Two of a kind (phan and kickt...

By phanallamallama

2.1M 71.2K 148K

Phil doesn't have a best friend in his life. That is, until Dan turns up at his school. They become close and... More

Two of a kind
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapyter 3
Chapter 4
Chappy 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chayptery 9
Chapter 10
Chappity 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chaptet 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
A bit about me
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chaperity 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapopter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chipter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38

Chapipter 14

59.4K 1.9K 2.3K
By phanallamallama

Meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow I think I am sleep deprived.

"So my little piece of perfection," Dan said, taking Phil's hand in his own as they made their way to school. "How do you want to go about telling Chreej about us?" Phil smiled at him and swung their connected hands together a little, making Dan giggle.
"I don't know, any smart arse plans to get revenge on them telling us how they did?" Phil replied.
"Maybe one, but it's not great. But will shock them sorta," Dan said, frowning slightly while he thought.
"Tell me," Phil said, nudging his nose against Dan's shoulder.
"Right, it involves murder-"
"Okay, what it involves is just pretending to be friends okay? I will do the rest, just go with what I do," Dan told him.
"So I can't hold your hand?" Phil asked, looking sad.
"You can, just not too near school okay?" Dan told him, pecking his cheek.
"This plan had better not take too long, I don't know how long I can go for without kissing you," Phil admitted, and Dan stopped, giving him a long kiss on the lips.

When they got to the start of the road leading up to school, Dan stopped just around the corner, checking no one was around, before kissing Phil one last time.
"I love you," Dan told him.
"Love you too," Phil replied, pecking him back and dropping his hand out of Dan's. They strolled up the pavement, returning to their previous conversation on why sonic was stupid (Phil) and why it was amazing and easy to play (Dan). As they got closer they saw Chris and Pj leaning against the wall beside the school gates, arms wrapped around each other and Pj blushing scarlet.
"Chris, what did you say to him?" Phil called to him, sounding like a mother.
"I was just telling Pj about how big my-"
"Chris!" Pj yelled, elbowing him in the ribs.
"What? I was just talking about my video game collection," Chris said innocently.
"Yeah, sure you were," Dan laughed.
"Anyway," Pj said pointedly. "How are you guys?"
"I'm good," Dan said casually.
"Pretty good yeah," Phil added, shooting a teasing look at Dan. They started to walk into school, but Chris started whispering to Pj so Dan and Phil pulled ahead a little.

"Okay Peej, you talk to Dan and find out what happened last night, I will tackle Phil, now break!" He hissed quickly in Pj's ear, kissing his cheek before catching up quickly with Dan and Phil.
"So Phil," Chris asked him, linking his arm through Phil's, starting to drag him a little to the right. "I think we should talk about some stuff..." Meanwhile, to the left Pj had linked arms with Dan and was slowly pulling him away too.
"Hey Dan let's to this way," Pj said happily and tugged Dan right across to the picnic tables, while Chris marched Phil to the fields.

"Chris, if the people at this school didn't know we were gay, I think that just confirmed it," Phil said, pulling his arm free.
"Oh well, they must be blind to not have noticed already. Anyway Philip my young lass, how was yesterday?" Chris asked, wiggling his eyebrows and winking suggestively at him.
"Oh erm it was fine," Phil lied.
"Anything happen in the romance department with young master Daniel?" Chris clarified.
"Nope. He helped me with my homework through, which was sweet," Phil's said blushing, remembering what his 'homework' had actually been. To be honest, if kissing was homework then he would happily be set more.
"Have you been trying out the flirt until you die method?" Chris asked.
"I have tried but you know I am terrible at it, but I do keep trying to compliment him and be close to him," Phil piped up, still trying to sound quite innocent about the whole thing.
"Look sugar mouse... I don't even know where that came from. Look here Phil, I know you aren't so good with the flirting. So I propose a new tactic: act as adorable as possible to make him fall in love with your cuteness," Chris suggested.
"Considering you have told me I do that pretty much all the time that is good for me," Phil said, happy he didn't have to really do anything towards flirting with Dan and it would probably not work with their plan and end out with them kissing in the middle of the field.
"That's probably where the sugar mouse came from," Chris realised. "Anyway the bell is gonna ring soon and I need stuff from my locker and to kiss Pj a bit before I can make my mind settle on schoolwork,"
"Awwww," Phil cooed.
"Oh shut up you little bitch,"

