Two of a kind (phan and kickt...

By phanallamallama

2.1M 71.2K 148K

Phil doesn't have a best friend in his life. That is, until Dan turns up at his school. They become close and... More

Two of a kind
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapyter 3
Chapter 4
Chappy 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chayptery 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapipter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chaptet 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
A bit about me
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chaperity 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapopter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chipter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38

Chappity 11

54.1K 2.1K 2.8K
By phanallamallama

(A tiny bit of self advertising here in that you guys should read my other fic flickers as I am gonna update it soon so yeah read it please as I like it lots) anyways here we go!

"I fucking knew it," Chris said, doing a tiny jump with joy.
"Please don't tell him I do," Dan said urgently.
"I won't, but seriously Dan you should really do something to tell him, even if it's just dropping hints and flirting etc," Chris advised him.
"Eugh, how? It's not like he would go for me, I doubt he's ever looked at me in that way," Dan said sadly.
"Well, how do you know? Has he ever said anything that could apply to you that he would like in a guy?"
"Erm... On the first day we were talking about types of people we liked because we were talking about Mr Rodrick and if we thought he was hot or not and I said something which... Well I think I pretty much described Phil subconsciously and he said something like that he liked a tan with dark hair and a slim frame..." Dan tailed off, realising finally he was in the category. "Oh,"
"There it is. Look Dan, just get close to him, flirt like hell and spend as much time with him as possible. It will work, I promise," Chris told him as the bell went.
"I hope you are right," Dan replied, and Phil and Pj walked up to them. Chris automatically wound his arm around Pj and kissed his cheek, making Pj blush a little. Phil smiled a bit awkwardly at Dan who blushed in return now he had admitted his feelings towards him. Damn it Phil, why did he have to be so adorable.

They all had P.E again next so the ambled over to the gym, moaning and complaining about having to do more exercise. Once a week was enough thanks, they didn't want more. But as they had no choice, exercise it was. They walked into the boys changing room after bypassing the lockers to grab their kits and started to get changed.
"This is unfair," Chris whispered to Pj. "I can't watch you change properly and you're gonna tease me because of it," he moaned.
"I definitely am now," Pj said back, winking at his boyfriend. He started to slowly unbutton his shirt as Chris pouted, running his hand through his hair as he left it open for a few seconds. Chris huffed as turned around, determined not to let Pj get to him like this at the present moment, hearing his boyfriend chuckle before hugging him quickly.

Meanwhile Phil and Dan were accidentally playing the 'I'm gonna stare at him quickly oh shit he saw me blush and turn away' game with each other. It just kept repeating until they were both completely changed but also scarlet faced. Phil looked over at Chris who rolled his eyes at him, encouraging him to flirt with Dan if he was just going to blush anyway. But flirting was probably the thing Phil was worst at, smoothness was not in his forte.
"Dan, do you actually have an ass as your shorts have fallen down your butt again. I swear it must be flat as a pancake if every pair of trousers you own wont stay up," Phil attempted, mentally slapping himself as it came of slightly offensively.
"Hey!" Dan said back, a little annoyed before trying out Chris's flirting technique. "You're just sad because its gorgeous and you can't have it," he teased, but realised how weirdly it must have come off and sighed. He looked back over at Chris who face palmed and turned back to a fully changed Pj, tugging at his shirt suggestively and receiving a slap to the hand in return.

They heard their teacher blow a whistle from inside the gym and they groaned, wandering out of the changing rooms and towards hell. They all sat on the benches at the side of the gym while their teacher barked at them.
"Right! Today is athletics and you will be running 2km around the sports track which is 12 curcuits! No complaining and get out and to the finish line," Miss bellowed before the class grumbled and stood up, working their way through the door leading outside. Miss hung behind and they all stood waiting at the start of the track.
"I bet she's getting a fold up chair," Phil muttered to Dan, who laughed, but stopped and scowled when she came out the doors, a fold away camping chair under her arm.
"Okay. On my whistle, go!" And shouted, blowing her whistle and everyone started jogging off.
"I hate her, she's such a bitch," Dan said to Phil as they ran alongside each other.
"I second that," Phil replied, starting to pant a little.
"Do you think she will have a snickers bar out when we come back around past her?" Dan asked, clearly joking.
"It will be about the 3rd time around," Phil said grimly. He looked around behind him to see Chris and Pj walking along the track, holding hands and talking animatedly about something. "Do you wanna walk for a bit? We are too far away for her to shout at us," Phil suggested, slowing down.
"Oh god yes," Dan replied, starting to walk at the same speed as Phil.

