Hybrid Harry

By CamrynHemmings10

17.5K 825 672

"How would you feel if you were a freak"?! *** Spencer- Just you average every day hippie skater girly girl g... More

Hybrid Harry .1
First day of senior year .2
The squad .3
Our little adventure .4
Crush. 5
Slumber party.6
Day two. 7
Just a little JaJa before detention .8
Detention .9
roses are red Violets are blue
Fight club .11
The Family .12
Dinner with the Styles. 13
Sexual Edication .14
Skits . 15
Roof top.16
The big reveal.17
So wait...your a cat? 18
Wii sleepover time yay. 19
People talk. 20
Interrogation. 21
The exes.22
So wanna go to the dance with me. 23
Another Hybrid. 24
Homecoming part 1. 25
Homecoming part 2. 26
Quick authors note
Homecoming part 3. 28
Character Ask Part One. 29
Charecter ask part two.30
Running for my life. 31
Authors note and letter to readers
Let's save our boyfriends.33
Rescue Mission. 34
Home and cat fights.35
Please read!
Back to school.37


169 7 7
By CamrynHemmings10

Spencer's P.O.V Earlier that day.

I walk down stairs physically and mentally preparing myself for today. I feel sacred for Harry. I don't want him to get hurt and I don't want him to be taken away. I just know how cruel people can be and especially to him.

I see the medication of mine sitting on the table. I remember my dad told me to start taking this when I was three. I don't really remember much before that. Which gets me thinking, maybe it's because of those pills. Maybe those pills have literally screwed up my life.

Stop it Spencer you're being a conspiracy theorist again.

But I don't know what to trust anymore. Not my dad that's for sure. I mean so much has changed. I fell in love with Harry, who just so happened to be a Hybrid. Found out my teacher and my best friend were dating. Plus I found out that my dad is totally being horrible to hybrids. I don't even know where my mom is. So I'm back to where I started. At my aunt and uncles apartment whilst they are on vacation.

So I throw the pills in the trash and walk out to my van. I start to drive and I decide to turn on the radio. The morning show blabs on about politics and I wait for a song to come one. 'One Dance' by Drake comes on and I bump my head up and down. I sing a long to it as I drive to school, still feeling nervous about today. The song ends and I smile.

Wait a second. 

I didn't say a color.

I didn't even see a color?

"How is this possible?" I say to myself. I smile a little but at the same time feel concerned, it shouldn't be this easy? Like a thing I have had my whole life shouldn't go away just like that. I mean maybe I'm panicking, I have been told by many I think too much. Maybe I should be happy? No. This is too odd. What did I do differently in these past few days?

Maybe it was the pills. That would make sense, I have taken those my whole life. I mean seeing the colors must have been a side effect from those pills. The question is, if that's what the pills caused, then what were they for? Because all this time I thought these pills were for my mental disease. Who knows.

But right now I need to worry about Harry. It's his first day and I don't want anything to go wrong. Let's hope he is okay. I mean I don't know why people couldn't accept him. I mean he has been like this all his life and people liked him. If people suddenly think he is a bad person because he took his hat off then they must be idiots. I just don't want anyone to hurt Harry, he is so kind and I know even he wanted to defend himself, he can't or my dad will just say he was being violent. So he is completely defenseless. As I pull into the school I wait for Harry to park in his usual spot next to me.

As I stand in the lunch line I look for Harry. This morning wasn't very good. Everyone just stood there and stared at him. I could tell he didn't like it, he felt like some sort of circus performer or something. And people said some mean things, some really mean things. I couldn't believe it. How could they say things to some one so nice? I mean I could understand to me I mean I can be a bitch sometimes when I'm defending people I care about but he has never done anything wrong.

People just suck I suppose. Yeah that's gotta be it. People just literally suck.

I look up and see everyone has sort of gotten quiet. Harry must have arrived.

He walks towards our old table and I feel my self get nervous. I wave trying to get Harry's attention but he doesn't see me. I don't want to draw anymore attention towards him by yelling at him. I just know this isn't going to go well. Louis has always had this thing with hybrids. He has, for some stupid reason, always hated hybrids. I wait anxiously for the lunch lady to make my wrap and she seems to be taking her sweet time. That's when I see Harry walk away from the table with his head down. I frown. How could Louis do that? They were good friends.

I see two guys that both Harry and I have never really talked to. They walk over to our old lunch table and Louis says somethings to them and then points in the direction Harry went. That's when everything comes together in my head. I run out of the line just as the slow lunch lady finishes my wrap. I run over to where Harry went and see those guys throwing punches at Harry.

"HEY STOP!" I yelling, pushing them away from Harry. He has a few bruises but nothing to bad. I help him up and grab on tightly to his hand.

"Girl are you insane!? He is a hybrid!" One of the guy yells at me. Harry looks hurt. I feel my self get angry. Very angry.

