Adopted by Dan and Phil

De licylicie

87 9 2

I got bored with this and no one was reading it so yeaaa. Mais

Adption center
They dont want Jynn?
Chapter 3
Going home
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Where will i go?
Before America
Tylers house
Chapeter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Part 21
Back home
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32


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De licylicie

Phils pov:
It had been great meeting up and hanging out with cat. We went to universal and it was loads of fun. When Dan and I got back to the hotel we figured that we needed to find out where Paisley was. So I face timed her.
Paisley: Heyy dad what's up?
Me: Me and Dan just got back to the hotel and the meet and greet thing is in about an hour and a half and just was wondering where you were.
Paisley: Well me and Troye are at the zoo and a stupid llama spit in me
Paisley: The one that spit on me is.
Me: So wait where's Troye.
She flipped the camera and showed a Troye waving his hand at the phone.
Troye: Hi dan!Hi Phil! 
Me and Dan: Hi Troye!
Paisley: Ok anyways back to me. When should I be back?
Me: very soon.
Paisley: Ok we're about to leave and its only about a 20 minute drive.
Me:Ok see you when you get back.
Paisley: Ok love you
Me: Love you Paisley

Ok so Paisley should be back in like 30 minutes so we need to start getting ready because she will claim the bathroom as soon as she gets here. "Very true." Dan said while pointing a finger at me in agreement. I was brushing my teeth with the door still opened Dan was restraining his hair as it was starting to curl. Him and paisley had the same difficulty with their curly hair. Usually you wouldn't see either without their hair straightened.  "Hey Phil?" Hmm, is all I could answer as there was a tooth brush in my mouth. "It's been great having Paisley and see her open up from her awkward self to what she is now." I spit before answering. Yeaaaa so what are you getting at. "What about a boy?" I was kind of set back. I put my tooth brush on the counter and walked out of the bathroom. What about a boy? "Us getting a boy?" And what about Paisley? "I think she would benefit from a brother." Well we will have to talk about it with Paisley. "Of course we would." Dan are you serious about this? "Very." Ok well I wouldn't mind another kid. An older brother like I always had. "It'd be different because Paisley is a girl but yea sort of." I mean I'm excited now. We will talk about this later. I herd the door jiggle and I opened it. "I just got out my key." Beat you to it. She laughed. Where's Troye? "He had to go to his hotel." Oh ok. "SHIT!" Dan screamed sitting on the bed. "What did you do!" Burned myself with this god forsaken iron!" "Do you need help?" "Yes please." Paisley laughed and walked over to Dan. "You've been doing this for years I don't see why your terrible at it." "You and me both." "Ok I'm done!" Paisley turned off the flat iron and ran her fingers through dans hair to spike it up. "HEY HEY STOP!" But of course Paisley didn't. She just giggled. You look like a hedge hog! Dan stared at me . "Oh yea?" And with no warning jumped on me and made my hair go everywhere! "This is a good video idea." What is? "Us doing Paisleys hair" We stared at Paisley. "No" please "Nooo" "please?" "Ugh" than yes? "Whatever!" YESS WE WILL DO IT AFTER THE MEET AND GREET SO GO GET DRESSED OR WHATEVER THE HELL YOU YAKE SO LONG TO DO AND WE CAN GO THERE THEN COME BACK AND DO THE VIDEO!!! I screamed shoving her into the bathroom and throwing her suitcase at her. "WHAT IN THE BLOODY HELL WAS THAT?!" Dan was laughing his head off. I slammed the door and started laughing too.
Time skip. After the meet and greet!
It was about 6:00 maybe when we got back to the hotel. Dan was filming so I figured it would be a boring day in the life video if we didn't talk. Last day at vidcon. What did you think Paisley? "It was great meeting all the fans and great meeting new friends and the beach was AMAZING!" "Well the fun just keeps on going because we get to make you look stupid!!" Dan screams. I got out the key card to get in our hotel. "But you have to at least try to make it look right. Ok?" Whatever. "Ok see you when we get done! Then put his hand over the camera. I pulled over the spinny chair and Paisley sat down while Dan set up some camera equipment. Ok what channel are we doing this on. "Let's do it on the gaming channel and make it a Dan vs. Phil thing!" Ok yea and the little