"So Lester," Dan said, trying to sound confident. "I think we need to find you a boyfriend," Dan said while they walked.
"Er what?" Phil asked abruptly. Dan was only really asking to find out more about what Phil liked in a guy and he guess this couldn't hurt as long as if seemed like friendly advice.
"Find you a man, hold their hand, share your kisses that few have been allowed to receive with them, that sort of thing," Dan said jokingly. Phil went quiet at this. "Are you okay?" Dan asked, noticing this.
"Er... This is pretty embarrassing but you know the few people I have shared kisses with? Reduce that to zero," Phil said, his cheeks heating up. Dan looked at him shocked. Sure he knew Phil had never had a relationship, but not even a first kiss? That was wrong, Phil was gorgeous.
"How the hell Phil? Can people not see you?"
Dan decided the perfect boy in front of him deserved at least a decent first kiss and set his mind on how to deliver that.
"I guess the can't," phil relied again sadly. They went quiet and realised they were approaching their teacher again, so started to jog a little again.
"Hey, you lose that bet, the snickers is already out," Dan giggled after they had passed Miss, and sure enough, she was chomping away while lounging on her chair, the definition of fit and healthy.

After a few more laps of chatting and alternate walking and jogging they noticed Miss seemed to had fallen asleep, so they sat down at the other end, pulling at the grass and making little piles.
"I'm surprised we can't hear her snoring from here," Dan joked, making Phil laughed and throw a few blades of grass in his direction.
"Hey Dan do you wanna come over again after school?" Phil half blurted out, making Dan blink a little in surprise, then beam.
"I would love to," Dan replied, giggling internally to himself. His plan was forming in his mind and Phil had just made it final. He was going to give Phil exactly what he wanted. (Not in a creepy sexual way).

They sat for a couple more minutes before they saw Miss stretch and yawn and they jumped up quickly, starting to jog again. The stopped a bit past Miss, saying they had finished along with some other people who thought their idea was good and Miss blew her whistle, telling them all to go back inside and get changed. They walked inside quickly, desperate to get rid of their horrible gym clothes and change back into their comfy normal clothes. For Dan, this happened to be Phil's shirt. It was so comfortably soft and still smelt like him, just subtle little bursts of freshness springing up from it. He didn't want to give it back. He wriggled on his jeans and then pulled the shirt on slowly, feeling the softness against his skin, like Phil was hugging him. He sighed and did up the buttons, unaware that Phil was staring at him. He thought Dan looked good in his shirt, better then he did. But he kinda wanted it back because it would smell like Dan. He tugged on his own top quickly and shoved his kit into his sports bag, ready to be dumped in his locker on the way to maths. Away from Dan.

"Hey Dan, as we've got maths next do you wanna meet at the lockers so we can still walk home?" Phil asked him as they walked out the lockers room, Chris and Pj cuddled up behind them.
"Yeah sure, that means I won't lose you. Er Phil? Is it okay if you walk me to maths again, I still don't really know how to get there," Dan asked.
"I was going to anyway, but we need to drop off our kits at our lockers first,"
"Fine by me,"

After passing by the lockers to grab books and dump their kits Phil said goodbye to Dan outside his maths room, telling him he would see him later. He watched him walk into maths and sit down, smiling at him but Dan was instantly surrounded by a group of girls, giggling and finding some way to touch him and flirt. And Dan was playing up to it, smiling and winking back, having the time of his life being where he should be. Away from phil with all the populars. Phil turned away and left, but didn't go to maths. He went to the toilets and sat on the floor in one of the cubicles, and sobbed. He had pretty much missed his chance, just when he thought he might have gotten closer to Dan.

Awwww sadness :( it wasn't even planned as well oops. Updates probably won't be as frequent as they used to as i suddenly have no time and people are being mean which isn't great but oh well, at least I will still be writing as I don't have to spend time with them :) (I am more happy about that then I should be)

Keep hugging my little huggers!

Anni out!

*throws apple pies at you like frisbees and it summons a Dean Winchester to your door who steals a pie and then shares it with you as he is a sweetie and I don't know where I'm going with this just have a pie*

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