"The names Spencer not girl! And I know he is hybrid! But he is a good hybrid! All of them are. So if you could kindly leave and get your facts straight that would be great! Go f....oh god." That's when I begin to feel my vision black out. There is some intense pains coming from my head and arms. Before I know it I am hitting the ground hard.


I wake up in the nurses office. I see I am on the crappy uncomfortable bed. My head is still spinning as I attempt to at least sit up. I see I'm in a private room. Harry isn't there.

"Harry?" I say. But when it talk I feel like I might throw up. That's when the shooting pain in my arm returns. I gasp and cringe due to the pain. I feel around for where it's coming from. Maybe I got cut? Maybe I got like shot? I probably didn't get shot.

That's when my fingers come across the sore part. I feel something sort of sticking out of my back.

Jesus Christ maybe I was shot.

I pull on whatever is sticking out of my back. I want to scream in pain but I cover my mouth. I bring the object into my sights and stare at it confused.

It's a feather.

"What the hell?" I whisper to myself. A red feather is in my hand. There appears to be a little bit of blood on it. I put it in my pocket feeling confused. I pull my hands through my hair and thats when I feel the paint again. I see another feather in my hand that I must have just pulled out of my head. Great.

I pull my hair foreword and gasp when I see some feathers mixed in with my long red hair. Some red and some black and some blue. I start to get scared. What is this. I crack the door open a bit and see the nurse is still out there. I put my hair into a bun to hide the feathers that have suddenly decided to appear.

I get up and walk slowly out the door. She still hasn't heard me so I tip toe out of the room. And back into the hall. I see the school is empty. What time is it? I look up at the clock and see that it is 3:50 p.m. Why am I here so late. I check my phone and see multiple texts from Harry. A lot of them asking if I'm up yet and saying the nurse wouldn't let him in. Others saying that he wants me to meet him at his house once I come too. I'm probably not supposed to be trying seeing as I just passed out but whatever.

Then the pain returns in the back of my arms making me fall to my knees. I see the girls bathroom and I crawl in there and lock the door behind me. I push my self up using the sink and gasp when I look the mirror. I see a few different feathers sprouting on the back of my arms. I begin to cry and start ripping them out no matter how much it hurts.

I run to my van and get in. I see there is blood on my arm from ripping them out so much. What's happening to me? I don't understand. I can't fathom what's going on, I literally have no explanation. I drive past Harry's house and continue speeding to the apartment in staying at, which is my aunt and uncles. I don't want Harry to see me like this.

As I run in the door I continue pulling them out one by one. Blood drips on the ground and my arms sting. I look in my bath room mirror, my eyes red with tears.

I take out my phone when I hear my ringtone I had specifically set for Harry go off. It's Thinking out of Loud by Ed Sheeran, the song we danced to together the first day we hung out. I answer it sniffling and trying to hold in my tears.

"Spence thank god you picked up I was super worried about you. The stupid nurse wouldn't let me come in. Are you okay?" He asks probably hearing me failing at not crying.

"I'm... I'm fine." I spit out.

"No you're not. I'm coming over I'll be there in five-"

"No!" I yell into the phone. I can hear his breathe hitch through the phone. "You can't see me like this."

"Are you sick? Because if you're throwing up in pretty sure I have seen worse Babe." He says and I can hear a car door shut.

"No I'm not sick. I just can't let you look at me right now." I say glancing at myself in the mirror. Feathers and blood is scattered along my arms and feathers are in my hair.

"Spencer I'm already on my way, we can work through whatever it is that you're going through." He says. He is so damn understanding, why is he making this hard.

"No." I say quietly. "Harry if you come here then I'm done."

"What." He breathes into the phone.

"If you show up then we are done." I say wiping tears away.

"Spencer please don't say that-"

I hang up the phone. And cry into my hands. I sit on the bath room floor crying not knowing what to do. I stop pulling the feathers out because I know there is no point. That's when I hear the front door open.

I lock the bath room door quickly.

"Spence?" Harry yells. I put my head in my hands. That's when I feel myself smile. Of course he came. The tears continue to pop from my eyes but I can't help but smile about him.

"Spencer why is there blood?!" He asks sounding terrified.

"It's mine." I say quietly. He attempts to open the bath room door but takes away his hand knowing its locked.

"We aren't done right?" He asks and I smile again.

"I can't be done with you no matter how hard I try." I say. I can hear him sit on the floor and lean against the door. I do the same.

"Can I come in love?" He asks.

"No." I say my smile fading away.

"Why?" He asks.

"I told you, I can't let you see me like this." I say with a sigh.

"Spencer you have seen me at my absolute worse, I bet you look beautiful like always." He says.

"If you you see me you won't think that. I'm a freak." I whisper putting my head down in shame.