(Meanwhile on the other side of school)

"So Dan, Chris told me about your crush on Phil," Pj said pretty much as soon as they were out of earshot, unlinking his arm and sitting on the picnic table.
"Why am I not surprised?" Dan asked sarcastically, dragging out the why.
"Why haven't you asked him out?" Pj quipped back. Dan had to hide a smirk before dipping his head and pretending to be shy.
"I just don't know how," he said. "But I am trying," he added, trying to sound hopeful.
"Okay good. Now spill about what happened last night. Now," Pj demanded.
"I just helped Phil with his homework and played a few video games with him," Dan said, mostly telling the truth.
"I meant like deep conversations, flirting, any hints that he might like you back?" Pj said impatiently.
"Er not really. He um, said something about boys, but then closed up and wouldn't talk about it much," Dan invented.
"Eugh, why don't you remember any details, they are what matter most! Dan you are such an idiot. It is decided, me and Chris are gonna give you instructions about how to get with Phil. Now come on, they are probably looking for us," Pj said, standing up and making sure Dan was with him before they started walking towards the lockers. Pj didn't notice Dan's grin.

They all met at the lockers, Phil and Dan shooting each other reassuring looks while Pj and Chris wouldn't leave each others lips alone at sight.
"Don't choke guys," Dan said, trying to prize them apart a little, but Chris moved a hand to hit him away, so Dan gave up.
"Well at least we aren't like that," Dan whispered in Phil's ear.
"Maybe not yet," Phil said back cheekily.
"Hey, not quite yet okay?" Dan reminded him, and Phil pouted back. Dan checked Chris and Pj weren't looking before quickly pecking his lips, making them both blush.
"You take Pj and I'll take Chris?" Phil asked, and Dan nodded in response. They walked behind each one and at the same time, grabbed them by the shoulders and pulled them apart, laughing at their friends shocked parted mouths.
"And breathe," Dan commented, making Phil laugh again.
"You little shit," Chris said, going red even though he was angry.
"Well the bell is gonna go any second and we thought you two shouldn't be so 'affectionate' in public," Phil told him.
"He means stop going at it in the corridor," Dan clarified.
"Like you wouldn't if you had a boyfriend," Pj huffed, opening his locker and hiding his bright face in it, rummaging around for books.
"Yeah true, but still, you'd do what we did," Phil said honestly.

"Well yeah, but that won't stop me from loving my Peej where ever I want," Chris said, wrapping his arms around Pj's waist, and they all saw the little smile he did.
"I hope you don't mean that too literally," Dan commented.
"Eugh, you're such an idiot," Pj said, turning around in Chris's embrace.
"Yeah but you love me," Dan replied.
"I don't know why we do," Phil said, then blushed. Chris gave him a secret thumbs up before burying his head back in to Pj's neck, while Dan and Phil got their stuff from their lockers. The bell went and they all said goodbye, walking off to separate classes; Chris and Pj to science, Dan and Phil to art.

In art class Phil was sketching quietly while Dan was grabbing some paint, ready to continue with his abstract portrait of himself. He set out the paints and started daubing his brush to make the perfect brown for his eyes. Phil smiled over at him and returned to sketching when he felt his left hand being clasped under the table. He grinned and looked over at Dan who was giving off a small smile.
"See, I have found one good thing about me being left handed," Dan said quietly to Phil. "I can still hold your hand and pretend to work at the same time,"
"This means I don't ever have to let go of your hand though," Phil reminded him.
"Is that meant to be a problem?" Dan replied, then ducked his head shyly.
"Good," Dan said, and squeezed Phil's hand again, going back to painting.

When it got to break time Dan and Phil weren't able to meet up with Chris and Pj because their science teacher decided to keep them all back for not being neat enough. But when it rolled around to lunch time they walked out and saw Chris and Pj down near the end of the field. Well, they saw their hands and parts of their bodies. When they for closer they realised they were cloud bathing and pointing at ones they could see images in.
"How can you not see the turtle?" They heard Pj say as he directed Chris's arm to where the turtle apparently was.
"Oh now I see it," Chris said, then noticed Phil and Dan coming towards them. "Make fun all you want," he said challengingly to them.
"I wasn't going to, I thought it was sweet," Phil told them, sitting down cross-legged and dropping down his bag containing his lunch.
"I might, but I am tired so maybe later," Dan said, slumping next to Phil, almost leaning against him before remembering he wasn't meant to.

