.School Dance. (Gruvia)

De chocolatefriend111

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Gray the most popular attractive guy in the entire school. Juvia who was the quiet shy person who nobody knew... Mai multe

Chapter 1 -Walking to School-
Chapter 2 -Books-
Chapter 3 -Ice cream-
Chapter 4 -Bet-
Chapter 5 -Soccer Match-
Chapter 6 -Forced-
Chapter 7 -Plan-
Chapter 8 -Walked off-
Chapter 9 -Thoughts-
Chapter 10 -Stuck-
Chapter 11 -Maybe-
Chapter 12 -Deals and Confessions-
Chapter 13 -Go out with me on a date?-
Chapter 14 -Changed-
Chapter 15 -I love you~
Chapter 16 -Music-
Chapter 17 -Love and FriendShip-
Chapter 18 -The Deal-
Chapter 19 -Shopping-
Chapter 20 -Believe in our love-
Chapter 21 -Night of the Dance-
Chapter 22 -Trust-
Chapter 23 -Lyon's thoughts-
Chapter 24 -Visions-
Chapter 26 -Tears-

Chapter 25 -Remember-

940 36 9
De chocolatefriend111

"OYYY, YOU PEOPLE OUT THERE!" Somebody shouts and I gasp when I saw Lyon above us on the second floor. Meredy and Lisanna were also there with him grinning like crazy. Mirajane gasped but she took our her camera again and began to take pictures.

"GRAY I ALWAYS HATED YOU AND YEAH...SO CONGRATS YOUR THE PROM KING!" Lyon laughs his head off and we all just noticed that there was this huge bucket hanging above him and this sure isn't going to end well.


Lyon smirked, and I could see the excitement or disappointment in other people's faces. "DIE LYON, DON'T YOU DARE POUR THAT CRAP ON GRAY!" Girls were shouting at the top of their lungs. Some were cheering for Lyon seeing that finally something, 'interesting' has happened.  

People were throwing food everywhere and were acting like a bunch of wild animals who just found the latest Pokemon without having to move out of the house. My mind was confused...how am I suppose to think in this situation?

I then thought of Gray-sama, he must have over thousands of thoughts and things going through his head. I glanced over at him, my eyes tried not to pity him but it was hard not to. I still care about this idiot. 

His lips weren't moving and he seemed pretty calm. Gray looked above him and...he didn't move. He didn't say anything, didn't run away, didn't cry or he just stood there. His raven   hair fringe nearly covered his entire fore head as he looks down at the ground.    

Then he slowly turns to look at me. He has shown me something I haven't seen before, he was crying and the tears fell down his cheek and onto the ground. Gray's eyes and emotions were all aimed at me. Do I really know who that person is? That person who I have been with for a while and is now crying in front of me. 

If I was a good girlfriend I would know what to do when he is sad, or the things he is going through and even the times when he would need my help.

 The bucket full of the most disgusting combinations ever had poured all over him and there was so much tension in the air. People were dying, screaming, cheering, eating food and not giving a shit about what's going on.

I felt guilty, and out of nowhere I had the nerve-the nerve to set things right. To get rid of this drama and to stop the tension and make this school dance something to remember. I grabbed the microphone on the ground and put it close to my mouth. 

Everybody was quite and I was soon the spot light of attention. I looked at Lyon and he stopped laughing. His smile had vanished from his face, and instead his eyes were full of sadness. I can tell...I have known Lyon and I know he was holding back tears. It's not his fault, it's mine. 

I can't possible be angry at him, he is doing this because of me, because I was a jerk and didn't care about him.

 "This is my fault, everybody. It's not Lyon's he did this because of me, I told him to do this. I was the one who made the plan to humiliate Gray." I sighed but I couldn't look myself down on this, instead I looked at everybody's faces, my friends, people I know and those who I care about. 

The only person who knew that I didn't do it, was Mira-san who was just in utter shock. 

"GET HER! THAT LITTLE BITCH HOW DARE SHE!" Gray's fan girl's shouted and began to throw cake at my face. Flashes of cameras started to binge all over my face but I didn't care. This is what I deserve. 

Not Gray or Lyon, only me. Gray was shocked and his eyes grew wide, when I turned towards him. I took hold of the bucket...and then poured the remaining things over my head. It dripped down on my face and at that very moment I was proud.

Proud that I knew I had made things right, by taking the blame and enjoying what I deserved. I had made the school-dance something to remember by. To remember that I am a horrible person.

A person who took things too much for granted. Gray deserves somebody better then me maybe that's why he decided to sell me out, and Lyon...I am going to have to talk to him before I leave. I tried to look strong and happy but in the end I broke down. 


I heard foot steps everywhere, girl's laughing and admiring their snap-chat stories. I was all alone just sitting on a swing at a nearby park, I didn't want to go home. I just wanted to sit here all by myself. 

It had been two hours past from what happened and everybody was probably hanging out with their friends or sleeping. I was soon going to leave the school and I had been planning to. I don't want to attend something where I am going to keep thinking about Gray all the time. 

My phone started to buzz and it was a text message from nearly everybody. 

'What happened? Please tell me Juvia I will beat up anybody if they dare hurted you.'  -Erza

'Rain woman...come home.' - Gajeel

'I am super worried Juvia! I am here to help if you need it, just give me a call.' -Lucy

'You pity the man who I love.' -Unknown Number. I closed my phone but two seconds later it ringed with my annoying cat ring tone. It was from Lyon and I wasn't sure if I should answer it or not. 

I didn't want to cry again but my eyes hurt from holding it all in. I felt a sudden presence in front of me but I didn't want to look up. I don't need to see or hear anything he says right now. 


Pretending that he wasn't there was hard since I really did want to just jump and just hug him tightly because I still care about him. I don't want to but it's hard. I love him...I always will but I never want to get back together with him. 


Sorry for not updating in a while and please enjoy this crappy bad chapter which is really short. Bye, and hope to update soon if I can. 

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