Gravity Falls Oneshots

By melodywing

32.5K 536 251

Some things that I've either thought up or roleplayed. More

I'll Be Watching You...
The Horrors Of 12 A.M.
What Really Is Bill? (Headcannon)
Get Along! (BillDip) (TheGirlMaison's Suggestion)
Here Kitty!!
Lullaby For a Prince
What My Cipher Mark Is Telling Me
The Pencil COMIC (Part 1)
The Pencil COMIC (Part 2)
The Pencil COMIC (Part 3)
The Pencil COMIC (Part 4/Final)
Your Song
Unused Ideas For Molly
Will You Forgive Me
Don't Hug Me I'm Scared 6!
Victory is Not Always Sweet (Semi-Sequel to:Fear)
Bird Cipher
If I Met Bill Cipher!
Love Will Find a Way
I'm Baaack... Also, READDDDD!!!
Austin Kitty
Austin Kitty...
Flitwing, Raindrop, and the Royal Guard
The Mouse Hole (From my other oneshot book (Deleted))
Drowning (From my other oneshot book (Deleted))
Different (A (Late) Yom Kippur Special)
Oooohhhh Boooooyy
Another fun story..Yaaay..
I know you guys hate these things, but LISTEN UP!
MY BILLS! (Last announcement in this book!)
Kind-of Cool True Story (AND GF CODES)
If I Met Bill Cipher, Part 2
Incoming Transmission.... (A/N)
An Undertale Oneshot Book?

I Just Can't Wait to be King!

293 9 2
By melodywing

(What if Bill Cipher was the prince of demons? Just a cute little songfic idea. I picture young Bill's voice as a slightly pitched up and echoey Simba voice (More like Kovu from the Lion King 2) . Enjoy.)


(Please try to refrain from playing the song until the story says. Thanks!)

A young boy walked around his father's kingdom, a man by his side. The man was lecturing the blonde on the kingdom's history. Unbeknownst to him, the child wasn't listening, just marveling at the breathtaking structures of the kingdom. The towering buildings on either side of him loomed over them, painted beautifully with sparkling ribbons of gold, blue, black, and white. As his mentor continued his speech, still walking towards his goal, the prince stopped at a building and unfurled his black and golden-tipped wings, taking off and landing on the top of it.

"-And in conclusion," his mentor opened his eyes. "You are the most fitting heir to-Your highness?" He stopped, noticing that his student was no longer following him and looked around, spotting him on the roof of the fore mentioned building.

"A-ah! Get down from there, Master Bill! You could get hurt!"

"Yeah! That's what's thrilling about it!" Bill replied, lying down on his stomach and looking down at him. "It's called fun. Ever heard of it, Reynolds?"

Reynolds sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Sire, I am not in the mood for this riff-raff today. Please get down and act like the respectful prince you are so that I can finish your lesson."

"What? You mean act boring? I don't think that I want to."

"Your highness, you are going to wrinkle your golden robe!"

"And? It's not like my family can't afford to get it ironed again, is it?" The prince said, fixing one of his golden sleeves, the end of it decorated with a sparkly black stripe.

"Please, just-get down, Sire."

"Why can't I have fun for once?"

"Because, you are going to be king! And, when you are king-!"

"I won't have to listen to you," Bill interrupted, a smirk creeping onto his face. "And, I'll get to make all the rules."

"It doesn't exactly work that way Si-"

Bill laughed, interrupting his mentor once more. "And I'll make this kingdom the most powerful kingdom in all the universe! Conquering other kings, left and right," he said, flying a bit off of the roof and punching the empty air, "and making allies to be able to conquer more!"

(Start the song now.)

"Your highness, calm down! You're going to overwork yourself if-AUGH!"

Bill landed back on the ground, pushing Reynolds over and putting one foot on his chest, as if conquering a mighty enemy.

"I'm going to make this simple for ya', friend! Let me do the talking for once and maybe you'll learn something!"

He flew up into the air and landed on the roof of another, less grand building, some of the shingles rattling as he did so. A crowd gathered around to watch the spectacle.

"I'm gonna be a mighty king so, enemies beware!"

"Well, I've never seen a king without morals here or there!" Reynolds huffed, crossing his arms.

Bill hopped down and got in his face.

"I'm gonna be the main event like no king was before! I'm brushing up on looking down! And you are just a bore!" He pushed his mentor to the floor and leaned over him, threateningly.

"W-Well, what is this main event thing?"

"Oh I just can't wait to be kiiing!" He took the front of Reynolds's shirt, unfurled his wings and flew upwards, doing a flip in the air, and throwing the struggling man into the air, high above him.

In return, Reynolds stopped his wild fling in the air and flew up to Bill, his arms crossed. "You have a long way to go, young master."

Bill laughed and poked Reynolds in the chest, hard. "No one sayin' "do this! No one sayin' "be there"! No one sayin' "stop that" ! No one saying "see here"!"

"Back off!"

He backed away from his mentor, his arms outstretched as if awaiting a hug, but instead as a challenge.

"Free to fly around all day!" He twirled and then dive-bombed.

"Free to do it all my way!" The young prince laughed, swooping back upwards and flying around his mentor, spinning him and making him dizzy.

Reynolds put a hand to his mouth, queasy before clenching his fists by his side.

"I think it's time that you and I arranged a heart-to-heart!"

"Kings don't need advice from puny mentors, for a start!" Bill made himself grow and grinned, smugly.

"If this is where the monarchy is headed, count me out! Out of service out of this kingdom I wouldn't hang about!" He turned, growing red in the face and snarling.

"This child is getting wildly out of wing...," He mumbled.

"Oh I just can't wait to be kiiing!" He tucked his wings in and dropped, unfurling them only when he was an inch off of the ground, Reynolds following but landing softly.

"Everybody look left!"

The crowd's heads obeyed the prince's orders, the children running left, tackling Reynolds.

"Everybody look right!"

The children from the other side of the crowd joined the dog pile.

"Everywhere you look I'm standing in the spotlight!" He said, dropping and sliding on a rooftop on his knees.

"NOT YET!" the man, still struggling underneath the children snapped, his face the only part of him uncovered.

The eager crowd suddenly burst into song.

"Let every demon go for broke and sing! Let's hear it on the ground and on the wing! It's gonna be Bill Cipher's finest fling!"

Bill, who had his hand cupped around his ear, listening to the crowd, finally joined back in.

"Oh I just can't wait to be king! Oh I just can't wait to be king! Oh I just can't waaaaaiiittt!" He sang, flipping backwards and flying farther into the sky, the crowd joining him and leaving Reynolds on the ground, covered in red dust.

The crowd flew around Bill in a triangular pattern, as if they had been taught to do so before the whole crowd, with Bill as their ring leader sang.

"To be kiiiiiinnngggg!!!!"

"WAIT!" The mentor screamed before the children engulfed him again, Bill laughing joyously and humorously as child apon child fell from the sky and dog-piled him.

(And that's it! I hope that you guys enjoyed! Please, leave a comment as I LOOVE feedback and, until the next update, I'll SEE YA PEEPS!!)

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