The Dare

By StephanieLawson

29.9K 716 63

The dare is about how Zoey gets dared by jake the guy she hates most of all out of her friends that she hangs... More

The Dare
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 4

1.5K 37 0
By StephanieLawson

Jake POV: When Zoey saw Jared kiss that other girl she looked hurt i saw pain in her eyes that she been hiding this week, me and the guys saw everything that happened with Jared and her. Anthony went over to Jared and that girl and punched him which got people surprised because Anthony doesn't like violence that much, when Anthony finished beating Jared we decided to go look for Zoey, we went to kitchen but she wasn't their we thought she came in here, Becca mentioned how she could be outside so we went looking for out their as soon as we got outside we saw Zoey push Jared away from her twice but then he pushed her into the pool everyone was surprised, me and the guys went over to Jared and beat him up for that but Becca got us to stop by not saying stop but when she said that Zoey is still under and it's been a minute i was scared to lose her, i quickly jumped into that pool and saw that their is a chain stuck around her ankle holding her down i started pulling it until it came off and i picked up Zoey and swim to the top as fast as i can.

Jake - Call an ambulance, fast

Anthony - Okay, i will

Cameron - Shit is she breathing?

Jake - No hurry, come on Zoey please wake up or something i yelled at her as i gave her cpr until the ambulance arrived

Ambulance guy - Only one person can go in the ambulance but hurry

Nate - Jake i think you should

Brendan - Yeah you were the one that went to save her now go we will all follow you, I just nod my head in response as i ran to the ambulance, as i was sitting their holding Zoey hand they were talking how cold and pale she has become i was getting worried i don't know why i don't like her... i don't like her do i?

Jake - Zoey please respond it's Jake just say something obnoxious like you do, do something please Zoey i need you here with me we all need you with us. I spoke as we arrived at the hospital they wouldn't let me stay with her so i was stuck in the waiting room for a while i wondered where the others were going to get here but that is when i saw Cameron, Becca, Anthony, Nate, Brendan, Blake, Bennie and Zane all running towards me, i could tell all of them were worried as well.

Blake - What happened we told you guys to look after our sister but no she nearly end up drowning?? he yelled at us but i think it was mostly for me I didn't respond i couldn't at that time a doctor came towards us

Doctor - Are you all here for Zoey?? he asked we all nodded our heads

Zane - Please tell us that our sister is alright??

Doctor - She is going to be fine, but she just had trouble breathing a bit right now from water inhalation you are very lucky she could of died if someone didn't rescue her, only 1 person can visit her at a time oh and she is still unconscious at the moment

Bennie - Jake you saved our sister thank you he said as he hugged me and so did the others, i saved Zoey and i am glad about that as well.

Blake - Zane you can go in first i am going to call mum and dad okay he nodded his head as he went to see her.

I sat outside that room for over 2 hours everyone has gone and seen her except me i just can't go in their i don't know why i am nervous i guess, i felt someone hand on my shoulder i looked up and it was her dad.

 Dad - I am glad that you their to save my little girl he said i just nodded my head

Mum - You should go see her dear even though she isn't awake yet maybe it will comfort you she said and i agreed

I got up from my seat and walked towards the room i saw her laying in their through window of the door but i had to go inside, i opened up and walked to her bed i sat down in that chair and i hold her hand hoping it would warm a bit it's still cold like she just got out of that pool i am sure she needs to be warm up and i am not leaving this room until she is better i thought to myself. I remember when i almost drowned. Once when i was little i went to a lake with my family. I did not know how to swim, but i had this trust for water. This was a time when my family was still a happy one. So i ventured out into the lake. Having fun of course. I then saw a squirrel for the first time by a tree near the lake. I then started going side ways (the direction of the squirrel). I did not expect what was going to happen next. There i was minding my own business when out of nowhere the ground levels changed dramatically. I must of dropped at least one foot under. Crazy after thinking i was going to the shallow side. I was age 4-6 maybe so of course i was short. All i remember is looking up while my eyes were burning looking at the sky. For some strange reason i was not screaming but i did have an adrenaline rush that caused me to open my mouth from the shock of going under. I remember the pain in my lungs and nose from the water. But after some time the weirdest thing ever happened, i started to feel calm? I felt like life wasn't real anymore. I felt blank, i felt nothing. I was nothing. Next thing i remember I'm in my tent with my mom crying. I ruined my family's camping experience and it made me feel really guilty. When i awoke from the near death situation i could barely move, i was really weak and tired. And for some reason i had no appetite for the next few days. As i thought of that i felt her fingers twitching a bit from my touch, i decided to get everyone and tell them that she moved a bit, as i went out to the waiting room everyone stood up i told them what was happening and her parents went to get the doctor, the doctor explained that she will wake up soon and that we all can wait in the room now, we all sat their not talking i was sitting on the window sill looking over the town, Cameron and Becca were next to me but in their own little world, her brothers were around her bed with her parents and Nate, Anthony and Brendan was sitting in silent near Me, it was to quiet even for us but all of sudden we heard someone coughing we all looked towards Zoey and she woke up coughing, her mum rushed to get her a doctor as well all gathered around her bed.

