Phil, why don't you come and see my room?" Dan said, starting to pull him upstairs.
"I'll call you when dinners ready," Jessica called up to them.
"Thanks mum," Dan replied, keeping on tugging Phil upstairs. They ran along to the very end door of the corridor and Dan opened it, pushing Phil inside as shutting the door. Posters were littering the walls, the few bright colours mixing with his dark bed and game console.
"I like your room," Phil said. "And your mum seems really nice and sweet,"
"Yeah she is, and thanks," Dan said, blushing as he looked around it.
"So..." Phil said a little awkwardly, he really wasn't used to this. "This is where the magic happens?" He said, trying to make a joke.
"The only magic that has happened here is you walking through the door," Dan said, then pulled Phil down onto the bed, accidentally making him fall on top of him. "Oops, you do like topping, don't you Phil?" Dan said cheekily, earning a small hit from Phil who scrambled away quickly.

"You know I don't know that," Phil said shyly, going red and dipping his fringe over his very red face.
"We will find out one day? Okay love," Dan said softly, putting his hand on Phil's cheek and kissing him lightly. Phil smiled a small smile up at him, his eyes wide, and Dan pulled him down by his neck to lie beside him.
"Would it be weird if I said as soon as i saw you one of my thoughts was that you would be really nice to cuddle with?" Dan asked, moving his hands to Phil's waist and bringing him closer. Phil giggled and ran his foot soothingly up and down dans ankle, stroking his hair with a hand, the other resting on his chest.
"No. What were the other thoughts?" Phil asked curiously.
"How I thought you were stunning, and interesting, and your eyes lit up the whole room," Dan said, pecking Phil's face with each word. "I'm so glad you weren't a horrible snob and we have things in common," Dan told him, kissing him again. Phil had never really had any cute moments like this before, but he already knew they were better than toast and cereal put together, and for Phil, that was pretty big.

"What did you think when you first saw me?" Dan asked Phil, nuzzling his nose against Phil's.
"I thought you were gorgeous. I didn't look up at first as I thought you would be another one of the twats, but I know when I did I wished I had sooner. I also thought that you would never take any of notice of me and I would be stuck staring at you longingly for the rest of my school life," Phil told him.
"It seems some looks can be deceiving," Dan said.
"That is incredibly true," Phil said, pecking Dan's lips again. "I knew all the girls would want you as soon as you appeared. But none of them can do this:" Phil said, and pressed his lips firmly against Dan's. Dan pulled Phil a little closer and Phil wound his fingers into Dan's hair, he just couldn't stop playing with it. This time Phil nervously decided to tell Dan he wanted a proper make out session so he licked Dan's bottom lip gingerly, hoping Dan would get the hint. Dan did and opened his mouth a little, happy Phil felt comfortable enough with him to try new things, even if it was just leading a kiss. Phil searched around in Dan's mouth for a little while, hearing Dan whine quietly as he ran his tongue over a nerve. Phil smiled at this and nibbled at Dan's lip gently before coming up for air. Dan panted, wide eyed at Phil.
"How the fuck can you kiss this good already? No fair!" He said.
"It's your excellent teaching," Phil told him, smiling at him before pecking his lips again.

A couple of hours later (and a lot more kisses) they heard Dan's mum calling them from downstairs so they jumped up, smoothed out the creases in their clothes and went downstairs hand in hand. The walked into the dining room where Phil's mum was setting enchiladas onto plates. And on one of the seats, sat Dan. Phil looked at his Dan, extremely confused about what was going on.
"Oh, I didn't say that Damian was my identical twin, did I?" He said awkwardly, and Damian gave Phil an arrogant half smirk, raising his eyebrows at Phil. At the same time, the only thing Phil could think was the word 'WHAT?'

There we are I finally got into the more actual part of the story it only took me... 15 chapters... #YOLO! (Never saying that again).

Also note to all, school is hard and it's making me super tired so I will try and update like I do but I don't know when and blah blah Yabba and knowing me I will probably contradict myself and update tomorrow eugh.


Stay ultimate my unicorns!

Anni out!

*throws confetti and a trench coat at you*

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