"Spencer we have had this conversation before." He says. I look back up.

"No we haven't." I say.

"Yes we have. Except I was on the other side of that door. I said I didn't want you to see me. I said I was a freak." Harry says. "And everything was okay."

"Well I passed out." I say with a small laugh.

"Well everything was okay after you passed out." He says and I can almost hear the smile on his face. I get up and rinse the blood off my arms. I take my hair out of the bun and stare at myself. I can't say that I hate feathers in my hair, they look sort of pretty. It's the ones on my arms and back that I'm concerned about.

"Are you ready?" I ask biting my lip

"I'm always ready to see your beautiful face." He says. I take a deep breathe and open the door. Before I can even make eye contact with him he passionately bring his lips to mine. I close my eyes and and wrap my legs around him. He picks me up and carries me towards he couch, his eyes closed as well. He sits on the couch and I on his lap still kissing each other.

"See love I didn't even need to see you to know that I will always love you." He says in between kisses his forehead against mine. I open my eyes and smile. He runs his hands from my neck down my back. That's when his bright green eyes shoot open. He leans me back a little and looks at my arms. I bite my lip. He then pulls foreword my hair and looks at the feathers in it.

"Oh my god." He whispers to himself. But I can't hear him.

And just like that my eyes fill with tears. I get up and turn my back to him. I cover my mouth hoping it will make my cries quieter. But it doesn't.

"Hey hey hey why are you crying?" He asks taking my hand. I turn around feeling anger bubble up in my chest.

"You are totally freaked out by me!" I yell.

"I am not in any way!" He yells back.

"Then why did you say oh my god!" I yell back.

"Well I am surprised if I'm being honest! I don't understand how you suddenly just became a hybrid!" He yells at me whilst pushing his long hair away from his face. I freeze.

"Did you just say I was a hybrid?" I ask. He nods, his fluffy ears bouncing up and down as he does.

"Yes what else would it be I mean you are sort of growing feathers." He says with a small smile and I roll my eyes.

"But how is that possible?" I ask. "I can't just become a hybrid in like a few hours? You were born a hybrid."

That's when his ears stick up straight.

"Maybe you were." He says. "Born a hybrid I mean."

"Elaborate on that." I say.

"Well you said you don't really remember your younger years, maybe you were a hybrid during that time and your dad made you forget. Did he ever give you some sort of medicine all your life?" He asks. I nod quickly.

"Yes! I stopped taking these pills he had, had me take. And when I stopped taking them I stopped seeing colors when I listened to music!" I say wide eyed.

"Why didn't you tell me that!?" He asks taking both of my hands.

"I was waiting until today got less chaotic because it's been sort of crazy but I never got less chaotic so I never told you and I'm sorry u forgot but I-"

"You're beautiful." He interrupts. I stop and stare at him feeling surprised. "You have never looked so beautiful."

"W-what?" I say.

"You look so damn beautiful." He says. I frown and pull my hands away. I turn my back to him and walk out on the balcony. The find blows my feathers in one direction (A/N crying) as I stare over the city. I hear him follow me.

"You are lying." I say not looking at him.

"Why would I be lying?" He asks standing very close behind me.

"Because you fell in love with me when I was just a normal human. Now I'm a hybrid and... I'm not.... I'm not beautiful...I'm different." I say trying to place my words right. "You are a hybrid and you are handsome. But I am weird and you don't...you don't love me the same way as you did."

There is silence for a moment. I look down at my sneakers instead of looking up.

"Spencer that is very dumb." He says. I whip my head around to look at him. His arms are crossed and his hair blows around frantically in the wind. "You tell me this almost everyday,  you say 'Harry of course I love you, you have been a hybrid since I first started loving you and just because you showed me it doesn't mean you weren't a hybrid the whole time' or something like that. So no you haven't changed, you have been a hybrid like me all this time. And all this time I have loved you with all of my heart. As soon as I first heard you voice I knew you were the one. The one I was going to put all of my love into. And I want you to know no, I need you to know that you are the most beautiful being on this planet. And if you are being you then that is the most beautiful I have ever seen you. So no I am not lying, you are gorgeous Spencer."

I wrap my arms around him and cry into his chest. He holds me tightly.

"God I love you so much." I say.

"I love you too." He whispers into my hair. He brings me inside and we sit on the couch side by side staring at the blank T.V. He turns his head and starts playing with one of the feathers in my hair.

"I think the feathers in your hair look really cool." He says with a smile.

"Yeah it's the ones sprouting out of my arms at look gross." I say with a laugh.

"No those look cool too." He says grinning at me. I kiss his nose and then then lean my head on his shoulder.

"You said you never liked birds." I say. He looks at me with a raised eyebrow. I smile but at the same time feel sort of nervous.

"You are he only exception." He says and then pecks my lips with a quick kiss.

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