"Guys," Pj asked as him and Chris sat up again. "Why are we all wearing shirts?"
"I don't know, i can take mine off if you like," Chris offered, winking at Pj before he was hit.
"Well, it's hot and shirts are cool," Dan said lazily, stretching himself out more.
"Talking of shirts, you have Phil's on again," Chris commented.
"You're wearing Pj's old one," Phil pointed out.
"But he's my boyfriend, it's not so weird," Chris said.
"Yeah but you got that when you were friends," Phil tried to argue a little back, his lips getting a bit dry.
"It's okay Phil I will give it back to you tomorrow okay?" Dan said, saving him.
"No, you keep it, it looks better on you than me," Phil said, looking over at Chris who widened his eyes in realisation then grinned at him. He thought Phil was doing the flirting adorable thing.
"Thanks Phil," Dan said happily.
"The shirt brigade!" Pj randomly shouted. "Yup, that's our new name guys, tough shit if you don't like it,"

They chatted more while they sat, laughing at how Phil's chocolate had melted in Britain's sudden hot weather.
"Phil, you have shit on your lip," Chris said, laughing.
"It's chocolate you numpty," Phil replied, then stuck his tongue out, trying to catch it. He pulled so many funny faces while he was trying to get it Dan couldn't help himself.
"Phil babe, you're useless. Let me," he said and put his hand on Phil's cheek and kissed him on his lips, removing and trace of chocolate.
"Thanks gorgeous," Phil replied when they broke apart.

They looked over at Chris and Pj's frozen faces and giggled, Dan draping his arm around Phil's shoulder.
"Oh and Chris? Your flirting technique was shit, it didn't work," Dan added after.
"Wait, Chris told me that too... Wait, Chris! You knew me and Dan both liked each other and didn't say?" Phil said, slightly outraged. That snapped Chris out of his frame and jumped up, pulled a worried face to Pj before stuttering something along the lines of "well you said erm not to um say and shit" before running away. Both Phil and Dan leapt up quickly and raced after him. Phil got to him first (Dan's low slung jeans slowed him down a little) and rugby tackled him down.
"Hey, don't break that! I need it!" Pj called and started to come over towards them as well.
"Chris, explain," Phil said, sitting on him.
"Well neither of you wanted me to say anything and I wanted you two to get together on your own and well... Er sorry?" Chris mumbled.
"You're such an idiot," Dan said, standing over them. "The amount of times I could have kissed Phil all because you didn't say anything," Dan sighed. Phil rolled his eyes and got off Chris, standing next to Dan and pecking him on the cheek.

"Right, now you two have some explaining to do. How did you get together?" Chris asked, sitting up from the grass and looking at them expectantly. Phil and Dan looked at each other and smiled, deciding to sit down to tell their story.

After school when they got outside Phil's house Phil asked Dan if he wanted to come over, but Dan couldn't because he had to help his mum.
"But do you want to come over tomorrow? I kinda want to show off my new boyfriend to my mum," Dan said, but a slight flash of worry went through his eyes.
"I would love to. But are you okay Dan? You look a bit scared. Do your family not know...?" Phil asked.
"No they know, it's just, my brother, he's a bit weird. It will be explained when you see him," Dan said. "But do you still wanna come?"
"Of course I do," Phil replied happily and kissed Dan before turning and walking up his path to his door. "Bye love, see you tomorrow!" Phil called, blowing Dan another kiss before unlocking the door and slipping inside, seeing his boyfriend start to walk off down the road, a small spring in his step.

Hey guys, this means next chapter is actually gonna be getting into the storyline I first came up with :o wow I am scared... But who's excited to meet Dan's brother? I kinda am, he's be hot. What? I am only human (and maybe part cat)

I can't think of anything witty to say because I am watching dean try and pull a sword from a stone which is too funny to make me use brainpower :p

Anni out!

*runs into your house in a princess costume and puts on a Disney DVD and makes you watch it with me (after shoving a tiara on your head)*

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