OMEGLE // larry [#Wattys2016]

By necessharry

169K 4.6K 1.7K

❝You wanna see my dick, baby?❞ ❝Of course, love.❞ Copyright © 2015/2016 by necessharry All rights reserved. ... More

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Not update!


3.6K 131 111
By necessharry


Harry was so snatched away, I didn't know what's wrong. 

"Okay, now. I want to know, what is really wrong with you, Harry? We're packing things for about one hour and you didn't say a word yet."

"I'm only not in the mood right now, that's all." He explained and kissed my forehead.

"You sure that's all?"

"Yes, I'm sure. Don't worry about me. We're going to my house, you'll love it." Harry said, probably he wanted do exchange the subject. Alright.

"Yeah! I'm so excited, I really want to meet your lovely family. And your friends." I added, but in that moment he changed. What did I say wrong?

"What friends?" He asked. Wait, I was confused.

"Your friends, Harry."

"I don't have any. Friends are for the wimps." He said.

"What are you talking about? I'm confused."

"Forget. Please, hurry up with that freaking luggage, we're going to be late." Harry explained and left the room without any help.

"THANK YOU FOR HELPING ME!" I yelled behind him. He then returned and grabbed his suitcase.

"You're welcome." He whispered. God, how I hated when he was like that. 

- - - - - 


We were on a plane to Los Angeles. I was happy that I'm going to see my mum and my sister, but also frustrated, because Melanie is with me. I love her, but not as a girlfriend. She's alright and everything, but.. I can't date her. I can't. 

"Something to drink?" Flight attendant asked. I shook my head no, but Melanie took a bottle of water for me and for her. 

"Here you go. You have to drink, you're so pale." She said and gave me a bottle. 


"Yes, are you feeling sick?"

"No, maybe I'm just nervous. I don't know what to expect at home." I said and turn to a window.

"Hey, calm down! Their going to be happy to finally see you. Everything will be alright." She explained and kissed my cheek. 

"Yeah, but.. They don't know you'll come as well."

"You didn't tell them?"

"No, I forgot."

"Forgot?! Harry, for Gods sake. What if they won't accept me? What if I'm not welcome?" She raised her voice.

"Pssst! Of course, they're going to accept you. Don't panic. Can we stop talking now, please? I want to sleep." 

"Okay, as you wish. But if they won't accept me, I'll return back home with the first plane!"

Maybe I wished a bit, that she wouldn't be accepted. 

- - - - - - 

"Harry.. Harry!" I heard a voice calling my name softly.


"We're in L.A. You're home." Melanie said and, when I looked through the window, I saw mum waiting for me. 

"There is my mum!" I said and ran to her.

"Sunshine!" She yelled. "You're home. Oh, God. I missed you so much!" She cried like a baby and so did I. Melanie was standing behind me, and she was smiling awkwardly.

 "Well-" I said. "Mum, this is Melanie. My-" I started, but Mel overtook me.

"Girlfriend. Nice to meet you, madam." 

"Ohh, I'm actually shocked. I didn't expect that. Nice to meet you too, Melanie." My mum said and shook her hand.

"Yeah, can we go now? I'm hungry!" I said and we laughed.

It was so quiet while we were driving home. I decided to break the silence. 


"Yes, honey?"

"Where is Gemma?" I asked. I missed her so much.

"She's with her friends. Why?"

"Just asking. I missed her." I explained.

"She missed you too."

"Oh, how sweet! I'd love to have such a sweet brother or sister." Melanie added.

"You don't have any?" My mum asked Mel.

"No, unfortunatelly.. I'm only child." 

"Oh, I'm sorry."

"It's okay, I have Harry now, so I feel loved more than ever." She said and rested her head on my left shoulder. I only rolled my eyes, I really wasn't in the mood for cuddling at all. 

"Oh, yes darling! Someone is waiting for you." Mum said all of the sudden.

"What? Who, mum? Who is waiting for me?" I was nervous.

"Surprise." She said. 

"Please, tell me." I begged.

"I can't, I gave my word. I'm sorry, babe. You'll see, when we arrived."

She wanted to kill me. I was so nervous, I barely breathed. 

"Ugh, how I hate surprises!" I mumbled to myself, but everyone heard me I guess. I only hoped, that we're going to be home quickly. 

"We've arrived, love!" Mum exclaimed.

I rushed through the door, and I couldn't believe my eyes.


- - - - -

I got a lot of ideas a few days ago, so I'm not going to stop writing! :D 

Be ready for a moreeee drama! ;) 

- Who is waiting for Harry? 

- Is he going to search for Louis?

- Or Louis is going to search for Harry?

- What's going to happen with Melanie? Will she stay here?

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