Spiteful Lovers |Romano X Rea...

By Frostfur789

232K 13K 13.2K

You've been friends with Antonio for as long as you can remember. He was your best friend, and proud to be it... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 46
Part 47
Part 48
Part 49
Part 50
Part 51
Part 52
Part 53
Part 54
Part 55
Part 56

Part 45

3.1K 187 194
By Frostfur789

The next morning, we are woken up by the footsteps echoing above us. "Who the hell is up this early?" Lovino groans, rubbing his eyes. I check my phone, covering my eyes to stop the light from blinding me. "It's 10:42, Lovino. It's normal for people to be up right now."

"It isn't for me," he tsks, and throws the covers off the bed, swinging around so his feet touch the floor. "I swear, if there is no good ready for me to eat, I'm going to cut a bitch." I stiffen, knowing the only two women in the house are Emma and I. "And, by bitch, I mean the potato bastard," he finishes, and swings open the basement door as he begins to stomp up the stairs. I breathe a sigh of relief, knowing that Ludwig can defend himself against Lovino quite easily.

I follow my Italian boyfriend up the stairs, and see Matthias in the kitchen. "M-Matthias! What are you doing?" I rush over, nervous he had hurt himself.

"Oh, mornin', cutie!" He winks down at me as he wipes his forehead. "I just thought I'd make breakfast for everyone, since you were kind enough to let me sleep here."

I facepalm myself, realizing I had completely forgotten about the young Dane. "Thanks, Matthias. That's sweet of you."

"No problem," he smiles, turning back to the bowl of batter he's mixing. "Lukas seems to be getting better. His fever went down quite a bit last night, and some annoying guy came in and was telling him about some place in Europe."

"Oh, Lovino?" I question, gesturing to the man who's arguing with Toni over a churro.

"Yea, that's him," he nods. "I pretended to sleep, and kicked him every time he said that Italy was the best country in the world."

"Clever," I giggle, ruffling his spiky hair.

"Anyways, I made muffin batter. You just have to place them in the oven for eighteen minutes," he instructs me. "I have to go help out at my dad's cafe! You should come and try it out sometime!"

I nod my head with a smile. "Sure! What's it called?"

"Nordic Cafe! It's right down the street from the orphanage!"

"Gotcha," I wave to him as he opens and closes the front door, exiting the house.

"THESE MUFFINS ARE MY CHILDREN," Emma yells as she takes a bite of the now finished muffins.

"Zhey are quite delicious," Ludwig adds, taking two.

"They'd taste better with some fresh blueberries!" Feliciano adds, unwrapping his. Lukas nods in agreement, lightly drizzling his muffin with chocolate sauce.

Toni tries his best to stop his girlfriend from ruthlessly devouring all of the muffins. "Slow down, Emma! You're going to get a stomachache!"

"They're so good, though!" She cries. "I can't stop!"

Just then, Lovino rushes over to me from his seat at the table. "Someone just came in the house."

"Huh?" I raise an eyebrow in confusion, and I peek my head out of the kitchen, looking at the front door. My grandma pushes a wheelchair in, and the little boy stares up at the house in awe. "It's beautiful, Mrs. Steilsson! Thank you so much for letting me stay with you!"

"Of course, Ivan" my grandma smiles sweetly.

Little Emil walks in behind her, shutting the door, dragging behind him a little tank. "We couldn't let you stay there, all alone!" He laughs.

"You're home!" I run over an embrace the little ball of sunshine.

"Careful with my puffin egg!" He squeals.

"Sorry, sorry," I laugh and I turn to Ivan, who stares up at me curiously. "Welcome home, Ivan."

He reaches his arms up to me, tears in his eyes. "Thank you, (Name)," he whispers as I embrace his small frame.

"How long are they here for?" I ask my grandmother as Emil slowly begins to push Ivan's wheelchair towards his room.

"Only for a day or two," she sighs. "Emil persuaded the doctors to let them come home for a few days, saying that Ivan needed to spend time with his family."

"Aww, how sweet," I coo. As the two little boys pass the kitchen door, they freeze, staring at all the strange people in the house. Lovino walks up to them, and places a hand on each of their heads. "Nice to meet you two," he says with a cute smile. "I'm Lovino."

"I'm Emil, and this is Ivan!"

The Italian kneels down in front of them, staring them in the eyes. "Is it alright if I marry your sister one day?"

I gasp, covering my red cheeks with my hands. Emil's eyes open wide, and he glances from me, to Lovino, then finally to Ivan. "Should we let (Name) marry this guy?" Emil questions him.

"S-She's not my real sister," Ivan twiddles his thumbs. "I have no say in her possible marriage."

"Of course she's your sister!" Emil frowns. "You're part of our family now!"

Ivan's eyes move from his tightly clasped hands to stare at everyone in the kitchen. He then sighs, and looks at Lovino. "If it will make (Name) happy, then yes. But if you hurt her or anyone else, I'm going to haunt you forever."

There's a moment of silence as his words sink in. Lovino visibly trembles and we all begin to laugh. Ivan reaches up, and Lovino slightly bends down. Ivan's small hand lands and rests on Lovino's hair, and he slightly pets it. "I can tell that she is very happy, right now. So, please take care of my new family when I'm gone."

Lovino's eyes are full of shock, tears, and everything in between. He slowly nods his head, and Ivan smiles.

"Anyways, let's finish the tour of our house!" Emil giggles in excitement, starting to push Ivan's wheelchair again.

"Aw, darn. I wanted to introduce myself," Emma sighs with her arms crossed.

"Don't worry, mi amor," Toni wraps his arms around her.

"Yea, I'm sure they'll ask why you're so fat," Lovino, attempting to regain his composure, shoots back.

Emma gasps and places her hand on her stomach. "It's because I'm going to have a baby!"

Lovino raises an eyebrow, getting super close to her. "Are you prepared to explain where babies come from?"

Emma visibly gulps and backs away slightly. Lovino smirks and punches Toni in the arm. "You got a good girl on your hands."

"I know," Toni whispers, pecking Emma on the cheek.

"But," Lovino adds, walking over to me and wrapping his arms around my waist. "My girl is better."

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