sticker thing can be Paisleys face. "What a prize." Dan said sarcastically and Paisley pushed his legs. "Ok the cameras rolling and I don't need extra editing let's go. "Hey guys!" Me and Dan said in unison. Today on Dan and Phil games we are having a very special Dan vs. Phil! "Oh yes today we are exploiting our daughter for views!" Noooo we are trying to do her hair and make it look right! "...trying." Anyways I have tweeted out what hairstyles we should try and we will look at what a few of you guys said! "Oh how professional tweeting out and actually getting ready for this." I'm always ready. "....OK!" "Can I just say something. THIS WAS NOT MY IDEA IM BEING FORCED TO DO THIS!" You sound like we captured you and are forcing you to do challenges for views. "I'm just here so you guys don't go broke." "Please don't stop watching our videos." Dan said with no emotion. Ok first thing is a French braid. "Wait is that the braid that starts like on your scalp?" "Yep." How the hell do you do that?! "Ok do you know how to braid?" No "yes." Dan said like it was nothing. "You can't even braid?" Dan asked. I grew up with an older brother! "I grew up with a younger brother!" "Ok look Phil take three pieces of my hair. And do what I do." Paisley said like it was nothing!
About two knotted hours later we had made Paisleys head hurt and hours of editing to do. Not surprisingly Dan won but I thought my hairstyles were better. Whatever. I gave Paisley some Tylenol for her pore scalp that me and Dan probably ripped out. Girls hair is hard I'll tell you that! So she fell asleep in my bed and Dan and I started watching a movie. Actually we were on our phones. About 40 minutes into the movie Paisley was mumbling something that didn't even sound like English. Dan do you hear her? "Yea." What is she saying "you think I know?" We whispered back and forth. It sounds like words I just can't make them out. "You don't think it's a different language do you?" She never told us about knowing a different language.  Yah tackne a trougin is what It kinda sounds like she's saying. (Jag kan inte tro att du) yea I herd that. We will ask her when she gets up. "Ok. Wait weren't her parents Swedish?" Yea so? You think she knows Swedish? "I mean what else would she know." There were kids at her orphanage that were from some strange places. "I don't know we will ask her in the morning."
Morning. Dans pov
I woke up first. I really wanted to know what Paisley was saying last night. I figured I'd wake them up. I stood next to their bed. Staring at Paisley's legs rolled up to her chest and her arm around Phils stomach they were adorable. I smiled as I slammed a pillow down on them again and again until Phil started blocking me. HEY HEY HEY HEY GET UP AND ILL STOP! I yelled. "OKAY OKAY WERE UP!" Paisley basically clinged onto Phil like he was the only thing holding her up. Paisley what were you saying last night! By this time Phil was awake and looking at me and Paisley was slowly closing her eyes again. PAISLEY! "WHAT THE BLOODY HELL YOU SCREAMIN FOR?" FOR YOU TO GET UP! She sat up. " Happy?" What were you saying in your sleep last night? "I don't know." "Did you have any dreams last night?" Phil asked her. "Uh yea about my mum." What language were you speaking? "Uh probably Swedish because my moms Swedish but who knows." "Wait so you can speak Swedish?" Phil asked confused. "I speak lots of languages. When I was with my parents I had lots of time by myself so I would always go through my moms old language books. I don't know why she had them but I just soaked all the information up like a sponge because I had a young mind. And there were a few kids in the orphanage that taught me some  languages. "Why do we not know this?" "Because isn't it cool now that you know. And also I kinda didn't want people to know because when I tell them they say stupid stuff like 'how do you say my name in German' so yea." Wow this is so weird so what all do you speak. "English, obviously Swedish, German ,Italian ,Spanish but my Spanish is more like Spanglish Arabic and very little Polish. But props to people that speak English and Polish because that's tuff." Wow so you know a lot. "Well obviously I don't know every single word from every single language but I know the general language. But my main two are English and Swedish. Obviously I speak perfect English and pretty much perfect Swedish. Um sooo basically all I'm hearing issss you can talk to Felix?" Phil laughed

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