Doctor - Zoey do you rememeber much?? he asked, she opened her mouth to speak but she just started coughing again

Mum - here sweetie drink this it might help her mum said as she handed her a drink of water, Zoey drank it down quite fast

Doctor - Do you have chest pain? Zoey nodded her head

Dad - Will Zoey be alright doctor? he asked as he was holding Zoey hand

Doctor - She should be fine but just in case she needs to stay in hospital for 24 hours and we need to get an x-ray on her lungs she might have Pneumonia

Nate - She is going to be alright right??

Doctor - yes she just will need to take antibiotics if she has Pneumonia, Nate nod his read for response, Well i will leave you guys to it don't be here for long she will need her rest he said as he left the room.

Zoey POV: I felt someone touch my hand it got my skin burning i couldn't see anything am i asleep i have to try and wake up but it was hard but i finally felt like i woke up. I couldn't breathe when i woke up, as i opened my eyes i was in a white room with everyone all around me it was very weird how did i end up at a hospital? but then it all of sudden a flashback came into my mind of being at party, Jared kissing another girl, getting pushed into the water, arguing with brothers before the party. Wow that sucks i saw a man i guess he is the doctor he asked if i remember which i nod my head to because for some reason i couldn't talk and i was really thirsty. When doctor was finished talking he left and everyone was staring at me with sparkle in their eyes did i worry them that much but i am sure my brothers don't really care about " a trash barbie" i thought to myself. Mum and Dad had to go to work like always so they kissed me and said that my brothers will look after me i just nod my head mostly saying i understand soon it was left with just the boys and i Becca had gone home but i didn't mind. i just want to sleep so i am going to get the guys to leave me alone.

Zoey - You guys don't need to stay here i am fine i said

Zane - We want to be stay here we were so worried about you he said coming over to me

Cameron - Are you in pain or tired ?

Nate - We can go get some food for you

Anthony - Get some video games to play?

Brendan - get your ipod so we all could listen to music while you're in here he said smiling but i just rolled my eyes

Zoey - I don't want anything

Blake - We are just trying to help Zoey he said

Zoey - but why would you want to help a trash barbie aye?? i asked staring at my brothers

Bennie - We didn't mean it Zoe we were just mad

Zoey - Great well i really want to sleep so you can all leave i said

Cameron - Zoe please

Zoey - Just leave i said turning away from all of them they each came over hugged me and said goodbye but i did notice someone is still here and of course it is Jake what does he want now.

Jake - Are you okay?

Zoey - Why are you even here? you don't care we hate eachother last time i remember

Jake - I i feel bad for making that bet that causing destruction in your life want me to call it off so you don't need to feel ashame of losing the bet he said with a smug smile

Zoey - The dare is still on and i am going to win easily now you pathetic little boy get out i hissed, he left as soon as i said that i was in a depressing room till tomorrow and i am so bored maybe i should of got my music or something well maybe the boys will bring stuff if i ask nicely even though i wanted them to leave but it's only because they said i had turn into a trash barbie which i am not and never will be.

Bennie POV: We all waited for Jake to come out of Zoey room we couldn't really leave him here, as soon as he got out of that room he looked pissed off so we didn't ask questions we all decided to go rest at home since we been at hospital for ages the guys stayed at ours like always and mum left a note saying they gone for work again somewhere around the country, they leave us all the time i am suprised Zoey isn't hurt about them leaving her all the time maybe she is just doesn't show it, i was soon interuppted by Cameron.

Cameron - Guys Zoe just texted me asking to bring some games and music should we go?

Nate - I don't know she did kick us out

Zane - Yah but she is probably just mad because we called her trash barbie and we want to settle it so we should go.

Blake - is everyone coming he asked they all nod their heads except Jake

Bennie - Jake dude are you coming??

Jake - Hmm what? umm yah i think i will love to annoy your sister at the moment by the way i tried to get her to stop the dare but she wants to beat me he said as he walked put the door we all nod our heads and went to hospital, we ended up having a good time with Zoey i think she forgave us which is good at least she is our sister still / bro.

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